Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3561

Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Father From Major Illness

Sai Baba Saved Devotee’s Father From Major Illness
Day 89 – 108 Days Anusthan – Chanting 108 Names Of Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Germany says: Hi, I am from Germany. My post is about how Sai Baba saved my father from a major illness.

Anantkoti BrahmandNayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraja Parabrahma Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Pranaams to all the devotees and thank you so much Hetalji for this divine spiritual platform. Coming to my experience; my father has been having anaemia for 3 to 4 years. Because of Baba’s grace, he was able to manage it without undergoing any serious medical treatments. But last Sunday I got a call from my mother saying that suddenly my dad was not able to lift his left hand, was not able to walk and had a headache. My brother and his friends took my dad to the hospital and he was admitted to ICU. I stay in Germany and this news literally sank me. I just started crying and praying very hard to Baba. I immediately started reading this divine blog and in between crying saying “Please Baba. Please Baba”. I told Baba to show some sign that He was listening to my prayer and my father would be fine. While I was reading one of the experiences of the devotee, he/she also mentioned that she said: “Please Baba” in her situation. Then I felt a bit assured that Baba is listening to my prayers and will save my father. 

My father was there in the hospital for almost five days and these days had been some of the toughest days of my life. Doctors had taken some scans and said that there were some clots and tumours and they had to do surgery in a month and the risk of surgery was very high. I was totally devastated. I started chanting ‘Om Sai Arogya Kshemadhaya Namaha’ and started reading Baba’s Satcharitra from Wednesday (I was having periods before days). 

Another thing was that there was a trip which we had planned before and which was on the same week, Thursday. I was in no mood to go on the trip but my 8-year-old was so adamant that I must come. I put chits and asked Baba, Baba’s answer was to go, but even though Baba’s answer was ‘yes’ but I still wanted to stay at home and didn’t want to go anywhere. But because of my son, I had to go on the trip with a really heavy heart. I continued reading Satcharitra on the train, I held it tight, I just kept my head on it and tried to sleep but couldn’t sleep. My brain was filled with thoughts about my father and was worried about the results of the CT scan that was going to take place. After 2 or 3 hours of our journey, my brother called me and said, “It is happy news!” The doctor said that all the clots had disappeared. There was a small tumour but it was not life-threatening. They also said that we need not have to go for critical treatments (like ATD, surgery etc).” Can you all imagine how happy I might have been? I thanked Baba from the bottom of my heart and my belief in Sai increased many, many, many folds more. This all happened on Thursday and my dad had also been discharged on the same day. His condition is gradually improving and I continued reading Satcharitra throughout my trip.

In all those days I used to check daily Sai’s answers and daily there had been some positive messages like: “Disease will be cured, there will be a change in the weather, meditate, there will be progress in work, you will recover from sickness, remember Baba and everything will be alright.” Even though I had been getting assurance from Sai, my mind was constantly worried and was thinking of the bad outcome. Maybe it’s human to think like that or it is a lack of proper faith; negative thoughts kept coming to my mind and tears to my eyes. 

Baba once again proved to me how He listens to His devotees and saves them from all the hurdles and dangers. I request everyone to do Baba Satcharitra Parayan, and have faith and patience as Baba always says. Believe me, Baba will always be there with you to guide and protect you. Thank You so much once again, Sai. Please help my father to recover very soon and become healthy again. He has been going through so much for four years. I am sorry everyone for such a long post. Hope everyone will be relieved from their worries and troubles with Baba’s divine blessings. Om Sri Sainathaya Namaha

Sai Baba’s Rama Raksha Stotram And Blessings

Sai Baba’s Rama Raksha Stotram And Blessings
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Suggested Reading: Sai Baba Guides To Ram Raksha Stotra

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram to all. I am from India. This post is written to fulfil my vow made to dear Sai Baba for granting my wishes and also to share with the devotees of this divine blog, “Modern Sai Satcharitra”. Firstly, I want to thank Baba for writing this post on time. I want to thank Hetalji and the admin for their noble service. Reading this blog is my routine. I love the doodles and Sai quotes of this divine site as they perfectly connect and answer my questions and guide me. I also want to thank Pooja Garg ji for initiating the wonderful service of Global Mahaparayan and with Baba’s blessings, I am doing weekly Thursday parayan of Sai Satcharitra.

