Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3246

Sai Baba Solved Health Issue

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sharing my experience regarding my health issue which Baba cured/solved. 

Om Sairam to all. My name is Kanaka Durka and I am from Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. First I would like to thank all the people who are maintaining and running this site successfully. May Baba shower His blessings on you and be with you always. 

Coming to my experience, I attended a yoga camp which was held for two days (on 6th and 7th of March i.e. on Saturday and Sunday) in our flat’s party hall. I got deeksha on Sunday from the yoga master who taught us yoga. People who came and attended the yoga camp on both days were advised not to take non vegetarian food after taking the deeksha. As we learnt Vaasi yoga, according to the rules, one who takes deeksha or practices it regularly is not supposed to take non vegetarian food. I decided not to do Vaasi yoga pranayama as I thought that I could not give up eating non veg food and this is not the time for me to do all this and go deep into it. 

I am already doing yoga and meditation and I felt that’s enough for me and so I ate non veg food on the night of the day that I took deeksha (i.e. on 7th March). After sometime I felt uncomfortable and felt like vomiting and I got a headache. Immediately I called my yoga teacher and told her that a yoga camp was held on our flats for for days and I attended it. Then I told her what all they told in the class and she also agreed with it. I told her how uncomfortable I was feeling and she told me that because of taking non veg food only it was happening like this because the deeksha which I had taken was a positive vibration and non veg food which was taken was a negative vibration. Then she told me not to worry and that I would be alright within two days. I vomited everything that I ate that night. Whole night I was not well and also I got itchy. 

The next day(i.e. on 8th March) I drank Udi water and prayed to Baba that if I get alright then I would post my experience here. The whole day (i.e. on 8th March) I was not well till the night. But from the next day (i.e. on 9th March) I started getting normal and got completely alright. That day I also drank Udi water. I got alright only because of Baba’s grace. So I post my experience here as I had prayed to Baba. 

Baba is my only Saviour and He is only protecting me and being with me in all situations. Devotees please believe and have strong faith in Baba. He expects only devotion, faith and patience from us and nothing. Jai Sairam. Please bless all Your devotees with good health, wealth and happiness Baba. Please save the whole world from this pandemic Baba. Jai Sairam. 

Transformation Of Faith

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India. Believing in God Sai and His miracles in my life keeps me stunned. 

When Sai thinks it’s appropriate time then only we can do any work, though I was thinking since long to pen down Sai’s Kripa as my experiences but couldn’t, perhaps now the time has come, there are numerous experiences which can be said miracles that I had experienced even before starting Mahaparayan.

I am North Indian so was worshiping all the deities; during Navratri Durga Maa, Shivratri Shivji, Janmashtami Krishna ji etc. not aware of Shirdi Sai Baba till 50 years of my age and now Sai is my heart and soul, things changed so miraculously one after another that I can’t stop myself going towards Him. As in the chapter 28 of SSC written “Let devotees be at any distance, he will be drawn to Shirdi like a sparrow with a thread tied to its feet.” 

This started in the year 1996. Through the all India entrance test my son got admission in Aurangabad Engineering College. Before getting admission in the hostel we stayed in the guest house to complete the formalities of admission in college and hostel both. During that period in the guest house on weekends we had nothing to do, so my son suggested that as Shirdi was very close by, we could visit and return in the evening. We went just to enjoy the weekend and sightseeing, there was no Shraddha, no Godly feeling towards Sai but that visit transformed me into His ardent devotee

The first thing which was a miracle in itself is when we went to attend the evening Aarti the hall was so full that we could see only heads and there was no space in between. We were already there in that gathering. As long as Aarti went on, all were busy chanting with the priest. After Aarti the priest sprinkled water on all as far as he could throw using all his strength, but the miracle was the priest threw a coconut and it didn’t hit a single head while there was no space and it fell just near me as The God Sai had accepted me. I was so overwhelmed with the acceptance feeling that I can’t describe it in words. I wished for two things and those wishes were fulfilled within six months which strengthened my faith. Now in everything I feel Sai’s presence. 

Within these 25 years, I have had so many experiences that I can’t write all together otherwise it will be so lengthy that no one will like to read so much. But once this will be published in continuation I will write more and send. Jai Sairam. 

Sai Baba’s Leelas Are Unfathomable

Sai Baba’s Leelas Are Unfathomable

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam to all my beloved Sai devotees. I am sharing my second post on this blog and thanks to everyone behind this wonderful site. May Sai Baba always shower His blessings on you all. 

I am a person who has an allergy (severe headache) to strong smells like perfumes, deodorants for that matter even of flowers’ smell. Even silly things like if I don’t drink water for quite some time, a headache starts. My headache has become so severe that I really cannot bear it. It’s actually a migraine problem which I doubt but I haven’t consulted any doctor for this problem. 

