Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3489

Returned To USA Successful By Sai Baba’s Grace

Returned To USA Successful By Sai Baba’s Grace
Day 17 of Anusthan for 108 Day

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a Ph.D. student from India, currently residing in the USA. I have two experiences and I want to share them as both of them are related.

1. In February 2021, with great difficulty I obtained an appointment to renew my student visa in India. I scheduled an appointment in April 2021 and bought a plane ticket. After I made all the reservations, the COVID situation in India escalated and became really bad by the time I was supposed to travel. I had to renew my visa now as it would have been difficult to travel later in my progress to Ph.D. Also, I had not seen my family in India for over 2 years and I wanted to visit them. 

I was able to travel to India but the US consulates across India were closing down due to Covid. I prayed to Baba and hoped that my interview would go smoothly. On the day of the interview, I went to the embassy and stood in line. I could see the person in front of the line speaking to the visa officer. He was also a student, like me. The visa officer spoke to him very well but issued additional administrative processing. I already knew that my Ph.D. subject would make me more prone to administrative processing. I got scared, as the processing would stop if the consulate closed down, and I would be stuck in India, away from my research. 

I stood there, praying, and suddenly, an employee at the embassy came and led me to a different visa officer. She just opened her counter for the day. She asked a couple of routine questions and said that my visa was renewed. I could not believe it. Baba’s grace not only led me to a different officer but gave me my visa without any additional processing. It was issued in 2 days and I was able to collect my passport very quickly. I came home and prostrated in front of Baba, to make this miracle happen.

2. I was in India for 2 months as the USA had imposed a travel ban on India. After 2 months, I was very anxious to travel back to the USA and resume my research. During those two months, I read Sai Satcharitra 4 times in total. I wanted my trip back to be as smooth as possible and prayed to Baba every day. On the day of my trip, I went to a Xerox shop near our house with my father. While I was waiting there, a fakir dressed like Baba, in green clothes, showed up. He asked the shopkeeper for some money, took it, and left. All this happened in seconds. I was turned the other way. By the time I turned around, the fakir had left. I felt sad that I could not give him Dakshina. Then, I remembered the stories from the Satcharitra. I prayed to Baba’s photo, right there in the shop, that if the fakir comes back then I would pay Dakshina and consider it to be His blessing to me on the day of my return travel. I went and stood outside the shop, on the street waiting for the fakir. He was nowhere to be seen. I should mention that we have lived in that neighborhood for 15+ years and I have never seen someone like that around. However, I stood there waiting for him.

After a few minutes, the fakir came back. I took some money from my father and paid him. He blessed me and walked away. I was so happy. I felt like Baba Himself showed up to bless me. I shared my experience with my family.

Needless to say, my return trip was very smooth. Airlines in India were troubling return passengers as they did not understand the language in the instructions given by the US authorities. Regardless, my travel was as smooth as possible. I came back and resumed my research, by Baba’s grace.

I was so scared about my return trip, but I strongly believe that He Himself showed up to bless me and gave me His blessing.

Om Sai Ram!

Career Bloom By Sai Baba

Career Bloom By Sai Baba
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai Baba’s daughter residing at Noida doing a job in a private firm only due to Deva’s blessings.

Although I am not that good at explaining things but will try my best and rest on Sai Deva as He knows the best for us. Like many of you, I am also working in a private firm. In total, I have si years of experience but in my previous organization, I was working for the last three years. With Saiji’s grace, everything was so good there and I was really enjoying my job. I got so many good friends there whom I can mention that I got real friends which is very difficult these days to get in our professional life. But after three years all of my friends started getting new jobs with a sufficient hike. I was so happy for them but sad at the same time because I was at the same place. Even one of my colleagues also said to me that he thinks that I would die here only and it’s difficult for me to get a job. I don’t know why he said that because I am quite good at my job and moreover I was not even applying for any job at that particular time. Maybe it was Saiji’s leela so that I can start applying. Then within three days, I got a job interview. With Saiji’s grace, the interview was done and I got an offer letter. They offered me a 70% hike on my current salary. 

I was so happy but before joining I wanted to ask Deva through chits. Even if I got the offer letter on Thursday I was quite positive that this job would be good for me but still, I placed the chits and asked if I should accept the offer letter. It came as a positive reply but then another thought came into my mind and I asked should I join on this much hike and the reply was a ‘No.’ I was confused because on one side it was that I should accept but on the other side, it was not on that hike. I wrote my acceptance to the HR of that company and after two days on Thursday, I got another mail for an interview. There also I cleared the interview only because of Deva’s grace and they offered me a 30% hike on the offered package which I had, so in total, I got a 100% salary hike which would not have been possible if I had accepted the previous offer. 

