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A Heartfelt Birthday Experience With Shirdi Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I am Baba’s daughter. I am most proud and feel truly blessed about this identity.

I live in the USA with my wonderful family who are also Baba’s children. 

In October 2015, I enrolled in Baba’s darbar, and since then, I have witnessed many leelas through which Baba teaches me faith and patience. This particular leela occurred a few days ago on my birthday. I had been very worried and sad about my daughter’s admission to medical school, as she has been trying for many years without success, despite having the best MCAT score and strong research credentials. Consequently, I wasn’t very excited about my birthday celebration.

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As a schoolteacher, just the day before my birthday, I read a sentence in one of my classrooms that said, “I feel excited on my birthday.” I couldn’t believe I had not noticed that sentence before, even though I teach in that classroom every day. It felt like Baba was giving me a hint. Still, I decided not to wear a new dress or celebrate, as our family was sad about my daughter not receiving any medical school interview invitations. However, Baba changed my mind by sending me positive signals, filling me with a bit of hope.

On that day, I had a formal observation scheduled, which made me even more anxious. After my shower, I dressed up nicely in a new shirt and jacket, as if I had no control over my own mind. The observation went very well. One of the teachers who likes me a lot announced my birthday, and for the first time, everyone, including my students, sang the birthday song for me. It felt as if someone ensured I felt happy and special.

In the morning, my husband surprised me with beautiful cards, red roses, and cash as gifts, which made me incredibly happy. Overall, the day turned out really well. I messaged my husband from school, expressing my desire to visit Baba in the evening. I had two things on my mind: I wanted to see Baba on this special day and hoped for a gift from Him, knowing my father (Baba) would surely bless me. He knows His eager daughter well.

I prepared some halwa and headed to see Him in the evening. A few days earlier, I had told my daughter to stop eating sugar and to read chapter 15 daily until she received an interview from medical school. I asked Baba whether He would prefer halwa made with jaggery or sugar. Although I have stopped eating sugar for my daughter’s sake, I sometimes eat jaggery. I planned to offer Baba halwa made with sugar when I receive good news and then enjoy His prasada at the temple. However, Baba instructed me to make halwa with sugar, so I did and set off for the temple.

Since there was no one around, I offered my halwa in my own way and began to leave the temple, feeling a bit disappointed that I couldn’t connect with Baba. It felt as if Baba hadn’t noticed me. Just as we were about to leave the temple with our coats and jackets, I remembered my husband wanted to use the restroom, so I encouraged him to go while I went upstairs again to be with Baba. There was a young couple in one corner of the temple—the girl was Indian, and her husband was not. I don’t know why, but I asked her if we could offer prasad to Baba, and she replied, “Why not?”

I went back downstairs and told my husband we could offer prasad, and he readily agreed. As soon as we reached the kitchen, I spoke to the priest about my birthday and how I had brought halwa for Baba. The other two people in the kitchen came running and happily accepted my prasad. The priest offered to perform the archana for me since it was my birthday, and they served my halwa as mahaprasad, which was fortunate because they didn’t have any sweets for Baba that day. I felt incredibly happy.

We all went upstairs again, where Baba was offered prasad followed by arati, and we all sang along. The priest performed the archana for my family and me. One thing I forgot to mention is that while I was upstairs for the first time, I put some money in the hundi, as I always do. I had thought that whatever came from my little money pouch, I would offer it to Baba. The first note I found was a ten-rupee note, but instead of using that, I took out some one-rupee notes and placed them in the hundi.

Later, when I was upstairs again, I wanted to offer some dakshina to the priest. Guess what? I ended up offering that ten-rupee note to him, the very note I had initially thought about. Baba accepted my offering, and the priest blessed me, saying, “Let all your wishes be fulfilled.” I was overjoyed.

After the pooja, when we returned to the kitchen area, the person who had taken my prasad and placed it in Baba’s thali mentioned that it seemed Baba was waiting for the halwa because they were already late for Baba’s bhog and Shej arati. It felt like Baba had made them wait for me. I can’t express the joy I felt that day, witnessing Baba’s love and affection for me. This is how Baba blessed me.

The next day, I saw a message that said, “I am omnipresent, but people fail to recognize me.” I truly believe Baba came in the form of the priest to bless me with all His love and affection. Jai Sai Ma! I am writing about this experience today on January 30th, which also happens to be my son’s birthday. Baba has found a girl for him. Baba, please bless my son with happiness, success, prosperity, and a long, healthy life. He loves You too, Baba. Make this jodi the most beautiful one, and let the announcement of their marriage date come soon.

Ma, You are my Baba and mother. I love You so much! Dear devotees, let us surrender to our Ma Baba Sai. He is always by our side and loves us deeply. Baba, I am waiting for Your blessings for my daughter and continuing with my saptah parayana. I look forward to sharing that miracle soon.

Jai Sai Ram! Jai sai Krishna, Jai Sai Ganesh, Jai Sai Saraswati!

Baba is Alive!!!!!!

Shirdi Sai Baba’s Grace in Healing Illnesses

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Sairam everyone

Baba has always helped me and has been with me all the time. He has always blessed me with what is right. Recently, both my daughters had a cold, and the younger one also caught a stomach bug. By Baba’s grace and blessings, they are both doing well now.

Shree Sairakshaka Saranam

Om Shree Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namaha

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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