How Sai Baba Answered Prayers During Tough Times

Shirdi Sai Devotee Kulbhushan from India says: Om Sai Ram. Ek Tu Saccha Ek Tera Naam Saccha (You are the truth and Your name is true). I really don’t know where to start from especially when it comes to the grace and blessings that Sai Baba has showered on His devotees who have reached Him out for help during crisis. Before I share my experience, I would like to bow in front of my Lord “Sai Baba” and quote His Eleven promises.
जो शिरडी में आएगा, आपद दूर भगाएगा
चढ़े समाधि की सीढ़ी पर, पैर तले दुख की पीढ़ी पर.
त्याग शरीर चला जाऊंगा, भक्त हेतु दौड़ा आऊंगा
मन में रखना दृढ़ विश्वास, करे समाधि पूरी आस
मुझे सदा जीवित ही जानो, अनुभव करो सत्य पहचानो
मेरी शरण आ खाली जाए, हो तो कोई मुझे बताए
जैसा भाव रहा जिस जन का, वैसा रूप हुआ मेरे मन का
भार तुम्हारा मुझ पर होगा, वचन न मेरा झूठा होगा
आ सहायता लो भरपूर, जो मांगा वो नहीं है दूर
मुझमें लीन वचन मन काया, उसका ऋण न कभी चुकाया
धन्य धन्य व भक्त अनन्य, मेरी शरण तज जिसे न अन्य ||
I have experienced many instances where Sai Baba has helped me sail through difficult situations in my life. However, I had promised Sai Baba that I will post this terrifying experience of mine once things settle down and everything is fine for me and my family. So here is yet another instance where Sai Baba came to the rescue of my family during this horrific pandemic which we will remember throughout our life. This is going to be a bit long but worthy to firm your faith in Sai Baba.
It started in the month of June 2020, when my son (six years old) suddenly started sneezing every day on a continuous basis. He sneezed more than ten times in a day and sometimes the figure went up to 50 plus. Since I was quite worried, I consulted different doctors over the video conferencing as we did not want to go out during this pandemic. All the doctors said the same thing, that, “He is suffering from Allergic rhinitis” and suggested the same medicine. I was comforted but was still worried as the situation was not improving and google was giving me goosebumps for the symptoms he had. While I kept on consulting the doctors till mid-September 2020 and gave Sai Baba’s Udi on a regular basis. Nothing was working in my favor. As Sai Baba says, “To be my devotee you need to have firm faith and perseverance in Me.” But for me, patience has been something which I have always felt short. Moreover, I can’t even consider myself as His devotee as I lack many qualities needed to have such a wonderful and caring Guru. I can’t even consider myself to that dust which lies below the Holy Feet of Sai Baba but He, the Divine, the Mother of all, never cares for all this. Instead He believes in tightly holding the hands of one who bows in front of Him and asks for help.
I remember that it was my son’s birth month and his mother (my wife) had just started going to the office (from 7th Sep 2020) on the request of the top management. We mutually agreed and decided that she will stay in a separate room and I shall take care of the household and son. I am not sure on the correct date but on 9th or 10th Sep, my son also started experiencing hiccups along with sneezes all the sudden that too on a regular basis. Tried all possible home remedies but nothing worked. So, I consulted the doctor on video conferencing. The doctor told me that he might be missing his mother (he always sleeps with his mom but since she had joined her office, she was living in a separate bedroom), and this was normal, nothing to be worried about. I took this up with my wife and we agreed that she would resign from her organization (because she had already taken an extension for work from home previously) to take care of our son who had already started missing him in just a span of two days and leave the rest to God. On the next day she told her boss that she could work from home but would not be able to come to the office. In case, the office forces her then she would have no option but to resign. To our surprise, with the grace and blessing of Sai Baba, her boss told her to work from home and forget the thought of resigning as they consider her to be a part of the family and not just an employee. She shared the same with me in the evening and we thanked Sai Baba for the same and agreed that she would stay in a separate room for the next 14 days to be very sure and safe for our kid.
On the next day my son’s hiccups were gone but sneezing continued. We were still hopeful that sneezing would also stop as we were giving him medicines and Udi. But there was something more worrying that was ahead. On 15th September my son started sneezing continuously in the afternoon and sneezed for over 60 times at one go. He was glancing at me (as mother was still in a separate room on precautionary basis) as if he was asking for help but there was nothing I could do. I felt helpless. A father being helpless, I am sure each one of you can make out the situation one would be going through at that point of time. The only option available to me was to reach out to Sai Baba Whom I call my Sai Maa. I was crying, fighting and begging in front of Sai Baba to show some mercy on him.
I was criticizing Him that even His holy Udi was not working. I felt so helpless and frustrated that I banged my head on the wall. Shattered and clueless, somehow an idea came into my mind and I consulted my mom who lives with my brother just below our floor as she suffers from arthritis and is advised to avoid many stairs. My mother asked me to send him down to their floor which I did apparently. She applied Cow ghee on his nose and gave him Tulsi and sauf enriched milk while my brother who is a die-heart devotee of Sai Baba gave him Udi after which my son took a sign of relief and slept. I was still puzzled and stressed about him. In the evening, I was a bit relaxed as he had not sneezed again. I had already decided to stop the proposed medication and switch to Ayurvedic medicine and Udi as suggested by my mother. After which sneezing was in control and I was a bit relaxed. He showed more improvement when his mother joined our room on 26th Sep 2020 after spending 14 days in a separate room on a precautionary basis. Things started to go fine for us until 2nd Oct 2020.
As they say, problems come one after another and this is happening with us. The worst was still to come. On 2nd Oct 2020, my son took an afternoon nap after his online class. When he woke, it was to our surprise that he was suffering from 100-101 degree fever. Fever in this pandemic gave us even more goose bumps but keeping our faith in Sai Baba, we reached out to a well-known doctor who said, “The symptoms look like they are viral and it will take 4-5 days to heal” and there was nothing that we should be worried about. He recommended medicine, which we gave along with Udi. However, during the night his temperature rose to 102 degree keeping us worried again. We were not able to sleep the whole night and all that I could do was to wait till the morning. I told my wife to sleep so that she could take care of him in the morning while I decided to read a book on Sai Baba over the night and take care of my son. As soon as it was a suitable time to call in the morning, I asked my wife to call up the doctor to share our concern, but the doctor was very casual and rude and said, “It is a viral fever. Are 3-4 days done?” I felt bad about it as he is the one who have been my son’s pediatric doctor right from birth. I never expected this from him but have no grudges as we don’t know what frame of mind he was in. We forgave him for what he said to us and decided that we would never ever consult him again. We consulted another doctor who changed the medicine but it was of no use as nothing was improving. We again consulted another Delhi renowned doctor, but the results were the same. The fever arose every night after 3:00 am. Having faith in our protector Sai Baba we were giving him Udi every day, but it was not healing him.
I felt like Sai Baba was in no mood to save us from this crisis. My tears and prayers all went unnoticed by Sai Baba and I was left with no options. I spent sleepless days and nights taking care of my son and fighting, begging, crying and requesting Sai Baba not to punish him for any ill deeds of mine which I have done unintentionally. I felt that Sai Baba would not be helping me this time as my son was not recovering. On 4th Oct 2020 1:00 am, the situation got worse when his fever went up to 105 degree and he vomited the only biscuit he had just before we could give him the medicine. My heart was in my mouth and I was very scared. I couldn’t hold my tears this time and I started accusing Sai Baba for not helping me. I kept on fighting, crying and begging in front of Sai Maa for the safety of my son. In my anger I also told Him that if He wanted any life from our home, it should be me and not anyone else. I told Him that I was ready to go with Him with a smile on my face, provided my son should be cured and He should bless him with safety, happiness, health and give him a long life. I believe that each father would have said the same. I was helpless, frustrated and worried within, thinking it was COVID. So, we decided to make a move to the hospital. But which hospital especially during this pandemic as no hospital was safe. However, we had no option but to reach, so my wife and I called up several big brand hospitals asking if they would allow an attendant with the child in an emergency. The hospital staff said, “We won’t allow any attendant even for a child of his age and will keep him with other emergency cases which may or may not include COVID patients.” Think of a helpless father who can’t do anything for his child when he is ill. I was not able to feel the presence of land below my feet. All I could do was pray, pray and pray to Lord Sai and then I decided to give up my favorite food “Rajma Chawal” till the time my son was not fine.
In the morning at 4:00 am I called up my brother and told him that I would like to take him to the hospital as his fever was not decreasing. He asked me for some time and made phone calls to his known doctor who owns a maternity and child care hospital informing him that we were coming to admit my son. He also called Didu and Jiju to inform them about our decision. I must say that both my jiju and brother have a very big heart. My jiju, he came in his car to take us to the hospital while my brother accompanied us to the hospital during this pandemic. Not to forget that both had small kids, but they risked their life for my son. I will never be able to pay them back in my entire life.
With the grace of Sai Baba, we reached the hospital, and my son was taken to the emergency ward and attendants were also allowed. While I was constantly praying to Sai Baba, I forgot the fact that He always walks with the one who calls Him for help. With the grace of Sai, the emergency ward was empty, and he was the only one there. I felt a little sign of relief that he was not among any COVID infected patients. The doctor came and told us upfront that he cannot admit my son as it was a non-COVID maternity and child care hospital and he couldn’t risk the life of others till we take a COVID SWAB test for my son and the result was negative. He also proposed various other lab tests like Dengu, Malaria, Typhoid, CBC, Blood Culture, Urine Culture and what not. So, we had no option but to go for all the tests including COVID. Trust me during this hour my younger brother was like a backbone for me as he kept comforting me. I have a very weak heart when it comes to my family members and such situations. We agreed for all the tests and all lab tests were conducted.
The doctor was kind enough to order his staff to follow all COVID precautions and give antibiotics along with a sponge bath to my son to make him feel a little better. As soon as the staff got the instruction, the nurses were on their toes and a cannula was inserted in his hand and antibiotics were given to him. His clothes were taken off to give a sponge bath as he was suffering from a high-grade fever. A site I would never like to see again in my life. I could see him crying out of pain and glancing at me with wet eyes but there was nothing best I could do at that hour. The staff told us that only one person can stay with the kid. Since I am a weak hearted person, I asked my wife to stay with our son while my brother and I decided to sit in the hospital reception. I remember my brother’s comforting words by pointing at a Sai Baba statue placed on the counter of the reception that don’t worry Sai Baba is here to take care of him, have faith in Him. I know how I controlled my tears, but it added to my faith and the hope that my son will be fine, grew in my heart.
After the antibiotic was given, the staff asked us to take him home and bring him back at 10:00 pm for another dose of antibiotic. Thanks to jiju, who took us back home and then brought us back to the hospital at 10:00 pm and vice versa. However, the situation did not improve as he still had a fever. The only hope which we had was the reports which were to come the next day, 5th October 2020 at 10:00 am. I am sure each family member of mine was praying to God for the negative “COVID” report of my son. My brother loves my son a lot just like his own son and that is why he was more worried than me. He never let it show on his face, but I know this as he kept on calling the hospital right from the morning to inquire about the reports. Not only this, I saw him praying to God early in the morning, when almost every one of us would have been sleeping. The COVID reports came at 11:30 am and I would say that my brother’s prayers were answered as the report was NEGATIVE.
We all took a sign of relief. The only thing I could do was just bow in front of Sai Baba with tears in my eyes for the mercy He had showered on my son. I was spellbound and could only say “Sai Maa, Is baar bhi mera saath dene ke liye bahut dhanyawad (Sai Maa thank You for being with me this time also like always).” I promised Him to give up eating Non-veg for my entire life and post this experience in public if He brings my son back in the best of his health and grants him a long, healthy and happy life. With this promise, I was all set to take him back to the hospital. Once again, my family stood tall for me as they know that I am weak and cannot face such a situation. My son was then admitted to the hospital from 5th Oct 2020. Sai Baba started to show His mercy on my child as all other reports also came negative. I kept a picture of Sai Baba below his pillow in the hospital and carried His Udi to the rescue. Me and my wife were sleeping in shifts at night to take care of our kid.
It was only after an ultrasound was done that the doctor concluded that it was an enteric fever which had resulted in infection in stomach, intestine, fatty liver and fluid. The nurses, doctor, housekeeping and cafeteria staff fell in love with my kid. All were praying for his speedy recovery. It felt like Sai Baba had sent his messengers to take care of him. A nurse brought him a chocolate, while the other was keen to play Ludo with him. The cafeteria girl would ask him what he would like to eat and would bring it for him. The doctor would ask him questions like why he was so cute and would laugh and giggle with him. Someone has rightly said God can come in any form to help us. With the grace of Sai Baba, he started showing slow and steady improvement in his health and on 11th Oct 2020, he was discharged from hospital.
We came home; the family was ready to welcome him with tears of happiness in their eyes. We thanked them from the core of our heart and went to our floor. The first thing we could think after entering our house was to bow in front of our protector Sai Maa Who saved my son and demonstrated once again that nothing can harm the one who calls Him out for help. I was so rude to Him but like a true Mother Sai Baba grasped my son’s hand tightly, walked with him, saved him and safely handed it over to us. I have no words to thank Sai Baba, only tears in my eyes to thank Him and ask for forgiveness.
My son has been advised to take medication but he is fine and stable now. I am sure he will recover quickly with the grace and blessing of Sai Baba. My Sai Maa, have not only saved my son but made my heart firm that He is always with my family and nothing can harm us till my Baba is there to protect us. Baba as always You stand tall on Your promises. I bow with utmost love, faith and tears in my eyes. I can never thank You much for saving my world. I fall at the lotus feet of Yours with a humble request of never leaving us alone because without You there is no one out there to understand our pain, agony and hold our hand safe and tight to come out of our worries.
Always be with my family and protect us from unpleasant situations and be with us in our good time so that we don’t forget Your grace and remain grounded. Last but not the least, please show some mercy on this world from this pandemic. A lot of people have suffered due to COVID and I once again pray to You from the core of my heart and wet eyes to eradicate this and bless mankind.
May Sai Bless All!
Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Thank you Baba for blessing me to share Your wonderful leelas with my Sai family. Thanks a lot Hetalji and team for this wonderful blog.
My first experience is about my daughter’s grades. She is a very hard working student but somehow she was falling behind in a couple of the subjects. I was very worried because she needs to maintain a good GPA as she is in high school. I kept on praying and requesting Baba to help her. My merciful Baba helped her to get very decent grades although my daughter did really bad in most of the quizzes. It was a real miracle for us. Thank You so much Baba. I can’t express it in words.
My next experience is about my dad. He was suffering from severe health issues for the last one year. He went through a lot of surgeries and a lot of pain. But now, he is with my Baba and I am sure he is very happy there. I want to thank Baba for helping and giving patience and courage to all of my family members in taking care of my dad for the past one year. Without his help, it would have not been possible. He guided us in each and every step although it was a very difficult phase in our lives. Thank You My Baba.
We were looking for an investment property for a long time. By Baba’s grace we were able to find a small property. It is still in the process but I am sure my Baba will help us to close it soon.
Another experience is about my husband. After a long period of time working in a big company, he changed to a smaller company but for a higher position. Even this change happened because of my Baba’s grace and blessings only. As he was not aware of the market situation he negotiated very badly and joined the company. He got to know that people who were reporting to him were getting way higher salaries and benefits. He realized this after 6 months of joining the company. He is a very hard working person but it was killing him inside that in spite of doing his best and working hard he was paid so less. I felt bad too but couldn’t help him. But I was confident that because this job was Baba’s blessing, He will take care of it.
My husband requested his manager to compensate him according to the current market rate. His manager kept on saying that he would look into it but nothing happened from the past more than one year. Finally, after continuously asking, he received a letter yesterday regarding a salary hike. My husband had to go through a lot of mental pressure but by Baba’s grace he is happy now. Thank You so much Baba.
Dear Sai family, please trust in Baba’s timing. You may feel that nothing is working in your favour but my Baba’s timing is always perfect. Just have faith in Him and everything will fall into its place when time comes. When I think about all these experiences, it surprises me so much on how Baba has planned everything so skillfully. Thank You Baba, thank You for blessing me and my family to be under Your grace. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam.
Baba Took Care Of Devotees Health
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Dubai says: Om Sairam! I am basically from Mumbai, residing in Dubai for almost 17 years now. This is my second post on this site. Let me start with the blessings of Sai Baba. I would also like to thank Hetalji for creating such a platform full of Sai Baba miracles.
Few months back I had pain in the back of my neck due to which I was unable to even look sideways. But I did not tell my husband about this and nor did I go to the doctor as during that period my husband had lost his job due to downsizing due to the pandemic. So we had to return our family medical insurance cards back to his previous company. Without a medical card, doctor’s fees and medical tests are very expensive here in Dubai, and we could not afford them at that time. I was afraid that I may have Spondylitis. I used to apply Udi on the pain and used to apply some ointment and had left everything on Baba. As it was my karma so I had to bear the pain and prayed Baba to give me strength.
I also joined the Global Mahaparayan group and also started reading one chapter from Sai Satcharitra daily. And with the grace of Baba my husband got a job offer after a period of eight months and the company offered medical insurance cards to the family. That time I disclosed it to my husband about my pain and he told me that he even had pain in his left side of stomach for the past few months. He first took me to an Orthopaedic who recommended that I take an X-ray. I prayed to Baba if both our reports came normal then I would post my experience. We showed my reports to the doctor and he told me that my neck bones were good and the pain was due to the swelling in the muscle. So he gave me ointment to apply and recommended a few exercises, sitting postures and five sessions of physiotherapy. Now it was my husband’s turn to consult his doctor. His doctor recommended ultrasound, urine test, blood test and also CT scan. His reports were shown to the Neurologist who told that he had some fats accumulated in his intestine, for which he needed to do physical activities and reduce the intake of foods full of fats. Also he said that there was a small cyst in kidney but it was tiny enough so there was no need for surgery. So there was nothing to worry about. Hearing this we were so very pleased and thanked Baba for taking care of us like His children. Baba, please keep us near Your lotus feet always. Be with everyone and let the world come back to normal soon. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva.
