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Testimonies of Sai Baba’s Miraculous Help

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Ram from India and thank you to all who are maintaining this holy blog.

First, I beg Shri Sainath for forgiveness because due to my ignorant nature, I postponed my promises to share many experiences. Sorry Baba, please forgive me. Baba, not only for this, but I also don’t remember some experiences. Please, by Your grace, help me remember everything, Baba. Without Your wish, nothing will happen. Please forgive this selfish, ignorant devotee. Please have mercy, Baba.

Experience 1: The Unruly Cow

My first experience was when we had cows at our house. One day, one of the cattle was not properly tied and was about to deliver a calf in a month or two. It was nighttime, and my parents heard some sounds. The cow was roaming in the premises, eating plants, farm leaves, and trees. Then my mom shouted to my dad to tie her. The cow got terrified and started running wildly everywhere, with my parents in the middle. I was scared because it had sharp horns and was running towards them. It was a very terrifying situation.

Then, I prayed to Baba to calm the situation and to make the cow calm down and get her into the shed without any hassle. Suddenly, as expected, it slowed down and was tied in the shed. Thank You so much, Baba.

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Experience 2: The Bad Dream

My next experience is today I dreamt about a bad dream, which actually should not come true and I interpreted it as a bad omen. I was worried. Then in the morning, while I was chanting, my mom fell down because of spilled water on the floor and hit her head. I was so sad and at the same time angry at Baba. The thought in my mind was that Baba could have prevented it, and I almost cried. But then I realized that what happened might have been smaller than what was destined, and I believe Baba protected us. Sorry for getting angry, Baba. Please make my mom feel alright and strengthen her faith, Baba. I believe in You. Om Sai Ram.

Experience 3: Course Enrollment and PG Search

My next experience was when I was enrolled in a course for which fees had to be paid. Due to some circumstances, it got postponed. Since the payment was online, we had concerns about a bank account issue. We contacted them, but they were not responding. Finally, I prayed to Baba to ensure that the fees would be paid and I could enroll in a specific batch. The next day, they called my father and explained the procedures. Initially, our online payment failed, but after invoking Baba’s name again, we tried to pay the fees successfully. We also sent the screenshot with details to a Telegram group, and after some time, they added me to the group. Thank You, Baba Sai.

My next experience is regarding the above-mentioned course. We needed to find a PG and a good institution, which caused a lot of confusion and problems. To choose the institution, I placed two chits in front of Baba and picked one, which turned out to be the one I preferred. So, we chose the same institution. My father traveled to that far city to see and make arrangements, which involved a long train journey of almost two days and nights. But Baba had our backs, and everything went well. My father came back satisfied, and everything worked out well due to the grace of Shri Sainath. Also, Baba, please help me find a room at an affordable price.

Experience 4: Exam Failures and Emotional Struggles

My next experience is about the examinations. I have been applying for various exams, but all my previous attempts ended in failure. Recently, the result of one of the exams I had written came out, and as usual, I failed it too. It was an awkward moment to face my parents yet again and tell them that I had failed. It was hard for me, and I was sad but unable to show it outwardly.

First, I prayed to Baba that please, Baba, let me post Your experience without them realizing today is the result day. I promised to tell them tomorrow. That day, they didn’t know anything, but I was stressed inside. The next day, I couldn’t gather the courage to tell them the truth, and the day passed without me saying anything. The day after, somehow they found out, and since they were not at home, they asked over the phone, and I told them the truth. My scores were very bad, but I didn’t reveal that, and they didn’t ask either.

I know this may not seem like the best way to handle things, but the situation I was in was inexplicable. Baba knew this very well and helped me to say whatever was needed. Thank You, Baba.

Experience 5: Family Dynamics and Conflicts

My Nani wanted to visit me for a day, and my father’s mom was not that good to her. I was worried about this and prayed to Baba that she would treat my Nani well and speak to her properly. Due to Baba’s grace, everything went well that day. Everyone spoke clearly with no grudges, and in the end, she left quite peacefully. Thank You, Baba.

Also, on the same day, my father’s mom wanted to go somewhere. The previous day, she asked me to accompany her, and I agreed, not knowing that my Granny would visit me. I was in a dilemma about how to tell her I couldn’t come today. But Baba had other plans, and I prayed that day also to relieve me from this dilemma. Suddenly, a meeting was arranged, and I was able to attend the meeting from home. So, everything was sorted by Sainath’s grace.

Experience 6: Technological Glitches

The next experience is about G Pay. My mom’s mobile recently changed, but no contacts were retrieved, and there were no photos due to no backup. However, Sai Baba’s blessings were there, so WhatsApp groups remained intact, and contacts were added quickly. Her G Pay wasn’t working properly when we needed it that day. We paid around 500 rupees, but the notification did not come through. I prayed to Baba that I would share this experience, and then the transactions started and everything became clear. Thank You so much, Baba.

Baba also resolved my paper confusion, and everything turned out alright. Also, for many days, my family members have been suffering from health issues. Baba, please solve them as You solved one. Please solve my mom’s ear problem so that once it is resolved, I can share the detailed experience about that matter.

Baba unexpectedly gave me money without me even asking anybody, and I did not have a good amount in my account. Thank You for taking care of this matter, Baba.

Experience 7: Health Concerns

My grandmother suffered from a fever and was very sick for a few days. Due to Shri Sainath’s grace, she is well now. Thank You for helping her, Baba.

My father was suffering from tooth pain, and I prayed for his recovery, Baba. He is a little better now. Please control his anger and fill him with love, care, health, peace, and happiness, Baba.

Once, I was worried because my mom was dealing with issues related to mains switches and cutouts. It was cloudy and raining lightly, with lightning present, and our home switches usually gave shocks. So, I prayed to Baba for her safe return so that I could share this experience on this blog. Thank You, Baba, for protecting her.

I prayed to Baba that my grandmother wouldn’t see me working on that particular day, which You know about. Needless to say, You actually saved me from that situation. Thank You, Baba.

Experience 8: Divine Darshana

My next experience is about our home deity, Lord Rama. It was a full moon day, a day of worship at the temple in front of our house. That day, I went in my night dress only to offer the pooja materials. I prayed that not many people would be there. I was also excited because you don’t go to this temple unless he calls You. I still remember years back, I hadn’t gone to the temple in 2-3 years. Whenever there’s a chance, I want to go and have his precious darshana. When I went, there was nobody, and I could have a proper darshana. Everything went well, and I thought that would be the last darshana until I came home the next time. But to my surprise, I got it just before yesterday, and nobody was there. I had his precious darshana and also asked for an answer through some hints. He gave a yes to the question and also gave me signals and hints. I was completely blissed with the darshana. Thank You, Deva, for this beautiful darshana.

Every task of mine is completed because of You, Deva. Without You, nothing is impossible. Thank You so much, Baba. I love You, Deva.

One prayer request, Baba, this is my sincere request. Please consider this. Please make my mom’s ear problem vanish, and I will write a detailed post about this in my next experience. Thank You, Baba.

Om Sai Ram 

Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidmaye Satchidananda Dhimayi Dhanno Sai Prachodayat 

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.

Om Ananthakoti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Om Ganeshaya Namah.Om Namah Shivaya.Om Bhur Buva Svaha Tatsavitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimayi Diyoyonah Prachodayat. Om RmnTya namah.

Om Anjaneyaya Namah. Om Ragavendraya Namah 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏

Sai Baba’s Blessings For Children’s Health

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Sai Ram everyone. I live in the US with my two daughters. With Baba’s blessed hand, I am able to survive and bring up my kids. My younger daughter had a cold for some time, but with constant prayer and Baba’s blessings, she is alright now. Please, Baba, help me and my kids to always be on the right path and be with us.

Om Sree Sai Rakshaka Saranam

Om Sree Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 742


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents baba pls protect them baba cure them baba, please protect all if us, These days i am very scared baba please help sairakshak sairmaaranam Ayyappa

  2. Request to publish as promised.
    🙏🙏 Koti koti Pranams to our Deva Sainatha .THANK YOU ,As ALWAYS you saved me at the last moment .Thank you for providing me with a suitable place to stay and within my budget .
    Aabhar and Namaskars at your Holy feet always .🌺🌺🌺🌺🌻🌻