Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3597

Sai Baba’s Leela

Sai Baba's Leela
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram! I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. I am part of the Global Mahaparayan group

I have shared many experiences before and many have been published too. I would like to share my recent experiences:

1. My back pain went away: I delivered a baby one month back and last Saturday I had severe back pain. I had overstrained myself by sitting continuously and feeding my baby and holding her the entire night as she was spitting a lot. The back pain was unbearable and I was crying in pain. I couldn’t lie down nor sit as it was hurting badly. I called triage and was asked to go to the emergency room if it didn’t go after taking a painkiller. I got scared. I prayed to my Baba to please make me well. I took a small dose of painkillers and asked Baba’s help and after a few hours, the pain subsided a lot. My Baba helped me again. Thank You so much, Baba! You are the best.

2. Finding our pet tortoise: We have a baby tortoise as a pet. It was outside in our backyard and we had few guests in our home that day. After they left, my husband started looking for a pet. He couldn’t find him. He noticed that the backyard entrance door was left open. We got really tensed that if he had gone outside then we would not be able to get him. I prayed to my Baba to help. Since it got dark, my husband started looking for him again the next morning. This time he cut the bush and trimmed a plant to see if he was there. Then finally he got him hiding under a plant. Thank You Baba for helping us to find him.

3. My baby started spitting up after her feed: My baby was spitting a lot, and even vomiting a few times after her feed. I got scared and asked Baba to help her. Doctor asked me to control my diet and check if it didn’t help then give her medicine. I avoided milk products and controlled my diet and kept praying to Baba for help. Baba helped her and her spitting reduced considerably. Thank You for helping Baba. But since yesterday she has started spitting again a little more. Baba, please help her to get rid of this completely.

Please help my baby to remain healthy and get rid of her current health issues. Please keep my baby safe and healthy. Please always be with us and protect us and keep us safe. Shower Your blessings on our family.

Thank You for everything, Baba. Baba, You know all my worries. Please take care of them. Baba, please be with us and keep showering Your love and blessings as always. Please take care of my parent’s health and bless them with a healthy, safe, and long life. Baba, be with my family and keep blessing us always. Baba, keep blessing my sister and her husband. You are my everything, Baba. I love You so much. Please forgive us for our mistakes. Please end this pandemic soon and keep everyone safe. Om Sai Ram!

Om Sai Namo Namah!
Shri Sai Namo Namah!
Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah!
Sadguru Sai Namo Namah!
Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namah!

Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraj ParaBrahma Sri Sadchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Om Sai Ram!

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Description Of Sai Baba’s Greatness

Description Of Sai Baba's Greatness
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai’s child from Sambalpur, Orissa India. 

This experience deals with my test of faith in Baba’s words. One morning when I woke up and prayed to Baba closing my eyes and uttering Om Sai Ram, Baba immediately said in His way not to send my son to his school today. Being ignorant of Baba’s blessings and caring for us, to confirm His words I put chits for casting lots in front of Baba’s idol. Again Baba advised me not to send my son to school that day.

I came to the balcony to see if the weather was good. The weather was ok but rather than applying my own stupid logic, I accepted Baba’s command, as He plans the best for us. I told my father that Goodloo (my son’s name) will not go to school today as Baba had said. No doubt my father is also Baba’s devotee, but he didn’t believe me. I requested him and so he accepted my request.

The next day it was raining severely and again I asked Baba if Goodloo should go to school today. Baba said, “Yes.” Getting Baba’s blessings and assurance, I told the driver to come on time. My father advised me not to send Goodloo to school as it was raining heavily plus the weather forecast had already informed me that it would rain and thunder throughout the day. I believed in Baba’s words and sent my son to school, though when he was on the way to school it was raining heavily, but soon after that, the sun started to show its face brightly in the sky as if Baba was smiling through the sun. I was a little worried that Goodloe would catch a cold, but with Baba’s blessings more than 24 hours have passed and he is completely good and healthy. 

Thank You Baba for keeping Your words and protecting us always. We never know what danger is ahead of us, but You as a loving Mother carry us in Your arms and keep us safe and happy. Be with us always, Baba. Om Sai Ram. 

