Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3655

Gratitude To Sai Baba 

Gratitude To Sai Baba 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Baba who has experienced many miracles and a lot of my posts were published on this divine Platform. Big thank you to the team who maintain this site and share experiences of Baba. 

Dear Baba, as You know we are all constantly praying for my sister’s eye problem. I am not sure when You are going to shower the grace and make her retina attached and bring her eyesight. We are waiting for this miracle so that we can come to Shirdi to see You with happiness. 

My son has been recently awarded medical interview course training and as promised, I am posting here to say ‘Thank You to You. Without Your grace, it would not have been possible. Baba, Please help him clear the interview exam and give him a medical seat in the same city where we live. I am sure You know what is best for him and please be with him and please help him to get a good ATAR 99. 80 and above. Please keep us all at Your feet. Please guide us and forgive us if we have made any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. You are everything to us. Please help me to recite Your shlokas every day. Please protect my sister’s family and bless my sister’s daughter for marriage and also, please give my sister her vision back. It is very painful to watch her at this young age without eyesight in one eye. Please save her another eye as well. Please help her in achieving spiritual goals. 

Please be with me and I will post about my son’s success soon bless us with a new house and please come and stay with us. Om Sairam. 

Thank You Sai Baba 

Thank You Sai Baba 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you Hetalji and team for this divine blog. 

Coming to my experience, we recently bought a business with Baba’s grace. It was not running as per our expectations and we were at loss. I prayed to my Baba to increase the production this week and we should at least break even with our expenses. By Baba’s grace, we were able to break even with our expenses. Thank You, thank You so much, Baba. Please be with us and guide us to run this business successfully, Baba. 

Secondly, the air conditioner broke down and all the technicians that came to fix mentioned that it was very old and we need to replace it and it would cost around 16,000 dollars. We recently bought this business and had no income at all and this expenditure was too much to bear for us. We tried almost 12 different technicians and everyone kept saying the same. I sincerely prayed to my Baba for help. My merciful Baba sent a good technician. We got the contact through my husband’s friend. He came and fixed it in a couple of hours and charged us $650 and the AC is running well now. My koti koti pranams to You, Baba. I don’t know how to thank You. My Saviour, my Baba, thank You so much. 

Now we are facing another issue with the landlord. He wants to charge us $1000 more per month for the rent. We are in the process of negotiation. Baba, please help us out. You know our situation; we cannot afford any more expenditure now. Please guide us and help us out, Baba. But I sincerely thank You from the bottom of my heart for all the guidance and help that You have provided us so far in this difficult journey. Om Sai Ram, Shree Sai Ram, Jai Jai Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Heard Devotee’s Prayer

Sai Baba Heard Devotee’s Prayer
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear devotees, I am a small devotee of Baba and have always been guided and supported as needed. 

For the past two days, I was not keeping well. It all started with a little discomfort in my chest. Though it stopped after a little while, different kinds of negative thoughts started coming to my mind. I prayed to my Sai Baba and applied His Udi. Though the chest discomfort was not there, severe acidity continued the next day. While the symptoms were of gastritis, I was still scared. I prayed to Baba wholeheartedly asking Him to help me recover by morning and Baba listened to my prayers. Thank You Baba for always being there. 

The second experience was when I did Divya Pooja and requested Sai Baba to indicate if he was happy with my prayer by dropping the flower but that did not happen and I was sad. The same day I noticed Udi stock was over at home and I told my sister that I didn’t have any Udi left. Then I was thinking about ordering from Sai org. I was just searching for some craft items for my kid’s assignment, and all of a sudden out of the blue I found a Udi packet at home. I thought that this was my Baba’s way of telling me that He is with me, He listens to me and He was happy with my Pooja that day. I was so happy. Thank Sai. Please bless us with good health and happiness.  

Sai Baba Helped Devotee’s Daughter

Sai Baba Helped Devotee’s Daughter
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Last week my daughter after coming from school was a bit tired. When I checked, she had a fever and also a sore throat. I gave her medicine and she was ok the next day. However, by evening, she started coughing which increased a lot. On the third day night, she coughed a lot and was unable to sleep. I got very scared. We are outside India and we had a long weekend which meant that doctors were not available for the next two days.

With teary eyes, I went in front of Baba at 1 am, asked for His forgiveness, and also asked Him to make my daughter fine. I told Him that I would share my experience and donate. I applied Udi to her forehead. She slept fine after that. The next day too she was better. Baba really helped us in this situation, can’t thank Him enough. Baba, please bless me and my family with good health and happiness. 

Thank You Sai Baba 

Thank You Sai Baba 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: I am a very small devotee from the USA. Today my future daughter-in-law had a visa appointment. I was very concerned about her visa stamping. In the morning I was waiting for her message/ call from her about the visa update. I am very thankful to Baba for giving her the visa.

Baba, they are getting married in December. Please let me be happy and have mental peace during the wedding. I will submit the experience. Thank You, Baba. Please be with us all the time. 

Sai Baba’s Blessing For His Devotee’s Health

Sai Baba's Blessing For His Devotee’s Health

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram, I am a devotee of Baba. Please keep me anonymous, I am from Mumbai and always feel blessed to be at Baba’s Feet. Thank you to Hetalji and to the entire team for creating such a wonderful platform where we can express Baba’s Blessings in our life. Experience, I am so thankful and grateful for Baba’s blessings, my stomach got bloated and I was finding it very difficult, I prayed to Baba to please help me. I had Udi mixed with water, and within two to three days I was perfectly fine. Thank you Baba for blessing me.  

Thank you Baba for blessing me and my family. Baba sorry for posting my experience late.

Baba’s blessings are always there for me and my family.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 717


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