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Dealing with Anxiety and Negative Thoughts

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Meghna Sai from India says: Om Sai Ram thank you Hetal ji for the wonderful platform
Baba thanks for always being with me. I trust You sorry if I have made any mistake knowingly or unknowingly. Forgive me for my sin.
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Posting answered prayers:
1. Thanks for making Adhi cold better and making him sleep by being with him always.
2. Thanks for helping me with my office timing and work.
3. Thanks for helping me with my health and overthinking and for helping me to sleep.
4. By Your grace all festivals and Ganesha Festival celebrated very well thanks for Your blessings and support. By Your grace, I can read Vishnu Sahasranama and One Day Parayan of Sai Satcharitra.
5. You helped Ammaya with her last rites. Thank You so much for the way You handled everything only You can do that.
6. Forgive me if I am greedy and jealous over pride, please.
7. You helped me with a lot of hurdles in my day-to-day affairs thanks a lot Baba only because of You I am still here with trust
8. You know I am very much scared and negatively thinking always, please reduce that Baba, I beg You.
9. Thanks for making Hitha better and helping all the kids with their health. Thanks for being with Shru.
10. Thanks for helping Adhi to memorize rhymes and at least he started to write something thanks a lot. You know my suffering. I am not able to find the right path only trusting you please please help me. You are my only hope.
Forgive me if I had forgotten to post anything I had promised. Guide me towards Your path Baba. Makes me more positive. Forgive us for our mistakes done knowingly or unknowingly.
Thank You for everything Om Ganesha Sai Kallalamma Kalikambaa
Om Shree Sai Kallalamma Sharanam Mama
Om Shree Sai Theerthaya Namaha
Om Ganeshaya Om Shakthi Kallalamma thaye Adhi thimappa Om Sai Ram MKDG

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free
We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.
Sai Baba’s Miraculous Intervention: A Story of Faith and Hope
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Australia says: Who I am is not important.
I am just a speck of dust beneath the lotus feet of Sai Baba. Not going into more details, I would rather get into my experience straight away. Most of the jobs that I have been in the recent years have been as a contractor within IT. With Baba’s grace, I’ve always managed to bag another one before the current contract ends and as such there has been no gap in my pay. Being a single earner of the family, at times it’d be hard if I had no job in hand. It so happened that a few months ago, the contract that I had been in had to be terminated for budgetary reasons and because it was abrupt, I didn’t have any other opportunity/offer in hand.
Time had been such that there were not many opportunities in the market and panic started kicking in after a week as there were not many jobs posted and whichever I had applied to didn’t result in me being offered an interview at the least. 3 weeks passed and my stress levels reached the peak and I kept on praying to our savior (Baba). After 5 weeks, I received a call for an interview for one of the positions that I had applied to. My hope rekindled. I was selected, but a week later, they backed off saying they weren’t hiring for the position anymore. Another week passed and one fine morning, I received a text from one of my ex-managers asking if I was open to opportunities and would consider working with her again. My joy knew no bounds as I was offered the role without an interview. I felt Baba came to my rescue in her form.
Though I may not have been able to explain it in a much better way, the experience has been surreal. We never know in what form and when Baba will come to our aid and help us. There is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel. We just have to keep our faith.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Love you Deva! Jai Sai Samarth!