Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3231

Sai Baba’s Leelas During Navguruvar Vrat

Sai Baba's Leelas During Navguruvar Vrat

Shirdi Sai Devotee Kavitha from US says: I am Kavitha, a small devotee of our Baba. Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful platform. With Baba’s blessings, I started Nav Guruvar Vrat a few weeks ago and would be completing the 9th week tomorrow by His grace. 

I started the Vrat thinking of everyone’s health and peace and wanted to get closer to our Sai. And as I wished, He showed me miraculous events in the last few weeks, proving that He is with us. Let me narrate a few incidents.

1. Few weeks ago, my younger daughter, who is usually healthy, suddenly complained of headache and stomach ache and threw up a lot. We had gone out of station the previous week, and considering that she has not been vaccinated (no vaccination for her age), we got a bit worried. I gave her Udi water and put Udi on her forehead. By Baba’s grace, she became completely normal in next two hours.

2. Two weeks back, my elder daughter who is prone to migraine, had a headache plus health issues and became unconscious for some time. No medicine gave her any relief. We got worried as it sometimes turns to seizures. It was midnight and we were wondering if we had to take her to the emergency. I kept praying “Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam” and cried and prayed to Baba and gave Udi water. By Baba’s grace, she became alright after some time and she slept well in the night and woke up all fine next morning. I cannot imagine what I would do without Baba, our doctor of doctors?

3. Couple of days ago, I had an argument with someone after a very long time. Normally I don’t like to fight or argue, but for some reason, it turned into a heated argument that day. I prayed to Baba to ease the situation and miraculously, the next day everything became normal.

4. My parents are aged and live by themselves. They don’t go out anywhere and hardly anyone comes home due to lockdown. Recently, we came to know that one maid who comes home got tested positive. She used to come and stay overnight once in a while whenever my parents needed some help. We were so stressed hearing the news but thinking back, I know that it was all due to Baba’s grace that she had not come home for two weeks. 

Once when my mom called her, she was busy and could not come. After a few days, my mom was going to call her, but some force stopped her. The following week we came to know that she got tested positive. I spent the last few weeks in so much tension and kept praying to Baba. Baba reassured me by showing messages like “Don’t worry; I will take care of your entire family.” And by His grace, it has been more than a month and everyone is doing fine so far. The maid is also fine and did not have any health issues or symptoms. Cannot thank Baba enough for His kindness. Praying to Baba to take away this dreadful disease very soon.

5. By Baba’s grace I got added to “Anant Akhand Sai Mahajaap” group and became Vice Principal of seven MahaParayan groups and all this happened after I started Nav Guruvar vrat.

6. For some reason or the other, my mother could not get vaccinated even after several attempts. We have been trying for a long time, but some hurdle or the other, it was not working out. Two days back, she got Padukas and Udi packets from a contact in Shirdi and the very next day, she got a call from our family friend who is a doctor and she got the vaccination easily.

7. We are expected to conclude the Vrat by distributing food and Sai Baba vrat books. While I wanted to share the Vrat books, I did not want to obligate others, so I was thinking about distributing them online. The moment the thought came into my mind, I found another experience posted on this website: Prayers Answered With Sai Baba 9 Thursday Vrat. Baba read my mind completely and showed me the path. I would like to distribute the book online too, for anyone interested in doing the Vrat and experiencing His miracles and presence.

I also wished I could distribute food to the needy, rather than giving to neighbours or friends just for formality. Again, miraculously, someone from Shirdi came into contact with me two days back (who sent Udi and Paduka to my parents) and I asked him if he could donate food this Thursday; the day I was going to conclude the Vrat and he agreed to do it. Both my wishes were kindly granted by our Baba. I was so dumbstruck by the series of events and Baba’s timings.

Baba is the most kind and merciful God and comes running to us if we call Him with faith. He puts us through severe tests and instructions, but in the end He will take us safely. Shri Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. 

