Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3794

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Two Experiences Of Sai Baba’s Divine Guidance And Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: My Sadar Charan Sparsh to Sai Baba, Who always takes care of us, even when we get lost in this Maaya. He never leaves His devotees. I want to express my gratitude to Hetalji, Pujaji, and the entire team of Saiyug Network for their hard work in making our faith stronger in Baba by providing us with modern-day Saisatcharit. I listen to Sai Sandesh daily and find solace in Baba’s teachings.

On December 2 or 3, 2022, in the morning, I was listening to Sai Baba’s thought for the day in Aaj ka Shirdi Sai Sandesh. It mentioned, “You want to see that I am there with You the whole time, so I will come and visit You in the office today in some form.” Despite being busy with work, I remembered Baba’s words. Towards the end of the day, a person walked in to see me. She had not visited me for over a year, but we finished our work, and she handed me a gift. I had completely forgotten about Baba’s words until she asked me to open the gift bag. Inside was a small blue package, and when I opened it, I found Sai Baba’s Vibhuti from Shirdi.

This person was not a devotee of Sai Baba, so I was curious how she had received it. She told me that she had purchased a new house, and the previous owners were Sai Baba devotees. They left the Shirdi Sai Baba Vibhuti in her mailbox, and she thought of me as she knew I believed in Sai Baba completely. I was overcome with emotion, and as always, I thanked Baba for keeping His words. When I shared with her how Baba had told me in the morning that he would come to the office to see me, she was shocked.

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My request to all devotees is to remember that Baba is always with us, keeping His words and promises. Let us take shelter in His divine presence and seek forgiveness for our mistakes.

I have a long experience to share, but please listen to Baba’s leela. We live in the US and had booked tickets to visit India in December 2022 after four years. We planned to visit Shirdi and have Baba’s darshan. Unfortunately, all of us got COVID-19 in November and I was not myself. The headache was so severe that I could not function properly, and I decided to cancel the trip. I did not want to travel and be sick in India. I requested cancellation or transfer of travel to another time, but the ticket agent was charging $2300 for any change in the date. I still requested to change. I slept and had a dream where a pandit ji was resting his hand on a black Shivling and saying, “Come to Shirdi, nothing will happen.” On waking up, the headache was minimal, and the message I listened to on YouTube was “come to Shirdi aur chadar chadao.” I felt the chadar was yellow, and the panditji put it on Baba and then returned it to me. By evening, the headache disappeared.

Now, feeling good and confident after the dream, I really wanted to go to Shirdi. I called the travel agent, and thankfully, the tickets were still not canceled. This was on the evening of the 6th, and our flight was on the night of the 8th. I finished my work on the 8th noon and boarded the flight.

In Shirdi, we were told that no chaadar, prasad, or flowers could be offered due to COVID-19. I felt bad, but I had an amazing and peaceful darshan of Baba. I decided to buy a chaadar for Baba’s temple close to my home in the US.

Once we came back, I went to the local Baba’s temple, and the punditji came and put a chaadar on my shoulder, saying he had kept it for me after offering it to Baba. I had tears in my eyes. Punditji did not know about my dream. He did not know that I had brought a chaadar for Baba. How did he give me the chaadar? Our beloved Baba guided him. He gave me a chaadar, proving that Baba is not only in Shirdi.

My husband says, “Baba is with us always. He is not only in Shirdi; he lives in His devotees’ hearts.” I experienced it and feel blessed. Thank You, Sai, for the amazing darshan, and also thanks for the beautiful chaadar, Your gift to me. Please guide me to always be on the right path. Bless all of us.

Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

A Small Devotee of Sai.

Sai Baba’s Blessing Helps Individual Secure Desired Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Germany says: Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachhidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.

Greetings to everyone. I am here to share one more beautiful blessing of our beloved Sai Baba. Recently, my brother lost his job and our family was under a lot of stress. However, last month, he received an offer from a good company with a salary that exceeded his expectations. We were overjoyed. Despite receiving the offer letter, my brother had to submit a service letter from his previous company. Unfortunately, the previous company did not respond to our requests, and the joining date for the new company was approaching rapidly. My brother informed the new company that he would submit the letter in two more weeks. As the days went by, we became increasingly anxious. Finally, after much waiting and numerous requests, the previous company sent the letter on the last day, with the correct information. We were almost losing hope during this period. In the meantime, my brother had given another interview that offered a lower package and required him to work night shifts, which we were not thrilled about.

I vowed to Baba that I would share this experience here if my brother got the job he desired. And, fortunately, everything worked out for the best. My brother began His new job today. Please make my brother’s job joining process easy, Swamy.

Thank You so much, Sai. You test us only to make us realize our true value. Please bless my brother with success, health, wealth, and peace, Baba. Please be with him as he manages everything on his own. Please take care of him, Sai. Please bless my parents with good health, Thandri. You know what I am going through, Baba. Please bless me with peace of mind and do not leave my hand, Prabhu. I feel so lost. I am sorry for my selfish love towards You, Sai. You have made me realize my mistakes, but being just human, I forget Your love every time and come back to You only when I am in need. I feel ashamed, Baba. I am not even worth asking for Your forgiveness. I offer my sincere apologies, Sai🙏

Thank You once again for always being there with me, Swamy. Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha.