One afternoon I started getting a slight headache (half side) and by evening it started becoming worse. I tried to sleep but did not get any sleep either. Late evening, I prayed to Baba and applied Udi on my head, to stop my headache as I was not able to bear it. It did not stop. 

After dinner again I applied Udi but somehow it was not becoming less but it was becoming all the more worse. I was neither getting sleep nor relief from the pain. I was crying like anything and praying to Baba, to save me from this headache. It was 2:15, I got up and went to apply Udi again but in one way I was angry with Baba because despite applying Udi twice I did not get relief from this headache. Then a thought crossed my mind, if my headache stops then I will post my experience on this blog but I was hesitant to promise anything of this sort to Baba because I had read somewhere on this blog, do not barter with Baba to solve your problems. But I could not resist myself and I promised Baba that if my headache stops then I would post my experience here. As expected Baba showered His love on His child and my headache stopped after I drank Udi with water and I got a sound sleep as well. We really cannot understand Baba’s leelas.
Om Sairam. Om Shri Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva Namah

Baba Took Care

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you so much Hetalji and team for giving this platform to share Sai leelas with Sai bhakts! Om Sairam! Please keep all my details anonymous.

This post is an update for my previous post about having acid reflux. I had promised I would update at my six weeks’ check up. On my way to the visit, I was reading Sri Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra three times and read “Om Sri Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namah” 108 times and “Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva” 108 times while waiting for the doctor to be seen.

Doctor checked my throat and told me that I was doing much better and he had reduced my dosage from 40 mg to 20 mg and advised me to continue for six months. Thanks a lot Baba! My Koti Koti Pranam!

I pray to our Sai Maa, please Deva help me through this journey and make me heal soon so that I completely stop reflux medicines. Sai Maa, my humble request- please bless my younger son to be healthy. Please remove all the obstacles Sai Deva. Guide us all and give us strength.

Ananta Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabhrahma Sri Sachidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaja Ki Jai. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. 

How Baba Helped In Getting Dream Internship

How Baba Helped In Getting Dream Internship

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello everyone. I am currently a student and a great devotee of Baba and also part of the Mahaparayan Group.

It was 2020, when I was in my final year and our college instructed us to do some internship but since it was the time of Covid so it was very difficult to find an internship at that time. Also I am a big Space Science lover so I always wanted to work in ISRO but it was very tough getting an opportunity to do an internship there. So with Baba’s blessings I had sent my resume and other details to ISRO through a speed post and every day I prayed to Baba that please help me get this internship. So on one of the Thursdays I thought of starting reading the Sai Vrat katha (9 Thursday stories) which was to be read for 9 Thursdays and while reading I prayed to Baba again that please help me get my internship in ISRO. 

I still can’t forget what happened in the next 2-3 hours. After reading the book I got a call from a friend that we got selected for the internship from ISRO since me and my friend applied for the internship. After hearing that I could not believe what had just happened and I got Goosebumps. So Baba listened to my prayer and my belief in Baba increased to an infinite level and I believe whatever request we make to Baba, He is definitely going to listen to that and give us more than what we expect if our heart is pure. Om Sairam!

Prayers Answered

Prayers Answered

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Recently my younger brother in India got Covid symptoms and he was isolated for 2 weeks, as my sister-in-law was pregnant and we have 3 kids in our family living in the same house.

 I was worried about the well being of all our family members. Everyday I used to pray to Baba not to spread it to other family members. After a week or so my mother was coughing. Even though she got her 2 vaccine shots, I was a little worried because she is diabetic. Baba listened to my prayers, it didn’t spread to other family members and my younger brother recovered in time. Sorry Baba for not sharing my experience in time. Om Sairam…!

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 859


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ram protect him baba cure his injuries baba we are at the verge please help me Baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram…. baba please protect my husband and children. Baba, yesterdays medical investigation revealed some changes in mu husbands report now we have been referred to another doctor. Baba I dont know what to do and why this is happening. Baba you are my sole protector, please help us and rectify the problem baba. Heal my husband without any medication and surgery with lifestyle changes. Baba i surrender to you. Baba today is my sons second dose of vaccine. I truly hope there is no adverse effects. Help me complete his college applications and you choose and decide where he fits best. Please protect my elder one too and guide him always. Baba, heal my family and take care of them. We have an appointment with the doctor very soon, I hope you will take care of everything baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. Om sai ram. sai appa thank you very much for recovering my health.I took udi water for 2 days and my fever, cold, cough got decreased and iam getting better now.OM SAI RAM.

  4. Baba protect my father and mother cure my father injuries fastly baba reduce his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge you are our only hope Baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa