Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3729

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A Divine Encounter With An Amazon Delivery Man

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Ritwik from India says: Sai Sai: Today, I had a wonderful dream and a supreme spiritual yet very simple experience that I would like to share with You.

In the dream, I saw my little daughter and her friend in a fair-like place, similar to my hometown. However, I only saw her friend coming towards me, and my daughter was nowhere to be found. As I started looking for her, I saw a Banjara boy of around 15-16 years dressed in a shirt and pants (the shirt was tucked out) approaching me for money. At that time, I only had 3-4 currency notes of INR 20 each and was wondering how I would fare in the fair. Nevertheless, I thought of it as a form of Dakshina, and giving it could help me find my daughter. Unbelievably, as soon as I moved a few steps further, my little daughter came running toward me.

Afterward, I found myself in front of a small Kirana (grocery) shop on the road and suddenly saw a 50-65-year-old man approaching me, asking for food. Thinking he was drunk, I ignored him, but he persisted, saying he was very hungry. Then, with Baba-Peer’s grace, I bought him a pink-colored snack (either a Kurkure or that type) for INR 20 (again from the remaining 2-3 notes). I somehow followed him deep inside (with Baba-Peer’s grace, I was taking Him to be Baba, though the feeling of him being drunk was making me not believe it). As I went close, I realized that he was not drunk. Again, the stupid me and the Leelas of our Deva, as He knocks down our pride each and every time we apply our stupid brains to His unfathomable Leelas!

Then he entered a shop and moved to the place where the shopkeepers keep their Bahi-Khaata (account-keeping book), and I realized that he is actually the owner of that shop. Obviously, I was startled as to why he was begging (just like our beloved Brahmand Nayak does to raise us, poor souls). Keeping one book here and there, He came out and sat on the porch of His shop (The Sakal Jagat Swami while typing this Shri Sai Chalisa playing in the background on Spotify) with legs extending on the roadside.

Then He started showing me His left hand and told me about a disease He was suffering from. It was an extra but sporadic layer of bone growth. His left arm, the radius part of the radius ulna, had some overgrowth, though it was not too huge but prominent enough to be visible from a distance. I was speechless in front of Him, thinking about how this could happen to Him, and then I woke up.

Now, I realize He has definitely taken on some of His near and dear ones’ maladies over Him as the kind and loving mother He always is, our Sai Maa! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🕉️😊

There is an old man I know who has a skin allergy on His hands and feet and is currently undergoing treatment for it.

While I was in the middle of my routine prayers, reading Shri Sai Baba’s Kashta Nivaran Mantra, our doorbell rang. I saw a man who looked to be around 55-60 years old handing over a parcel from Amazon, which I think was my daughter’s uniform. He took my wife’s name and it was a real surprise to me because, in my entire experience of receiving couriers from Amazon, I haven’t ever seen such an old man operating with Amazon. Both His hair and beard were completely silver, which was quite striking. I wanted to speak with Him and give Him some Prasad, but I couldn’t speak as I was in the middle of reading the Mantra and I don’t usually leave it midway. All of this was happening very fast and thoughts were processing at lightning speed as to what to do.

Then, with Baba-Peer’s inspiration, I stopped reading the Mantra midway and ran after Him with an orange which I could manage. With Baba-Peer’s grace, He actually hadn’t left and thus gave Him what was already His, addressing Him by shouting “Sir” to stop Him before He started on His bike. I was able to notice one ‘9’ too in the bike’s number plate, the second digit from the left. Yes, when it’s Baba, my faith is intelligent but my belief is BLIND!

To all His kids and to the Brahmand Lover, our lovely Baba, to our loveliest Deva! Bolo Shri Anant Koti Brahmand Nayaka Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ji ki Jai!

Just before typing this experience, this had happened:

Sai Sai

Just these lines came to my mind with Baba-Peer’s grace:

“Shirdi se Om Sai Ram aaya,

Mere Baba ne mujhko bulaya,

Shirdi se Om Sai Ram aaya,

O Mere Baba, O Mere Deva ne mujhko bulaya!”

One of my shopkeeper friends from Shirdi, Mr. Changdev, responded to Sai Sai with Om Sai Ram after a very long interval!

“Shirdi waale Sai Baba, Aaya hai Tere Darr pe Sawali!” is now playing in the background along with Lord Shri Sai Bavani, Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai.

Sai Sai Om Om Rajaram Rajaram.

Miraculous Experiences Of A Devotee Of Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: My day always begins and ends with Baba’s divine thoughts. I want to express my gratitude to Hetalji and the team for creating such a sacred platform for Baba’s devotees. I’ve been submitting my divine experiences with Deva here, and many have been published. I’d like to share my most recent experiences with You.

For my birthday, I had booked an expensive hotel for a staycation with my wife and son through the Yatra portal. After making the payment, I contacted the hotel for confirmation. However, they told me that they had no record of my booking and instructed me to contact Yatra. Worried about my money, I prayed to Baba for help and promised to share this experience if the booking was confirmed and the issue was resolved. I also raised a ticket for the issue. Eventually, the issue was resolved, and a Yatra representative called me to confirm my booking. When I contacted the hotel again, they confirmed my reservation. Thank You so much, Baba.

One evening while driving in heavy traffic, someone lost control of their car and hit my new car from behind at a signal. But by Baba’s grace, not a single scratch was visible on my car. It was truly Baba’s miracle. On the day I received my new car, I took it to Baba’s temple for Pooja, and since it’s Baba’s car, I know He will take care of it.

We wanted to go to a mall about 12 Km away from my apartment, but the traffic is always terrible on weekends. I was hesitant to take my new car there, so I prayed to Baba for safe driving. Baba took care of us, and I drove the car safely through heavy traffic. Saima, please always be with me and make me feel Your presence. Please increase my Shraddha and Saburi. Please guide me in my work and be with me always.

I pray for help in controlling my mind and for the fulfillment of my wishes. Baba, I am waiting with folded hands like a beggar for my Birthday gift. That would be Your greatest gift to me, Deva, which looked impossible all this while. I will share this experience once I receive it, Baba.

Anantha Koti Brahmanda Nayaka Raajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Sachchidananda Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. Om Shri Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. Shripada Rajam Sharanam Prapadhye.

Sai Baba’s Divine Intervention In A Banker’s Troubles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: I work in a bank, and as with any job, there are business targets that we strive to meet. Recently, despite my best efforts, our branch’s business has been shrinking. The top management called for a review meeting with the officers who have not been performing well, and I anticipated a difficult time, as these meetings often result in insults and abuse. However, the day before the meeting, I visited a Sai temple, where a devotee gave me a small booklet on Sai pooja vidhi. I read through it and asked Sai Baba why our branch’s business wasn’t growing, despite our best efforts, and requested that He save me from any insults during the meeting.

The next morning, as I woke up, I felt as if Sai Baba was looking at me with a smiling face. I went to the meeting expecting the worst, but in the afternoon, I received a message from the office that a huge business opportunity, which we had been pursuing, had miraculously materialized. I’m not sure how it happened, but it saved my face and my office’s reputation during the meeting.

This experience, among others, has strengthened my faith in Sai Baba. I’ve witnessed numerous instances where He comes to the rescue of his devotees. I remain grateful to Him for his blessings and guidance. Om Sai Ram🙏🌹🙏

Finding Solace In Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Today, I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of a package that unfortunately did not make it to my doorstep due to a missed delivery attempt. Disappointed, my son and I were unsure of what to do next. Seeking guidance and assistance, I turned to Sai Baba, hoping He would come to our aid. And, as He always does, He helped us receive our package the same evening. I am so grateful for Baba’s intervention.

My reliance on Sai Baba for guidance and support is absolute. I have no one else to turn to but him. Baba is my savior and my protector, and I pray that He keeps my loved ones safe and Healthy. Please, Baba, alleviate my loved one’s health issues and guide them toward a happy and fulfilling life. With Your blessings, anything is possible.

I am exhausted from constantly worrying about the various challenges that life throws our way. All I want is to see my loved ones happy and content. Baba, please help guide them toward a life of happiness and ease.

Anant Koti Bramhand Nayak Raja Dhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Shri Satchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai. I love You, Baba.

Gratitude For Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from USA says: Om Sai Ram. I would like to express my gratitude to Baba for His help today in resolving a difficult situation. I take full responsibility for my mistake, and I prayed to Baba for His guidance and assistance. It is nothing short of a miracle that Baba was able to help me. I promised Baba that I would share my experience if the situation was resolved, and I am grateful to be able to do so now.

I also prayed to Baba for help in obtaining a certain item that I needed urgently. Despite it being sold out in many places, Baba blessed me by helping me find it. I cannot express how grateful I am for Baba’s help and guidance. Baba, I hope You can see into my heart and understand my gratitude. I am constantly asking for Your blessings, and I trust that You will grant me what I desire.

Baba, thank You for always being there for me, even when I do not deserve it. Your love and guidance have helped me through so many challenges. Thank You so much, Sai Baba.

Overcoming Obstacles With The Help Of Sai Baba’s Blessings

Maheswara Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: Yesterday, I made a mistake at work that impacted other tasks. I turned to Sai Baba and prayed for his blessings. Thanks to his help, the issue was resolved.

Sai Baba, I ask for Your blessings to help my mother overcome her leg pain. Additionally, I pray that You guide me through my court cases and help me lead a happy family life.

Om Sairam.

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1 year ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

1 year ago