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Sai Baba’s Guidance In Life’s Major Transitions

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Baba from India and thank you all who are maintaining this blog.

Sai Baba’s Healing Power

My experience was about my mom. I prayed to Baba to solve the problem and I will post the experience. As expected baba solved all the issues and protected us now I am narrating the same below in detail.

A few days ago, my mom caught a cold and her nose got blocked. She has a recurring nasal problem that sometimes makes it hard for her to breathe. By Baba’s grace, she had previously avoided an operation, which she feared greatly. This time, her ears also got blocked, and she couldn’t hear anything, which upset her deeply. I prayed to Baba to solve her ear issue and applied Udi. I also took some Udi on her behalf. The next day, or maybe a few days later, one of her ears cleared up, but the other one still wasn’t working well. She could barely hear us, and if she was eating, she had to stop to understand what we were saying. Seeing her in this condition pained me deeply.

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I prayed continuously for her. The next day, she visited a nearby doctor and came home almost in tears, with lots of tablets and ear drops. The doctor said her ear was pierced or damaged. She had to take ten tablets after meals, including many antibiotics and ear drops. Within two days, she fell to the ground, worsening her condition. She expressed a wish to die rather than endure all these illnesses, including a problem with her ovary. I was crying, seeing her pain, and I asked Baba why He wasn’t helping her. I almost lost my faith and patience.

Then Baba held our hand and gave us a ray of hope, showing that He is always with His devotees. The next day was Thursday, and I was preparing for my usual pooja, praying especially for my mom. I promised Baba that if He cured my mom, I would do the parayan of Durga Saptashati. I don’t know why I said that—maybe it was Maa’s influence. Baba might have wanted me to do that parayana and was waiting for me to say it. I also asked Baba for a sign during my pooja: if the light went out, I would take it as an indication that everything would be alright. Suddenly, the light went out, and I trembled with happiness while chanting mantras. I can’t express the feelings I experienced at that moment. It was necessary to protect my mom’s faith and patience, and I prayed that Baba would give her a sign that everything would be alright.

Soon, the aarti began, and my mom was present while bhajans played. She was praying with her heart, and I was watching her. Suddenly, the light came back on, and she smiled with happiness. She turned to her left, her face glowing. I looked that way and saw a flower had fallen from our Deva Ganesha idol. It was also Sankashti that day, and we had forgotten about it. We asked Bappa for forgiveness. My mom told me she had prayed to Baba for a sign that she would be cured, and she received prasadam and solid clues. She said Baba promised to cure her, or else she wouldn’t do His pooja anymore. Baba will never allow His devotees to feel pain.

The next day, her stomach started hurting, and she thought it might be due to acidity. The pain continued the whole day and night, preventing her from sleeping. In the morning, she made an appointment with a doctor and went to the city with all her previous reports. In the afternoon, she called to tell us the ear doctor had advised stopping all antibiotics and medicines as they weren’t required and might be causing side effects, including her stomach pain. The ear doctor gave her some new medicine and told her to stop using the ear drops. If the issue didn’t resolve, she would need to return, as it might be a nerve problem. The gynecologist said her stomach pain was due to an infection and prescribed some tablets, assuring her it was nothing serious. If the pain persisted, she should come back. Miraculously, she was alright in one day and didn’t need to see the doctor again. She was completely cured, and I started my Saptashati parayanam. I believe it’s all Baba’s Leela that gave me the opportunity to read the Saptashati. Please guide me, Deva, on this journey.

Deva, please forgive me for the harsh words and behavior I have shown in the past. I know I might have hurt someone. Please forgive me, Baba, and also cure my dad of his problems. Thank You for curing my granny, Deva. Thank You, Sai Maa, for guiding me to do the parayan and always guiding me, Maa.

My father was in charge of some training and asked me for ideas. Thank You, Deva, for guiding me and him. Without You, it would have been much worse. Somehow, it was completed, and You also took care of him, ensuring he reached home safely. Thank You so much, Deva. Thank You so much, Maa Deva. Om Sai Ram.

Unexpected Blessing of Sai Baba’s Guidance

First of all, I bow to the Lotus feet of Saibaba and ask for His forgiveness as I am writing this experience late.

Coming to this beautiful experience, which shows the immense love of Baba towards His devotees, I finished my courses and was waiting to join a new college in a bigger city. The problem was that I had never seen that city and didn’t know anything about it. I was clueless about how to go, where to stay, and how to make arrangements. I was curious and restless and wanted to see how Baba would arrange all these things.

Now, coming to the dream, I saw a black dog in my dream a few days ago and just ignored it, thinking it was just a dream. But today, it makes sense because the hostel where I am residing has the same dog that I saw. I know this dream came after the day I prayed to Baba, asking for some hints. The next day, I also saw a post from Baba that said, “You are aiming for something better, but I will shower a rose garden on you.” This quote stuck in my mind.

Days later, some very distant relatives, whom we hadn’t been in touch with for two decades, called us casually. We noticed that they now resided in the same city I was going to, and they assured us they would take care of us. We didn’t want to burden them, as we hadn’t been in touch for so many years. We casually said it was okay and we would manage. But days later, they genuinely wanted to help us, calling many times during that week. We agreed, booked a vehicle at night, and went there. They welcomed us to their house, and to my surprise, even my Deva welcomed me. I was happy.

They arranged everything for us: food, a place to stay, vehicles, and more. We were overwhelmed by the love we received and didn’t know if we deserved such love and respect. Finally, I had to choose between two hostels. When I went inside one hostel, I saw a statue of Baba. The other hostel was a bit more expensive and had better facilities, but Baba was not there. I chose the hostel where Baba was present. I kept thinking about the post where Baba said, “I will shower a rose garden on you.” Multiple thoughts arose in my mind, as this hostel seemed to be the one Baba hinted at, but it lacked many facilities the other hostel had.

That same day, one of my dresses got stolen, and I was about to cry but held it in front of my parents. At night, I couldn’t control it and cried a lot. The next day, I saw a photo of Baba in my room, which belonged to my roommate. The hostel I chose is also very near to my college, and now I know all the routes to the station and public transport. Everyone here is very caring, and I now understand why Baba made me choose this hostel. I also learned that the food in the other hostel is not good, and there is a lot of disturbance. Not only that, all the Gods I pray to and Who are my strength are here, and I can see them and hear their stotram here. Now I can say His ways are beautiful, and I have adjusted well here. The realization was that wherever I go, He is there ahead of me.

In my next experience, I prayed to Baba to solve a difficult situation where I didn’t want to go with someone. Baba made it happen differently, and I didn’t have to go. Thanks for saving me from that situation, Baba. Also, thank You, Deva, for making me continue my parayan and giving me the guidance to continue further by coming in my dreams.

Thank You so much, Baba, for giving me friends in college. They also have Your photo on their wallpapers, and I was surprised to see that I am now fully surrounded by You, Deva. Thank You so much, Rama. Thank You, Deva, for ensuring my parents reached home safely without any conflicts and for making all the arrangements at home. We left our Nani alone at home, and thank You for arranging for someone to stay with her. The night we were coming here, there was some tension as the person who was supposed to drop us off was late. We all got tense, and I promised to write about the experience if everything went well, and it did. Thank You, Baba.

You know everything, Deva. When I wanted to drink chai, and what I wanted, I didn’t even need to say it, and it was in front of me. Such is Your love. Today, I wanted some tea because my throat was hurting, and You made arrangements by sending my friend. You also made everyone speak nicely to me. I needed some books, which You arranged from my friend for a few days. Thank You, Baba.

You know, Baba, I am here for good studying, and I am leaving everything to You. Hold me, Baba. Give me strength, and let my head always bow to Your lotus feet, Deva. Rama Maa.

Om Sai Ram Om Shirdi Vasaye Vidmaye Satchidananda Dhimayi Thanno Sai Prachodayat 

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. Om Ananthakoti Bramhanda Nayaka Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Om Ganeshaya Namah.Om Namah Shivaya.

Om Bhur Buva Svaha Tatsavitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimayi Dyoyonah Prachodayat. Om RmnTya namah.

Om Anjaneyaya Namah.Om Ragavendraya Namah 🙏🙏🙏🙏 

Om Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏

Expressing Gratitude For Sai Baba’s blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Sai Appa.  Thank you team for this wonderful platform.

Thank You, Sai Appa. “Thank You” is a small word for what You do for me. You are always there for me and give me whatever is good for me without even asking. Thank You, Appa, for fulfilling my wish. My mother is undergoing surgery on 21/12, Thursday, Your day. Please make the surgery a successful one. I trust that You will be with my mother and bless her. Once again, thank You, Appa.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai 🙏🏻

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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