Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3874

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Signs & Miracles from Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Gokul from India says: Om Sai Ram. My heart overflows with gratitude for my beloved Shirdi Sai Baba. Thank you, Hetal ji and all Sai devotees, for your prayers for my 85-year-old grandfather.

One Thursday in November (2nd November 2023), we took him for tests and a biopsy due to digestion problems. His bloodwork and lungs were clear – a blessing! But during the biopsy, they found a stone in his small intestine and sent a sample away for testing. It was a tense wait for the results. I prayed desperately for Baba’s mercy.

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I read miracle stories on this site, but I sensed hints of cancer from Baba. My worry grew. The report arrived: colon cancer. I begged Baba to heal my grandfather.  As I prayed, He gave me a sign – His darshan through a passing vehicle. It felt like a promise.

Doctors said we were lucky; it was caught early, Stage 3, but treatable. They scheduled surgery. In the hospital, a small, beautiful Baba temple stood at the entrance. A reminder He was with us. I offered biscuits and chocolate to Baba, praying constantly during Grandfather’s operation, chanting “Om Sai Ram” Also I was chanting Kasta Nivaran sloka too.

The surgery was a success – a medical miracle, the doctor said!  Though recovery was tough, Baba’s grace was evident. Grandfather walked within a week, and was discharged after 15 days.

Baba, forgive my delay in sharing this! It slipped my mind. Please accept my mistake, merciful Baba. Thank you! Now my grandfather is doing well. 

Baba, bless all who read this. Answer their prayers as You did mine. 

Om Sai Ram 🙏


Shirdi Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesha. Please keep my identity anonymous. I am one small devotee of our sweet Baba.

Shri Swami Samarth. Thank you Hetal Mam and team for your service to all the Sai devotees.

Baba, please give me Your blessings to share Your Leelas over here.

1) We bought a new car last year, but I am still not confident in driving in traffic and on hilly roads. Last Sunday, my friend asked me to accompany her for a distance of around 100 km one way. I said okay, but inside, I was afraid to drive such a long distance. That night, I was unable to sleep properly. Finally, I prayed to Baba and left everything to Him, somehow managing to sleep for a little while. The next day, I did Puja, prayed to Baba for a safe journey, and set off. And Baba blessed us with a successful trip.

Only one little incident happened where my car touched one bike, but Baba protected us from a major accident, and nothing happened to the biker; only the car got two to three scratches. I’ll take this as Your wish, Baba. Please, Baba, fill those scratches the way You want and make the car like the original one. I am waiting for Your blessings. Secondly, Baba, You know I want you to fulfill my wish. Please bless me with many more trips for a lifetime with my friend, with the relationship I wish. Thank You, Baba, for Your blessings and a wonderful trip.

2) Baba, thank You for giving me Your blessings while handing over the laptop to our Site head. He did not complain about anything last week. Please keep this laptop always in good condition, and he should not find any faults this time. I have given this laptop to him in Your name. Please bless me like this always. Also, Baba, we all are waiting for our annual increment. Please make our management give us the same, at least by next month. Thank You, Baba, for everything. Please forgive me if I have made any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly.

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva

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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Benevolent Intervention

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram I am a member of Global Mahaparayan 6391N1.

My experiences with Baba are many, right from my wedding to having two wonderful children, all blessings of Baba… Om Sai Ram. 

Now, coming to the experience I got from Mahaparayan.

In my family, there is one lady (my aunt) who is extremely troublesome and bad-mouthed. The whole family is aware of that, and they maintain a distance from her. Over a period, even her children, along with their families, moved away and started to live separately due to her horrible and troublesome nature. We live in an apartment where it consists of our relatives. It so happened that she had come to live next to our apartment.

As I mentioned earlier about her, she started troubling us in so many ways, using abusive words, shouting at us for no reason, throwing away our milk baskets, and much more. It was truly hell for me. Every day there used to be a problem for her. Despite complaining to her children, no one was able to do anything. I started getting mentally disturbed and stressed, and one day, I just wrote to Baba on a piece of paper, telling Him I would leave this lady’s problem at His feet. If You solve it, I will write about this experience in the Mahaparayan group. Within a month’s time, the lady (my aunt) next door vacated the house and started living in her brother’s house and later at her son’s place and never returned. I am so very grateful to Baba who helped me get over the mental stress I had due to her. Om Sai Ram 🙏 From that day, I write everything (kids’ exams, health, payments, etc.) I need and leave it at His feet, and He takes care of it completely.

Om Sai Ram🙏 Bow to Sai Peace be to all

A Pilgrim’s Journey in Shirdi

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Satarupa Mishra from India says: My name is Satarupa Mishra I am from Sambalpur, Odisha. I am working in Chennai.

I wanted to share my recent experiences with my visit to Shirdi. I was asking Baba to show me His presence in any form, then I would share my experience with others in the group. We recently visited Shirdi along with my family. I have a 3-year-old son. We reached Shirdi in the evening due to the train being late. So the next day, we took darshan and my son also enjoyed seeing Baba; he even lay down and did pranam. I was so happy to see this. Then we went to Dwarkamai. I saw an old lady there. She saw me, smiled, and said ‘Sai Ram.’ I also replied, ‘Sai Ram.’ She advised me to make it a habit to say ‘Sai Ram’ every day. Then she said, ‘I am staying here in Dwarikamai.’ The first thought that came into my mind was, ‘This could be Baba, not anyone else.

The next day, again I thought of visiting Baba. So, we stood in the queue. Had a great darshan. After visiting the market, we came back to the room. At night, at 20:00, we had to start from Shirdi to Manmad. We booked a cab, which came late. We were waiting in the corner. Just before the cab came, I saw a dog running and coming towards us. She saw everyone. The moment my mother said to my son to tell her that we were going today, She left. I knew that Baba would certainly come to meet us before we left. Baba again kept His promise and showed me His presence in the form of a dog. I am sharing this experience with others so that it will increase their faith and patience.

Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram. There is a magic in this word.

Prayers for Family Health and Guidance

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I have been Baba’s devotee for the past 10-plus years, and Baba has shown me the right path for me.

Health – I had prolonged periods, and we had planned a get-together at our house. I was worried and prayed to Baba to give me the strength to host and have fun at the party. Baba helped me, and we had a great time with friends. Thank You, Baba! 🙏🙏

There are a few things that happened that I cannot share openly here, but Baba knows and took care of them and helped me. Thanks, Baba! 🙏🙏

Hiking – My husband and I went on a hike for almost 3-plus miles. It has been a long time since we hiked, and there were a lot of rocks to climb. I was really afraid and prayed to Baba for us to reach home safely.

Thank You, Baba! 🙏🙏

Please protect my family from COVID and bless my mom, sister, brother, and their families, my husband, and children with good health and peace of mind. Om Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha!

If I have forgotten to share anything or if any of us have done anything wrong, I truly apologize on our behalf. 🙏🙏 Baba, thanks for always being with us and guiding me to do the right thing. 🙏🙏

A Family’s Journey with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: We live in the USA and Sai has been protecting us for the past 6 years.

I promised Sai to share these experiences here if He fulfills my wishes.

1. My husband had suffered from stomach pain for a few days. I gave him Udi water and applied Udi to his stomach. On the 4th day, his pain got severe, and I had to take him to the ER. They did some blood tests and a CT scan. By Sai’s grace, all reports came back normal, and they prescribed pain medication and sent us home. The next day, he started feeling better. Thank You, Sai, from the bottom of my heart for making all the tests normal.

2. My son’s stool test also came back normal. My son was under too much pressure in his studies. Thank You, Sai, for helping him get good scores in school and AP exams. My sincere gratitude to Sai for renewing our existing health insurance with the children’s hospital. Thanks for curing my pain as well, and for everything.

Om Shree Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha.

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10 months ago

Love you Deva
Jai Sai Samarth