Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3812

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Divine Talk Of The Week

Divine Intervention Resolves Parking Predicament: A Sai Baba Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Denmark says I recently parked my car near the train station and registered it on an online parking app. However, I encountered some technical issues with the app that prevented me from completing the registration process. Unfortunately, I realized this when it was already too late for me to go back to my car and remove it. Despite trusting that I could register my car within 15 minutes from the train, the technical issues persisted and I immediately contacted customer care for assistance. However, they were unable to provide any help.

Upon returning to my car, I was shocked to find a fine of approximately 9000 rupees imposed on it. Worried and desperate, I pleaded with the app’s customer support to take responsibility for the issue, as it was clearly a fault with their app. Unfortunately, they denied any assistance.

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The following day, which happened to be Thursday, I prayed to Baba and sought his intervention in resolving this predicament. I promised that I would share my remarkable experience here. To my immense gratitude, my beloved Baba once again came to my aid. I called customer care again, and this time, a very polite individual answered. Within minutes of explaining the situation, he promptly canceled the fine.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to Baba for His divine intervention.

Om Sai Ram.

Gratitude To Sai Baba For Smooth Travel, Improved Health, And Guidance

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Travel – We had a few travel plans, and thanks to Sai Baba, they were made smooth and safe. Thank You, Baba!

Pain – I had a bad toothache and was feeling very uncomfortable. I prayed to Sai Baba, and I feel much better now. Baba, please bless me so I don’t have any sugar or cholesterol problems.

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free

We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

Health – My daughter started a new medication, and I was worried about her reactions. So far, everything has been good. Thank You, Baba, for being with her and caring for her.

Please protect my family from COVID and bless my mom, sister, brother, and their families, my husband, and children with good health and peace of mind. Om Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha!

If I have forgotten to share anything or if we have done anything wrong, I sincerely apologize on behalf of all of us. 🙏🙏

Baba, thank You for always being with us and guiding me to do the right thing. 🙏🙏

A Personal Journey Of Healing And Miracles With Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Recently, my son was experiencing a high fever of around 103°F. I fervently prayed to Sai Baba, seeking relief for him. Miraculously, his fever subsided without the need for any antibiotics. Overjoyed, I felt compelled to share this incredible experience.

Just a few days later, I found myself suffering from a sharp pain in my breast. Once again, I turned to Baba in prayer, fervently requesting healing. To my immense relief, within a span of 2-3 days, the pain diminished significantly.

Sai Baba has consistently saved me from numerous health problems in the past. Although I continue to face some health challenges, I firmly believe that Baba will undoubtedly cure them as well. Rest assured, I will share these experiences in due time.

Baba, I humbly request You to guide my hand as I pen down these experiences. Your divine blessings have been instrumental in my life, and I am eternally grateful for everything. I implore You to continue showering Your blessings upon us, just as You always have.

Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

Sai Baba’s Blessings: A Journey Of Gratitude And Success

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire team for maintaining this wonderful platform.

In relation to my recent experiences and promises, I made a commitment to Baba to share my experiences after my meetings last week.

All is going well due to Baba’s blessings.

Thanks to my prayers to Baba and his blessings, my weekly meetings went smoothly.

The upgrade cycle should not encounter any user or NC-related issues that deviate from the SLA. Baba, I will post it again before this weekend.

I encountered some issues during my travel. Please help me, Baba.

I pray to You, Baba, that people may follow Your path. Om Sairam.

I need to maintain a good relationship with my boss, as well as with the people in my domain and office. Thank You, Baba.

Gratitude And Blessings: Sai Baba’s Help In Times Of Need

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says Om Sai Ram. I want to express my gratitude to Sai Baba for His help today. I had overslept a little and was running late. I didn’t want any complications, so I prayed to Baba that if the situation could be resolved smoothly, I would share my experience. And yes, Baba came to my rescue. Thank You, Baba. I would also like to thank Baba for resolving a difficult situation earlier. It was my fault, and I had taken it too far. I deeply apologize, Baba. Thank You, Baba, for resolving the situation. Moreover, I am grateful to Baba for assisting me in finding my phone. Baba, I am praying for our package to arrive soon. Please lend us Your support. Baba, thank You for always helping me, even when I don’t deserve it. We are truly blessed to be Your children, Baba. Thank You so much, Sai Baba

Sai Baba’s Blessings: A Mother’s Journey Through Challenges And Triumphs

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says I live in the US with my two daughters and their father. Sai Baba has helped me through a lot of difficult situations. He gave me the strength to move forward at my lowest point, helped me get a job, and support my girls.

Recently, during spring break, we planned a trip and safely returned with Baba’s blessings. The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank You so much, Baba.

Please always be with us and bless us.

Om Sri Sai Rakshaka Saranam.

Om Sree Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 717


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  1. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai

    Thank you baba with your blessing we have lodge 190 visa yesterday. Baba I leave everything in your hoy feet. Please take care and let us be blessed.

    Baba please look in my financial aspect as well. I applied for second job but no responses yet. Baba give me energy and take care of our health.

    Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  3. Dear devotees,
    After a long gap i tried to talk to a person which is getting delayed somehow. Then I prayed to our beloved Baba to pl make this happen and let me know that everything is good there and then I would post my experience here.And as usual Baba made it happen very smoothly. Thank you so much deva.
    Om Sairam.Om Sai rakshak Saranam🙏

  4. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect and safeguard my husband and children. Baba please shower your choicest blessings of good health, long life, happiness, knowledge, wisdom, ability, courage, togetherness, wellness, peace and prosperity to the family upholding the respect and gratitude in the true sense. baba today we travel – please protect us and help us achieve the purpose of the visit. Help hubby in every way and keep him stress free. Baba my younger is complaining of throat pain, I count on you to resolve the same. Baba please do help my elder find a good safe home for himself. Baba thank you for everything and I surrender to you in every way. Om Sai Prabrahmaney namah  🙏 Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om Siddhi vinayak namo namah 🙏

  5. Dear Saibaba,
    Sai pulled me since 15 years ago,I am a minute devotee of son got suddenly I’ll and the fever was on and off ,it was during his final exam.i prayed to baba to cure ,so that post my experience here,soon Baba cured the fever.i have small office problem,so I got afraid of and asked baba to resolve,soon Baba listened and solve the son got diarrahea and vomitting,I prayed to baba to cure,soon he got recovered.soory baba for posting very very late…..Thank you baba.. please bless my mom longevity and sound health,please bless my brothers longevity ofand good health, please bless my sisters longevity and sound health.pleaas bless my two kids with longevity and sound health.please bless my husband good health.

    Sai rakshak Sharanam deva
    Sai Sai Sai Sri Sai jaya Jaya Sai

    Om Sai Sri Sai jaya Jaya Sai
    Om Sai Sri Sai jaya Jaya Sai

  6. Baba thank you so much for your blessings.
    Dear devotees, i wanna narrate an incident that took place today. My father was travelling in train, the cpmpartment in which he is travelling caught fire and was halted at a station where the fire was put off and again the journey resumed. He move to the next compartment but hearing this I was afraid and prayed to my Baba along with other Gods. Also I asked Baba to pl be with my father and safeguard him. And that i would post my experience here after my father returns home safely. After some time i came to know that the train was again halted at someother station and so my father took another train to continue his journey. And with Baba’s blessings everything went on well.Thanks a lot deva.
    Om Sairam🙏
    Om Sai Rakshak Saranam deva🙏

  7. Om Sairam

    Today I didn’t find my ids anywhere. Searched all the places but of no use.Then i prayed Baba to help me find them.then i will share my experience here. Within minutes I found both the id cards in the same place where i have previously searched. Thank you so much Baba.

    And to the admins of this blog,
    I request you to restart publishing the experiences. We dont know the reason why this was stopped all of a sudden but we are really missing them.Please let us know slme update on this

    Om Sai rakshak Saranam🙏

  8. Dear devotees,
    Yesterday my mother was feeling very uneasy because of some acidity in stomach, but we were not able to do anything as were are in queue at tirumala for swami darshan. Then I prayed to lord venkateswara and also to our Baba to make her fine and I would post my experience here after the darahan goes well. And as usual everything went on well.Thank you so much Baba and swami for your blessings.
    Om Sai rakshak saranam🙏

  9. Om Sai Ram Hetal ji
    Hope you and all team at Saiyug are well.
    Cannot access old experiences from 2014 onwards since past 2-3 days. Is there a tech problem?
    Hope it can be rectified soon.
    Best wishes on Guru Purnima

    • Om Sai Ram

      yes we are facing major technical issue and trying to fix it, however it is taking time. hope to be back soon with blessings and grace of Sai Baba.

      • We are back with a bang and loads of blessings of our dear Sai Baba. Please feel free to read experiences and let us know in comments section how you felt? Also sharing is caring and kindly share the miracles with your family and friends

  10. Dear devotees,
    I recently experienced a miracle which is similar to the one in sai satcharitra. Few days back I came to know that my beloved was suffering with acidity problem.facing lot of inconvenience because of it. Atleast couldn’t have the food properly. Then I prayed to our Baba to kindly shower his blessings and cure the issue and that I would post my experience here once i came to know that it was cured.Then I applied udi on my stomach imagining like applying that to my beloved.And miracle took place.Within 2 days i came to know that the acidity issue got reduced and the health was better now.Thank you so much for your kind blessings deva.Love u so much Baba.Om Sai rakshak Saranam🙏

  11. Om sairam.

    I am not able to see any posts after 7th may. Please help. Hoping to read sai divine miracles everyday.

  12. cannot see new posts after 7th may 2023, please let us know if there is any reason behind and from when can we start seeing new posts daily.

    Thank you for your efforts and help
    sai ram!

  13. Hello Hetal ji

    Om Sai Ram.Thank you for resuming this lifeline . Hope Mahaparayan experiences are also resumed /published soon .

    Prayers /Duas and the very best of Wishes for the entire SaiYug team.