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba's Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! Hi. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba from Ajmer, Rajasthan. Before sharing my experiences I would like to thank Hetalji for giving us this platform on which we can share our experiences and it also gives us strength in tough times. Though we experience many miracles in our daily life after getting attached with Baba, here I want to share some of them. 

First experience is related to my father’s health. One day he was feeling uneasy and there was a pain in his stomach. I got worried and prayed to my Baba to please take care of my father’s health and make him sleep. Baba listened to my prayer and my father was relieved and was able to sleep. Thanks Baba for Your blessing. 

Second experience is related to my mother’s health. She is not well for a long time as she has many health issues like slip disc, knee gap, swelling feet, cataract, low hearing power, urine issue, muscle cramps, gastric problems etc. Whenever I pray, my Baba makes her well. But I beg You Baba please make her fit so that she is able to live her life nicely. Few days before she went to my cousin’s wedding. I was worried about whether she would be ok on the train and even at the wedding. Due to Baba’s grace all went well. Thanks Baba for taking care of her. 

Third experience is related to Baba’s divine Udi. I have been praying to Baba for His Udi for a very long time. I tried to ask a few people but I was unable to get it. But now a few days before it was like an unbelievable miracle that I got five packets of Udi by post, two from one site, one from another site and the other two I got with Sai Satcharitra book. It brought tears to my eyes because I was asking for two packets of Udi for a very long time and my Baba gave me five packets in the form of His blessings. 

Fourth experience is related to the Sai pendant that I always wear. For the last few months it was not in my neck and to wear it again I tried to search everywhere but was not able to find it. By taking Baba’s name I tried to search and then I got it. Another pendant of Baba luckily got in my mother’s handbag. Like that I got my both pendants by Baba’s blessings

Fifth experience is related to the Sai Satcharitra book. I am suffering from my past karma. Raviji guided me to get a new Satcharitra and put the old book in the river. With Baba’s blessings I got the new Sai Satcharitra timely and was able to put the old book in water on Wednesday as I had to start reading from the new book on Thursday. All this was possible just because of Sai Baba. 

Sixth experience is related to my cousin’s marriage as it was on 7th May. Due to some issues I prayed to Baba to please make it postponed. Then I prayed that I would post my experience if marriage got postponed and it all happened by Baba’s blessings. 

Seventh experience is related to my cousin’s marriage. While going into a marriage I prayed to Baba to please resolve some money issues from charity and some wedding envelopes of my father and by Baba’s grace all went well and peacefully. 

Eighth experience is related to my phone. I went shopping and after reaching home I did not find my phone due to which I got worried and by taking Baba’s name I got my phone in the car. 

Ninth experience is related to my mother’s eye issue. For a long time she was not able to see properly and due to which we went to a doctor where I prayed to Sai Baba the whole time that there should not be any major issue. Hopefully the doctor diagnosed her from cataract in both eyes. Due to Baba’s blessings it was not a retina problem or any major one. The doctors advised us for the operation of both eyes one by one, I pray Baba to please be with us and make her eyes well. 

We trust our loving Baba, that’s why we pray to Him and our merciful Baba listens to our prayers and helps us. It’s all Shraddha and Saburi. Every time while praying I promised Baba that I will post my experience on every wish come true. I know You are angry with me. I am sorry for the late posting. Please forgive me sorry for every mistake. Please shower Your blessings on me and my parents. Please make them fit. Please be with them. 

Love For Baba

Love For Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Saideep from India says: Om Sairam. May Baba bless the creators and runners of this blog. I want to share a few experiences which Baba blessed me with.

Experience 1: One week back my parents attended a wedding, and in this Covid condition, we were very scared, but because my parent’s presence was important they needed to attend the marriage. I wished Baba to not let them get contacted from the virus and protect them. I applied Udi to them and by Baba’s grace it’s a week and they are fine. Thank You Baba.

Experience 2: My mother and me and my grandmother of 100 years got affected with Covid virus nearly two months back. That was a very tough period. I cried, begged and begged Baba to take us out of it. I have published a detailed experience about it but it hasn’t been published yet. By Baba’s grace all of us recovered completely. At that time I had begged Baba to please not make my father affected by Covid because of his condition, and He protected him at that time. He only cooked and took care of the needs of all of us who got affected, otherwise I couldn’t even imagine how we could have managed. That tough time made me learn a lot about the importance of other people, how we should take care if our neighbours or others are in pain. I couldn’t thank Baba enough. There wasn’t a day when I didn’t cry at that time. After recovering from Covid my thoughts changed a lot, we should not take anything for granted, we don’t know how any day would be. We shall love all and have so much faith in our Baba even though our fears try to suppress us, Baba’s love will heal all of us.

Now nearly after two months amidst rising cases I asked Baba if my father should take the vaccine or should wait for sometime through chits. He answered to take the vaccine, so we got him vaccinated. Before getting the vaccine I had applied Udi to him and requested Baba to not let him have any major side effects. He got a fever and headache for two days and now he is fine. Thank You Sai. Posting as per the promise.

Experience 3: One day my mother’s important certificates went missing. Generally she forgets everything. We panicked as her whole government experience was there in that file. We saw her carrying it in the morning and wondered if she might have left it on the bus while travelling. She started crying. For these things I will request Baba. As I prayed she found the documents very quickly. I didn’t promise to post here at that time but Baba couldn’t see His children worry and thought of posting here as a token of love for dear Sai.

My sister has been having difficulty breathing for nearly two months. She is struggling a lot. We took her chest X-ray. The doctors said that there was nothing to worry about but at night she is struggling a lot to breathe. We can’t see her difficulty. Please cure her Baba and there shouldn’t be anything wrong.

Sorry for the long post. I humbly request everyone to love our Sai Baba very dearly as He does for us because He wants nothing from us except our love.

Hail to Sai, may Baba bring a smile to every living being.

Baba Blessed With Pregnancy News After six Years

Baba Blessed With Pregnancy News After six Years

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. I have been a Sai devotee and connected to Baba since 2013. I consider myself extremely lucky to be part of Mahaparayan since 18th June 2020. I am from the Mahaparayan group MP-10294N1. After joining Mahaparayan I have been experiencing so many miracles of Baba but today I would like to share one of the big miracles with you. 

I was trying to conceive a baby for more than five years. I tried my advanced treatments like one failed IVF and two failed IUI. I just lost hope whether I would be able to conceive naturally or not. One day one of my relatives told me about the Saptah Parayan and I eagerly started doing Saptah parayan with akhand jyot. Just after finishing the Saptah Parayan, Baba called us to Shirdi and it was a totally sudden and unbelievable plan. Our whole family went to Shirdi and that was a wonderful experience for all of us. 

When we came from there I just thought that this month I will definitely get pregnant naturally and Baba will definitely fulfil our wish this time. We went there in December 2020, but again all in vain but did not lose hope and faith. Then after a few months I started doing Sai Nav Vrat. But again this was not our time. I tried many treatments, changed the doctors, had medicines, but nothing helped me. I had numerous miracles from Baba from time to time. I knew Baba never gave up on me and my faith towards Him too. My faith and patience increased tremendously. 

After six months of Parayan in the month of December I received a beautiful gift from Baba that I conceived naturally after six years. I can’t believe that it finally happened without any treatment. This would be by Baba’s grace only. I regularly apply Udi on my stomach with full faith that Baba’s Udi will definitely work wonders. It’s Baba’s gift of patience and faith that I had on Him. I feel so blessed that Baba fulfilled our wish. We both are very happy that after such a long wait we are finally going to be parents soon. 

Have faith in Sai abundantly. Baba’s timings are always perfect. If He keeps you waiting for something then that means that He makes a better plan for you. Always keep faith and patience on Baba. He will definitely hear everyone’s prayers and answer them too. 

