Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3988

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Sai Baba’s Guidance In Family Matters And Real Estate

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram. 

I am a small devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. I have submitted Baba’s miraculous experiences before. Thanks to Hetal ji and admin for maintaining this platform.

Baba answered many of my heartfelt prayers. I have surrendered to Baba’s feet for everything. I have faith that Baba will take care of everything like my well-being and keeping my mom and my sons safe.

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My elder son is in college. He took an Organic chemistry test last month. He was very scared that he did not do well and would score around 80. But I believe that Baba will take care of that if I pray wholeheartedly. Baba answered and his score was not bad, around 90. It happened twice. Thank You, Baba.

Next miraculous experience: We bought a new house for investment purposes and looking for a rental. We had only one month of time period to get a rental. By Baba’s blessing, we got a rental in a week. Thank You so much.

Baba, my elder son is looking for a research project under a good professor in his premed-related area of interest. Please bless him to find one so he can start this spring session. Now, his final exams are going on. I am praying that he achieves the best results in every subject this semester and can maintain his 4.0 GPA.

My mom is trying to sell our flat at a good price. So far, there has been no progress. Please help her find a good customer so we can sell it at a favorable price. You know everything, Baba, so You know the price we are looking for. Bless her, Baba. Also, she wants to buy a new one in a very good location with a good environment. She will live alone and does not have much help there. She needs to take care of everything herself. I have surrendered this to You, and I know it is only possible with Your blessings. Bless her so she can have a good life going forward. She has suffered a lot, especially from her loved ones. I just want her to be happy.

With Your blessings, my younger one has also achieved good results in subjects like computer science and maths. I had my first work trip out of state, and it was successful. Thank You. 

I lost my gold earring, prayed, and found it inside the house.

Baba, You know I lost some money. Please bless me to get back.

Thank You for everything. Please always stay with me and shower Your blessings.

Sai Baba’s Daily Protection And Care

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram. A small devotee of our Baba currently staying in the USA.

Om Sai Ram. Thank you Hetalji and team for this divine platform that connects millions of devotees.

My day starts and ends with Sai Baba’s name and prayer. He is everything for us. Thank You Baba for taking care of us and showering Your blessings when needed the most. Thank You Baba for everything. Bless all. 

Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 752

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