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Shirdi Sai Baba Helped My Son Recover His Lost Research Data

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I am Baba’s daughter and I am very happy and proud to call myself His daughter.

I live in the USA with my loving family. This Leela/ miracle happened a few months back with my son. One day my son told me during our phone conversation that he had lost very valuable data and it is very crucial for his PhD project. It has been completely deleted from the university database. He had already contacted all the concerned members and the IT professionals and had received all the negative replies regarding the retrieval of the above-mentioned data. In fact, I was a little annoyed with him for some other reason due to a misunderstanding on my part. I felt all the more guilty thinking about what mental turmoil he must be going through about losing such a valuable piece of data for his research project. On top of it, I was annoyed with him for no reason. I was at a store when we were having this conversation. Immediately I asked Baba then and there through chits. I have a habit of asking Baba and taking His guidance in every little thing. Baba said “YES”, meaning my son would get back his lost data which he had accumulated over a period of time. And then the last person my son had hoped would get back with a positive reply also said that the data was lost forever. I kept my faith in Baba and left the matter there though I was sad for my son. The next day my son confirmed that he would be able to use the photocopy of those lost data for his project. Both my daughter, who is a researcher, and another researcher confirmed this. After hearing them my son was very relaxed. I was happy too and thought maybe Baba’s yes was for this news. I thanked Baba profusely. Then we all forgot about this. After three months or so my son and daughter were shocked beyond imagination when another tool they used for their research project was able to retrieve all the lost data. This was a miracle that they could not deny. My son remembered my words in the store that he would get his lost data though he had no hope for that at all.

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The most important takeaway is Baba never forgets when He promises to help us though we might forget after asking Him about something. The second thing is that Baba is always present by our side but we need to feel Him. He is the most loving, most powerful, ever-present father/mother we all have! Love You a lot, Baba. My son is stressed about his current big PhD research project he is doing. Please help him to submit with excellent results so that it will be accepted by the biggest journal that they are trying to submit and he will be able to finish his PhD early. Jai Sai Ma!

Shirdi Sai Baba Cured My Father’s Dengue

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Sai devotee from India.

One day I came to know that my father was not keeping well and fainted, though I was talking to him daily on the phone (we live in different cities) he never told me that he was unwell. When I didn’t get a proper answer I checked with my relative who confirmed to me that my father had been suffering from a fever for the past few days and refused to go to the doctor. My father never got sick, I got really worried and prayed to Baba for recovery and convinced him to go to the doctor, I couldn’t sleep the whole night and kept checking my phone. The next morning I received a text from my mom that my father agreed to go to the doctor and for the blood test (thanks to Baba). The doctor gave him medicines and asked him to get the tests done. Tests came and he was diagnosed with dengue, platelet count was very low. I was praying to Baba to make him fine. I also prayed to share this experience here, by Baba’s grace my father completely recovered his platelet count reached normal.

Thank You Baba for everything. Om Sai Ram

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 874


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  1. Baba please bless help and save us baba we are completely lost and everything is scaring us baba sai rakshak Saisaranam Ayyappa