A Devotee’s Request For Sai Baba’s Blessings And Forgiveness

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I apologize for the delay in submitting my experience as promised to Sai Baba. Baba, please forgive me from the bottom of my heart. My daughter was unwell, and I had promised to submit my experience once she recovered. As a mother, it was my duty to take care of her, and I completely forgot about my promise. However, I realize that it was not an excuse, and I am sorry for my negligence.

Sai Baba, I know that You are always there to take care of us, and I request You to bless my daughter with good health. I trust that You will always guide us and be with us during difficult times.

I have many aspirations in life, and I know that You are aware of all of them. Baba, I seek Your blessings to help me achieve my goals and be a role model to my daughter. I want to gain recognition and reach new heights in my career. Please bless me, Sai Baba, and guide me towards the right path.

I love You so much, Sai Baba, and I am grateful for Your constant support and love. Thank You for always being there for us.

A Miraculous Recovery: How Sai Baba Helped Cure A Blockage Without Surgery

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Janani M from India says: I am honored to share this experience, which I feel is a true blessing. Recently, my father began experiencing shortness of breath, and after consulting with one doctor, we were advised to undergo a CT angiogram. The results showed a 70-80% blockage and we were told that surgery would be necessary. However, we decided to seek a second opinion from another doctor, who suggested a traditional angiography test to obtain a more accurate result.

Throughout this process, my mother and I turned to Sai Baba in prayer, hoping that the blockage would be cured through medication rather than surgery. We continued to pray with faith and sincerity. After the traditional angiography test, the doctor called us with great news: the blockage could be treated with medication, and surgery would not be necessary. Our entire family was overjoyed.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Sai Baba for being with us and for making this possible. One thing that I must emphasize is the importance of having complete faith in God. With faith, miracles can and do happen.

Om Sai Ram.

Sai Baba’s Help In Completing Difficult Medical Procedures

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA  says: Thank You so much, Sai Baba, for all of Your help. I recently had to perform two difficult medical procedures on two of my patients, and I was quite apprehensive about the outcome. I invoked Your name and asked for Your assistance in completing the procedures. I began the procedures three weeks ago, and today was the day I was supposed to finish them. Although I encountered a great deal of struggle along the way, You helped me at every step of the process. Thanks to Your guidance, I was able to successfully complete the procedures on both patients. Although they were very happy with the results and thanked me, I know in my heart that all credit goes to You, Sai Baba. I am merely an instrument, and You are the one Who completed the procedures through me. Once again, thank You so much, Sai Baba. Please bless everyone. You are well aware of the hardships we are currently facing, so I implore You to help us emerge from this situation. Please, Sai Baba, help us.

Miraculous Experiences With Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I wish to share few experiences. First Experience: A dear person of mine was bitten by a snake while working in a hospital. Her condition was very critical, and they shifted her to the ICU. Later, when everyone thought she was stabilizing, she had seizures on the third day. I prayed to Sai Ma to save her and return her home. By Sai Baba’s grace, she returned home in good condition, as I prayed and promised. Thank You, Sai Ma.

Second Experience: In the past few days, I was very worried about my father’s health. We got him to go through some medical tests, and I promised Baba that if everything is fine, I will post here. By Baba’s grace, they are fine. Thank You, Baba. Please make him reduce his drinking and smoking habits. Baba Sai Rakshak, Sai Saranam, Ayyappa.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 717


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower your choicest blessings on my little family and keep them healthy bestowing on them a long healthy wealthy life enriched with happiness, laughter, joy, peace, knowledge, courage, wisdom, ability, strength, love, devotion and prosperity. Baba today we are to travel and there is covid all around, please safeguard my family. I count on you to protect us and keep us safe and sound throughout the journey including both our trips. Please help my husband complete his project being stress free and with minimal effort. He has been dedicates all his life to his work and with your support everything is possible. Please extend your support and mange the situation for us Baba. Please help him take care of his health and work on his inner body and mind to be disease free. Baba with your blessings there is an opportunity coming in the way of my elder. You are the sole decision maker of whats good for us. Help my younger too complete his first year with the transition he desires and if it meets your wish for him. Everything is possible only if you desire to grant it to us. Baba help us and be with us at all times and bless my little family. Help me stay calm and composed and remove all my nightmares adn help me stay focused booming with confidence, wisdom and knowledge. Baba I count on you for everything. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhivinayak namo namah🙏 Om Sai paraBrahmanaya namah 🙏

  3. Om sai Shri sai Jai Jai sai, om sai Shri sai Jai Jai sai, om sai Shri sai Jai Jai sai

    Thank you baba thank you so much. I am sure that my dreams are near to be fulfilled by your grace and blessing. Thank you baba.

    Om sai om sai om sai