Got Job Back With Sai Baba’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Devotee Chetan from India says: Om Sairam! I am Chetan. I want to share my experience of Shirdi Sai Baba with all devotees.
The story that I am about to share is mine and occurred much recently. I don’t know where to begin. I was always a devotee of Baba because of my parents but I personally never followed His teachings as I used to question myself that I should be a blind devotee or should I wait till Baba’s spell bounds me and destroys my ego and makes me bend in front of Him.
It was February 15, 2021, I lost my well paid job due to the pandemic. I never thought that I would ever be in this situation. My parents are in their old age and I am the only earning member of my family. My life suddenly turned upside down after a five minutes phone call from my manager. And like a selfish person I started praying to Baba as we all do when we realize that our bad days have started. I felt guilt inside as how selfish I am to remember Baba when I need Him the most. I knew that my prayers were not reaching Him. I continued praying and asking for forgiveness.
I requested my manager thrice in the span of three months to reconsider the decision taken on me. The reply came “We are sorry but we do not have any job for you” (not to forget that I was still applying for other jobs meanwhile but with hard luck). Each time these statements shattered me and questioned my future. Slowly I started slipping into depression, anxiety and over thinking. These emotions when combined are no less than suicide bombing.
One day I randomly came across a video on YouTube and heard of Shri Sai Satcharitra. Being a Sai Bhakt, I had no idea about these blessings to mankind. Later I found out that it’s the equivalent of reading Bhagwat Gita. It is the wonderful life and teachings of Sai Baba. The one who finishes reading it in seven days gets his wish fulfilled. I started reading it with faith along with Thursday fasting. There is a quote in the book “This can only be read by someone whom Baba wants.” My daily life was getting easier and I was getting strength to bear the situation. I finished the book in ten days.
When I was on the 9th week of my Thursday fasting and the book was on second revision, I had a strange dream. I saw that I was standing on a railway platform which heads to Shirdi but for some reason I wasn’t able to board the train. I was upset and prayed to Baba with folded hands to forgive me for my sins. Suddenly I felt something on my palm; it was Baba’s Udi (all in dream). I woke up with confusion and there were a lot of questions although I remembered my dream vividly.
One week later, I emailed my manager again to rehire me for the fourth time. But this time, the feeling was different from the other attempts. I could feel a connection with Baba. I could feel His blessings on me. The reply came, “Your request is under review.” This was different from the last three attempts, I was rejected right away. I spoke to my colleagues who fortunately were still employed within the company. What they told me again shocked me. They said the whole management has been replaced. I understood immediately that this was none other than Baba’s blessings. We call Him the Wirepuller of the universe.
But still my status was under review and I did not excite myself much and kept praying to Baba. After six weeks my phone rang, I knew the number very well as it was the same number who made my world miserable and rejected me thrice in the past. I kept chanting Baba’s name and received the call.
Over the phone was a manager from new management. And she goes, “I would like to talk to you about your recent request in regards to joining the company.” I was chanting Baba’s name. She again goes “After much thought we have decided to reinstate you in the company (meaning same position where you left)! Congratulations! Do you have any questions for us?”
I replied, “Thank you, it means a lot to me and my family.” But only my heart knows, this statement was only for my Baba, My Sai. It was like bringing life to a dead body.
I know I cannot thank Sai Baba enough for all His blessings. I would like to let readers know that from the time I connected with Baba, everything was divine and miraculous. I would also request the readers to read Shri Sai Satcharitra. You will be benefited immensely.
Sai Baba Experience

Shirdi Sai Devotee Dhiraj Jogia from Canada says: Jai Sai Ram! I had an amazing experience today 2nd February 2021 in Toronto, Canada.
My wife today lost her very expensive uninsured mobile phone whilst walking and we had some idea that it might be at a place where we had taken some pictures. But when I went looking for it in that area I couldn’t find it. She panicked very badly because she had recently been under a huge amount of stress for other reasons and now losing her mobile was the worst thing that could ever happen to her. She started thinking the worst because all her essential information concerning everything was in her mobile.
I started praying very hard to Shirdi Sai Baba to please find her mobile because I knew about her existing stress levels. Chanting Om Sai Ram and was verily pleading with Baba to please find her mobile. My wife went out again looking for it but I thought she was wasting her time as I had already checked that area where we thought she lost her mobile.
I honestly didn’t think she would find it because I had searched everywhere along the route we took.
But Baba’s mercy, compassion and omniscience are so amazing that she found her phone soon after I started praying to Baba. So the lesson for me is never, ever try to underestimate Baba’s omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscient powers because honestly He can hear you when you turn to Him. And that’s exactly what happened to me today. Om Samartha Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Baba Gave Strength To Devotee

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee says: Om Sairam. Please keep my name, country and details anonymous.
Thank you Hetal didi for maintaining this blog. Baba gave me strength from childhood to face the difficulties. He was hidden from me. I respected Him as an elderly citizen and did not recognise Him as God. My mother told me that I was her last priority after her parents and brother when I was in school. I had to suffer a lot from childhood. Unexpectedly my health deteriorated and my pains also increased. I was always left to suffer. Maybe it was my past karmas that I have to suffer in all aspects.
I am also a participant of Mahaparayan and I have a hope that when my sins are completely washed off, Baba will look after me. I always longed for my family. When my childhood was disturbed, I decided to quit my family life and do work completely focusing on it. I also completely surrendered to Baba. However hard I tried, my personal and professional life was with extreme suffering. When I didn’t harm anyone, people came and scolded me, cursed me as If I had done wrong and unbearable anger hurt me. I am treated as inferior. It is difficult for my family. With time all the relationships change.
With Baba’s grace only I can work hard and end my sufferings in the upcoming days. I never want to recall my past, it is painful. I want to experience Your love and grace Baba. I only want to recall You and Your blessings. Baba always gave me strength to face all the difficult situations. Baba, please wash my sins. Baba, please grace me. Om Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabramha Sri Sachinanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai – A Part Of Life And A Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Hyderabad working for a private office.
Dear Hetalji, firstly thank you so much for creating a platform thereby giving us the opportunity to share our experiences which thereby keeps increasing our faith in our Sai every day.
I have been a devotee of Sai Baba since I was 15 years old and also a member of the Mahaparayan group. Since childhood, I used to seek Baba’s help in every exam of my school and college and Baba helped me for the same. Even with a small problem in the office I seek Baba’s help. Sometimes it may sound silly to seek our Sai help for every small issue but Sai has become such a trivial part of my life that I can’t resist seeking Sai Baba’s help.
Coming to my most recent experience, I had headache, motions and lack of sleep for two days. In this present pandemic situation I was scared that it might be Covid and prayed to Baba that if the symptoms were resolved by the next day then I would post my review here and Baba prove my faith in Him. Next day I was symptom free and my Sai cleared all my fears and my happiness had no boundaries. Thank You so much Sai for being there for me and guiding me in every step.
Son’s Birthday Went Well With Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thanks to Hetalji for maintaining such a wonderful platform to share our experiences. I have been a devotee of Baba for the past 10 years.
Coming to the experience, last two weeks back I requested Baba for my period to come before my son’s first birthday and namakaram also we had planned. After that I got my period. As I promised I am posting the experience.
Without Baba I am nothing. If I did anything wrong please excuse me. My son is not sleeping well and is always crying. My husband is getting serious regarding this issue. Please Baba help in this situation so that my son will sleep without crying. I will share my experience if he will sleep normally without crying. Anantha Koti Bramhandanayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Prabramha Sri Sachitananda Saduguru Sainath ki Jai!
Gratitude To Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Thank you Hetalji. I got my second dose vaccine because of my Baba. Thank you for being with me.
Baba You know what I am going through still You are silent and confusing me. Please remove negative thoughts from my mind. Om Sairam!
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Shirdi Sai Baba – A Member of Sai Yug
Thankyou Baba for whatever you have blessed us you so much..lot of anger fear and frustration is there in my heart.kindly reduce them.
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima.please bless my father with health sai, cure him baba,show us some light Baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.please let the pooja go well tomorrow
Om Sai Ram, SaiMa Thank you for everything. Please clear all my confusion and conflict within me. I am trying to be a better person day by day, however as a human I forget what I have promised not to talk evil, think evil. Let me me a source of happiness to everyone around me. MA I know my dreams are not fulfilled all because of my sins in past and present life. It is you who can turn my life into a better. Om sai ram, om sai ram, om sai ram. MA please reduce pain in my heart and give me directions.
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Please do grant them good health, protect them from all evil, give them happiness and laughter, keep them knowledgable and prosperous with good sanskar always. Baba my husband is travelling please be with him and protect him. Baba help me do my daily duties bith at home and work. Help me give guidance to my children and I hope you will show them the path to a respectable living. Help them choose the right path of life and keep them in good company always. baba I surrender to you wholly and count on you as you appeared in my dream to protect my family. Baba you have created many miracles so far please continue to shower your grace and blessings over our little family. Thank you baba for everything. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Sairam! My mother in her old age is suffering a lot of pain, as she has diabetes ,she is undergoing piles,hyperactivity, swollen leg and ear much worried about her.Sometimes she is very hungry and sometimes she is ot able to eat.kindly cure my Amma’s illness and safeguard her always with your Raksha Kavacha throughout day and night.At night she sleeps alone kindly safeguard my Amma and bless her with good healthand happiness and peace .Jai Sairam!
Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram.