Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3218

When Nobody Hears, Sai Baba Listens

When Nobody Hears, Sai Baba Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sukesh from Kolkata. “Sai” I had heard this name many times in the past, however It truly entered my life and enlightened me in the year 2002 when my family got an invitation for inauguration of Sri Dattatreya Sai Ashram situated in Dhenkanal like it is said, everything has its own time. We visited the temple/ashram and the rest is history. Since then, He has been there for me always and every time I need Him. 

I am a very ordinary devotee of Baba who remembers Him most in times of need. I am selfish enough to remember Him in difficult times and greedy enough to keep asking for favours. There was a time when I totally forgot Him, and made the biggest mistake of my life but He never left me alone. He gave me signals many times; I ignored all of them and committed the mistake. Then He gave me strength to overcome that situation and is helping me to cope with that. Sometimes trust shakes, but He again restores it in His own way. He is there always, to save me, to protect me, to track my life. With His krupa, the diya of Sai bhakti, seva and samarpan is still lighting my soul and life and I pray to Baba to keep it burning always. 

There are many incidents happened in my life, mentioning few of them from the prerna of Sai Baba.

Job: With Sai Baba’s blessing, I am able to be an engineer. Back in 2010, when I passed out from college, there was no campus selection at our college. So there were no jobs after I graduated. With a few of my college friends, I decided to shift to Bangalore to search for a job. The struggle was real. Good thing was, there was a Sai temple situated in the area that I was residing in. I started visiting the temple regularly. Still remember, I used to stare at His face and my heart and mind used to be filled with joy and happiness and sometimes it was by Anandashru (happy tears). After searching for a job for three months, I returned back to home and then to Hyderabad to do some courses for four months and then I went back to Bangalore. I appeared in many interviews and I was getting rejected, some in the second round, some in the last round. However my fuel was the faith in Him. Then I appeared for an interview for one of my dream companies. It seemed like it did not go through as the HR asked us to leave after the first round. 

Next day, there was another interview with another company for the second round. It also did not go through. I was sad but not depressed. On the way back to my room, I boarded a bus. I had a seat just behind the driver seat and there I observed one picture of Sai Baba spreading His hands. With the heavy heart of being rejected by my dream company, I said to Baba, “If it was Your will, that I should be rejected, then let it be so. I reached the room, got refreshed and went to my friend’s room to share my experiences for the day. When I was with him, it was around 5 PM, I got a call from my dream company that I got selected for the HR round and it was not informed to me due to some communication gap. So I had to go to the venue for the HR round the next day. The HR round got cleared and I got selected for my dream company finally. That day, He helped me realize and taught me the power of complete “Samarpan”. Miracle happens from the very next point when you completely surrender to Sai. Sai Baba – please accept my pranati. 

Baba Saved My Husband: Recently I shifted to Kolkata with my husband. We got Covid within four days of my arrival to Kolkata. I was admitted to hospital because I had complications and with strength from Sai Baba, my husband and I recovered soon within 10 days. However things were not going well with us. After a month, my husband’s belly got swollen all of sudden. We rushed to the doctor and the doctor asked us to do a whole abdomen scan along with other tests. All other tests were fine apart from the result of the whole abdomen scan. It was not looking good. Then the doctor asked us to do a CECT scan for the whole abdomen and the result was showing peri colic fat stranding and fat stranding in Colon which seems like colon cancer. To confirm this, the doctor asked us to do a colonoscopy. Entire world went upside down for us. Everything just turned into a bad dream. I prayed to Sai – “Baba please save us, please don’t give this disease. Nobody in this world deserves this disease.” I started giving Baba’s Vibhuti mixed in a glass of water to my husband everyday. The day of colonoscopy, there was a chemical mix that he had to take before four hours of colonoscopy to clean his colon. I added Baba’s Vibhuti to that chemical. We went to the hospital. I started reading Baba’s sahashranaam and 108 names of Sai Baba during His procedure. After some time, the doctor called me. My heart beats were beating like never before. To my surprise, the Doctor told me that there was no fat standing and there was nothing to worry about. There was no sign of cancer. It is nothing but Baba’s miracle. Baba’s blessing that we are saved. Sai Baba – Please hold us near Your heart like this always.

I am going through some rough days but I know it will also pass like clear sky after the dark clouds that are washed away after shower of rain. Mere Sai. 

When nobody hears, He listens. Sai Blesses all. Jai Sairam. 

Sadhguru Sai Baba

Sadhguru Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks Hetalji and team for this divine website which gives faith and hope even when situations are not under our control. Reading our Sai’s leelas here gives immense pleasure and faith. I have shared many of our Sai leelas here. Now I am going to share one more of them. 

