Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3929

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Sai Baba Answers Prayers For Health

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Bindu from India says: Om Sai Ram!!! My name is Bindu. I have been part of the Global Mahaparayan Group since 2020. Since then, ‘Sai’ has become my father, my mother, my mentor, my guru, my savior, and my guide in each and every step.

Sai Baba has made me learn and grow slowly from the inside out. I could feel his grace upon me even in the simplest of things in my daily life. There are innumerable blessings. I would like to share one such blessing.

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My father was affected by jaundice, and it spread to his whole body. He was reluctant to join the hospital as my grandmother had passed away, and he wanted to participate in all the final rituals. Finally, after all the rituals, we admitted him to the hospital. Hospital staff were also reluctant to admit him as it was during COVID times, and they sensed his condition was not good. But he was fully conscious and talking to us normally. With some recommendations, he was finally admitted. We were not worried much as he was looking good and talking to us normally. But after conducting some tests, the doctor called me and my sister and explained that both his kidneys were damaged, and he could not tell us now whether the damage was reversible or irreversible. Only if he passed urine would his condition improve. We got shivers down our spines. My sister stayed at the hospital that night, and I came home. I couldn’t sleep and continuously cried and prayed to Baba to please help and make my father pass urine. At midnight, my husband visited the hospital and came back after an hour and told me that my father had passed a little urine and was doing well. It gave me great relief, and I thanked Baba a lot. Then I could sleep peacefully for a while. But in the morning, when I visited the hospital, my sister said that he had only urinated a little just a while ago, but now he was good, and they could start further treatment. Someone had wrongly informed us at night.

It is all Sai Baba’s blessing. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have slept that night and maybe been unable to attend the hospital in the morning so that my sister could go home and refresh.

Sai knows what is right for us and gives us the strength to face situations. He stands behind us, safeguarding us, guiding us, mentoring us, and above all, loving us.

My father actually had a gallbladder stone that was pushing the bile juice up, and his blood got contaminated. By Sai’s grace, he was operated on and recovered completely.

Gratitude for Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam. Thanks Baba for Your blessings.

Sorry for posting one day late, Baba.

The meeting with my boss went well. Thank You, Baba. One of my friends applied for a job, and she was able to perform well during the interview. Thank You, Baba. She should get some updates soon, and I hope she is selected, Baba. Thanks, Baba.

Please bless my Baava as always, and may his trip be very good and productive.

People must follow Your path to go in the right direction, Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 851


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents baba protect my father and mother by giving them good health baba, pls save my grandmother,we are at the verge pls help baba Sai rakshak Saisaranam Ayyappa