One more thing to mention is that I was hesitant to accept the previous offer because it was an Indian company but I wanted to join MNC only. My lovely Sai Deva made it possible with a very suitable hike as per my experience. I am nothing without You Sainath. Please be with me every time and everywhere. If I do anything wrong by mistake then please forgive me as always You are doing but please never leave me. Love You Sainath. This is for all who are looking for a job change. Just chant five minutes the name of Sainath for five minutes every day and He will bless you with the best.

Om Sairam!

Sai Baba Kripa

Sai Baba Kripa
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Shri Sai Ganesha. Thank You Hetal mam and team for your selfless service. 

Sai Baba, thank You for helping me to resolve my friend’s issue. My friend required one document to be changed and he asked me for help. I tried multiple times but was not able to change the document for 3 consecutive days and in the next three days, he required this document. Finally, I prayed to Sai Baba that if I could help my friend then I would post the experience and Baba again gave His blessings. The next day I easily could change the document without any issue.

My second experience is that I work in a company where shifts are there. We have first and second shifts. Whenever I was on the second shift it was affecting my health. That time I had prayed to Baba wholeheartedly and Baba had blessed me and stopped my second shift working. But now my HOD is doing politics and wants me to put in a second shift again. I prayed for Baba to do something and he should not force me to come in the second shift. This week he was supposed to put me in the second shift but Baba made one miracle and he couldn’t do that. Now, Baba, I am praying to You to do some permanent miracle, please. I beg You to make me free from this work of politics.

Also, Baba, thank You for protecting me from Corona. My one colleague and I had traveled together in his car for Covid testing. After testing he came positive and my report came negative. So I was a bit nervous and prayed to Baba to keep me safe and that I would post this blessing here. Sorry Baba, for the delayed post. Please forgive me for all the mistakes which I did knowingly or unknowingly.

Baba, You know what I have been praying for the last 11 years. Please bless me with that wish and I’ll share Your blessings here on this site. This is not a bargain Baba but time is passing with each passing day and I am losing hope. Please I request all the devotees to pray for me. Please, Baba, bless us with a new car which we are going to buy. We need Your blessings for the same and also bless my parents with good health and life.

Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe,
Sachidananda Dhimahi,
Tanno Sai Prachodayat. 

Sai Baba’s Help

Sai Baba’s Help
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I thank everyone who is behind the successful running of this blog.

My experience is related to my father. He went out of town for some work and thought to return home on the same day, but somehow he stood late at the place and started the return journey very late at night. He came someway and from there; there was no transportation facility for so long. We were very worried and prayed to Baba to help him reach home safely and quickly. By Baba’s grace, he got into one truck first and an unknown stranger gave him a ride in his car to reach my hometown. Thank You, Baba. As a gratitude, I am posting this.

You know what I am going through. Please make my father reduce his drinking and smoking habits. Make him healthy, Sai. Provide some transportation facility for my mother at this age as she is feeling very tired to travel every day for work, Baba.

Sai Rakshak Sai Saranam! 

Sai Baba’s Grace

Sai Baba's Grace
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: We live in the USA. Baba pulled me towards Him through this website. Since then I became a regular reader of the experiences published here. I promised Sai that if my wishes get fulfilled then I would post my experiences here. I chanted Sai’s name and read Satcharitra chapters throughout the proceedings. Thank You Baba for

1.  Making my son’s BP come back to normal

2. Removing the loop for pus from the surgery site 

3. Keeping the pick line in the correct position.

Baba, please make my son healthy. Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva.  Om Sri Sai Arogya Kshemadayanamaha!

Thanks To Sai Baba For Everything

Thanks To Sai Baba For Everything

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from Delhi. Om Sairam! I am a small devotee of Baba. He has given me rebirth. Baba has helped me always.

Coming to my experience: A few days back my three years old son got a fever and due to cough and cold he couldn’t sleep well. I prayed to Baba and he slept comfortably for the next 5 minutes. Thank You, Baba. You always listen to my prayer. I have some concerns about my son. Please, Baba, remove it too.

Thank You, Baba, for everything. Without You, I cannot move a single step. Om Sai Ram. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om SAI RAm… Baba please protect my husband and children. Please shower on them your choicest blessings always. Please keep them in good health, happiness, joy, laughter, knowledgeable and prosperous. I surrender ro you Baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai Arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram