Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings โ€“ Experiences Part 3657

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Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Rhayan from India says: Before I proceed to narrate my personal experience of Shirdi Sai Babaโ€™s Leelaโ€™s, it is important to give the readers a little background of what transpired before that to be able to better assimilate how Sai Babaโ€™s Leela take effect. This dates to the year 2016 when I was visiting a renowned Spiritual Healer Dr. Ramakant Keni in his Mumbai Office. I have known Dr. Keni for the last 30 years and have leveraged his healing services at least once a year in all these years, as these sessions gave me a sense of intense stillness and calmness. During one such session in 2016, when I was stressed with my business going downhill, Dr. Keni was unhappy seeing me lose my Peace of Mind. As usual post the session I was at ease. Then what he said to me was something I had never expected from anyone. He said, โ€œRhayan, I have something to say to you which I wanted to tell you in 2002 when you came to see me with your wife but back then you were not ready to accept this message and life had to bake you well with the wisdom in preparedness to undertake the role that I am going to tell you today. I have been asked to tell you that your Life Calling is to be a Spiritual Healer like meโ€.

I was obviously stunned at what he was saying to me and thought it was a joke and that he was trying to make the mood lighter, but he said he was serious. I just could not accept the thought of being a โ€œSpiritual Healerโ€ and had very high aspirations for my professional career and being a Spiritual Healer was the last thing I could even fathom as a career. I told him that I was not interested and politely declined. He acknowledged my response and told me to take my time and think about it. As months went by, my work further suffered, and the stress was building further. I did not have a backup plan other than to listen to my heart and chase my dreams. I tried my hand at various new avenues but had no success and soon started to lose my confidence. I wanted to meet Dr. Keni again but did not want to face the question of spiritual healing again and hence avoided meeting him. It was not before 2017 that I mustered the courage to meet him again, hoping that he would have forgotten about our last conversation by then. He was happy to see me and asked me about my work to which I said that itโ€™s still a work in progress on that front. He then revisited the topic of me being a Spiritual Healer and told me to have faith in him and that the calling was strong. He then asked me to do a little experiment to reaffirm his message about my capabilities as a Spiritual Healer. He penned down what he wanted me to do and asked me to click pictures of the same during each stage of the experiment and to show it to him when we meet next.

My wife on learning about the experiment suggested, encouraged me to carry it out and reaffirm as there was nothing to lose but I was not convinced and wanted to avoid any doors that may lead me in that direction. A few weeks went by and I had still not carried out the experiment when my wife once again reminded me casually. With her help, I started the process the following day which was to last for a week. Post a week, the results were just as what Dr. Keni had mentioned but I did not pursue it further. A few months later when I returned to see him and showed him the results he was not surprised and told me that I should seriously consider doing this and looked towards the statue of Shirdi Sai Baba that was on his table as if beckoning that the calling was a sign from Shirdi Sai Baba Himself. I was still not convinced that this could be a career option and asked him how I would manage my expenses and look after my family to which he said that the Divine will guide me and take care of my needs which I felt was a very far-fetched thought and left it at that.

Soon after, my father-in-law was hospitalized and was to undergo some tests for his heart condition but had a severe bout of Diarrhea which did not stop even after three days of being put on a medication by the doctors there. No tests for his heart ailment could be carried out till his condition stabilized. He would visit the washroom at least 8 to 10 times a day and on some days even more frequently. I then sheepishly went to meet Dr. Keni and told him about my father-in-lawโ€™s condition to which he asked me to heal him by placing my hands on his back when taking him to the washroom and asking me to recite the mantra that he had given me. I thought it was impossible for him to heal and recover in such a short time of me carrying out contact healing as I would barely have 40 seconds with him while taking him from his bed to the washroom. But left with no other option, I carried this out that night without bringing it to anyoneโ€™s notice except my wife. The next day my father-in-law had recovered from his Diarrhea completely. Post that nightโ€™s healing session he did not visit the washroom again and was eventually discharged from the hospital. The doctors advised that they would conduct the tests post a fortnight allowing him time to recover well from the weakness. For the next two days or so he had not passed any motion at all and posted that it was business as usual for him.

I then informed Dr. Keni about this to which he said he knew what the results would be and was hoping that I would now take this up full-time with confidence. I was still reluctant to take it up as I had so much going on in my mind like my aspirations, my financial support, my social standing, what my family/relatives/friends would think of me if I would undertake this work, etc. I still did not take it up and this went on into the year 2019 now and I had tried everything I could to get new work or start something new but with zero success. Family, relatives, and some friends tried to help by introducing me to various contacts of theirsโ€™ but somehow nothing worked out and the frustration got deeper. I was continuing with my business though the returns were negligible, hoping that it would turn around someday.

It was then that a childhood friend of mine invited me to Johor Bahru, Malaysia to see if we could do something together there and I decided to take up his offer, hoping that once I leave the country then all the other dilemmas of Spiritual Healing, etc that were haunting me would also take a back seat. I called Dr. Keni and told him my plans to which he advised me to reconsider but I was determined to go. In the following week, I had a freak accident leading to a terrible back injury. The injury got worse overnight to the extent that I was unable to move out of bed. I somehow lifted myself even though I was in extreme agony and admitted myself to a nearby hospital. The doctors did a CT Scan and advised that it was a close call and that I was incredibly lucky that the spinal fluid had not come out which would have otherwise been a very serious issue but at the same breath advised one-month complete bed rest and against any travel for the next six months. I was very furious upon learning this. I then called Dr. Keni and updated him on my situation and he said I should feel better in two months post which I should come to see him. In a monthโ€™s time, I was able to move out of bed and then started the physiotherapy sessions for a month. I was now even more determined to go to Malaysia against all the advice that Dr. Keni had given me and booked my ticket from one travel agent who was offering cheaper tickets, only to find out later that I was cheated of this amount and that led to further frustration. I then booked my tickets again from a proper travel agency and got my visa done. I was anticipating being out of the country for six months to allow enough time to review all options there. I then went to see Dr. Keni and told him the plan and asked for his blessings and asked for his forgiveness having refused to accept the advice to become a Spiritual Healer. He just smiled back and said that Shirdi Sai Baba was sending me on a mission and that I should go and come. I just thought to myself that once I am out of there, I would not encounter any such divine forces in Malaysia. I then took Dr. Keniโ€™s blessings and left. In two days time, I was to fly out and I had decided to sell my car to the Cars24 dealer the next day after completing all my work as no one else used the car at home and I did not want it to run down leaving it useless and more expense later. When I was approaching closer to home, suddenly some dashboard lights lit up, suggesting that the car had some issue. I could still drive the car, but it would not accelerate much. I called the car company after reaching home and informed them of the issue. They sent a technician the following day and when he tested it, he said that the issue could be with the injectors. He then arranged to pick up the car and later that day confirmed that the problem was with the injectors and that it would take 2 to 3 weeks for the entire work and warranty process to be completed. I was furious with my luck and the events that had transpired as if trying to stop me from going. Nevertheless, the next day I left for Malaysia as planned.

On reaching the airport in Malaysia, I learned that my friend whom I was going to stay had a severe back issue and could not come to pick me up, so I went there on my own. On my arrival at his place, after meeting and greeting him, I ended up doing a healing session for him to try and help him recover from the back pain soon realizing that this was exactly what I was trying to evade while in India. Anyways, the Spiritual Healing sessions continued for the next three days and within a week he was much better and did not have to undergo any scans, etc. Post that we started to review various opportunities together.

The Navratri festival was approaching in two weeksโ€™ time and we decided to fast and visit the temple there on those days. To go to the temple, we had to take a Taxi, so we had not visited there initially and waited for the festival to commence. My friend told me that there is a Glass Temple in the vicinity which was dedicated to Mahakaali Devi run by South Indians. I had never visited a temple during Navratri in all these years that I was in India but since my friend was keen and since I was going to be living with him, I just decided to play it out for everyoneโ€™s convenience.

