Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3241

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Denmark says: I am a devotee of our beloved Baba from Denmark. This is my second post here and I am so grateful for the team who is maintaining this page. I am so sorry Baba; please forgive me for the delay in posting my experiences.

1. I was going through a tough time at my work because of the boss who was very dominating and never heard any complaints. There was a lot of workload and so many shifts which was getting very difficult to manage with two small kids. I was trying to change my job for the past two years and had been so frustrated with not getting any interview calls. I was losing hope and kept praying to Baba hoping that He would make it better one day. I was learning to live with my job anyhow and suddenly on a Thursday I got an email for an interview for a job which I had applied almost 6 months ago but never heard from them. I thought that they already recruited a candidate as they never answered my emails. I was so excited to read the mail and accepted their invitation for the interview which was again on a Thursday. Interview went really well but they said that they couldn’t answer for at least one month. I had hope in Baba and He knew what to give me. He said one month but he called me for a second interview two days later. And the rest is history. I got the job. Baba never leaves His devotees empty handed. It may take time but He makes everything right. Thank You Baba for blessing us.

2. Baba saved me from a major accident on the highway where speed limits are high. I was driving to work one day and was driving 130km/hour as that is a normal speed limit here. There were 3 lanes and I was in the middle one and was about to overtake the vehicle in front of me. As soon as I shifted my lane, everyone started breaking suddenly and I was very scared that I was going to hit the car in front of me and the one behind me was going to hit me. I didn’t even have time to remember anything apart from Baba that I was asking Him is this my last minute. I don’t know what happened and how but I managed to steer the car to my right and luckily there was a car long behind me. Baba averted a cluster collision that day by steering me into the right lane. Thank You for saving my life Baba.

I am going through a tough time with my health and Baba knows everything and I am praying everyday to make me better. I am also praying to Baba to come to my home in the form of an idol. Hopefully He will bless me very soon.

Have faith in Him and everything will be alright. 

Baba My Saviour

Baba My Saviour

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Hi I live in the US and my life is worth living only because of Baba. This is less of an experience and more of a plea to Baba through all of you. My son is stuck in a very toxic relationship that has completely ruined him in every way – health wise, financially and emotionally. We have tried everything humanly possible to get him out of this but nothing worked.

 As Satcharitra says, when all else fails there is only one recourse – Baba. Through all of you I am begging Baba to get him out of this. I have given up my favourite food. I have 100% confidence that he will do a miracle and my son will come out of it. I will share that miracle with all of you as soon as it happens. 

As I was typing this I am reminded of what he told me through several experiences that He will take care of this situation.

 (1) Our local Baba temple started a daily parayan. One of my friends suggested that I join that group and so I opted in. However, as I was late I was not given a spot. I was a little sad but decided that I would do it later. Later in the evening the administrator called me and said, “Baba wants you to do the parayan. Someone decided to drop off and I am giving you her spot. I got goosebumps and assurance.

 (2) my sister asked me to write a letter to Baba, I did. In the letter I asked for 3 things:

 – to pull my son into Sai Darbar, 

– to give my son the mental strength to make the right decision as his horoscope is pretty scary

 – to give me an indication that He heard me.

I kept the letter near Baba on Thursday. Later in the day I started reading my allocated chapters (28 and 29) as a part of Mahaparayan. The first paragraph in chapter talks about how Baba will pull His people like a string tied to a sparrow no matter how far they are (answering my first question).

In the next chapter He talks about Tendulkar’s hesitancy in taking an exam because of his horoscope and how he should not care about horoscopes and just trust Baba (second question). 

What else do I need? I have the assurance from my Baba. Jai Sairam!

Baba’s Blessings

Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam! I am a member of Mahaparayan group MP-975N1 Kavita Sai group from 2019.

Om Sairam! As a devotee of Baba I want to narrate my experience. I joined the group in the month of May 2019. In the month of June my daughter- in- law conceived with Baba’s blessings. 

My son got married in 2018 April at a late age, so I worried about his kids. But with Baba’s blessings all went well and I am blessed with a grandson. 

This was the first miracle for my younger brother who was working as an outsourcing employee in the government sector and lost his job in March 2020. I told him to do Baba’s parayan. He did so and by the grace of Baba he joined his job after 3 months with a 6 months contract.

 After 6 months he again lost his job. This time he performed Sai divya puja for 5 weeks and now after a 5 months gap he got a permanent job. We felt very happy for this as in this way Baba gave His blessings to our family

Lost iPods Miraculously Found By Baba’s Grace

Lost iPods Miraculously Found By Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I want to be an Anonymous devotee. I am from Mumbai.
Thank you Hetalji for providing this platform which helps to share experiences and in turn helps to keep our faith and patience as per Baba’s preaching.

My daughter had misplaced her air pods and we all couldn’t find it all day in spite of it being connected to our phone also. After all futile attempts all day long, I came across a random message of Baba on Pinterest saying, “If you lose something, it doesn’t mean that is the end. The hope is always alive to get it back. This is the time where your faith is being tested. To see whether you have faith in your Guru even after losing things.”

This was on Thursday and I had just started listening to Sai Satcharitra as Saptah parayan for myself.
When I read that message I left everything on Baba and started listening to Sai Satcharitra.
To our utter surprise, we suddenly thought of checking in the kitchen at a very unusual location and there it was. Yes, we found the airpods.

This was Sai’s leela to increase Shraddha and Saburi in us. Baba is so loving and caring. Believe me. He is there with all of us at every step and in every breath. Just surrender to Baba and see how He helps us all along.

Om Sairam!

Baba’s Miracle

Baba's Miracle

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Thank you Hetalji and team for this wonderful blog. 

Coming to my experience, all my friends planned for a vacation and I said okay without asking my husband or kids. 

After my friend booked the house through airbnb, I told my husband that we were all going on vacation. He did not like the location and the house and was not happy that it was very expensive. My kids also were not interested. But since I already had committed to my friends, we had to go. So I requested them to just go this time and in future I promised them that I would not commit to anything till everyone would be okay. They kept on complaining the whole week. I sincerely prayed to Baba asking Him to select the best option for us and that if He thought that we all would enjoy the vacation then to allow us to go; if not then asked Him to cancel it. 

My dearest Baba, my Savior listened to my prayer and the trip got cancelled. Thanks a lot Baba for this wonderful miracle because once we book with Air bnb it’s very hard to get a full refund but with Baba on our side anything is possible. Thank You once again Baba. Om Sairam, Om Sairam, Om Sairam!

Baba’s Leela

Baba’s Leela

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Hi!

Someone also talked about patterns here. Also, maybe another person was talking about the Squirrel from Ramayana and I sometimes have some kind of patterns or it may be me thinking that, I might be wrong! I think I saw two people on here talk about the squirrel from Ramayana (not sure) and I saw a book of Ramayana, I think at someone’s house.

Yesterday, on safari, I saw a Krishna Bhagwan picture which I had also seen in the Lord Krishna Flute Music- video. Right now, I have the picture saved on my phone, but when I look in safari searching Krishna Bhagwan, I can’t find it. Neither can I find it on google on my laptop that I’m typing this on. I don’t know where the picture is on safari now, it might be gone now (not sure) or I just didn’t find it. I don’t know how to put the picture here, but if Pooja Didi would like to mail me and ask for the picture, then maybe I’ll try and send it. Jay Sairam! Jay Krishna Bhagwan! Jay Badha Bhagwan! Jay Badha Mataji!

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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please protect my father sai ma cure him baba cure his injuries reduce his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. Om Sai Ram, SaiMA. Thank you for everything. Please show some light in this dark alley of our life. With your blessing anything and everything is possible. Please bless you humble devotee with peace and calm. Please look into our welfare and fulfil our dreams. I can cling on to you only. Please bring us happiness MA. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai ram

  3. Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children … please give them good health, lots of happiness and laughter, wisdom to choose the right path, prosperity and intense faith and devotion in you. Baba my husband and children need support. You know the everyday challenges. I am making my best attempt but I am overloaded. Please help us baba. Hold my hand baba. Without your grace and support how can we surpass the challenges. Baba we surrender to you to take us across and protect us at all times. Om SAi Rakshak sharnam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya named 🙏