Sai Baba’s Will

Shirdi Sai Devotee Bhavana Gowda from India says: Myself Bhavana Gowda. I am from Bangalore, India, Karnataka state, Bangalore city. Om Sairam to everyone. I have been a devotee of Sairam for five years. From the day I started believing Baba and till now He has shown His miracles in my life. I am really very happy and blessed about His grace and blessings towards me and my family. Now I want to share my present experience with all Sai Devotees.
Yesterday I was supposed to do Pooja. The agarbatti got over, so I took a new pack and used it. Later I found one Five faced rudraksha (panchamukhi rudrakshi) in it. First I thought it might be free to pack and later I continued with my pooja and all. After pooja I shared with my mother about this and she said it’s a good vibe that you got it and I too felt happy. Though I felt happy, the whole day it was running in my mind about this.
So today to get confirmation my mother bought two packs of the same agarbatti and opened it. But there was no rudraksha in both of the packs, really it was a shock. I felt happy and checked agarbatti name, and it’s Balaji darshan and Balaji is another name of Lord Vishnu and I have been hearing Vishnu Sahasranamam for the past three weeks on Baba’s guidance. And one more thing is five faced rudraksha have special effects by planet Jupiter and Jupiter in the sense is GURU. Guru means Shirdi Sai Baba. After knowing this I really got goosebumps, and felt very happy and blessed. Later I was sharing this experience with my Sai family and one of my Sai sisters sent one video of Baba wearing Rudraksha mala where one rudraksh was missing. By seeing that I felt much happier than earlier. I wish it’s indeed a miracle of Sairam and He is telling me that He always stays with me in all the situations of my life. My heartfelt thanks to my Sairam for showering His blessings on us through His leelas. Today it’s been an unforgettable day of my life. Thank You.
Baba Saved Devotee’s Father From Covid

Shirdi Sai Devotee Preethi from Germany says: Greetings Hetalji. I am Preethi from Germany. Baba is my everything. Thanks for giving this platform to share and learn devotees’ experiences and giving such a positive feeling whenever we are down.
I already submitted a post (yet to come) about my whole family in India encountering this pandemic and got affected by Covid and my father alone was still in hospital with oxygen support. I prayed to Baba for my family members and wrote ‘Om Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva’ 108 times and read the 13th chapter daily (this I got to know from reading one devotees’ experience here). With Baba’s grace all got discharged within a week and my father also within 2.5 weeks and now they all are doing better and recovering. For my father, doctors said that there were 50-50 chances that he may go down or he may improve. We all were so tense. I strongly felt Baba won’t leave us behind and continued my prayer and with Baba’s grace my father recovered well and showed improvement and he never went down after that and finally got discharged. Baba only saved my father. He is our everything. Om Sairam.
Now I am facing some health issues and I am having stones in my gallbladder and I have left everything to Baba and holding His holy feet. Baba, please save me from this and I don’t want to undergo surgery or remove my gallbladder. Everyone please pray for me. I strongly believe Baba will save me from this. Baba, please protect all from this pandemic and also be with all of them who are suffering with this pandemic. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Sai Baba Puts Us To Sleep And Wakes Us Up

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Hi! I couldn’t sleep right away for some days, and I had school today so I had to wake up early. I was talking with my aunt last night and she said that she would pray for me. I also kept a alaram by myself. Due to Bhagwan and Mataji’s blessings, they helped me, sent someone to help and eventually I fell asleep. Thank You Bhagwan and Mataji for always helping me.
Bhagwan and Mataji always wake us up. I would have been late to class today if Bhagwan and Mataji didn’t send someone to wake me up. We woke up because of Bhagwan and Mataji. They are the reason we are here. We should appreciate and think of them first in the morning. Jai Sairam. Jay Swaminarayan. Jay Badha Bhagwan. Jay Badha Mataji!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please help bless and save my parents saima please protect my father baba reduce his blood glucose levels and blood pressure baba i am very scared don’t let us fall ill again baba we don’t have strength to go through that phase again please protect us you are the only light Baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children each day at every step – please protect them with good health, happiness and prosperity always. baba today i travel as per youradvise and place my faith that work will be done. I hope I get to do my pooja as per the day you choose and protect us all. Baba please safeguard my family as I travel. Baba please do guide me in taking the right steps and lead me to complete the tasks. I hope to see you as I land there Baba. Please take care of my little family baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with us always and bless us all.
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all