Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 4028

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Prayers To Sai Baba For Visa Extensions And Job Opportunities

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: I am a Sai devotee residing in the USA.

Thank you Hetal ji and all the others helping in maintain this site. I get answers to many of my problems reading other devotees’ experiences.

Recently, I was having an issue with a project at work that wasn’t working. I prayed to Baba, promising to share my experience here if it was successfully completed. Miraculously, the issue that had been persisting for a long time got resolved within an hour as Baba guided me to install the right version, which eventually solved the problem.

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I also prayed to Baba for a successful celebration of my son’s birthday party, hoping it would be fun for my son and his friends. With Baba’s help, the party was a success. Baba, please bless both my children and always be with them.

My husband is looking for a job change due to current uncertain situations and visa issues. Additionally, my job is at stake as our visa has not yet been extended. Baba has given us direction and provided a job opportunity. Baba, please help him clear the interviews and secure the job so that we can get our visas approved on time and I can continue working.

To keep our spirits high and forget our problems, Baba has given us the idea to create some dance videos and share them with others.

Thank You Baba for everything!

On Shri Sai Nathaya Namaha!

Sai Baba’s Blessings For Peaceful Sleep And Daily Challenges

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you to the team maintaining this blog.

Om Sai Ram. 

I want to thank Baba for His help the other day. I was having trouble falling asleep and prayed to Baba that if I am able to sleep peacefully and nicely then I will share the experience and yes by Baba’s blessings I was able to get a good night’s sleep. Thank You So Much Baba. Baba thank You also for helping me today when I had to make that phone call. I was scared because I didn’t want to cause confusion and trouble and I prayed to You Baba that if the situation is resolved without issues then I will share the experience and yes by Baba’s blessings it was solved. Baba please bless me so that the procedure doesn’t have any bad side effects and it should help. Baba I promise to share my experience if it works well. Baba I don’t know how to tell my parents about the situation at work but please bless me Baba. Baba You know what I am praying for, please bless us soon with a good place. Thank You Baba for always helping me even when I don’t deserve it. 

Thank You So Much Sai Baba.

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Hetal Patil
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Rohit Setia
Rohit Setia
3 months ago

Love you Deva
Jai Sai Samarth