Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3316

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for this wonderful blog. 

Daughters’ Friend’s Wedding: My daughter’s friend’s wedding was planned, and had haldi and Mehendi functions as well. The night before the wedding, there were some issues between the groom and bride side and the groom wanted to call off the wedding. There was a big confusion between the two families and it was chaotic. No one slept the entire night and were very tense. The bride’s side got ready anyway for the wedding. I came to know all this from my daughter and was feeling very bad and prayed Baba to show them the right path and prayed for them to get married. The wedding was supposed to start at 4.30pm and there was no word from the groom’s side till about 2.30. Finally, they showed up and the situation was very tense till the wedding took place. Thanks to Baba for sorting out and helping them to get married. Baba, please help the couple to understand each other and that their parents don’t interfere in their life and hurt them. Thank You so much Baba! Om Sai Ram!

Covid Fear – The Delta Variant has been crazy and affecting even the vaccinated people. I have been scared every step of the way. Firstly, we attended a wedding and it was partially indoors. They had invited only vaccinated people, but nothing was certain. We had fun at the wedding but got really scared after and prayed Baba to be with us and to protect us from Corona. Thanks to Baba for protecting us. 

We had a small gathering at our house over the weekend. We are all vaccinated, but always afraid. And on top of it, I just heard from one of my friends that she has not been well for couple of days and had high fever. Baba, please help us and let my friend not have any COVID. She got tested yesterday and is waiting for the result. My son is visiting New York and I am worried. Please be with him and keep him and his cousin safe. Praying that he and his cousin come back safely and have no Coivd. Om Sai Rakshaka Sharanam!

Driving Test – My son could not pass his driving test two times. He was taking the test for the third time and wanted him to get it as there was no other day before he left for college. I prayed Baba that he should get his license and also his photo id so that he could travel without any issues. Thank You so much baba for helping him. Please be with him and keep him safe.

Doctor’s appointment – My son had dental and eye appointments and I prayed Baba that everything should be OK. He has some cavities and is getting filled. Thanks Baba, please guide him to take care of his health.

Job opportunity – My husband got a job opportunity and he really liked it. But the financial risks were too much and we prayed Baba to guide us. He came in the form of our friend who told my husband that it was not the right job to take it. I was very afraid and thanked Baba for His decision.

Please bless my husband, kids, mother, sister, brother and their families. Please keep us safe from Corona Virus and from all evil eyes.

Thank You for everything Baba! 

Shirdi Sai Baba Experiences

Shirdi Sai Baba Experiences

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I want to be anonymous. Thank you Hetalji for maintaining this blog. I want to share two experiences of Baba which I had promised to share but got delayed. Sorry Baba for sharing my experiences late. 

First experience was about my exam where I wanted it to be postponed. I prayed Baba to postpone the exam to some other day. I was not feeling like writing that day because the exam paper was not displaying the tablet even after two hours of starting time of the exam. Baba helped and the exam was cancelled on that day and was conducted at a later date. Thank You so much Baba for helping me. 

One more recent experience is that I wanted to get into a fellowship in my institute. I prayed Baba to help me in getting into that institute in my preferred specialty. I told Baba that I will post the previous experience and the present experience if I got the fellowship in this institute. 

Baba helped me to get my desired speciality by making me score first rank. Thank You so much. I love You so much. 

I want to get reunited with my love and get married to him. Baba, please bless me to get married to him. I will be very happy if You fulfill this desire. 

I request all Sai devotees and Hetalji to pray for me so that I will get married to my love. Baba, please do this favour for me. Please Baba I beg You. I have faith in You. You showed many positive signs whenever I asked You about my marriage with my love. Please bless us Baba with a happy married life. Thank You so much Baba for Your love for me. Shower Your blessings on us. 

Solve problems in my love’s family and give him strength and courage to take a brave decision and make him marry to me. Please bless us both in personal and professional life. Please Baba. Love You Baba. Ananthakoti Bramhandanayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Parabramha Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. 

I have one more wish Baba, I have given my theory exam and am waiting for results. Please help me pass the exam. Thank You Baba

Sai Baba’s Help

Sai Baba's Help

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a Sai daughter from India. Thank you Hetalji and her team for giving such an amazing platform. 

1. Baba thank You for reducing my face itching problem two weeks back, which happened suddenly and was very painful. I applied Baba’s Udi and kept chanting Om Sai Ram and Baba reduced the itching. 

2. Baba Is Helping My Kid’s Constipation Issue – My kid was having problems pooping out. He was crying due to pain. I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on his stomach. Within a second he pooped out comfortably. 

3. Hubby’s Fever Cured- Last week my hubby got a fever after taking Covishield. I prayed to Baba for curing his fever and promised to post. The very next day his fever lessened down and he felt much better. Thank You Baba. 

4. Got Periods- My periods got delayed by two days. I prayed to Baba and I got my periods today. 

5. Kid’s Constipation Issue- Baba please help my son. He has been in pain for the last two days due to constipation. He has not been eating well for the last two months. I don’t know what food caused him. He is crying due to pain. Please Baba, help him and give blessings for his healthy digestion. Please cure his constipation issue. He should be able to poop out easily like he used to do earlier. I will post it again. I have full faith in Your holy feet. Please help him.

Om Sai Namoh Namah, Shri Sai Namoh Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namoh Namah, Sadguru Sai Namoh Namah. 

Sai’s Timely Help

Sai's Timely Help

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Lord Sai Baba from India. Please get this post published. I have been an ardent devotee of Sai Baba for the last one year. Before two years also I was praying to Baba but when I started reading the experience of devotees and doing parayan I moved closer to Baba and started experiencing immense miracles then. Almost my day is not complete without reading experiences and miracles of Baba

Recently for us, a writing test was made proctored but I did not have a laptop so I was writing in another laptop and on the third day the cover of the laptop was missing. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find it. So I prayed Baba that if I got the cover by today then I would post it on the blog but everyone searched but it was not found. At last I thought that I may not find the cover today but Baba’s time was so perfect that when I was going to bed at that time I found the cover under my bed sheet. Seriously, I felt relieved and happy for Baba’s timely help. Thank You so much Baba. 

Also my relative’s car was giving some trouble. Please make it alright by this week as they need it so badly. Because of the lockdown they can’t even travel by any other means. It is necessary for their daily work. 

Anantha Koti Brahmananda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!  Om Sai Ram! 

Baba Found The Lost Things

Baba Found The Lost Things

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Baba from India and thank you to all who are maintaining this blog. Whenever I lost or couldn’t find some things Baba was my saviour. Yesterday also I couldn’t find my charger so I prayed Baba to post here if it was found. It was then found in the same bag and so I am posting this on the blog. 

Also many times Baba helped me to answer the attendance in spite of poor network in my area during online classes. Thank You so much Baba. Love You always.Om Anantha Koti Brahmananda Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Sai Ram. 

Baba’s Blessings

Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Baba has always been with me and saved me from many incidents. He has helped me come out of a bad relationship and eliminated bad people safely. He is curing my family from COVID and helping my father from dipsomania. I am always thankful for Baba for being with me always and looking after me. I thank this group for sharing my experience. I wholeheartedly believe that Baba is always with us and watching us and He will be with us every time and anytime we need. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 717


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma protect my parents I am so worried baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. OM SAI RAM… baba please protect my husband and children. Please keep them every healthy, happy and prosperous always. I dont know whats happening baba but I am being misunderstood always. Though I am working so hard for the family without a single rupee or gratitude I feel totally misunderstood. I know I should not expect anything but atleast good words and treatment would keep me calm and a feeling of being accepted in the family. I feel dejected with this attitude and need to learn how to balance myself. Baba I think i should have a means of my income to support the family. That may boost my confidence too. I am getting old and not sure who will offer any job to me at this age. I surrender to you baba. I do not want to be a burden on the family. I want the family to be proud of my achievements . Thank you baba for taking care of me and please remove all the misunderstandings in the family. Protect my family always baba and be with us at all times. Thank you baba for coming with us during the last week staycation and protecting us. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. Five Day Pooja of Sai Baba
    1. This pooja is to be performed for 5 days on regular basis. You can start this pooja on any day but Thursday is preferable.
    2. One has to perform this pooja on for 5 consecutive days in the morning or evening as per your convenience.
    3. Light 5 lamps in front of Sai Baba.
    4. Offer one flower in the holy feet of Sai Baba.
    5. Offer one fruit to Baba and distribute it among family members as prasad.
    6. You can read 108 names of Sai Baba along with chanting Sai SaiSai or any other mantra that you like.
    7. Then in the end, sing Sai Baba Aarti and pray whole heartedly remembering the holy feet of Baba and seek his blessings.
    8. On completion of pooja on 5th day, you need to tell about this pooja to 5 people. ( This may not be necessary to do immediately. Share it only with like minded people in the next few months.)
    Note that I have tweaked this pooja as I don’t believe it too many rules in any pooja or rituals you do for Saint Shirdi Sai Baba. Sai is a very sweet saint and all he looks from you is pure love and devotion.

  4. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all

  5. OmSairam
    Baba, thanks for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all