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Sai Baba’s Blessings In Finding Lost Jewelry

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Om Sri Sainadhaya Namah. Baba please protect my mother and father with good health.

Baba, thank You for helping me find my gold earrings. One day, I had kept two small gold earrings and searched the same place for a long time but couldn’t find them. I prayed to Baba to help me locate them, and I found them under a newspaper where I had been searching. I’m sorry, Baba, that I forgot to post about this earlier.

Today, we went to the gold shop to exchange the earrings because they were very small but costly. While there, I lost one earring in my bag. I checked everywhere but couldn’t find it. After much tension, my sister found it in the bag. Thank You, Baba, as promised, I am posting here.

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You know my situation, Baba. Perhaps I don’t deserve anything. Every day I face so much trauma, and I hope it will end once and for all.

Sai Rakshak Saisaranam Ayyappa

🔴 Announcement from the Founder of Sai Yug Network 🔴

Shirdi Sai Baba Miracles, a proud member of Sai Yug Network, shares this important update from our founder. Sai Yug Network will no longer support the Global Mahaparayan as they have started charging for participation in their event, which goes against our values of selfless service. Thank you for your trust and support. 🙏🏻

Devotee’s Gratitude for Baba’s Protection and Request for Continued Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Appa. Thank you team for this wonderful platform.

Om Sai Ram . 

Thank You, Sai Appa. Only because of You was my trip safe, and I had a good darshan without any hindrance. Please stop my father’s blood oozing. I apologise for the delay in posting this. Last week, my father’s tooth was extracted, and blood was oozing. I prayed that if the bleeding stopped, I would post my experience. The bleeding did stop, but then it started again. Please forgive me, Appa, and kindly stop the blood oozing. You are my everything, Appa. Please forgive me.

Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.

Download Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra Book for Free

We invite you to download our ‘Shirdi Sai Baba Mantra’ book, which is a collection of powerful mantras that can help you connect with the divine energy of Sai Baba and seek his blessings. We hope this book serves as a valuable resource on your spiritual journey and brings you closer to the love and grace of Sai Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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1 month ago

As per promise to publish

Our Dearest Baba Sai
Koti Koti Aabhaar and Pranams .Thank you for your help in resolving the issues with the Landlord and helping to be courageous.❤❤🙏🙏🌷🌼