Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3389

Sai Baba’s Accurate Response – New Job

Sai Baba's Accurate Response - New Job

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am from Melbourne, Australia. After coming to Australia, I immediately had my first daughter. I was not in a position to work as we had very little help here and I had to look after my daughter while my husband was working full time. I have eight years of work experience but yet, I compromised for the sake of my daughter and family as it was my first and main priority. 

Then, when my daughter was two years old we put her in daycare and I started searching for a job. I got an opportunity to volunteer at an organization and soon started working there within three months. I was happy to get my first work break in Australia, although the job title and pay were at entry-level. But since it was close to home where I could pick/drop my daughter within 5 to 10 minutes, I compromised and worked there for four and half years. The team was so good and supportive at that time, so even with a low salary and entry-level position I was still happy as everything else about the job was excellent. 

I took one-year maternity leave when I had my second daughter. After rejoining work, I found that everything about the job had changed. The team hierarchy, the culture, the people, and all were so different and I was not happy. The team was no more flexible and supportive. There were a lot of office politics going on. I was surprised by the way the office had changed but I was trying hard to fit in and compromise. But due to the manager I had, it was very hard to not be upset. I was micro-managed and blamed for silly things. It was affecting my motivation and confidence levels. I started looking for other opportunities and this time I wanted to get a good role that would match my experience and salary which would be in line with the industry market. I applied for more than a year but had no interviews or anything. Then I took some break from applying and tried to adjust and compromise. 

I felt like I was failing. I was dragging myself to work and it was affecting my well-being too. That is when I prayed to Baba and asked Him to help me find some other job. I created my resume again from scratch, highlighted my achievements, created a good cover letter, and then started applying again. I started getting a few calls but did not progress. Then after a while, I got interview calls from two big organizations which were offering very good pay. I prepared very well for the interviews and prayed to Baba to please have me accepted in one of the two companies as I was almost getting tired of the whole job search task. I asked Baba on the questions and answers website if I will get positive news from the first company and I got the answer as yes. I asked if I would get positive news from the second company and I again got an answer yes. I was surprised as it was not easy to get accepted in these companies as the interview process for them is very intense and tough. But I trusted Baba’s word and continued with the interview process with both companies with a positive mindset. I did the second guess and had doubts every time there was a delay in their updates but I tried to remind myself of Baba’s answers on the website. Guess what – I was selected for both and got accepted for both of them on the same day. 

However, Baba had hinted me on which one to choose and I also liked that company more than the other, so I was so happy! All my interviews for the company that I chose happened on Thursdays with the final interview being Thursday, 18th Nov (number 9). I cannot express how thankful I am to Baba for giving me this opportunity after a long wait. This also helped me to get back my lost confidence. I request Baba to please guide me, be with me, and help me to prove myself at my new job and be a positive role model for the team. This job is Your blessing and I want to do good in this and make it all worth it. My joining date is January 10th so it means I will be starting the New Year with a new beginning. Om Sai Ram. 

Miracles Of Sai Baba

Miracles Of Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Thanks team for creating such a great platform for devotees to share their experiences. 

Experience 1:
One day my two years son locked the door from inside when I went to throw trash outside within seconds. I tried to open the door but he was crying from inside and did not know what to do? I prayed to Baba that if he opened the door then I would share my experience. Within seconds he opened the door. Due to Baba’s miracle, he opened the door not just once but a second time as well he did the same thing again but he opened the door. Now he has learned to open the door by himself. Om Sai Ram.

Experience 2:
I ordered a Ganesha for Ganesh Charthurti but it had to be delivered before the Ganesha festival. But, all of a sudden I got a call saying Ganesha will be delivered after the festival because of a shipping problem and so they would refund the money. I told them I do not want the refund and I prayed to Baba if Ganesha comes before the festival then I would share my experience. Then again a miracle it was as Ganesha came just before one day. I could make a clay mould Ganesha and dry it before the festival. Love You, Baba.

Experience 3:
I made Palak Paneer Curry and I was really scared to serve it to my husband because he always find mistakes when I make something. So I prayed to Baba that if everything goes well then I would share my experience. It was a miracle that day as my husband just had lunch without saying anything.

Experience 4:
My passport expired when I was in the USA. I did not have a proper ID to notarize in the USA other than my passport. I prayed to Baba that day. The miracle happened the next day when I went to notarize; I got it notarized because the person did not notarize the proper date. Baba heard me again.

Experience 5:
I tested COVID negative but I had a severe cough and cold. I had lost taste and smell. I was really worried for three days. I could not taste anything properly. So, I mixed Baba’s Udi in water and drank it. The next day my taste and smell came back. Om Sai Ram! I am doing better now.

Experience 6:
My husband ordered a phone online for pick up in the store which is around two hours from my house but he told his friend would pick it up on his behalf. We got an email confirmation for him to pick up the phone. We were worried that they would ask for the debit card which was billed. So I prayed to Baba that the process should go smoothly without the debit card. The miracle happened again as they did not ask for it. Om Sai Ram always comes to my rescue. 

Thanks To Sai Baba For Blessings 

Thanks To Sai Baba For Blessings 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji and the team for this great blog. 

Family – I was trying to reach my family (Mom and Brother) for a couple of days. They were not answering any calls or my text messages. Both my sister and I were very worried. I prayed to Baba and He was there for us. They called back saying that their phones were not working, or our messages were not delivered. Koti Koti pranams to Baba! 

Travel – We planned a weekend trip with our friends. We had planned some physical activities like biking and hiking, which is not very usual for both me and my husband. I was worried, but thanks to Baba, we had a good trip (a little misunderstanding), but eventually, everything turned out well. Due to a family emergency, my husband had to travel to see his parents and was concerned. Thanks to Baba as he reached home safely. Om Sai Ram!

Daughter’s Health – My daughter developed stomach pain and had to be hospitalized. Thanks to Baba as it was not too severe. She is still in pain and taking medications. Baba, please help her to get better soon. Please bless my family (Mom, brother, sister, and their families, my husband, and children) with good health. 

Sai Baba’s Blessing

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Nepal says: I am an ardent devotee and a daughter of my dear Baba. Om Sai Ram. Please keep me anonymous. 

Baba, You are the ocean of kindness and because of You, we are here. Today You have been supporting each and every step of our life in all ups and downs. Without Your blessing, kindness, and grace we are nothing. We can’t live in this world without You. 

With Your kind blessing and grace, my husband’s surgery was successful; everything went very smoothly. My gratitude to my dear Baba. Words can’t express His kindness to my family. Baba, You know our problems and our sufferings. Please Baba end all our sufferings, maybe it is of past Karma. We surrender completely everything at thy holy lotus feet.

Om Sai Ram!

Sai Blessings For Devotee’s Husband

Sai Blessings For Devotee’s Husband

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram! I am Baba’s Devotee through thick and thin; day and night. 

Om Sai Ram! Baba, my husband has been interviewed for a very good job opportunity (which is again because of Your blessing else we could not even think of this). Please, please, please Baba, help him through this hard process. Please bless him that he gets selected with a good position and pay for this job. I know Your power, You can revive the dead. This is nothing in comparison to Your power. You have always blessed Your devotees. Please once again, bless him. This has come after years and years and that too because of Your blessing. Please do this last part so that he gets selected for this job. We have been so tense because of this, so please bless him that he gets selected for this job. 

Today is Thursday, the most pious day. I am writing this prayer as I have faith in You to hear this good news coming our way because of Your blessing. Om Sai Namoh Namah!

Sai Fulfilled Wishes

Sai Fulfilled Wishes

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been an ardent devotee of Sai for eight years. My daughter is four years old and she was struggling hard in potty training. She wasn’t getting accustomed and was cranky for more months and was adamant not to leave diapers. It was difficult to handle her. I prayed to Sai to guide her in toilet training and would post the experience if she did the potty training properly. Immediately the same evening she was blessed by Sai to accomplish it. Thank You Sai Appa.

 "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" book has been uploaded on Shirdi Sai Baba, have you read it? Kindly do not miss to read as It is a book equivalent to Shri Sai Satcharitra.  
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 861


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  1. Om SAI Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please bless them with good health, peace of mind, joy , happiness and prosperity always. Baba please be with my husband as he travels and fulfil his desires and dreams. Please keep him active and good in health to enable him work towards his dreams. Baba he wants his company name to be global and nurtured with success in prestigious projects. Everything is possible only if you shower your grace on him. Please gradually pull him to believe in your powers.forgive his mistakes baba and be with him always. Baba after visiting you my elder is trying for internships, I believe you have a good plan for him. Help both my children complete their education and provide them with jobs and employment with respectable earnings. Baba keep them healthy and help me guide them to a healthy living. Baba i feel energy less many a times though I want to do many things, I feel full of laziness and tardy in body. Help me fulfill my duties baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  2. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai Rakshasarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all