Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3282

Sai Shared Remedy For A Devotee’s Husband On Death Bed

Sai Shared Remedy For A Devotee’s Husband On Death Bed

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: My name is Shalini and I had this lovely real life experience of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. 

There was a time when my husband was diagnosed to have an acute pancreatitis case in 2011 and was admitted in MAX healthcare hospital in Delhi. During one week, his condition went so serious that doctors declared his survival chances were only 20-30% and so we lost all the hopes for his recovery. It was 7 am in the morning that day, when I received this news, I was stunned and didn’t know what to do, how to react and so without thinking anything, I left ICU.

I started to Sai Baba temple. I was hopeless and clueless about what was going to happen next. I just saw Baba’s idol in the temple, I was standing so blank that I had no words to say, ask or express to Him. Then one priest came and said, “Baba is looking at you and He will take care of you my dear, your arrival here is because of His orders. Don’t worry.” I just smiled and left. When I came out of the temple, I saw two handicaps/beggars who asked me for money, and I simply checked my pockets and gave all the money that I had. Since it was a good amount, they gave me lots of blessings while I was leaving from there. 

When I reached the hospital again, I entered the ICU to check on my husband’s present condition wherein I could clearly see that he was totally incautious and had lost his senses. He couldn’t even recognize me and was constantly talking to me. I also saw all of his relatives and his mother were crying loudly due to his worst/irrecoverable condition. I sat near to him and applied the Vibhuti which I brought from the temple, he gently closed his eyes and said – “Baba is here sitting with me. He is wearing cream color Kafni – Kurta, Dhoti and a piece of cloth on His head. He is loving me, pampering me on my head and giving me blessings saying that you will be OK very soon. He is asking you to do this remedy once – Bring Sarso Oil and apply it on the five points on my face and head (he showed those five points with his hands on his face). Also, Baba is asking you to bring Samosa and Jalebi at 3:30 PM today which He will have with us specifically, you, me and Baba only. He is also exploring the places in this hospital and saying that there are scope of improvements in terms of getting new machines and techniques.“ After saying these words – he slept for a long time. 

I immediately to the best of my efforts brought the oil in urgency and did this remedy and also got the snacks on time. Afterwards, we shifted my husband to Medanta hospital for his further treatment and he slowly and gradually recovered there in a month and came back home. I wholeheartedly thank You my Baba for giving this wonderful and unforgettable experience with You. We just need Your blessings and love every time. Om Sairam!

A Devotee’s Sarvasva Is Sai Baba

A Devotee’s Sarvasva Is Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Dear Sai family, I am an ordinary homemaker not good at writing English so please excuse my mistakes. 

I have been my Sai’s daughter for a long time. To me He is “Sarvasva” meaning ‘everything.’ Whenever I am happy I run to Him giving thanks and whenever I am sad He is my only support. This experience is really worth sharing here to let everyone know that “He is living God” Who listens and fulfils each one’s wish at the right time. But we human beings always show our lack of patience if our wishes are not fulfilled when we want. So it happened to me too. 

I was very much interested to join the Mahaparayan group and was trying hard but almost two months passed without any results. So I left it to Sai Baba and Said if You want me to do Your seva then You only show me the way. I tried my best but there was no success. 

I told Baba, “Now it is left to You. When You tell me I will do it happily. My Sairam listened to my request and on Guru Pournima day one of the group leaders unexpectedly messaged me that I can start my parayana reading from that day itself. Is this not a Chamatkar? My Deva wanted me to start reading on this pious day so He kept quiet and helped me to improve my Saburi. This is how my Deva my Sainath is. 

Make our belief (Shraddha ) stronger and to have more Saburi! When your right time starts, Sai Baba will come running to you. Believe it is very, very true. Thank You Deva.

Keep Your blessing hand on each and everyone.
Your Chidiya / chivutai (Sparrow).

Deva, please remove all this fear and negativity from this world.
We need Your Blessings Baba,
Reham nazar karana Sai. 

Sai’s Grace

Sai's Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sairam. I am a small devotee currently staying in the USA. 

Thanks to Hetalji and team for this beautiful platform. My day starts and ends with Sai. I call Him for every minute thing, talk to Him virtually, share happy things with Sai, fight when things go bad, ask Him why, ask for suggestions, like this many other ways I talk with Sai. It’s like a child talking to their mother. 

Recently, we had orientation at my daughter’s school and parents were supposed to pick supplies while kids attended orientation which was scheduled for for hours. Our schedule pick was completed in an hour. Before dropping my child, I had asked her to come back to the same parking spot and if the car was not there then to wait for me. After materials were picked up, my other friend mentioned that they would come and pick three of the kids and why everyone had to come in three different cars to pick kids. I felt correct and agreed. I also told them to mention this to my daughter as she would be waiting for me and may not agree to go with them. 

Later I got a call from school and my daughter said orientation finished early and they were waiting for the last one hour. Then I called my friend to go pick up all the kids and told my daughter to come along with them. It was hardly 15 minutes drive from my place but even after half an hour I did not see my friend dropping my kid and I started getting worried. My friend’s husband had gone to pick them up and I did not have his number. I called Sai for help and asked Him to make sure that she is safe and reaches home soon and started praying. Within five minutes my daughter was home and Sai answered my prayer again. For many it might sound like a small incident but for me it’s Sai’s grace on us which protects us from all evil stuff. 

Bless all and protect all Sai Baba. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam

Baba Cured Kid’s Fever Within A Day

Baba Cured Kid’s Fever Within A Day

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai daughter from Bangalore India. Saiji is everything for me. Thank you Hetalji and her team for giving us such a divine platform to share our experiences.

My two-year-old got a fever in July 2021. As we all recovered from Covid in June 2021, I was terrified. We raced to the hospital and sought medical advice. The doctor prescribed medication to treat the viral fever and stated that if the fever lasted more than two days, additional testing would be considered.

When we got home, I prayed to Baba for a quick recovery and began feeding Udi mixed water. He was able to get cured the next day. Baba is constantly by our side.

One thing I want to share is that if you leave everything at His holy feet then there is no need to worry. Baba would look after everything and provide us with the finest at the appropriate moment. Be patient and believe in Baba.

Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai

Baba Heard Devotee’s Prayer

Baba Heard Devotee’s Prayer

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a devotee from India. Thanks Hetalji and team for maintaining this beautiful site which gives us immense pleasure and strength after reading other devotees’ experiences. 

Coming to my experience: My daughter is just six weeks old and her vaccination was due for that period. Listening to the other mom’s experience I was scared that after vaccination she may get fever and pain. I prayed to our beloved Sai that she shouldn’t get a fever and should be normal. By Baba’s grace she didn’t have a fever. She cried a little and was almost fine the whole day. Thanks Sai for the immediate help. 

Just want to pray to Sai Baba for my mom’s health as she is not keeping well nowadays. Deva please cure my mom as she has suffered a lot in her life. Please Deva be with her and cure her.

Love You Sai. Om Sairam Om Sairam!

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sairam to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team for maintaining this blog. Om Sairam. Thank You Baba for saving me from a very difficult situation today. It was not at all easy and if Baba had not saved me, then I would have been in very much trouble. But by Baba’s grace, I was not in a difficult situation and I was amazed at how Baba saved me. 

Words are not enough to thank You Baba. Baba You also helped me yesterday when I was having trouble. I am always at Your feet for everything You do for me. Thank You so much Baba. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 752


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  1. Om Sai Ram!
    Thank you Ma with your blessing I could clear PTE and now can apply for 491 Visa. I am applying today, please bless the progress and I leave everything in your hand. Om sai ram.

    Ma my dad is not keeping well, please give him strength and recover him ASAP.

    Om sai ram

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him cure my parents saima we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa please don’t make him a need to increase his medication sai

  3. OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower on them a life full of good health, happiness and prosperity. Baba you are everything the creator, preserver and destroyer. Please protect us and protect us from evil. Baba today is a special day our anniversary. Thank you for gicing a wonder ful human being as hubby and please continue to shower your grace and blessings on him and my children. Thank you for everything baba. Please give us a long life of togertherness , understanding, love and respect for each other. Please give good health and precious moments of lifetime happiness. Baba we need your blessings today. Baba please take care of my little family. Please help us in our work and also in children education. I surrender to you baba. Om sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  4. I am a Sai Devotee a daughter of Sai from my childhood… We also have a huge temple in Shamirpet @ Hyderabad, Telangana…

    I always speak to Sai as he is my mother ( I lost my mom when I was 6 years) and keep speaking to him as a friend.. I always complained that you don’t come to see me, nor you reply me… I never won in tambola also and used to be say you don’t love me..

    Once when I in the flight to Bangalore, my younger kid who was just 2.5 years got a fit with high fever..I know how difficult it was to get him into his senses then, and did an emergency landing.. by the time i landed, there was a doctor but without his help, my child was well ( ofcourse I had to wake up all night to take care and keep the wet cloth)..

    The second miracle happened just yesterday i.e on 22nd dec, 2021.. my elder son was with my dad and my younger one was with me ( only for a night) .. Usually I leave both at one place, but this time my elder insisted he would stay alone for a night with my dad and said take my brother with you.. Exactly at 1 am, I felt like reading Sai Satcharitra ( maha parayanam) and slept at 2am..( that’s my usual time to sleep).. Got a call in the morning @7.30 am from my dad saying, My elder one had high fever of 101c… And we usually keep udi for anything and everything, so dad did that last night… But i read the chapters 34,35 the miracles of Udi saying the wonders of Udi with water..

    I insisted that he should have only that way and my elder one ( 6 years) questioned me mom when did Baba tell you…

    The same day when I dropped my younger one (4 years) to school, he suddenly had vomitings and teacher said you can take him for the day… Till afternoon 12pm he had 6 vomitings.. He was weak and slept.. @2pm I woke him up and gave udi water and fed him Rasam rice said God will take care.. you will be alright.. after food he started playing and no more weakness..

    Remember God will test your patience and your trust in him.. believe in him and he will answer you every time you want him

    Bow to Shri Sai peace be to all

  5. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all