Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3212

Sai Baba Saved A Devotee’s Parents

Sai Baba Saved A Devotee’s Parents

Shirdi Sai Devotee Radha from India says: I am Radha from Chennai and in the Mahaparayan Group MP-11289N1. I want to share my experience and SaiRam’s leela after I started Mahaparayan on 16-7-2020. When I went to Photo Studio in the first week of Sep 2020  I saw a photo of Sairam, and when I asked  about the photo, the studio owner immediately gave me a pocket size photo and I kept it in my purse and I felt blessed. I didn’t know at that time why Sairam came to me on that day.

Exactly one month afterwards my father, who is 83 years old, fell seriously ill and was to the hospital on 7-10-2020. He was tested Covid-19 positive on 14-10-2020 and was shifted to the Corona ward. We were very much worried leaving him alone since he couldn’t do anything himself. Doctor gave special permission due to my father’s age and physical condition to keep one attendee with my father and within three hours one youngster who is a nurse came to take care and he along with his friend agreed to come on alternate days to take care of my serious father. 

On the night of 15-10-2010 (Thursday) my father’s oxygen levels went low and he was put on High flow oxygen and doctors told that his lungs were damaged more than 60% and 48 hours had to cross due to his age and Comorbid conditions, wanted us to sign forms for shifting to ICU and other treatments. We were continuously praying and by Sairam’s blessings 48 hours crossed but doctors told us that due to his age and other conditions we had to wait to see how he comes out of Oxygen support. 

My mother, 78 years a diabetic patient and myself also got Covid-19 positive. My mother was admitted with my father and I to some other hospital. My mother was also very sick. I read Mahaparayan on 22-10-2020 and on Vijayadasami day 25-10-2020 in the hospital. By Sai’s blessing my mother recovered and she was discharged and I also recovered. 

My father’s oxygen support was slowly reduced and monitored daily and he was out of Oxygen Support on 5-11-2020 (Thursday). After observation for three days he was discharged. All these are miracles of Sairam and his blessings on our family. 

Now I understand that Sai Ram wanted to protect my family and that is why He came to me in September 2020 itself. Thank You Sairam for Your mercy and I surrender to You. Sai Ram please bless my son to overcome the difficult phase of life that he is undergoing. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba -The Controller Of Devotee’s Life

Sai Baba -The Controller Of Devotee’s Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I’m from Chennai and this is my fourth submission. 

Sairam. Thank You Hetalji and team for this site which brings together Sai devotees. It helps us to share our experiences and also to learn from others’ experiences. 

 In one of my earlier submissions May 7, 2021 I said that once my son gets his internship I would post again. He did not get that particular internship but on June 1, 2021 he was offered another internship which he accepted and he is enjoying the job too. If he had not been offered this internship he would have wasted his holidays playing online games. I was praying desperately to our Baba to show him a way and put my son on the right path. He still plays but not much. 

Another experience is that I got a job offer from an MNC which is really a blessing from Baba and I do not have words to thank Him enough. It is really very, very difficult for someone with 12 years of experience in varied fields and 14 years of break (although I was working as a freelancer) to land this job. I was surprised with this offer and I’m also apprehensive and worried as to how I will manage working in an office after a long break. 

I’m praying and hoping that the one who has given me this opportunity will also see to it that I perform beyond the company’s expectation. I have surrendered to Baba totally; He is the One Who has to control my life now. If anyone reading this is looking for a job after a long break, please pray to Baba. He will surely show you the way. 

I’m waiting for this pandemic to end, and then I can visit Baba at Shirdi. I want to say one more thing. I had sent some money to Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi in the month of March. I did not expect anything from them. But on May 28 I got an envelope with Sai Baba’s Udi and prasad. June 1st, I heard the news of my son’s internship and then two weeks later about my job offer. Baba sent His blessings before the two offers were known. May He shower His blessing on everyone especially those who were affected by this pandemic. Thank You Baba. 

Baba’s Krupa

Baba's Krupa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Baba’s Devotee from Andhra Pradesh. Thank you Hetalji for creating this platform and for giving us all the opportunity to share Baba’s leelas with each other. 

I am the only daughter of my parents. One year back my father expired. Now my mother is staying alone at my native place. Baba gives her strength to face loneliness and protect from every difficulty. 

Now coming to my experience, my mother had a motor for water purposes and suddenly it stopped working. Because of this she was facing a lot of water problems. No one was ready to repair it because of the pandemic.

One day my husband and I had gone to my mom’s place to repair it, as my husband knows some repair work and returned by 2 pm as the lock down restriction was there. After reaching there we repaired it but no power was there to test. From morning 8 am, we were waiting for power to come as we had to return otherwise unnecessary police issues would be raised. Even after 1.30 pm power did not come. We were tense and I requested my beloved Baba to help me and that I would write my experience on this holy blog. Then within five minutes the power came on and the motor was working fine and we returned home safely. I know this would be small for someone but for me it was a big experience. 

Baba Took Care For Vaccination

Baba Took Care For Vaccination

Shirdi Sai Devotee Priyadarshini from India says: Om Sairam to all devotees of Sai Baba. I am Priyadarshini Kherkar from Navi Mumbai. 

My husband and I were scheduled for the vaccination. By Baba’s grace the vaccination drive was very close to our society. We were trying for the slot but due to shortage of vaccine it was difficult for us to get the slot. Luckily my husband’s client was organising a vaccination drive in their society and so he asked us and he fixed the slot in the morning. 

One day before I was very worried about the side effects of the vaccine that many people were suffering from. My mother-in-law suffered a lot after taking the first dose of the vaccine. So I was quite worried about the same. But I prayed to Baba that please after taking the vaccine not to give much pain or major side effects to us and Baba listened to my prayers as we both took the vaccine and we didn’t feel much effect. I was slightly feverish and the pain at the injection point was not troubling us. Thank You so much Baba for listening to my prayer. You always listen to my prayers and never disappoint me. I promised to share the experience and hence I am sharing the same. Om Sairam Om Sairam Om Sairam.

Sai Kripa

Sai Kripa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee who is blessed to have Babaji as my Father and God. 

Babaji has always blessed me and my mother. We both stay alone. One night my mother was having ear irritation because of which she could not hear properly. For me Babaji is everything. So I prayed to Him, applied Udi to her ear and put some in her mouth. As always Babaji blessed her and she was fine in a few minutes. Thank You Babaji for coming to my life and blessing us. Thank You for all things You have done for us and also for all that which we even don’t know. Till I breathe my last and even after that always please hold my hand. Sai devotees please read Ram Raksha Stotra and Sai Kasht Nivaran mantra in these difficult times. It would keep you safe, strong and give peace of mind. Sarv Jan Sukkhino Bhavntu. Om Sairam!

Sai Baba Prevented From Going To Hospital

Sai Baba Prevented From Going To Hospital

Shirdi Sai Devotee Madhuri from India says: Baba cured my mom’s chest pain. Two weeks back my mom was complaining of chest pain. I was very sure that it was due to reflux or indigestion but inside I was having fear of what if it was not due to reflux. 

I requested my mom to consult our family doctor but I had the fear of a pandemic outside and also she was not willing to visit the hospital. Two days passed but the pain was still the same. On the second day I couldn’t sleep because my mom was in pain. She went to her room and I started chanting Om Sri Sairakshak Sharanam 108 times and felt positive and I slept. The next morning my mom said that she was completely fine. Thank You Baba. Please continue having mercy on my parents and me. Jai Sairam.

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Shirdi Sai Baba – A Member of Sai Yug

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 752


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  1. OM SAI RAM…. BABA , please protect my husband and children. Please give them good health, peace of mind, happiness and lots of prosperity. Please be with them at all times and guide them to the path to develop their faith in you. Baba please surround us with good people who will do good. The world is filled with people running only after money and that justice be with those who work hard for a living. Baba please show some light to my sons to work towards their goals and be respectable in their future. Please give them good education and help them always. Baba we need good people in the company, those who work efficiently please help me find them. Baba i surrender to you completely. Om SAI RAKSHAK SHARANAM DEVA 🙏 OM SAI AROGYA KSHEMADAYA NAMAH 🙏

  2. I am fully depend on Sai BaBa . my Daily pradhana in any way ends with BABA only. I was advice number of my Friends to woriship BABA. The Kaliyuga Avathara IS ONLY SHRIDI SAI BABA. WHO ever keep belife on him definately he will lift from all all his Sarrows and wipe off. This is sure and to my depth of life I am still belive from my life for number of years visiting to SHRIDI with Family stay there for few days ,departure on friday .The accomidation and food are very good and affordable price to buy in out side.SHRIDI SAI BABA only make Match for my second sons marriage . He only Helped in all place to deal marriage discussion. The married couple after 3 to 4 prayed a child , and HE gave a Prasadam as a Male child . TheBoy at this age(2and hafe year) says BABA ,BABA.Any thing is BABA .IN all places BABA. FALLING on his feet , you will helped . Belive my Sons story His Visa process Approved by BABA only ,through he failed Five subject in the final semester,But Shridi SAI BABA PUT HIM IN Approved LIST. OM SAI SHRI SAI JAI JAI SAI SADGURU SAI NATH MAHARAJ KI JAI HOO>>>