Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3204

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee from India says: SAI RAM to all the devotees. Hetalji and all the others maintain this divine site, namaskar and pranam to all of you. You have no idea how much faith and joy you bring into our lives everyday. May SAI always bless you and all your dear ones. Please keep me anonymous.

I sent a few of my experiences earlier, unfortunately only my first experience got published whereas the others got lost somewhere. I am writing about them briefly.

Experience 1: I had a dream, and, in my dream, I saw BABA. This was maybe sometime in the month of January or February 2020. I remember the dream vividly. I go to a temple (never seen that temple before) and I see three figurines of BABA – one where BABA is sitting and the other two where HE is standing. All big, nice, white marble idols of BABA, way bigger than me. I look like a little kid there. All the figurines are lying close to each other and I am looking at the standing BABA figurine, completely awestruck! Suddenly, one of the standing BABA figurines moves and BABA’s arm embraces me just like a father saying to his daughter, ‘I’m with you, don’t be afraid’. BABA did not say anything to me, HE just looked at me, embraced me and smiled. It was as though HE was reassuring me that don’t worry everything will be fine. My daughter’s board exams were around the corner and I was stressed as any normal mother would be. Possibly that was BABA’s way of just letting me know that don’t fear I’M here!

Experience 2: When I dropped my daughter for her ISC chemistry exam, she was a bit nervous. I was driving back home after dropping her and I told BABA to please ensure that her exam goes well. And if that happens, then show me a sign before I reach home. Our house is not very far from her school and on the way, what do I see, an auto with SAI RAM written on it. It was as though BABA had only sent it for me. She scored very well in that paper with BABA’s grace. Thank you SAI MAA. I have no words to thank you deva.

Experience 3: I wanted to be a part of the Maha Parayan group but had no idea how to go about it. Only when BABA thought that I was ready, I could register for the same. Now I was waiting to be a part of an MP group. A thought occurred to me that I wish my group number would add up to number 9 which is also my birthday number. And lo! I am a part of MP 5085! We started the Maha Parayan on the 30th of July. It’s unimaginable how BABA functions. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. HE has HIS ways. I am truly blessed to be a BABA devotee.

Experience 4: My daughter gave her grade 12 exams this year. She was able to sit for all her exams unlike so many others and with BABA’s grace she passed with an excellent result. I became a part of the mahaparayan group recently. Today another miracle happened in my life. In the morning after showering, I was sitting in my temple and told BABA that if you forgive me for my past bad karmas and are listening to me please show me Your presence. And BABA did! My daughter had applied to a prestigious college in Singapore for her undergraduate degree. It is difficult to get admission into that college. I had asked BABA in the QnA site a few days ago and the answer was “Success will be gained. Festival will be celebrated.” Just now she got the acceptance mail and today is Janmashtami. How true are our SAI’s words!

Experience 5: My husband was looking for a job change. I prayed to our deva and stopped having coffee. In a few months, he got a job with a good company. Thank You deva!

Experience 6: My daughter had an assessment on 19th September 2020 and she had to study for it. Unfortunately, her laptop didn’t start in the morning. She had used it till last night and it was working perfectly well. It was also fully charged, so that was also not a problem.

I applied BABA’s sacred Udi to the laptop and let it remain in that state for five minutes. My husband didn’t say a word, but his expressions said it all. I could make out that he was ridiculing my idea. After five minutes I tried to switch it on, but it wouldn’t start. Then my husband blamed me for being superstitious. In my mind I kept telling my BABA to help me so that my daughter and my husband could also see our devas miracle.

I then asked him to google and see what the reason for this could be and how it could be rectified. In the meantime, he just pressed the start button along with the light button and miraculously the laptop came to life again.

I know from within my heart this was BABA’s doing. I had promised to share my experience here as soon as the laptop would start working. Thank you dear devotees as it is because of your experiences that I read day in and day out that strengthened my faith in our DEVA.

Experience 7: I am sharing an experience of BABA’s miraculous vibhooti. This happened to me recently. I had piercing pain in my right palm for two days. I couldn’t leave my palm hanging normally for even a second. I felt like there was pain in my nerves. I applied Voilini spray onto my palm, did hot water fomentation, tied a hot bandage around my palm, but nothing seemed to work. I didn’t think about applying vibhooti to my palm for two days, I don’t know why. Then suddenly I remembered to apply vibhooti paste on my palm. I asked BABA to cure my pain and make it normal. After applying BABA’s vibhooti, I could feel the heat, the way one feels when we apply moov or voilini. After 2-3 hours I applied moov ointment to my palm and wrapped it in a bandage. Within a couple of hours my pain reduced by 80% and by the next morning it completely disappeared.

Truly, BABA’s vibhuti is a miracle!

Experience 8: My daughter had her CS assessment and she was not very well prepared for the same. She didn’t get the desired score to get an A grade. But her score was just enough that if she completed two major assignments which were not mandatory, she could touch an A. With BABA’s blessings she was able to complete the task in time and managed to get an A. I had promised BABA that I’d do a saptah parayan of Sai Satcharitra if she gets an A in that subject and our merciful SAI heard my prayers.

Experience 9: I have been in excruciating pain since the last few days. I forgot that I could ask SAI to relive it. As soon as I asked Sai to cure my pain, within no time it disappeared. Thank You deva!

Experience 10: My father got duped of his hard-earned money last year in June. About a little over 6 lakhs were stolen from his account. He is 77 years old and he has been writing to ICICI bank and RBI to revert, but nothing has happened so far. He is sending them constant reminders but of no avail. I have complete faith in my BABA. HE will definitely help papa get back his money. I have given up coffee since then and will have it only after my father recovers his lost money. Request all devotees to pray for the same.

Dear devotees thank you so much for patiently reading all my experiences. Dear Hetalji, you’re truly a blessed soul, Hemandpant of today’s time. Cannot thank you for this divine platform.

Anantkoti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Param Brahma Shri Sachidanand Satguru Shri SAINATH Maharaj ki Jai! Bow to Shri SAI. Peace Be to All!

Lost Item Found By Baba’s Grace

Lost Item Found By Baba's Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from UK says: Om Sairam to the beloved Sai Parivar. I am a devotee from the UK. Please keep me anonymous.

By Baba’s grace, I do have miracles everyday in my life. Below is the most recent one:

We have a nearly six months old boy. When he turned five months old, I wanted to buy him a gold bracelet (the one with black beads referred to as evil eye bracelet) and managed to get a pair from a jewelry shop nearby my place, the name of which is Om Sai Jewellers. We put it on his arms on Thursday evening after prayers. It did seem to be the right size for him, although a bit on the tighter side. Unfortunately, next morning we noticed scratches on his legs from the bracelet as he does move his hands throughout the body and also the bracelet had a design with white stones and the edges of this were very sharp which I hadn’t realized while buying. Luckily, I knew the jewelry shop owner and he did agree for exchange without any issue, provided I pay the difference price of the new pair that I select. I did select a new pair a bit bigger with a simple design with no stones. I was so grateful to Baba that the exchange happened without any issue.

Following Thursday, we gave him the new exchanged bracelet, which appeared a bit loose. We were okay with this size as that could be used as he was growing. Friday afternoon, it went missing; it fell off from his hand while he was very active. I had seen it on his hand while I was feeding but disappeared at the end of feeding. I did search the entire living room and the sofa by taking out all its padding and cleaning the entire living room, but still couldn’t find it. I did tell myself that I have read so many experiences of lost things found on this site and if I find it then I am going to post my experience here.

I was confident that Baba will show its location when the time is right, I just needed to have patience. After searching for around an hour, I gave up and went to shower, that’s when the bracelet fell off from my t-shirt. I was so grateful after finding it and sharing it as per my promise.

Also two days later, my baby wouldn’t sleep and was crying nonstop at night. I felt like crying myself for not knowing what was happening to him, and then went to the pooja room, prayed to Baba and applied Udi on him and applied a little bit on his tongue. Needless to say, he was quiet and did sleep within the next 10 minutes.

May Baba bless all the devotees abundantly. Sairam!

Baba Always Looks After His Devotees

Baba Always Looks After His Devotees

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: Hello Baba devotees. I am so fortunate that I came across this blog.

I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba and trust Him with all my heart. Anything small or big in my life has been blessed by Him only. All the important things for me like my Australian visa, my daughter’s birth, my jobs have all happened on Thursdays only. I feel like Baba chooses the right time and day for me to strengthen the connection with Him.

I have already shared a couple of experiences in the past but this one which I promised that I will share is about my driving.

One night I was going to take my kids for swimming lessons without my hubby. He is usually there but that day he had some work. I’m not good at night driving and was a bit tense but later once I started I was fine. However, I realised that there was fog everywhere because it’s winter for us and I had to adjust the heat to reduce fog so that I could see well. So I pulled over to the curb and was looking for a safe spot and accidentally hit a curb a little bit. I was able to adjust the lights and heater temperatures so that the fog disappeared and drove back and forth well.

We reached home safely too while I kept chanting Baba’s name. As soon as we reached home I had to feed the kids, bathe them and so on; so I completely forgot to check the car to see if there was any dent. In the night before going to bed I prayed to our dear Sai to make sure that there was no mark on the car and promised to share the experience here.

I woke up in the morning and as expected there was no damage to the car. I was so happy and couldn’t be more grateful to Sai! How does He manage to fulfil all our desires like this! Baba, I know we are all not so perfect and keep repeating our mistakes sometimes. Please forgive us and look after everyone please. Please keep everyone safe, healthy and happy. We will be ever thankful and be kind to everyone!
Om Sairam!

Baba’s Mercy

Baba’s Mercy

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sairam. Thank you admin and team for maintaining this blog.

My friend’s husband was affected by Covid and with Baba’s grace he recovered. But after a week he had a heart attack. We were very scared, and prayed to Baba that he should come out of this dangerous period and yes Baba saved his life. Doctors examined his lever and suspected something, so they did some tests. Baba did bless him again as his reports came negative. Doctors have said for some more tests. We have full faith in Baba that these results will be negative. Thank You Baba for Your mercy. Jai Jai Sai Om Sai.

Baba please keep Your blessings on my family, friends, relatives and Your devotees.

Baba Takes Care Always

Baba Takes Care Always

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. Thank you for the blog which has helped us all be optimistic and grateful to our Baba.

I wanted to share our vaccine experience. The whole process was very smooth by Baba’s grace and before taking it I was so, so nervous about the after effects and the process but by Baba’s grace everything went smoothly and it is now 3-4 days since the day we took our vaccine and all of us are safe and healthy after me and my brother having mild effects. Thank You Sai for keeping ma and papa safe and for making me and my brother go through mild effects only. Thank You Sai for the smooth process.

Baba, be with us always and keep us under Your shade. Thank You Sai. I love You. Om Sairam.

Baba Relieved The Pain

Baba Relieved The Pain

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am from India, a small devotee of Baba.

I had a headache and I could feel that it was shooting up. I had a tablet and prayed to Baba to relieve me of the pain. After some time the headache was gone. Normally it takes a long time before I feel better. But whenever I pray to Baba He ensures that I feel better. Sai is very sweet and is always with His devotees in some form or the other. He loves when we chant His name or remember Him. Continue to bless us all Baba. Love You. Thanks to Hetalji and team for this opportunity.

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3 years ago


*Vasant Nerkar
*Vasant Nerkar
3 years ago

Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.