Experience: This is regarding Rama Raksha Stotram. One day I came across Rama Raksha stotram, of Sai Yug Network, posted by Hetalji and her experience related to starting the initiative. Her experience gave me so much of positive vibes that I started doing the recitation every day. I do the recitation by hearing the chant on youtube and reading the English translation provided on the blog simultaneously. The photos that are on the youtube channel are so beautiful, so I get the beautiful darshan of RajaRam, SitaRam, Lakshman and Hanuman. During the recitation, there were lines stating that the protective chant of Rama was told by Lord Mahadev in the Buddha Koushika Rishi’s dream and the Rishi wrote it the next morning itself. Mahadev always meditates on Sri Rama and I always see Sai Baba as Eshwar as well as Narayanan. Just as Hetalji said, I too came across many things in Sai Satcharitra weekly parayan such as Rama Navami, and Baba insisting the devotee chant Raja Rama which was referred to as transference of knowledge. I realized that Baba was guiding me to read Rama Raksha stotram through Hetalji. After reading this stotram every day and reporting it on the same on everyday parayan whatsapp group, many good things have happened in my life. I am posting them as per my vow to share with all Sai devotees:

1. I am a research scholar by profession. Baba helped me to wind up with the final chapter of my PhD thesis during the lockdown curfew times and publication of the same in a good international journal of science.

2. I didn’t want to take vaccines for many reasons, only for the sake of travel restrictions I had a need to take. Hence with Baba’s guidance through chits and blessings, the very long procrastinated vaccination has been completed.

3. I applied for a passport and received it in a week’s time.

4. During this period I went through severe anxiety due to relatives’ politics, selfishness and taking advantage in the name of a relationship. Since Baba has advised me not to retaliate, I was calm outside but suffering from suppressed anger. Slowly I came over it with Baba’s support and grace. As Shama in Sai Satcharitra said, I too asked Baba why You create storms and then pacify them as well. But this experience made me a bold personality to handle relationships in an efficient way. I understood, that whatever happens, is His leelas only for our benefits in the journey of life.

5. During the stressful period, my viva-voce also came, which was after a year. Since I was not in touch with the subject, I forgot the concepts as well as my thesis. Baba helped me to study and recall everything and I performed very well and got a very good appreciation from my external examiner.

6. On top of all this, I got my degree certificate in convocation after one month of completion of viva-voce. It was a big surprise as generally, people wait for at least 6 months time for receive the degree. Again Baba guided me to attend through chits to attend the convocation and not in absentia. His timings are too perfect and all we have to believe in Him. I received the degree from the governor in the presence of the CM. It was an honour bestowed upon me by my dear Baba.

Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam Deva! Om Sri Sai Arogya Shemadhaya Namah! Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha!

Sai Baba Is Always With Me

Sai Baba Is Always With Me
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Saraswathi Kurella from USA says: I am Saraswathi. I want to share Baba’s miracles with our family. I am always grateful to Baba for everything He gave me. Participating in this Global MahaParayan group is a great gift given by Baba. I am thankful to my friend, who provided the information about this group and the group leader Shalini ji. My family has always seen many Baba miracles. I want to share my greatest recent experience of Baba’s wonder.

I live in the United States; I have a 3-year-old son. In December 2019, I planned to take him to India for the first time. He had a viral infection just two days before the flight and the doctor advised me to postpone the trip and we had to cancel the tickets. We were unable to fly in the following years as well due to the pandemic. I joined the Global MahaParayan group in May 2021.

In 2021, I was depressed because of my trip being cancelled and visa troubles. We have been looking for visa appointments since April 2021, but none have been found until December 2021. I was so upset that I couldn’t concentrate on anything. We almost cancelled the visit and one fine day, by Baba’s miracle, we received a message on December 6th, 2021, that we got a visa appointment on January 7th, 2022.