Sabka Malik Ek

Jai Sairam

MP-10294N1 (Green House)

Sai Baba Helps

Sai Baba Helps

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Sai Baba is always with us. Sai Baba helps us when we need help and things are going to get better, have faith in Him. Things are getting better for me due to Sai Baba’s blessings, and my whole life Baba and Mataji have been with me. I have family, food, shelter, clothing, and Bhagwan and Mataji with their Blessings. That’s all you need in life. Like Baba and His devotees say, have Shraddha, have Shraddha in Bhagwan and Mataji and everything will be fine. Jay Sairam! Jay Mataji! Jay Badha Bhagwan! 

Bhagwan and Mataji give us signs sometimes. Sometimes I say something like. “If this happens then” or something similar. While I was filling out this form, I was thinking that if I type something wrong while typing my email, then I should have my name be shared. Mataji and Bhagwan give us signs sometimes that might help us and guide us. Jay Badha Bhagwan! Jay Sairam! Jay Badha Mataji!

Sai Baba will fulfil our desires sometimes if He wishes. He gives us more than we need. We should share that with others. Whenever I’m craving something, I get it most of the time. I almost always get food that I crave or think of. Mataji and Bhagwan are generous and we should be generous and also give to others and give love to others and Mataji and Bhagwan. Helping others and sharing our happiness with others can also make Mataji and Bhagwan happy! Jay Sairam! Jay Badha Bhagwan! Jay Mataji!  

Sai Baba helps us. He brings my attention somewhere sometimes so I realize I need to do something. Mataji and Bhagwan help me so much. Most good things that happen are on Thursdays, Sai Baba’s day. Today is July 1st and it’s Thursday. Something good started today and Baba is the reason. Thank You Mataji and Bhagwan! Jay Sairam! Jay Badha Mataji! Jay Badha Bhagwan!

Baba Saved From Losing Hair

Baba Saved From Losing Hair

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Hi All, I have been a small Sai devotee for some years now. This is a very small experience but I want to share how Baba helped me even in small things. Few days ago, my hair clip got stuck on top of my hair. I have long hair and I used to put big hair clips in the centre. I remove them before I go to sleep. Due to a lot of work, I did not brush my hair properly. I was struggling to take the clip for hours. It struck very badly that the only option I had was to cut quite a lot of hair. I left like that and went to sleep but I had trouble sleeping. 

Next day, I needed to attend an important meeting at work and was afraid of how the hair clip would come out. I prayed to Baba to help me in taking this clip without losing much hair or needing cutting. Morning I got up early with worry, I started removing strands of hair by strands by saying Sairam. My surprise, it became easy for me by removing some hair and the clip was getting looser. Finally after 15 minutes I got it removed and lost less hair. 

Similarly I was asking for a hike from my manager for more than a year but because of Covid there was no good response. Today since financially I needed this hike, I spoke to my manager about my condition after praying to Baba. Before going to my manager, I prayed to Baba that today is Thursday. Please help me, I am tightly struck with my financial condition and I need some money. I got some increment in my salary. Though it is not a good hike, at least I got a little hike. Thank You Sai Baba. Om Sairam. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure his injuries quickly baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. OM SAI RAM…Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba I feel very insecure as my husband had earlier high cholesterol. Baba i fear a lot and leave my tensions at your feet to guard my family and keep them in good health all the time. Please do help them take care of their health and keep good counts. Baba I hope you will take care of them as you promised in my dream. Baba please guide my children get good education and live a respectable living working honestly and with hard work and dedication. Please guide me apply to right colleges for my younger child. Please help my elder one cope with his education and not spend unnecessarily or get in wrong thoughts and deeds. Baba please take care of the company. Baba i surrender myself to you. Help me perform my daily duties at work and home. Baba i plaec my head at your holy feet and leave the future to you. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemdaya namah 🙏

  3. Devotee #3, your sister’s symptoms seem to be allergy related. I had the same and it was diagnosed as allergies hence I began to avoid certain foods and am fine now. Jai Sai Ram

  4. Om Sai Ram, Sai Ma Thank you. You are the reason that i see light at end of the tunnel. Please keep blessing. Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram, Om Sai ram