We then visited the temple on the first day of Navratri in the evening and what I saw there left me speechless. When I entered the temple, to the right was the idol of Shirdi Sai Baba and what Dr. Keni said to me then started to play in my mind, โ€œ๐‘บ๐’‰๐’Š๐’“๐’…๐’Š ๐‘บ๐’‚๐’Š ๐‘ฉ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’‚ ๐’Š๐’” ๐’”๐’†๐’๐’…๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’๐’ ๐’‚ ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’”๐’”๐’Š๐’๐’โ€. I could not believe that I would ever encounter Shirdi Sai Baba in Malaysia. Over the next 10 days, I spent time in the temple and each day went by with prayer in the temple followed by dinner within the temple. On the day of Dussehra post the ritual of burning the idol of Ravan, we assembled in the temple and the devotees started to sing hymns in Tamil which I did not understand but the sheer musicality and their way of performing the puja was a great experience. It brought about a lot of peace and serenity in oneself. Suddenly, I was gripped by a strong vibration and I started to move from side to side and sometimes forward and backward. My eyes were closed now, and I could see Mahakaali Devi in front of me which really frightened me at first, but she just had a smile on her face and in my mind, I was asking her what was going on with me and why they would not leave me alone and let me have a routine work-life like everyone else. But I got no answers from her but only smiles. After a while, a flower that the priest was showering on the audience came my way and I woke up from that state. I was in tears and broke into a sweat even though the air conditioning was on and it was quite cool inside. The following day, I decided to visit again and see if that experience would repeat itself, and once again it happened at a time when no one was inside the temple. I then asked forgiveness from the Divine Devi and asked Her to show me the way forward always being there with me and never leaving my sight in this new journey I was to now embark upon. I also asked for Her grace to be able to help those that came to me with their health ailments.

After giving it enough thought that night, I decided to go back to India the way it happened too was very shocking, but I will not discuss it here in the interest of time. Soon I flew back to India via Singapore after spending two days with another friend of mine for whom I performed a healing session at his request. This session again was a very energizing experience that I will not discuss here but in another post.

When I reached India, the following morning when I woke up, I had a severe vertigo attack which I had never experienced before. I called Dr. Keni later that day and told him about my experience in Malaysia he was happy to hear of it and advised me that if I must conduct healing then I must surrender completely to it lest I fall sick in the bargain of healing others. He did mention that some of the healing effects will rub against me and that I should pray to the Divine to help guide and protect me while I carry out the healing sessions. He did mention that when we heal others, we take on some of the pain and anguish of our healing guides without our knowledge and that I should find time daily for prayer and meditation to be able to reach my full potential. I agreed to this way of life and decided to carry this out with full dedication from thereon.

A few weeks later, I went to Palitana, Gujarat with a good friend of mine from Jaipur, where I met some Jain Munniโ€™s and healed one of them for kidney stone pain. Another Jain Munni asked me to place Mahakaali Devi in my home temple suggesting that she would guide and protect my family, which I did under his guidance.

It was on January 2, 2020, when I was meditating at 9:30 pm that I had a call to visit Shirdi and take Babaโ€™s darshan but decided to put it off for another day as it would have been very crowded due to the new year festivities there. I told my wife at 10 pm that day and she agreed to go if I so wished suddenly, I broke up into a fever and went off to sleep. I suddenly woke up at 4 pm and the fever was gone, and I felt very nice. I then woke up my wife and we left for Shirdi unplanned and unannounced.

From here on I will narrate Sai Babaโ€™s Leela during this trip of ours.

Since we left for Shirdi abruptly we had not had the time to plan the VIP entrance passes for the Darshan and Aarti. I told my wife not to worry and that Sai will guide us during this visit as He has called us to His Darbar this time. In my head, I had decided to visit Dwarkamai and spend more time there meditating and soaking in the positivity from the ground where Sai Baba had carried out so many healings during His living form and which continues till this day.