Posting As Promised 

Posting As Promised 
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Shirdi Sai Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Om Sai Ram thanks to the team for the support. Baba, as promised to You I am posting some experiences: 

  • Baba thanks for making the trip good and our stay at my sister’s home also went fine. Thanks for guiding Adhi to behave well before everyone. 
  • Guru Poornima went well. Thanks for receiving prasadam on that day.
  • I was scared that I would get scolded for not wearing formal clothes but You saved me.
    Everything is fine at the office. Thanks Baba.
  • When I didn’t have money to buy a ticket, You helped me. Thanks for that.
  • Adhi slept peacefully without coughing.
  • I reached the office on time. Thank You for everything.

Forgive me if I have forgotten to post anything.

Om Ganeshaya Om Shakthi Kallalamma thaye Adhithimappa MKDG Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba’s Grace

Sai Baba's Grace
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha. Baba, I am very grateful for having You in my life. I need You every second.

Om Sairam! Baba, thank You for making my thyroid levels right. I am very worried about Sai Maa. A few days back she was diagnosed with high glucose levels. Baba is very fond of sweets. We never thought that she would get diabetes. She is experiencing other health issues. Please make her alright. Please cure my father. Stop his smoking and drinking habits. Sai, make my parents develop good and healthy habits.

Another experience is that a few days back I observed some rash on my skin. I was very scared as I had a few skin issues before also. I prayed to Baba to cure it.

Thank You, Sai, posting these experiences as I had promised.

Baba, please save us. Baba, I am very scared right now because of everything. Please take care, Baba

Sai Baba Allowed To Come To Shirdi

Sai Baba Allowed To Come To Shirdi
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Jai Sai Ram! I would like to share my experience with you. My sister, mother, and I were planning to visit Shirdi on 1st July and everything was booked. Suddenly six days ago my son got infected with Covid from school and he was having a very high fever. I contacted four doctors along with Vibhuti and we were feeling as if we had to cancel our trip to Shirdi. My husband was also infected and I was feeling very bad as it had been six years since we went to Shirdi. This time I desperately wanted to visit Shirdi. 

I cried in front of Sai, “Please let me go to Shirdi, don’t cancel the trip.” Surprisingly, the next day my son was better and the fever came down. Now there were full chances of me getting infected as I was taking care of both of them but Sai had some other plans. 

Surprisingly my son and husband were better and we went to Shirdi, had a very good darshan for two days and everything went smoothly. Once back at home I got infected with mild Covid and I recovered within a week. Baba listened to my prayers and allowed me to have darshan and then had Covid. Jai Sairam. Bow to Baba. 

Sai Baba Is Watching You

Sai Baba Is Watching You

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: I have been a Baba devotee for the past eight years and I am living in London now. Om Sai Ram! My humble pranam to all the Baba’s devotees. I am going to narrate a recent experience that happened in my life.

I had been relocated to the UK recently and was staying in temporary shared accommodation. I found it difficult to manage as I did not like the stay and it was my first experience staying alone in a foreign country. I had to bring my family also and without a home, I wasn’t able to process my visa. I got frustrated day by day and I didn’t like any of the homes that I went for viewing. I prayed to Baba by keeping a coin in front of Him. After this, I called one agent to see one of the properties, and the viewing was fixed in two days which was a Thursday. Then everything settled in a week’s time. I am writing now from this new home. I could not thank my God enough. You are everything to me. Om Sairam!

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2 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa, Please help all of us to visit tirumala without any obstacles and have good darshan of lord balaji

2 years ago

Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai

2 years ago

Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower their lives with good health, happiness, laughter, peace of mind, courage, grace, blessings, knowledge, wisdom and prosperity. Baba my hubby is very obviously under a lot of pressure. Please release his pressure and support him. He is a good man and very dedicated. Why then he has to suffer? Please help him Baba and release all his stresses. Support him Baba. please baba show some hints to resolve our work and health issues. Please grant him a long healthy life with peace of mind. Baba please take care of my children too. Please make them respectable individuals and shower your choicest blessings on them. Be with them always Baba, I Surrender to you. Baba my eye problem is getting worse. Help me so that I do not trouble anyone. Help me look decent and keep me active to take care of my family. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

2 years ago