Then we started looking for flights to Hyderabad, India and with Baba’s help, we booked our flight on December 9th, departing Atlanta on December 11th at 5:30 pm. We had only 48 hours to prepare and make it to the airport. That week was the final of December’s working week. As a result, we could not take a day off. We were required to take RT PCR Covid testing 24 hours before travelling. We do not have a 24-hour RT PCR testing centre in our area. We found one place near the airport that performs the RT PCR test and gives results in 4 hours for a cost. We were willing to pay for that. I told my cousin about our trip and he recommended one centre which accepts insurance. We left early on December 11th, went to the testing centre, submitted samples, packed our belongings at a friend’s house and received the test results as expected.

We arrived at the airport at 4:00 PM and were unaware beforehand that we must submit the test results to the Air Suvida portal. The lady at the check-in counter was very patient and assisted us in uploading the paperwork and finally handed in the boarding pass at 5:20 PM. It took two hours in the line for this ordeal, which left us with a crucial 10 minutes to make it to the gate which was like a million miles away. We were running to the gate and I tripped on an escalator in that rush and someone gave me a helping hand to get up on my feet back. Finally, we arrived at the gate at 6:00 PM, after walking for a mile, taking three escalators and a shuttle. Miraculously, the KLM flight did not take off as scheduled at 5:30 PM due to a passenger seeking medical attention at the last minute. I believe that it was only Baba’s grace that allowed us to board the plane on that eventful day. Looking back, had we missed the flight, it would have messed up our appointments and the strict Covid-19 protocol meant that we would have to cancel the trip altogether. Luckily, we had a successful trip and returned in January with Baba’s blessings. 

Thanking Sai Baba For His Blessings

Thanking Sai Baba For His Blessings
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thanks to Hetalji and the team for this modern Sai Satcharitra. This site gives us a lot of hope by reading about other devotees’ experiences. I have posted many experiences on this website. Whenever I am tense or worried about anything, the only ray of hope is Baba. 

One day my mother called and told me that she was not feeling well. There was swelling on her feet and she mentioned 2 to 3 more symptoms. I got worried that something was wrong. I just prayed to Baba, “Please Baba, it should not be a sign of any disease. Please help us Baba as now I get very tensed about my mother’s health after I lost my father.” I prayed to Baba that I will post my experience and to please make everything normal. 

My mother was planning to visit a doctor and I asked her to wait for 2 to 3 days for His miracle she said that she was fine and there was no need for a doctor. Thank You so much, Baba.

Baba, please take care of her health and there should be no more health issues in the family. My brother is getting married in July with Your blessings. Please Baba, please take care of everything so that we have a happy time and enjoy each and every moment. After all that happened in the last two years, we are eagerly waiting for this happy moment. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba’s Endless Leelas

Sai Baba's Endless Leelas
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Kavitha Chikkam from USA says: I am Kavitha from the US and a small devotee of Baba

I have been blessed to share many experiences on this website. Thanks to Hetalji and the team for maintaining this platform so well. I wanted to share a couple of my recent experiences.
1) My elder daughter was feeling very unwell. I gave Udi and within seconds she became normal. It was nothing but Baba’s miracle.
2) My father developed a high temperature all of a sudden. My mother got really worried. Before taking any medications, she applied Udi all over the body and the temperature became normal since then he did not have any fever or temperature.
3) Last week all of a sudden my daughter’s grade for one subject went down from B to C-. I was getting tense as this meant that she may fail and may have to attend summer classes and we had plans to go to India. I prayed to Baba for help, as always. Immediately the grades got updated and went back to B. The teacher mentioned that she accidentally gave zeros to some of the assignments and she corrected it. I was so relieved and thanked Baba.

We experience His presence every day in some form or the other. Sometimes He gives severe tests, but He shows that He is with us and in the end, His plans turn out to be the best. I feel so blessed to be His devotee.

Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. 

Thank You Sai Baba

Thank You Sai Baba

An anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Hetalji and team, thank you for providing us with this divine platform. 

Dear Baba, thank You, my friend, did not hear me say a few things that I didn’t want him to hear. Thank You Baba as my friend is not angry with me. Thank You Baba as You are showing me the way and we had a clear discussion today. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Ram. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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