We were about to approach Shirdi when I saw Shirdi Sai Baba standing at the edge of the road looking towards me with both his hands raised up in the air as if in a way blessing us and welcoming us to Shirdi but because I was driving at a decent speed, we passed by fast but could not see anything in my rear-view mirror post that. Since my wife was on her phone, she did not notice anything, but I was convinced that it was Sai Baba and that there will be more such experiences to reaffirm our faith that day. As soon as we took the right turn for Shirdi, my wife got a call from her brother, and when he learned that we were on our way to Shirdi advised us to go to a particular hotel where he knows someone and that he will request them to arrange for passes. We did as he advised and when we went there, we decided to stay the night and checked in, freshened up, and were ready to visit the Temple. The hotel staff told us that getting passes for the Aarti will be impossible due to the heavy crowd that day and gave us the pass for the darshan which we happily accepted and asked them to still try even if it meant the following day as we were to leave only the following afternoon for Nashik where we were to halt at the Shrine of Infant Jesus and then proceed back to Mumbai. We went ahead with the VIP Darshan and then stood in the queue to visit Dwarkamai. I had expected a crowd but had not expected such a big crowd and it appeared like an endless queue. My wife got some flowers to offer at Dwarkamai and we joined the queue. As we approached the steps of Dwarkamai there was a group of ladies that pushed their way between my wife and me and I signaled to her suggesting that she carry on and that I would see her once we exit from the steps of Dwarkamai. When I reached the Sai Dhuni area my wife had reached the place where Saiโ€™s Picture and Charan (Saiโ€™s Feet) are placed for the devotees to pay their obeisance before exiting the steps of Dwarkamai. My wife gave the flowers she had got to one of the pandits there and I could see all of that very clearly being tall. I then noticed that Pandit come towards me and he gave the same flowers to me and sat down there on a stool that was placed there. The Pandit then handed me a small coconut and said that Sai Baba has given it to me with His blessings. I had many people standing behind me but none of them seemed to notice what had happened else they too would have asked for similar graces. I was left in awe with what transpired and soon found myself at Babaโ€™s feet as the line had moved on and I did not get a chance to react. When I joined my wife at the steps of Dwarkamai she asked me what the coconut was for and what we were to do with it. I was equally clueless and told her that before we leave Shirdi that Baba will let us know. I decided to sit out there for a bit, just in front where Babaโ€™s stone on which He used to sit, was placed. I sat before the stone facing Dwarkamai and I could see some volunteers asking people to move away and not a crowd but decided to quickly settle down on the floor and absorb the positivity that was beckoning, and my wife sat beside me. I soon went into a deep state of meditation and felt as if Sai Baba was taking me on a ship and felt the ripples of the waves below me. I was at so much peace at that point, but it all faded away gradually, and when I opened my eyes, there was no one else sitting there except us. My wife then told me that I had been sitting there for over AN hour and that the volunteers asked everyone to move out but did not disturb us as if they never noticed us. I quickly got up and stood back in the queue to move out of Dwarkamai. Once out we were both quiet, still soaking in all that transpired inside Dwarkamai. We just looked at each other and, in our glances, knew what had just happened and were feeling really elated with the experience.

We walked outside and then waited at a shop where I stopped to see some idols of Sai, and besides, we did not have much to do after that so decided to just stay close to the temple and spend time there. Then suddenly one of the Salesmen there suggested that we go to the floor above as they had many more idols of Sai Baba there. I was reluctant but on the insistence of my wife, we went there. There was only one salesman there by the name of Ravindra and he asked us where we were from my wife started to chat with him and he suddenly noticed the coconut in our hands and he asked us if we needed a bag to put it in and in the conversation my wife told him what had happened to which he was very surprised and he said that they do not allow any coconutโ€™s inside Dwarkamai due to security reasons and besides we had not seen anyone as well, thinking back, with coconuts in their hands. Then he went on to advise us not to eat this coconut as prasad but to put it in a red cloth and place it at the entrance of our workplace where I would be carrying out my healing practice. My wife and I exchanged glances as if to say that Sai Baba had also answered this query we had on the coconut and its purpose. We left that place and then decided to go to the shop inside the Samadhi Mandir campus where they sell all the things offered to Sai Baba. I had always wanted to get my hands on the cloth that they tie on Babaโ€™s head with the Aum symbol on it. When we arrived there everything was over, and the shelves were empty. My wife inquired and they told her to come in the morning and check in at 10 am. My wife asked them to try and keep that for us and they did not comment. Once we left from there, we got a call from the hotel personnel that they had managed to get us TWO VIP passes for the night Aarti and that again was Sai Babaโ€™s Leela as seeing the crowd there we had not expected to get these passes no matter how hard we tried as there were many people waiting outside the counter but could not get one. We had a good Aarti session that night and we retired for the day in the hotel room post the Aarti.