My sister, who is also a Sai devotee, tested Covid positive. She took medicines for a week and stayed in home isolation. Fever did not reduce even for a week and I had body pains. Then she joined the hospital and doctors started giving medicines. At that time I prayed to our Sai to please make her come home by Thursday, if so then I would do Saptah parayan and share our Sai leela here. 

By Wednesday evening doctors discharged her even though there was some fever and body pains. Doctor told me to be in home isolation for some more days. Now exactly after a week on Wednesday she got tested and the report came negative. Thank You Sai Nana without You this could not have been possible. 

I was due with my periods. I did not get it even after 10 days. Then I prayed to our Sai Maa. Then after two days I got my periods. My periods did not stop even after 10 days of getting them. So again I prayed to our Baba to stop them. Baba made it happen and stopped after three days i.e. on my kid’s birthday. Our Sai leelas are uncountable. Big or small, when we pray to our Sai with faith then He solves all the problems. Thank You Sai Nana for making me Your devotee. 

Once I did not find my kid’s medical certificates. My husband started shouting. Then after praying to our Sai, He immediately gave me an idea to search in a box and I found it. Thank You Sai Nana. 

Please bless us to walk on the spiritual path. Nowadays my mind is not stable and not able to do Your Nama smaranam also. Please help me to leave all the worldly problems and concentrate on You. Shri Satchidananda Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. 

Baba Cured Overnight

Baba Cured Overnight

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Denmark says:  I am a small devotee of our dearest Baba. Thanks Hetalji for providing this platform. I have had many experiences recently. I will pen down as I remember them.

One night I was completely feeling exhausted and had cold and body pains. I was really tense due to the present situation with a toddler at home. I was not even having the strength to get up and take a painkiller. I prayed to my dear Baba and immediately I started feeling relieved from body pains and in no time the cold was completely gone and by next morning I was absolutely fine and had gone to work. My mom was sick post Covid and I was really worried about not being able to travel to India to take care of her. It is because of our dear Baba that she got better now, she still has weaknesses but I am sure Baba will take care. 

My brother was helping many Covid patients including my mom and my father-in-law and suddenly he got sick one day. Baba really helped him get better in just one day. 

This experience might be a bit funny but seriously Baba listens to even the smallest of our problems. One day I was driving with my kids in the car and I didn’t notice that there was some bird shit on the front glass and I was trying to wipe it but I didn’t have any liquid left so it ended up as a big mess and I could hardly see anything. I didn’t even have water and it was in the middle of the highway. Needless to say our Baba’s miracle just rained for two minutes and stopped and the mirror got completely cleaned. That’s our Baba. Om Sairam.

Baba Saved A Family

Baba Saved A Family

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have become a Baba’s devotee five years back. I am experiencing His blessings and presence in all. 

It was during the pandemic when I was in my mom’s house with two kids and our relatives live next to our house. We almost live like a joint family. Suddenly my uncle had a fever which made us all worried as there are young kids and elderly mom and aunt who are heart and diabetic patients. I prayed to Baba that if it was going to be normal fever and saved all of us then we would post it here. Here it goes that my uncle was completely fine the next day. Thanks Baba. Thanks for guiding me in my life. Baba, bless us and everyone with Your grace. 

Sai Baba Sends Voices

Sai Baba Sends Voices

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: When I’m doing something, I hear a voice that tells me to do something or not. I think sometimes when I hear a voice, and it tells me something, it sometimes turns out to be true I think. Mataji and Bhagwan may have sent the voices or are the voices that help me sometimes. Or maybe the voices could be myself that Mataji and Bhagwan might want me to listen to. Thank You Baba for guiding in such a beautiful way. Jay Sairam! Jay Mataji! Jay Badha Bhagwan!

Sai Baba’s Miracle

Sai Baba's Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam! I am a small devotee of Baba from India. Due to Baba’s grace we got abundant water in our new bore well for agricultural purposes. I had promised Baba to post here once we get water. Please sustain abundant water in this bore well forever Baba. Thank You Baba for Your Krupa. Thank You all. Jai Sairam.

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Shirdi Sai Baba – A Member of Sai Yug

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 858


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please protect my father sai baba please cure him baba redice his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please give them good health baba which is the biggest asset anyone can have. baba my husband has been complaining of slight fever and body pain. Please baba please save him and keep him fit and healthy. Baba please forgive his sins and grant him good health. Baba i post here in the hope that he remains in good health and you will take care of him and my children. Baba i surrender to you completely. He has to undertake travel today and I trust you will take care of him . please protect him baba, bring him home safely after completing his work and give him a good long life baba to fulfil all his dreams. Baba be with my kids too and give them the guidance to lead a respectable life. I totally surrender to you baba… Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

  3. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please protect him baba cure him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa