Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3213

Sai Baba Is Still Alive

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sairam! I want to remain anonymous. I am Baba’s anonymous daughter. That is the only introduction I have. 

I invoke Baba’s grace to pen down these leelas of Baba making use of me as a mere instrument. These experiences are for the benefit of all the students who are applying to medical schools to give them hope, confidence, and success in their endeavors in their application journey and above all unflinching faith in Sainath Who can make anything possible. My sincere apology for the long post. 

We all know that it is not an easy task to get accepted to medical schools in the USA. My daughter, who is an ardent devotee of Baba, has already written an experience about how Baba blessed her miraculously to get a 98 percentile in the MCAT (Medical College Entrance exam) on her first attempt. It is undoubtedly one of the toughest exams in the world. That will be published soon on this divine website. It was the first miracle in this series. 

The second Miracle goes like this – She needed six letters of recommendation. The second important component was getting recommendation letters from undergraduate university professors while applying to medical schools. It becomes tougher if you study in a big, reputed university and have taken gap years before applying to medical schools. My daughter wrote to all her undergraduate professors asking for recommendations. However, for many days she never got any reply from them. We both were worried, obviously. I got more worried when my daughter told me one day that she was not sure if she would apply in this cycle as she had not heard from her recommenders. This made me all the more worried and sadder. My daughter had gone through a lot during her undergraduate years. It is a miracle that she had decided to apply to medical schools, purely by Baba’s grace. I have submitted many experiences of how Baba has been holding our hands through this difficult journey. 

While going to my workplace one day, I proposed a test in my mind asking Baba if my daughter is really going to apply, then at any cost, she should hear from one of her recommenders at least that day. At that time, it seemed not possible. I got busy with my work and forgot about it. And you won’t believe my daughter happily texted me late in the afternoon that her Lit professor had replied finally. It was a true miracle! I couldn’t believe it! How Baba listened to my desperate call and reposed my faith in Him. And later then she heard from one of her other science professors too. 

She needed three letters from her Undergraduate professors. One from Lit and two from sciences. She needed one more from a science professor. One of the professors whom my daughter knew quite well (professor A) and was sure that she would get a reference letter from him who initially had shown interest in meeting her through zoom, never gave her a date and eventually stopped all communications with her. She sent another professor (B) too, but he too never replied. We didn’t know what to do. Then I started googling to see if two letters from undergrad would be sufficient. Some schools were fine with two. I thought maybe Baba showed us a way and that He wanted us to send two only. Sometimes we need the patience to understand what Baba wants us to do. 

I told my daughter to send just two letters. But my daughter didn’t agree to that and told me that her premed office wanted her to submit three. That afternoon I sought Baba’s guidance through chits. I asked if the above professors were going to reply. Baba said no. I asked if they were going to write letters for my daughter. Baba said no. I got worried. I thought for a while about any other classes she had taken in her senior year and thought of a Math class she had taken. But she didn’t know that professor at all well. I asked Baba if she should ask him, and Baba said ‘YES’. But I was not sure if my daughter would even agree to that. I do not disclose all the chit conversations with Baba to my daughter. Then luckily, she agreed to write to the Math professors and to the above two professors as well, sending reminders. I thought to myself “this is just an impossible miracle”. Why will the Math professor who didn’t know my daughter well agree to write a letter for her? Later that afternoon I received a text from my daughter thanking me profusely that she was glad that she listened to me as the particular Math professor had positively replied and the other two didn’t respond and never responded. Can you believe it? It was a big miracle. Baba’s words are never untrue!

My daughter is a very good dancer. For her extra-curricular activities, she wanted a letter from her dance teacher. Though she has done professional shows with her teacher’s dance company for many years, she had not been in touch with her actions for the past four years. We were not sure if her guru would be willing to write her one. I sought Baba’s guidance through chits. Baba said ‘YES’. Then my daughter sent a nice email to her but again she never replied. My daughter was tense. I again asked Baba and Baba-’s reply “YES, She will reply.” My daughter was tense, but I was confident. One early morning my daughter came running to me with the news that she got the recommendation letter and email from her Guru. But it was not great. My daughter wanted a strong one. I again asked Baba if she should request her teacher to make some changes. But we were scared thinking she might get upset. Baba said, ‘yes’. That is exactly what happened. She suggested some changes to her teacher, and she happily added those and prepared a great letter. Baba guides us at every step. 