The next day, we went to Dwarkamai again and took Babaโ€™s blessings and then went straight to the shop to see if the cloth was available, but the shop had still not opened and there was just one lady standing in the queue and my wife was next. I decided to stay away and let my wife go and check but soon enough the queue grew and once the doors were opened, they all pushed their way like hooligans, and I beckoned to my wife to forget it as they attacked the shelves and started rummaging the items there as if there was no tomorrow. I went in once they all went in and asked my wife to come out, but she insisted that she will talk to the salesman and see if he had kept anything aside. I could not believe that she was even thinking of doing it as there was no way he would have remembered or rather cared to keep one aside. She anyways went ahead and the salesman to my surprise said yes and removed a piece he had and handed it to her. When I saw it I realized that it was not the one I wanted as it was an ordinary transparent red cloth but wanting to get away from there soon, I decided to take it anyways and leave instead of debating over it. As I approached the counter to pay, another salesman came from behind and took that cloth from my hand, and said that this was not for me and took it from my hand and before I could react, he went inside the counter area, opened a drawer, and took out an orange cloth which had the Aum sign on it and it was just as I had imagined it to be in my mind. It could have been any color, but I had the Orange color in mind and that is what I got. The people who saw this started questioning the salesman, to which he told them that Sai Baba has given it to him. They all kept quiet after that and continues their rummaging through the shelves inside. I paid for that cloth along with a white towel that my wife took, and we left. Never in my life have I witnessed such events one after the other. I felt like a VIP guest of Sai Baba that day as everything happened there which seemed impossible. We then left Shirdi and completed our pilgrimage via Nashik back home to Mumbai.

I narrated this to my now Guru/Guide Dr. Ramakant Keni and he was pleased to hear this and just advised me to keep the Faith and things will unfold as per his will. Dr. Keni did mention to me several times over the last two years that the world is going to be extremely sick and that the world needs healers. In March 2020 we had a lockdown and I started to think back about everything that had transpired over the last two years and was thankful to the divine for their blessings in disguise. I cannot thank Sai Baba enough for all the blessings He has graced us with, and the healing work started to spread slowly even during this Pandemic, and people who had no doctors available were graced by His grace during those days and recovered well. Some came and did not return because they could not see anything tangible for them to believe that they could heal. As Sai said, Shraddha and Saburi which he summed up so well and which apply in all walks of our lives. My guide Dr. Ramakant Keni will turn 100 years young on Dec 25, 2021. He has now stopped healing and has advised me to continue his work with even more rigor and faith and to trust in the Divine Force always and that he (Dr. Keni) will always be there in my healing sessions in thought along with all our Healing Guides. What will be healed will be as per His will and we are just His mediums.

Hope this Leela of Shirdi Sai Baba gives you all the inspiration and reaffirms your faith and patience in Him and His divine ways.

Aum Sai Ram

Aum Venkusa Gurudeva Namah (Sai Babaโ€™s Guru)

For Healing session appointments, Call or WhatsApp Mr. Rhayan DCosta on +91-8779617455

Nirgun Sai Sankatmochan 

Nirgun Sai Sankatmochanย 
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Hello there, Thank you for maintaining this blog and now the site has shifted to a new page. 

I still feel connected to the old page as it gives those vibes and reminds me of experiences when I was in the lowest phase of my life and had no hope to live. That page came as a guiding light and gave me hope in the darkest days of my life. Then I joined the Global Mahaparayan group in 2017. It all feels like yesterday. Hope you guys remember the story of a girl with no college education, and family life at age of 27. I remembered reading comments like focus on marriage and school will happen in its own time. A request to people, please encourage one another through comments. It helps a lot. Baba sailed me through the darkest phase of my education, and career. 

In terms of education, Baba helped me to get my education and gave me my identity. I still have a long way to go but I can never forget the time when I was struggling and Baba encouraged me through friends, and professors and sent me people to help and guide me. School is not easy and learning is difficult without support. Baba helps and guides us and becomes our strength. 

I entered the work field during Covid and cried in the beginning days due to fear. Baba gave me strength during that phase and gave me good people to work with who guided me and helped me learn. I had highs and lows where things did fall apart and Baba again rescued me. I guess I suffered due to my own bad karma. Problems never seem to end for me. I guess โ€˜to be born into human life means suffering.โ€™ 

I got into a relationship twice in the last five years, it was like I met the guy and once I got to know him then within six months the relationship fell apart and they moved away. I canโ€™t blame them because I can clearly see that itโ€™s not their fault. Sometimes family problems or something else happens and they move away. I guess I am not sure if love is for me. I donโ€™t think that itโ€™s their fault. Time and circumstances become such and everything just turns upside down. 

The first time it happened, I took it as Babaโ€™s will and didnโ€™t look back. This time, after a gap of a few years I started liking a guy. I was ready to marry any guy who is good and didnโ€™t expect love. I was so cautious and scared. Initially, I was asking Baba to make the guy run away if he was not for me. It took almost three months and the guy didnโ€™t move away and kept trying I thought it was Babaโ€™s will and that I should accept. Once I let him in my life, the phase lasted 2-3 months and he moved away. Later, I came to know that he did something and out of guilt he moved away. I tried talking to him and forgiving him. But, I guess he does not have the strength to forgive himself and overcome that fear. I prayed to Baba so much and I guess my prayers went unheard. I know I am going to be okay, but I donโ€™t like this end for him and me. I wanted us to be together and prayed for it. Why does this happen repeatedly? 

Now, I am coming to the realization after waiting for so many months and decided to move on. I tried everything, but I canโ€™t stay in someoneโ€™s life forcefully. I thought love can conquer all. I truly believed in the quote, โ€œeverything pre-written/destiny can be changed with prayers and good karmas.โ€ All I know is if this is the end for him and me then I will not be the same person I was before. I truly believed that he was sent to me by Baba. I didnโ€™t care for his looks/color/caste and always tried to be good. I fell for his heart and caring nature. Now, he is acting all cold/distant/aloof and indifferent to me; so I move away from his life. I know he hasnโ€™t changed and still has true feelings for me but he thinks that I deserve better. This breaks my heart every day. I believed in Instagram and other quotes and thought those messages are sent by Baba and Baba is guarding this relationship. I canโ€™t share intimate details on how protective I felt during those times through those quotes. Now, Iโ€™m not sure what will happen. Baba, if this is the test of my faith and patience, then, I canโ€™t do it anymore. Maybe this is the end. I donโ€™t want to say it, but I am giving up on this. 

Baba, please save this relationship. I truly believed that โ€œImpossible is possible with Guru.โ€ I donโ€™t want to lose him. I tried a lot and now, my heart and mind, cannot bear this anymore. 

One prayer Baba, please take him into Your fold and show him the light. He knows You as a Baba, please have him realize that You are Param-Brahma Sankatmochan. Uska haath thaam lo Sai. Usse apni aur kheench lo. Woh aapka hoga, toh usse kissi aur sahaarey ki jarurat nahi rahegi. (Take him into Your fold and then he wonโ€™t need any other support.) He will find peace and contentment with life. Make him Your own. Baba, help him. He needs You more than ever. He may not realize it but he needs You, Baba. Baba, mujhe anth sukhad chahiye aur dekhna bhi hai. Aap dikhana (Baba, I want a happy end and want to see it also. You show the happy end).

Please everyone keep holding on to Baba and praying for each other. !

Sai Baba Saved Devoteeโ€™s Friendship

Sai Baba Saved Devoteeโ€™s Friendship
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: I am a middle-aged woman, with some family and work problems that I seek advice from my friend. 

My friend and I have been having frequent arguments with tension building up lately and one day it had reached the bursting point where she decided to cut all ties with me. She stopped taking my calls and replying to my messages. If she replied also then her replies were hurting. I prayed to Baba sincerely asking Him to help me.

I am not wise enough to say whose fault this was, but I didnโ€™t want our friendship to end there. I went out of my way to apologize but was completely ignored. I was dejected and very sad; I could not concentrate on my work.

