Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3381

Request To Sai Baba To Give Place At His Lotus Feet

Request To Sai Baba To Give Place At His Lotus Feet

Shirdi Sai Devotee Tarini from India says: I am Tarini from Odisha. I am a 32 years old lady. I am unmarried. I am living with my parents. I am going to share my Sai Baba and my experience about life so that others will get motivated. 

I am a single child of my parents. I belong to a lower-middle-class family. My childhood is the same as others. At the age of 12, a tragedy happened in my life. I suffered from a Scoliosis problem in my spinal cord. It is a critical disease (bending of the spine). If anybody wants to know more about this go through Google. In worldly people’s view, this disease has spoiled my life. But in my point of view, it has made my life worthwhile. My faith in God has increased day by day during my bad period. I have gone through many critical medical processes for my disease. Doctors said that it can be cured only by surgery. I have gone through a major surgery when I was in 9th standard. Sai Baba saved my life and grew me stronger mentally and physically. At that time I didn’t know Sai Baba. But I have strong faith in God. 

After surgery, I became physically weak. My disease was cured after major surgery. Steel rods and hooks are inserted into my spine to make it straight. After I have suffered from scoliosis my life and my surrounding has changed completely. I had to come back to my normal life after surgery because life never stops. If you are alive then you have to go through life’s steps. As I am a single child my disease is a disaster for my parents. But Baba gave them mental support. I completed my 10th board exam in the first division. As I was physically and mentally weak, it had impacted my study. My parents’ expectations didn’t decrease even though I was not in a good condition. This became a burden for me to study well and to become equal with others who were my age.

 After 10th I moved to a hostel for my 12th class. As I was not healthy it was very difficult for me to stay away from my home. But as it was God’s wish I had to stay. In the 12th class my result was bad. I faced my parents’ anger. My mother beat me with a mop (scrubbing brush) on my back at the surgery area. My mother is very loving and caring. I can’t imagine my life without my mama. But she never accepts me as a disabled child and her expectations from me never stop. My Father is caring. But he is a little bit of a characterless person. He never neglects me and my mother. 

After the 12th class, I took admission in B.Tech. The subjects were very difficult for me to clear as I was physically weak. In this crucial stage of my life, Sai Baba came into my life. There was a Sai temple near my college. When I went to Sai temple and saw Baba’s idol, a transformation occurred in me. I worshipped Baba to make my mind stable. Time passed and my faith in Baba increased. I had faith in God but after knowing Baba and reading His leelas in Satcharitra I was astonished and my faith increased. I have passed B.Tech by Baba’s grace which is a miracle. During this period I have faced many difficulties and pain but Baba saved me. 

After graduation, my next step was to get a job and get married. It was a crucial period to settle in my life. After I suffered from scoliosis It was very difficult for me to fulfill all the needs that a normal person has to fulfill in life. I graduated in 2012. Now it is 2021. These nine years have been the turning point of my life. I concentrated on acquiring spiritual knowledge because I have no interest in the materialistic things of the world. My aim is to know God. I have read Gita. That book is best and explains details about the birth of the soul, power of God. Sai Baba also said to His devotees to read spiritual books in Satcharitra. I have also read Yogi Kathamrita by Paramahansa Yogananda. I have felt my Sai Baba many times in my life. Now I have total knowledge about birth, death of creatures and who is God.

I am not suggesting that we all leave materialistic life and choose spiritual life because God has given a beautiful life to all to enjoy this world. But have faith in Sai Baba. Never detach from Baba. Live in this world and do all worldly activities but never forget Baba because the last aim should be that the soul will rest on the lotus feet of Baba. Without Baba, I was dead. Baba is my life. In my life experience, I know that everything happens in life as God’s wish. Even a single leaf can’t move without God’s wish. God is merciful. He let things happen in our life due to a good purpose. We should never doubt that. We can know when the right time comes when we go through trials, difficulties because of our past karma (bad deeds). But if we surrender ourselves to God then He will definitely save us. Have unwavering faith in Baba. Whatever the situation may be, never forget Baba. None can save you except Baba. Never tell your difficulties and sorrow to others except for Baba. He can help you. I never expect anything from others. In life, everyone needs manpower and money power. So everyone has to earn these in life. God’s power is more essential to living in this world. Everyone in this world is selfish except Sai. I always chant Sai Baba’s name in my mind. Life will be peaceful and joyful if we have faith in Baba. Going on a spiritual path also contains hurdles but with Sai Baba’s grace it will be cleared. Due to my disease and suffering, I know Baba and have strong faith in Baba. Human birth is a special birth among all creatures. The main aim of this birth is to know God. I know God, so my life is not spoilt by the disease but it is worth it. My last dream of life is to get a place at my Sai Baba’s lotus feet. Baba, please fulfill my dream. Om Sairam. 

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba's Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Denmark says: I am a devotee from Denmark. Thank you admin for this medium. It feels Baba is always near us. 

Experience 1:
I have been going through a lot of health issues recently. I started losing weight and it got me scared every time anyone told me you lost weight again and again. I was really worried that there was something really bad happening in my body and I had no clue what it was but I kept losing weight. Doctors were not finding anything. Finally, they sent me for a stomach endoscopy and scanning. I got an appointment 15 days later and just 2 days before the appointment they sent me a letter saying that they had to cancel the check-up due to the nurses’ strike. Then I had to contact my private health insurance to see if they could help me and they said that they would find another appointment. I had to wait a month to get a new appointment and all the month I was worried that it was getting worse (by this time I started throwing up my food). On the day of my appointment, I prayed to Baba that whatever they find, it should be treatable and I promised to join the Mahaparayan group after that. After the endoscopy, the doctor said that it was nothing to worry about and it was just excessive stomach acids that need to be controlled all my blood tests said that I was allergic to lactose and that’s what was giving me acids. They sent me home with a diet plan to avoid a variety of foods that were causing me issues. I can’t tell how relieved I was. Thank You, Baba.

Experience 2:
I am unable to express my gratitude for this miracle and it’s not enough, however much I thank Baba for this one. A few weeks ago we went to this summer amusement park here and it was a Halloween-themed arrangement. So there were lots of people in the park with lots of children. My son who is five years old was really excited about the Halloween theme and was not at all ready to hold our hand while we were walking from one arrangement to the other. He was running in front of us and it was just a split of a second and that’s it, he was nowhere to be seen. It was just like he vanished in the thin air. We were shouting his name and searching everywhere and we couldn’t find him. Forty-Five minutes went by and we still couldn’t find him. I was crying and shouting his name but he was nowhere. I just prayed to Baba and asked Him to find my son back and promised to share it here. Just five minutes later one of our friends called and said that they found my son crying at the other end of the park. We were so surprised that they were at the same place and luckily they saw him. I couldn’t stop my tears after that and I can’t thank Baba enough for that.

Experience 3:
It was just yesterday that I lost my earring in my office while I was removing it. We are not supposed to have jewelry in the production area and we need to remove it every time we visit the production site. It just fell down from my hands and I was getting late, so I just rushed. When I came back I was searching for that all afternoon but didn’t find it and at one point I just gave up saying if Baba wants to give it back then He will show me without even searching. Guess what I found after I came back from a meeting right under my chair? Exactly my earring was sitting there and shining telling me I am right here. That was Baba telling me to have faith in Him.

Thank You for reading and thanks to the admin for maintaining this site. 

Sai Baba Gave Prasad And Saved Devotee From Suicide

Sai Baba Gave Prasad And Saved Devotee From Suicide

Shirdi Sai Devotee Chinmaya from India says: Namaskar to all Sai Brothers and Sisters. Thanks to the admin of this beautiful website. 

I am Chinmaya. I am blessed with many miracles of Baba, but I want to share the recent three miracles which I experienced. I got married in Jul 2020. My wife is also a Sai devotee. I got her in my life as a birthday gift from Baba. He blessed me with such a supportive family member. I am really grateful to Baba for their entire life. 

I got married on July 1st Jul 2020. Just before my marriage in June 2020 I lost my job and till now I am struggling for a stable income for my family. I am going through a severe financial problem.

To get rid of all problems I started investing in the share market. But I failed and lost all my savings and earnings. Recently my wife’s attitude changed (She is a very calm and decent nature girl) and she started to talk with me in a very rude way which was unbearable for me. I could manage the financial problems but I was not in a condition to tolerate all the harsh words from my wife. Even though we are staying together we used to stay in two rooms. I was in severe depression. I cried a lot in front of Baba and told Him, “Is this the gift You gave me?” But I never replied to her with a rude attitude because I know it was not her fault. From this, I thought to kill myself. 

I cried in front of Baba to help me but I did not find any answer to my prayers. One day, my wife scolded me for some reason (I always try to forget the rude words of her as it will kill my love for her). Then I went to mandir and while praying during the Madhyanna Aarti, I got a call from my mom that she received a loan paper by post that the ornament would be auctioned. I decided to quit my life. In my mind, I offered my last puja and went out of the mandir without taking prasad and saying goodbye to Baba. I decided to drink poison. But who am I to disobey His orders? I returned on the same Sai temple route to buy poison from the market. The Poojari ji (Priest) called me and asked why you left without taking the prasad. I took the prasad, thanked Baba, and went to the market to buy poison. 

The area I am staying in is an agricultural area. I thought there must be a pesticide shop from where I would buy the poison. But to my surprise, I did not find any pesticide shop or a bottle of poison in the entire market. I planned to take poison to die but Baba gave me prasad and saved my life.

Tears rolled down from my eyes. I thanked Him for saving me from suicide. He gave me the answer that He is listening to our prayers. 

Sai Baba Brought Son Home

Sai Baba Brought Son Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram. Please keep me anonymous. With Baba’s grace, I am narrating my recent experience. After a long break, now schools have started opening slowly, so my son also started going to school. Now since school transportation was not available, I dropped him at school, but the problem was how to pick him up from school because we both parents are not free at that time. 

My son said, “Not to worry, I will come home by walking.” Though I was not happy with the idea, I allowed him to do so, as he was very willing to walk home. We were thinking that it would take around 30 minutes for him to reach home, but that day, he didn’t reach even after 40 minutes. We made calls to the school and came to know that he had already left long back. My husband then started towards the school searching for him on the roads. He reached school and again came back looking for him on the roads, but didn’t find him. Now, it has been 1 hour since the dispersal. I had already started chanting ‘Om Sri Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva’. The school teachers were also worried.

I then promised Baba to share this experience, once he reached home. Then with Baba’s grace after some time he reached home. Don’t know how my husband could not find him on the road. Only Baba, Who like a loving guardian angel, takes care of my son. With a heavy bag, it took him a long time to walk and he also got so tired that he dropped the idea of coming home on foot. Thank You so much Baba that You making him reach home safely. We are just the worldly parents, but our Baba is the eternal Mother and Father of him, and He takes all the responsibility. Lots of love and gratitude to Baba. Om Sai Ram. 

Power Of The Mantra “Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva”

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: “Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva”

I want to share the effect of this mantra in curing my son’s fever. 

I have been Sai Baba’s devotee for eight years. Baba will always be there with me and my family and bless my family. 

Coming to my experience. This was when my son got a fever and we were due to have a visa interview on the same day. Because of Covid, nobody gets entry if fever is suspected in checking. I prayed to Baba and chanted in my every breath “Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva.” I prayed to Baba with full faith that my son’s fever would completely vanish since I was chanting this miraculous mantra. I chanted it for the whole day even when I was working. 

Baba, listened to my prayers and my son’s fever was all gone in 24 hours and we went for an interview without any fear. Love You, Baba. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai

Thank You Sai Appa (Baba)

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee. Thank you Hetalji and her team for creating this wonderful platform. 

For a few days I was suffering from a gastric problem but yesterday it had worsened. By evening I was not able to breathe and felt uneasy. So I prayed to Sai Appa and applied Udi. Within one hour I was relieved. As promised I am posting my experience Appa. Thank You, Appa. You are always there when I am in need. No words to express Your kindness. Continue to shower Your blessings and always be with Your children. Please be with us and our family. Kindly make my daughter healthy. Take care of Your children. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 717


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  1. Baba please bless me for my birthday ,This whole year and past many years are your Biksha,I am nothing without you please bless me baba

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  3. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva baba please keep everyone safe including me. I am dealing with people traveling from abroad and much worried as i go back home to a pregnant wife and 8 years old son. Om sai rakshak Sharnam Deva.

    Om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai om sai

  4. Om SAI RAM… Baba please protect my husband and children.Baba please shower on them your choicest blessings of good health, joy, peace, happiness, laughter and prosperity. Baba we are much under stress as the entire earnings are going in a project which only with your grace can be successful, I really dont know how my husband is deciding everything and he gets angry if I ask. Please enlighten him Baba as he is so dedicated to his work and project that sometimes he can go overboard. I am a bit worried baba but once again you remind me to keep faith and patience in your holy feet. Please step into our lives and protect us in all respects Baba. Help him fulfil his dreams in every way and also safeguard the family Baba. Help my elder get some good internship Baba and my younger a good university. Take care of their future baba. Help my husband baba he needs your guidance badly, help him get successful and stress free. Baba I want to look decently good and find no time to groom myself , I want to work hard and give outstanding results and also earn good to feel the sense of accomplishment. Please help baba. i surrender to you Baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  5. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  6. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai Rakshasarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all