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Sai Baba’s Blessings for Child’s Health
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Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ganesh. Om Sai Ram. I am one small Baba’s devotee who is dependent on Him for everything.
Hetal mam and team thanks for giving us all Sai devotees this platform to connect with our sweet Baba.
Below are my Baba experiences where I was blessed.
This experience occurred on 15th April 2024, where Baba listened to our heartfelt, crying prayers. I have a nephew who is 1.4 years old. On this day, he played around the house in the morning and slept in the afternoon. At around 4:30 PM, he woke up, and we noticed that he had a fever. His mother gave him fever medicine, but even after an hour, the fever did not subside, so we immediately took him to the doctor. The doctor checked him and gave him medicine, and by the time we reached home, his fever had reduced.
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Then, around 9:30 PM, we felt that his fever was rising again, and by 11:00 PM, it had increased significantly, reaching his head. He rolled his eyes and became motionless. His mother and my brother started shouting loudly. I was in another room at the time and immediately rushed to him, holding him while taking Sai Baba’s name. My brother began throwing water on him, but he was still unresponsive for almost two minutes. We were trembling in fear. At that moment, I rushed to the temple room, took Baba’s Vibhuti, put some in his mouth, and rubbed it on his head. My brother asked me to get the car ready to take him to the doctor. I ran and took the car out of the garage. We all got inside and headed to the doctor, but he was still unresponsive. I was continuously chanting Baba’s and Swami Samarth’s names. After about five minutes, he came to his senses and started talking. What a relief it was, we can’t express it in words. It was all because of Baba that he regained consciousness. I don’t know what I would have done without Baba in my life.
We then took him to the hospital, where the doctor admitted him. The fever persisted intermittently for the next 12 hours. I prayed to our Gramdevata Aaee, took tirth from the pujari, and gave it to him in the hospital. Those two days in the hospital were hell for all of us. The doctors administered saline to him, and he was continuously crying. During this entire time, I was continuously praying to Baba for his well-being.
After 5 PM the next day, he started behaving normally, the fever subsided, and his temperature returned to normal. Today, on 18th April 2024, we learned that his COVID test came back positive, but the doctor assured us it was nothing serious. He is okay now, the doctor gave some medicines, and he was discharged from the hospital. Baba, please grant him good health. I can’t bear to see him suffer and want Your blessings on him every moment. Please bless all the children in the world, Baba. Their suffering is a torment for their families.
Please please Baba bless all small ones in this world. As promised Baba I have shared Your blessings here on this site. Please bless all.
Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva
Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva
Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva
🔴 Announcement from the Founder of Sai Yug Network 🔴
Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles, a proud member of Sai Yug Network, shares this important update from our founder. Sai Yug Network will no longer support the Global Mahaparayan as they have started charging for participation in their event, which goes against our values of selfless service. Thank you for your trust and support. 🙏🏻
A Devotee’s Deep Reliance on Shirdi Sai Baba
Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Kanchan from India says: I am a ardent devotee of Sai Baba.
How can I describe my life without Sai Baba? He is everything to me. Baba, I have wishes that I ask You to fulfil, and please always take care of me and my family. You already know my wishes, so please fulfil them. Please, Baba, I earnestly ask for Your blessings.

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free
We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.
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