Then the last letter was from her current lab where she is working. It is a very famous lab. She wrote to her lab professor asking for a reference letter. He asked her to give him her biodata. My daughter was willing to send him her MCAT score, but the dilemma was if we only provide him the MCAT score he might ask her for the GPA which she didn’t want to send as it was not good. That is the only weak point in her application. Again, I rushed to Baba and asked Him through chits if we should send the MCAT score in the resume, Baba said, “yes.” Baba even said No to our sending the MCAT score report separately. Still, we were not convinced and were about to send the bio-data without the MCAT score. But before sending it I asked Baba if it was ready. Baba said ‘NO’ as we had not added the MCAT percentile. My daughter added the MCAT score to her resume and Baba said ‘YES’ to send it to her professor. The human mind is full of suspicion. I was scared that her professor might ask her about her GPA at any point. I prayed to Baba and told Him that I would publish this miracle once her professor sent the recommendation letter without asking for her GPA. That is what exactly happened. Yesterday my daughter said that her professor had submitted his recommendation letter. All six letters have been submitted. Baba has been guiding me all through. In my next post, I will write Baba’s help in writing her personal statement. She is still struggling but Baba is there to help her. 

I would request students to be part of Mahaparayan, read chapter 29 of Satcharitra and do the powerful Nav Guruwar Vrat. Om Sai Ganesaya Namah Om Sai Saraswate Namah Om Sai Ganapataye Namah!

Sai Baba Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I’m a small devotee of Sai Baba Who has blessed me with so much in life.

What do I say about my Sai Deva? I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude and my thanks to my Sai Baba. I’m a very small devotee of Sai Baba Who has blessed me with so much in life and He has always protected and placed me in a safe place. Here are a few experiences that I had promised Sai Baba to post on this wonderful site. I thank Hetalji for this wonderful site which has helped so many devotees in distress. 

I had severe pain in my right arm due to the immense workload that I had to complete in a short duration for my graduation. The pain was intolerable and I was scared that I could complete the required work on time. I prayed to Baba to help me. Sai Baba immediately made me read about the experiences of a devotee who experienced the same and she drank and applied Udi. I realized that Baba indirectly advised me to do so through that experience. I prayed to Baba and applied the Udi to my arm. I also drank It that night. As Baba promised, my pain disappeared the next morning. 

Similarly, due to immense work pressure, I slept only 3-4 hours daily and this created severe headaches and body pain. As mentioned previously, Baba made me join the Mahaparayan group recently and during that Thursday I read the chapter where Baba tells a story about a woman who had immense body pain that was not relieved with medications (Mrs. Sapatnekar) and assured her that it would go away soon. Like Sapatnekar, I too had recently had a miscarriage and a lot of health problems. In addition, I had to complete everything within a few days for my graduation which was very difficult for me to concentrate on amidst all the recent sufferings. I thought how wonderful Baba was that He blessed me through the chapter and tears rolled down my eyes. Gradually my body pain and headache disappeared as Baba assured me. Now I am praying to Baba intensely and keeping faith in Him as I am sure that He will also fulfill His other promise as assured in that chapter (son being born). I and my husband do not mind either a boy or girl but since Baba assured us through the chapter we are hoping that Baba will grant us a son who will have His blessings. Oh, Deva please bless us and always protect us like this. Give us strength during these tough times. Om Sairam! 

I have always been suffering from lymph node enlargement in my arms due to PCOS And multiple hormonal treatments for infertility. I used to take antibiotics due to severe pain and was not able to work so that it would go away soon. However, recently I decided to apply Udi and drink Udi water and leave it to Baba. Now the miracle is that Baba made me read the Sai Satcharitra chapter where He lifts His Kafni showing buboes to all and stating how much He has to suffer for His devotees. This made me cry thinking about Baba’s immense love for me and His timing for me to read that chapter. After this, I was pretty assured that Baba will cure them. And as promised my Baba, He took away my pain and suffering and suffered Himself. Thank You Deva for all Your wonderful leelas. Sorry Deva You had to suffer for my karmas. You only know what is good and what is bad. Please guide us always like this and protect us with Your blessings. Om Sairam. 

I am provided with meal coupons at my fellowship program. Being a vegetarian, I do not have many options for buying food from my hospital cafeteria, and hence I used to cook food and take them. My coupons were getting wasted for many years. Then Baba gave me the idea that I can donate food to homeless people instead of wasting my coupons, each worth $50. I get 2 coupons/per month. I live in a place where there are many homeless people. Whenever I saw them, I used to feel that I needed to donate. But neither I had the money nor any food with me at the time when I saw them. Now since Baba gave me this thought, I wanted to buy food and donate it. Our hospital has a policy that the old coupons would never be utilized and hence all my old coupons would have been rejected. So I prayed to Baba that coupons worth $500 which were there with me should be accepted and not rejected as old ones. I wanted His help so that they would not notice that these were old coupons and I should be able to purchase the food and be able to donate to homeless people. So Baba showed His first miracle by making sure that the lady at the food counter did not reject my coupons that were expired but she accepted them and provided for me to purchase the food. The second policy at our hospital was to buy food worth $20/ day only. So I went multiple times per day to collect food for more than $20 so as to distribute. However, due to my recent health problems, some days it was difficult. These times Baba made sure that they discarded their policy and allowed me to buy more. In this way, I was able to collect food worth $100. 

Now the problem was I needed to search the homeless people and they were located at different places. During one of such drives searching for them, Baba made me visit a place where homeless people were staying and I was able to find so many of them that I was able to distribute all the food with ease without any wastage. Baba blessed me through them. I could see smiles on their faces as if Baba was completely satisfied. He also stated the same that he was completely satisfied and relished the food and belched when He made me read the chapter of Mrs. Khaparde. He gave the same answer during my talks with Him via Q and A. I had all satvik emotions and my faith immensely increased. 

Meanwhile, I had promised Baba to share this miracle on the website. But somehow due to the heavy workload, I was procrastinating. Then one day Baba made me realize my mistakes gently. When I went to purchase food items, this time the lady recognized that it was an old coupon and completely rejected my entire coupon which was worth $50. I realized my mistake and as promised to Baba I am sharing Baba’s miracle with you all today. Thank You Deva for making us experience the leelas and then share with all to increase Bhakti. Deva, there are so many people in India and all parts of the world suffering due to the pandemic. Deva please relieve their suffering and make arrangements for their basic life needs. Thank You Deva for Your immense love, care, help, and guidance always. Om Sairam. Shri Satchidananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. 

Baba’s Darshan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi, I am, from India, an ardent devotee of my Sai (Maa-Paa, My Everything) since 1995. I want to remain anonymous. 

First of all, I thank all the members who maintain this site thereby enhancing the faith of Sai devotees.

I have experienced so many miracles starting from 1995. I was blessed by my Sai with His “Sakshaat Darshan” started in 1995. He gave me darshan in the form of a boy aged 10-11 years too when I was going through my worst period of life. He opened my eyes to see the reality of my life. He told me about my wish to visit Shirdi and that he would fulfill my wish to visit Shirdi that year only and that He would meet me there (in Shirdi) only. And yes, it was fulfilled that year only, by His grace. Then He asked for food and I gave Him laddu (as it was Randhan chhath-6th day of Krishnapax of Shravan maas and I had prepared it for home). Then he asked for Dakshina and I gave Him 50/- rupees. He asked for more but internally I was afraid as if there may be something wrong if I go for taking more money from my cupboard, so I took His forgiveness not to provide more money. Then I returned to my house seeking His forgiveness. Those days, my house was upstairs having some 12-15 stairs, and then started a big plot to pass out my society. After a few seconds only, I checked whether He had gone or not, and to my surprise, there was no one either on the stairs or on the plot. 

How He came, the same way He disappeared. When He told me about my wish to visit Shirdi, He promised to meet me there only in Shirdi. He said “Mai Tumhe Shirdi me Milunga (I will meet you in Shirdi)”, but I was so innocent that I couldn’t understand His words. It was my late father who took me to Shirdi that year and thereby my wish to go to Shirdi was fulfilled and there I was wondering to search for that little boy who came to my house and told me that he would meet me in Shirdi. 

I asked my father about the boy after wandering here and there, then my father, showing me a statue of Baba, said, “This man – Sai had only come to meet you”…from that day I heartily devoted myself to my beloved Sai Baba. Then after that, there were so many experiences that I experienced in my life. My Baba made my life so smooth. I experienced the real truth about my life. 