I prayed to Baba for His blessings. I cried and prostrated before Him and placed my problem and my relationship with my friend in His hands. Then I went to her house after work and waited for her. She usually returns from work at 7 pm. It was very cold outside and I had been waiting since 6 pm, praying to Baba and chanting His name. I believed that He will bring her close to me. It was almost 8 pm, and still, there were no signs of her. Finally, she came just after 8 pm but said that she would not let me in as she had work, so I had just five minutes to talk. She said that she was fed up and didnโ€™t have anything to do with me. I really needed to go to the toilet and so she let me inside her house. This was all by Babaโ€™s grace. Then she sat down and calmly listened to what I had to say without getting defensive or angry. We both agreed on a way forward, without losing contact, but giving each other the space needed. 

It was getting late, so I stood up to leave. While putting my shoes on, I felt dizzy and stumbled. My friend immediately came to my side to help. I lay down on the floor with my eyes closed and asked for sugar, as I suffer from low BP, which is quite common. She mixed some sugar in water and gave it to me in a cup and also a fruit bar. She made me have it all and instructed me to lie on my back on her sofa for some time to steady myself. She was very worried about me. I didnโ€™t want to overstay my invite, so after five minutes I stood up to leave. She hugged me tight and asked if I would be alright. I wanted to cry. I had missed her so much. I held on tightly and said that I will be fine as long as she speaks to me. Then I left. 

All of the above incidents are Babaโ€™s leelas, which eventually brought my friend back to me, close to me. None of this would have happened without His grace.

At times I have questioned myself and asked if I was doing pooja sincerely, and what was lacking on my part. I would always look at my Pinterest feed of Shirdi Sai Baba for answers and I have always received the same answer: โ€œBe patient, Baba is working in His time. He will not let you down. Shraddha and Saburi.โ€

Thank You Baba for saving Your daughterโ€™s friendship. Thank You so much.

Recent Sai Baba Experience

Recent Sai Baba Experience
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi you all. I am a devotee of Sai Baba from India. Iโ€™m an event organizer in my city. 

I have done a birthday event worth 15,000/- on 14th September 2022. Despite we arranged everything; the customer was not satisfied to the fullest. She denied making the balance payment after the event. I tried to reach her so many times. She blocked my numbers and my Instagram page. I prayed to Sai Baba that if I get to talk to her and if she pays at least some amount then I will share my experience here. She paid the amount today. Baba always listens to us. When she blocked me everywhere without payment, I almost started crying. Then I came across a Babaโ€™s video on Instagram saying, โ€œGood and bad happen in everyoneโ€™s life. Donโ€™t cry. Everything is an experience. Learn from the experiences. Have patience and believe in Me.โ€ I really donโ€™t know how Baba understands my situation and gives me the message that I need at that moment. Om Sai Ram. 

Sai Baba Helped With IT Filing

Sai Baba Helped With IT Filing
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! Thank You Baba for calling us to Shirdi and arranging everything for us to have a splendid darshan. I was not getting my IT returns amount although it was filed last year. I was continuously praying to Baba for that. Finally, I was able to get it this year. While filing this yearโ€™s returns my CA was very busy and hence she didnโ€™t file them on time. I kept praying to Baba that we shouldnโ€™t pay any fine for it. By Babaโ€™s grace, she filed my returns after the due date, and yet I didnโ€™t have to pay any fine. The best part was that I received the amount as well. Om Shri Sainathaya Namaha. 

Sai Baba Heard Devoteeโ€™s Prayers

Sai Baba Heard Devoteeโ€™s Prayers

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Wholeheartedly thanking the team behind this blog. 

Sai helped in negotiating the rent for my flat with my owner to a certain extent. Gratitude to Sai. Even though the rent is quite high for me I am planning to stay here as it is close to my office and a friendโ€™s place. I am also planning to open up about certain office issues with my manager both in India and the USA in the third week of September. Please stay with me Sai and speak through me so that my problems get resolved and my reputation is restored. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. 

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2 years ago

OM sai shri sai jai jai sai om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai

2 years ago