Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3877

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Shirdi Sai Baba’s Healing Power

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Saibaba from India and thank you to all who are maintaining this blog.

Experience 1: I was having some pain in my toes, and I applied Udi and prayed to Baba to cure it. Even then, the pain wasn’t subsiding, so again I prayed for Sai Baba’s aid and promised to write about the experience in this blog. After a day, the pain vanished. Sorry for the late post, Baba, please forgive me and please cure the pain of another toe also, Baba. Today I am feeling better than yesterday as I removed the bad liquid and it’s getting better, Baba. Also, Baba cured my leg pain. Thank You so much, Baba.

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Experience 2: I had applied for an examination, and the fees to be paid were remaining. The days were extended as there was a server problem, but I wasn’t confirmed and decided to pay the next day. That day, I forgot to pay the amount, and the very next few days were holidays, so I couldn’t pay. I was praying to Baba continuously that everything should be fine, and there was also another issue associated with it. I prayed to Baba desperately for that incident not to happen and it may not turn into any serious issue. Baba saved me from both issues, and I could easily pay the fees, and Baba relieved me from the problem.

Experience 3: There was some important post that I was expecting, but I didn’t want that post to reach others except me. The previous day, the postman came, and suddenly my relatives went to collect it. I was in shock and continuously praying to Baba that it would not be the post that I was expecting. All thanks to Baba because He saved me that day by not sending that post. Thank You, Baba.

Experience 4: Similar to the previous experience, some important documents were in the home, and I didn’t want anyone to see them. Baba saved me in such times; whenever I asked Him for help, He always helped in protecting me from everyone. Thank You, Baba, without You, I never know what I would have become.

Experience 5: While I was sleeping, my nani was speaking in a dream, and I became scared. I prayed to Baba to make her sleep and also put me to sleep. This incident happened many times, and Baba protected her as always. My dear Baba, thank You so much.

Experience 6: I was afraid to tell some matter to my nani, and thank You, Baba, today You gave me that opportunity, and I could successfully speak to her regarding the issue. Also, in the Sai messages, it was written, “You’ll get back your lost things,” and I was thinking about this like there is nothing that has been lost recently. To my surprise, today I heard my mom speaking about that particular thing that I lost (which was actually got cut because of biting of a mouse, and I didn’t think about hoping that it is not necessary henceforth), and she was saying that she will get another one for me. Thank You so much, Baba.

Om Sai Ram Om Ganesha Namah Om Namah Shivaya Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidhmaye Satchidananda Dhimayi Thanno Sai Prachodayat Om Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai 

Om Rmnthya Namah Om Bhur Bhuvasvah Tatsavitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimayi Dhiyoyonah Prachodayat Om Anjaneyaya Namah Om Sai Ram Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva 🙏🙏🙏

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Miracles Experienced with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am a member of the Global Mahaparayan group. I have been a member for two years.

1st Experience: My daughter and her husband went to Mukteshwar Temple for darshan along with their daughter. Someone hit a stone on a honeycomb. All the honeybees stung them at once; the whole honeycomb stung them. My son-in-law became unconscious on the spot. My daughter was vomiting blood, and her daughter was crying. My daughter was running madly for help. Then some people came and rescued them, and took them to the hospital, and by God’s grace, they received immediate treatment. Their lives were saved. At that time, we were not with them, but Baba sent people in His form to help them, and they were out of danger. Everybody recovered within a short time. I prayed to Baba to be with them, and He saved them. Today, everybody is fine. My son-in-law had a stink in his eyes. Now he has been operated on, and he is able to see. Thank You, Baba, for saving them.

2nd Experience: My brother had a burst in his brain as his BP shot up very high. The blood was flowing inside. His condition was very critical. We did not know what to do. He lives abroad. Then I started 9 days 9 times Sai Dukh Nivarna mantra. Before the nine days, he was at home healthy. He came out of danger. Baba saved him miraculously. Thank You, Baba, for always being there for me.

Once I went to Sai Baba’s temple. It was very hot and while returning, I could not get any vehicle to reach the bus stop. Then I told Baba, “You are showing miracles to everyone, when will You show me?” At that time, an old person came on a scooter told me to sit with Him, and dropped me at the bus stop. Then I climbed into an auto to go home. Suddenly, I looked around and that person was not there. Baba came to help me and showed His presence. Om Sai Ram. His face I can still remember. He had a shiny face.

A Devotee’s Prayerful Journey with Shirdi Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee, taken care of by Beloved Baba even when I forget. Thanks for this wonderful team.

Sai, I know I ask silly things, but I don’t know any other way than praying to You for them. I am here to surrender myself at Your feet, Baba, and please ensure that I always remember You throughout my life. I am extremely happy that my kid got his costume for school and my husband got his blazer for our anniversary. I thank You very much from my heart with joyful tears, SAISHIVA, for all these small things that happen in our life and make us happy. I trust You completely and believe that You will give me a wonderful future for my family and career. As I read in one devotee’s experience, even with no matching criteria and lack of performance at interviews, You will provide the best pathway for our career and life. I know You will deliver the two dresses I ordered with the help of my sister on Wednesday, 02.08.24. Thank You for arranging a trip for us to Bali for our anniversary. I trust You will take care of us throughout our journey. I am eagerly waiting for these miracles, and as You know, being human, I am unable to keep my thoughts away. Who am I not to trust You, Sai? We are in Your kind hands and at Your holy feet. I will come again to this site to express my gratitude on Wednesday.

Thank You SAISHIVA. Om Sai Ram.

Gratitude and Devotion to Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I want to be called Sai’s daughter.

Thank you Hetal ji and team for providing us with this platform where we Sai devotees can share our beautiful experiences with our Sai family.

Today I am here again to thank my dearest Sai for protecting and loving me like a small baby. Thank You, Sai, for always having my back. Thank You, Sai, for pouring so much love on me and my family. You have given me this life and everything, Sai, and I offer my life to You, my Deva. Thank You, Sai, for helping my son to finish his summer course and pass his exam. Sai, this is truly a miracle, Baba. This could not have happened without Your help, Sai. He’s completed the course with all Your blessings. Thanks for protecting my son when he was out of the country. I only had hope in You, my Sai, and we sent him to the other country; I had full trust in Your love, Deva. I know very well that You will never forget us and will always love us. Sai, my son returned home safely, and that also I offer at Your feet, my Deva. Today, whatever we are, it’s only because of You, my Sai. Please always love us unconditionally and please never leave our hand even for a moment, Deva. We don’t want to live without You, Sai.

Love You Sai.

Om Sai Ram.

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Healing Touch

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I have been a devotee of Baba from the USA for so many years and I have innumerable experiences with Baba.

Thank you so much for this platform where we can share our experiences and feel like we belong to Baba’s family.

Now, coming to my experience, my sister always gets sick and has been on medicine and steroids for the last 23 years. In the last 3 months, she started having symptoms and got admitted 10-12 days ago to the hospital. After running a series of tests, they did a colonoscopy and sent for a biopsy, saying they found some unusual growth. So, everyone became tense in the family and waited for the biopsy report. I prayed to Baba so much and asked Him to cure my sister, and the report should come back negative. And as always, Baba answered my prayers, and it came back negative. Thank You, Baba, for everything and all the answers You gave in time. She still needs You, Baba. Tomorrow she is having surgery, so please stay with her, Baba. 🙏🏻Om Sainathaya Namah🙏🏻 Also, as promised to Baba, I shared it here also.

Thank You Baba🙏🏻

Gratitude and Devotion: A Journey with Sripada Sreevallabha Prabhu and Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Asia says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Please keep my name, country, and details anonymous.

Om Sai Ram. I am very grateful to Sripada Sreevallabha Prabhu and Baba that I could get my driving license on my second attempt. Thank You for our trip; everything went smoothly with Your grace. Baba, thank You for everything. Always shower Your blessings on our family and devotees. Please forgive me for my mistakes, done knowingly and unknowingly. Baba, please be with us always.

Anantakoti Brahmanda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchitanada Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jay.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 752


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  1. Sai Deva Please bless me to get good news soon. Sai Deva I am sure that I will come to get Darshan tomorrow. Please Deva give good news soon. I promise You that I will not think or talk ill about others. Please bless my family Deva. Entire family waiting Deva, other wise they will loose hope. Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai