Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3932

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Green Card Manifestation with Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Sri Vidya from the USA says: Hi I am Sri Vidya from the USA, an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba.

If ever I have been moving forward in life always with positivity, irrespective of any hurdles, it is only because of Baba. He always responds immediately, conveying that He is there for me, watching, even though He doesn’t give positive results right away. Sometimes the result of our wishes takes years, but it ultimately happens at the right time. I always want to say to everyone, pray to Baba with Shraddha and Saburi; He knows when to fulfill your desires at the right time, and don’t lose hope.

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One example is that we have been waiting for our Green Card for many years. It was expected to come about 9 years ago. We eagerly awaited it because we wanted to move to California from our East Coast state (undisclosed) to be with our extended family. However, this required shifting both my and my husband’s jobs to new positions in California, which would affect the Green Card processing because our visas were tied to our current employers. So we kept waiting and felt so unlucky because those who had priority dates just a few days before ours got their visas in 2014, and we are still waiting here in 2021. We always felt bad as house prices were going up in California, where we planned to move, and we were worried.

As the years passed, we ended up in a rented house, as we were skeptical about buying a new, big house in the current state we have been living in, as it would be difficult to sell this house when we had to move to California. Finally, we thought of buying at least a small townhouse so that instead of paying rent, we could put that money towards a mortgage and have the satisfaction of being in our own house.

In 2020, we were fortunate to buy a small condo as an investment for rental income. Then the lockdown hit, and our current jobs became remote. Eventually, our jobs transitioned to a hybrid model after the pandemic in 2021, which was the year we finally got our Green Card. Since our clients also found remote work productive, we took the chance to ask our offices to allow us to work permanently remotely so we could relocate to the state of California that we longed for. Guess what? Both our managers approved of us to work from California remotely.

Had we gotten the Green Card earlier, our transition to moving to California would have only been possible by switching to new jobs for both of us, which could have been more stressful, involving job changes, kids, and relocation-related challenges. As we both are in good, stable positions in our current jobs, we never felt like leaving them with the move. The remote option wouldn’t have been possible before 2020.

Now we have happily and smoothly moved to California without any hurdles. We have also gained confidence in buying a new, permanent, big house here to settle down because of the two houses we bought in the previous state during that long wait. The rental income from those properties is helping us manage the huge mortgage burdens in this highly expensive state.

When I look back, I can understand why all these things happened. They allowed us to end up in a comfortable and peaceful situation without facing any challenges during this transition, especially as parents of two little kids. Another blessing is that our office work is completed by the afternoon since we both work East Coast hours for the same clients. This gives us plenty of time to spend with our kids and handle personal matters.

Baba knows when to fulfill our wishes at the right time. Just keep praying without losing hope. Baba will take care of everything. 🙏🙏😊

Om Sai Ram !!🙏

Gratitude for Sai’s Divine Assistance with a Friend’s Routine

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I’m an anonymous devotee of Saimaa. Thanking Baba.

Yesterday and today, I prayed for a friend to be active and regular at the office. Thank You, Maa, for helping me with this. Thank You.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 752

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