The latest experience is about my visit abroad as my only son resides abroad and we have to reunite with him. I was checking by asking Sai Baba, when we would reunite with my son, on the Sai Baba question answer site, which gave me an answer like “You will go in October/November.” I thought that was possible as we were to go abroad in April 2020. But my Sai knows the exact time when to go and due to the Covid pandemic, all flights got canceled and we were not able to go abroad as Baba said, it became possible in the last week of October this year and due to the quarantine period of 14 days, we were able to reunite in November 2020. How accurate is my Baba’s prediction? In the last days of departure, there were so many obstacles but my Baba assured me of a safe journey every time to reunite with my family. Love You Baba so much. Please shower Your blessings on all Your devotees. And remove this Covid from all over the world. Om Sairam.

Sai’s Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says Om Sairam! I am a member of the Mahaparayan group. Sai played a vital role in my life. My father is also a member of the Mahaparayan group. We both used to read parayan every Thursday. 

One day suddenly it happened that my father was diagnosed with kidney cancer in December 2020. His current age is 68. When we came to know about his disease, our family was shattered. The doctor told him to undergo an operation. As the cancer tumor was very big the doctor told me that one kidney should be removed as the tumor was inside the kidney. The doctor said the operation cost would incur 1 lakh. We were shattered as there was no money in our hands. 

My mother started praying for our beloved Sai Maharaj and with the grace of Sai, Maharaj’s funds got arranged for operation. We felt relieved and happy. My father’s operation date was fixed on Jan 15th, 2021. Our happiness lasted for a very short time. A day before the operation doctor told my mother that even after the operation the survival chances were very less as his age is 68 and at this age, there were fewer chances of survival. My mother broke down completely. She was only remembering Sai Sai Sai. With the help of one of my friends, my mother was fortunate to get Baba’s Udi. This Udi was applied to my father’s forehead and it was mixed with water and given to drink. With the blessings of Baba, the operation went absolutely well. My dad was absolutely fit and fine. The doctor said that after 2 to 3 months it was mandatory to do a pet scan to know if the tumor had spread and if so then it would be necessary to do chemo. But Baba had done a miracle in my father’s life. He did the pet scan in the month of April. To our surprise, no tumor was found and he was absolutely fine. Currently, he is leading a happy life. Baba saved my father from cancer. Om Sairam!

Sai Baba’s Intervention

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the UK says: I am a qualified CA working for a British MNC presently in the UK. Hello All, I am a new contributor to this forum but promise this won’t be my last contribution in this forum. I have been a Sai devotee for the last more than six months. 

Last entire year I faced hurdles in traveling from India to the UK to take up my new job assignment and every time I would see a glimmer of hope, Covid would create hurdles. My mother is a devotee of Baba and she asked me to visit Shirdi. Taking her advice I visited Shirdi to meet Baba and prayed really hard for all hurdles to pass and make my trip to the UK possible. 

Whilst I was in Shirdi, there was an announcement that all flights between India and the UK would be canceled due to the worsening situation of Covid in the UK and that really left me dejected though I knew that Baba would definitely do something for me. I prayed the next day during the Kakad Aarti and asked Baba to resolve my issue. Out of nowhere, I was able to book a flight that was otherwise not accepting bookings for Indian citizens and I managed to reach the UK. Since that day after reaching the UK, I have every day made it a point to pray to Baba and also do Aarti in the evening. He is my protector and I am very, very confident that He will guide me at all times, including the issues I am facing presently. 

Baba Keeps His Promise All The Time

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Shree Sai Nathaya Namaha! Today is father’s day and for so many of us Sai is father. For me also Baba is like. I guess I take Him for granted so many times. I think that is wrong. I know that is wrong. I am planning to see some girls for my son. I want him to get a good girl as soon as possible. 

One day my son went to see one girl, and I was thinking that girl should visit the house that weekend for lunch or dinner. There was no hope for that. But suddenly my son told me that the girl would park her car here and then they would go out. And guess what, that girl came to us for 10 minutes and then went back. That moment I did not realize it, but later in the evening I thought that I was asking Baba and He fulfilled my wish without me knowing. 

Baba, please help my son to get a good girl ASAP. I want to keep my entire burden on SHRI Swami Samartha, Gajanan Maharaj and Sai Baba. Baba, please help me all the time. 

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Vasant Nerkar
Vasant Nerkar
3 years ago

Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram

3 years ago


3 years ago

Om Sai Ram, SaiMa! You are everything and anything to me. Please help.

2 years ago

Om sai ram today episode is very nice 👍 om sai ram

2 years ago

Love you Deva
Jai Sai Samarth