Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3985

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Sai Baba’s Help In Resolving Family Disputes

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank you to the team that is maintaining this blog.

1st experience

Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for many blessings and help over the past few days. First, I had ordered something but the package was not being delivered for some reason. I called and they said they were not able to deliver and I was so confused. I was so tensed and prayed to Baba that if the package got delivered without issues then I would share the experience and yes by Baba’s blessings and miracle it was delivered very soon. Thank You So Much, Baba. Baba I also want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for making sure it fit right or else it would have been another issue to exchange. Thank You for Your blessings, Baba. Baba thank You also for making sure my mom didn’t see the bowls I had put in my room. I was so anxious because she was going in and out and I didn’t want any trouble to come up but thank You so much for saving me, Baba. I also want to thank You Baba for not allowing us to get in trouble the other day. I was so stupid and I asked a silly question at the wrong time I didn’t want any issues to come up because of it, and I prayed to You Baba and by Your blessings, it was solved without issues. Baba, I don’t know what I would do without You Baba, You are always there for me. Baba thank You also for not allowing us to get in trouble when they came home today. I was so worried that something would be said in the car but thank You so much for saving us, Baba. Baba, I am praying to You that they agree to drop the concerns at work. Baba, I also pray to You from the bottom of my heart that no trouble comes up today and tomorrow because of what I bought. I don’t want to destroy everyone’s peace and I don’t want to cause problems because of me. Baba, I promise I will definitely share the experience if by Your blessings we don’t get in trouble because of this. Baba, we are so blessed to be Your children, and thank You for always helping me even when I don’t deserve it. Please help me Baba please I promise I will try to change Baba. Thank You So Much, Sai Baba.

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2nd Experience

Om Sai Ram. I want to thank Baba for His help the other day. I had bought something without my mother knowing and I was so tensed because she would usually yell and cause a huge problem I was so scared and I prayed to Baba to please lower her anger and please somehow bless us so that this wouldn’t become an issue. With Baba’s blessings, it was miraculously solved without it becoming a big issue. Thank You So Much Baba and thank You for not allowing a problem to happen because of me. Baba thank You also for saving me at work. I was so tense because I had raised a concern but I then wanted them to drop the claims because I thought it would create an even bigger problem. I prayed that if they agreed to drop the claim then I would share the experience and yes by Baba’s blessings they have dropped it and Baba I hope I can keep this job. Baba, thank You also for solving the situation yesterday. Baba, please help our orders get delivered without any issues before we leave and I pray to You Baba that my throat pain reduces too. Please bless me with my date soon too Baba. Baba thank You also for not allowing the talks this morning to cause issues. Baba, we are so blessed to be Your children. Thank You Baba for always helping me even when I don’t deserve it. Thank You So Much, Sai Baba.

The Power Of Thursday Fasts In Sai Baba Devotion

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from the UK says: Om Sai Ram. I wanted Baba to get my family out of the problem we are currently facing. I started a 9-week Thursday fast and completed it today. Baba has shown us many improvements during these weeks, and I believe He will completely bring us out of it soon. May Baba’s blessings be on all of you reading this now.

Om Sai Ram

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 741


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  1. Baba, thank u so much for answering my prayers and supporting me..Also you know what i’m going through. .I beg you to bless me and my family atleast now and give us peace of mind🙏
    Om Sai Rakshak Saranam deva🙏

  2. Baba please bless help and save my parents baba pls protect them baba we are at the verge pls help baba Sai rakshak Saisaranam Ayyappa pls don’t let any bad to happen baba,,I am very scared baba pls protect us baba , please cure us

  3. Baba, thank you so much for reducing my mom’s acidity and weakness..i’m so happy that she is suddenly back to normal. . Active and healthy..this is just because of you deva🙏
    Kindly shower your blessings like this on all my beloved ones forever.Thank you once again Baba..Om Sai Rakshak Saranam deva🙏
    Om Sai Aarogya Kshemday Namah🙏