My Life Is Baba’s Bhiksha

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Namaste to all Sai devotees: May Baba bless everyone.
I would like to thank Hetalji for her and her team’s contribution towards this blog. It really gives a boost to many devotees.
I have recently posted my experience regarding my husband and my job. All with God’s grace and Baba’s blessings my husband has secured a good role. Thank You so much Baba. All my life is Your Bhiksha.
Sai, please bless everyone in this pandemic. People are going through a lot of pain. Some people are losing their beloved ones, some losing jobs, some are distancing themselves from their families etc. Please Deva let this world become normal again and everyone lead happy lives. Please bless us all to follow dharma and respect Santhana Dharmam.
Baba, please bless me with what I am asking You for so long. I am doing Nav Guruvar vrat for that. Please bless me with that news before I finish my Vrat Baba.
Devotees please chant Sai every time and please don’t lose hope if things don’t look right. Keep praying Baba and He will definitely give you what’s best for us. Let’s follow Baba’s teachings and read Satcharitra, Ramayan, Bahagavatam and follow the dharma.
Deva, we all are Your children. Forgive us for making mistakes. Please let our minds travel on the right path. Let everything become normal and bless us to get the darshanam in Shirdi. Lot of devotees want to come and see You but because of the pandemic we are not able to come. Let the world become normal Baba. Be with us all the time and guide us. Please bless us all to have faith and patience all the time and bless us to chant Your name always.
Work Is Done By Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am from Odisha. I am sorry Baba for the delay in posting the experiences. You are my lovable kind Mother, caring father, sweetest brother, best teacher and closest friend. I cannot imagine my life without You. Just thinking how I had spent 18-19 years without You. Please be with me like this Baba.
Coming to my experience, with Your blessings; I was able to complete my office work on time. Thank You so much Deva.
As I mentioned in the previous post, I got an offer letter from one of the big companies, but did not accept because I was waiting for the resignation approval from our Manager. Surprisingly I got the approval on the same day after posting the experience. Is it not a miracle? From morning I was worried about when I would get the approval as the offer letter expiry date was on the very next day. Really Baba took all my worries and everything went well.
Baba always tells through messages and posts, I will give more than you expect. Sometimes I too realize that. With His grace I was able to crack the first round of interview where I was not fully prepared for it; still He handled all things.
Please Baba save my elder uncle’s Son. He is suffering with a major health issue. All are worried for his health Baba. Please devotees pray for him. He is a very small child and can’t bear this pain. He is not eating properly, suffering from body pain, headache. Even the doctors are not able to recognize the disease. Without You no one can help us. I have strong faith in You, everything will be alright very soon.
Om Sai Rakshak Saranam Deva. Om Sai Shri Sai Jay Jay Sai.!
Sai Baba Blessed

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I am a small devotee of Sai Baba who wishes to share my experience of how Baba answered our prayers.
My mother visited India and was unable to return back due to COVID-19. She was alone and we were very much worried about her being alone as she has many health problems. I was praying to Baba to help my mom be safe and not get sick during this pandemic.
Finally in May 2021, my mom made arrangements to leave India. When she went to do the PCR test for travel, she tested positive. We were all in such a shock because my mother had always avoided going out, was wearing masks to talk to even her neighbour and taking all the necessary precautions. She was heartbroken and very scared. Needless to say we were all scared and prayed to Baba that she should recover well. It was the time when things were very bad in India and we were hearing of personal losses due to Covid. My mother was in quarantine all alone in her house for a full 30 days because she believed that she had some lingering symptoms of Covid. Finally we decided to get her tested again after a month and we were praying that it should be negative. By Baba’s blessings she tested negative and we made arrangements again for her to leave in a week’s time. We were continuously praying to Baba that she should arrive here safely as she has many health issues. She finally reached home and it took her some time to fully accept that she was back with us.
Only because of Baba’s blessings all of this was possible. There are no words that can fully express the greatness of Baba. The love He has for His children is boundless and He never fails to shower them on us even if we fail to recognize our duties as devotees sometimes. Thank You Baba.
Baba’s Vibhuti Saved From Allergy

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Please keep me anonymous. Thank you so much Hetalji and the team for this platform. This is one of the several Baba’s experiences that I have posted before.
Today, my son came home from a restaurant and started complaining of having an allergic reaction in his throat. He had never had any allergies before.
We soon gave him Benadryl and I applied Baba’s Vibhuti on my son’s forehead and his throat. I started praying Baba to make him feel better soon and I would post my experience and share with our Sai Devotees. I started chanting “Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva” 108 times and “Om Sri Sai Arogya Kshemadaya Namah” 108 times.
My son puked a bit and in a short while he started to feel much better. Koti Koti Pranam Sai Natha! Thank You Deva for helping my son! Please always shower Your blessings to my family – my husband and my sons.
Bless us lord for us to be always on Your lotus feet! Deva please fulfil my other wish soon. Love you so much Sai Ma! Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai!
Om Shirdi Vasaya Vidmahe
Sacchidanandaya Dhimahi
Tanno Sai Prachodayath
Sai My Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: For the past few days I was getting night mares and I was worried about my mom as I am in a hostel and I used to miss her a lot. After a week later I got to know that she met with an accident and her hand was fractured. This I got to know from one of my relatives.
My mom didn’t tell me about this thinking that I would be worried. Then I prayed to Baba to cure her fast. She needed to undergo a surgery and so she was admitted to hospital on Monday and operation was to be performed on Wednesday but somehow it got postponed to Thursday. She is fine now and this is all due to my Sai Maa’s grace. Love You Baba.
One day I was searching for my charger and I couldn’t find it. I actually keep my charger plugged. So I really got tense and I prayed to Baba that I would share my experience here if I found my charger and yes within a moment I could find my charger on the same table. Baba has always helped me and my family in our difficult situation and He will always protect us. Love You Sai Baba Sai Maa…!!!
Thanking Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Baba, thanking Baba.
I thank Baba for helping me with the old broken phone and also for buying me a new amazing phone. Thanks a lot.
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Omsairam..thankyou so much for whatever you have blessed us with…i love you…
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.protect my parents saima
Om Sai Ram, SaiMa! Thank you for everything. Love you MA. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba the recent medical investigation revealed some abnormalities in my hubby medical reports. I surrendered to you and then a miracle happened. He came and told me that one injection made some difference in how he feels and he wants to consult the doctor a bit later. I applied udi in the area too. I think this is your miracle and you will guide him and take care of his health. Hope all his reports come back to normal baba and we avoid unwanted surgeries. Baba reduce his cholesterol levels too and keep him healthy baba. Please protect both my children with good health too. I surrender wholly to you baba to take us all on a safe boat with happiness across this world . Please show me the path during the yonger one univ application and also please help my elder one in the university. Please keep my little family safe and sound, with good health, happiness , prosperity and lots of faith and devotion towards you. Baba I promised to post here and hope you will accept this. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Baba please help and save my parents saideva, protect us Sai please don’t let any bad to happen sai.sairakshak saranam ayyappa