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Natural Pregnancy Blessed by Sai Baba To A Couple

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am a housewife of 16 years of marriage.

My husband and I got married while we were both still students—he was pursuing a PhD, and I was working through my MBA course. Despite pressure from other family members, we decided not to have a child immediately after marriage. After completing our studies, we planned for a baby and started undergoing full medical tests. The tests showed no complications for me, but my husband was diagnosed with complete infertility. Receiving this report was devastating for us, and we desperately started searching for doctors who could help. We randomly visited several doctors, but all our efforts ultimately failed.

At that time, we were living in Bangalore, near a temple of Shirdi Sai Baba. We had never visited that temple before, but one day, while walking past it, I entered alone. The moment I saw Baba’s face, tears started falling from my eyes for reasons I couldn’t explain. I prayed to Baba from the depths of my heart, asking Him to bless us with a child.

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In the meantime, we consulted 3-4 doctors who prescribed medicine for my husband. However, subsequent tests showed no improvement. We both grew increasingly disheartened. Then, my husband found a doctor in Chennai who specialised in IVF treatment. We decided to pursue having a baby through IVF and travelled to Chennai. There, detailed tests were conducted, and the doctor prescribed an Ayurvedic fertility medicine for my husband, advising us to return after one month for the IVF procedure.

We followed her advice and began preparing, including arranging the money needed for IVF, as it is an expensive treatment with a low success rate. We were uncertain about how many attempts it would take. However, within one and a half months of visiting that doctor, my husband received a job offer from ISRO. Along with this good news, I also began to notice changes in my body. A few days later, I took a pregnancy test by myself, and to our amazement, I had conceived naturally, without any IVF treatment.

We firmly believe that this miracle was only possible through Sai Baba’s blessings. Our faith was further strengthened when my husband underwent a full-body examination as part of his new job with the Central Government. During this examination, it was discovered that he has dextrocardia, meaning his heart is positioned on the right side of his chest. This was identified as the primary reason for his infertility. The office doctor confirmed that due to this condition, it was highly unlikely he could not father a child. When the doctor learned that my husband was about to become a father, he was astonished. My gynaecologist also remarked, “Your husband has dextrocardia, and yet you are going to be a mother—this is a miracle.”

After this incident, our bond with Sai Baba grew even stronger. I am convinced that this was only possible with His blessings. Beyond this, I experience numerous small miracles in my daily life and always feel that Baba is with me. I have more prayers in my heart for the near future, and I will write again when those wishes are fulfilled.

Om Sai Ram🙏🏿🙏🏿

🔴 Announcement from the Founder of Sai Yug Network 🔴

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles, a proud member of Sai Yug Network, shares this important update from our founder. Sai Yug Network will no longer support the Global Mahaparayan as they have started charging for participation in their event, which goes against our values of selfless service. Thank you for your trust and support. 🙏🏻

Sai Baba’s Blessings in Times of Pain: A Moment of Healing

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Maheswara Reddy from India says: I am Maheswara from Hyderabad working in the IT field.

Two days ago, I experienced severe chest pain. At that moment, I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on my chest. After some time, the pain disappeared, and I felt very relieved and grateful.

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free

We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 858


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  1. Om Shree Sai Nathaya Namaha.Om Sai Rakshaka Saranam Deva. Om Sai Arogya Kshema Daya Namaha. Thanks for your blessings thandri. Forgive our sins thandri. Please bless us thandri. Sarvejanasukhinobhavanthu🙏🙏🙏

  2. Koto koti Pranams to Our Dearest Baba Sai 🙏🙏🌷🌷
    THANK YOU Baba Sai for curing my Intensely painful and continuous toothache and huge gums swelling with your UDI .
    Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.
    Om Sai Aarogya Kshemdaya Namah.
    Koti Koti Aabhar 🙏🙏🌷🌷💖