Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3243

Power of Sai Baba Mantra Jaap

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a devotee of Sai Baba and I wish to share an experience on this divine platform which I believe has been created by Sai Baba Himself in the manner He turned on situations in favour of Hemadpant to inspire him to write His biography.

I have been a devotee of Baba for the last 15 years now and this is my experience that He lives with me every moment, erases effects of bad karmas and helps us to tread on the spiritual path. I never question Him why such a situation arose or why I feel He is not helping me. I know, by default, He knows my heart and listens to every beat of it and knows even before what I desire and what I deserve. I even feel absolutely no need to pray to Him for anything because He knows what to give and what not to give. In my prayers there will be only communication which is opening my heart to Him and leaving the results to Him. At times I will be so overwhelmed that I will not even speak my heart out to Him, thinking He already knows and We enjoy the silence. However, there are times when we have to ask Him (even repeatedly) to help us to cope with some tough situations which seem out of control to us. 

This is regarding my brother’s wedding. There were issues in my family and my brother wanted to avoid his wedding altogether. Already due to the pandemic (second wave) things were not progressing and all of a sudden he came out with such a demand which was impossible for us to fulfill. We tried convincing him on many grounds but at one point he had decided not to move on because of some of his past life experiences. I was able to understand his situation at the same time I couldn’t see my parents passing days with so much worry and anxiety. Time was very crucial and each one of us was in utter confusion to take things further. 

As usual I turned towards Baba, but unusually I begged Him to show some light and guide us further. I didn’t ask Him any question and searched for answers as i have read many devotees doing on the blog. On the contrary, I was frantically in search of a solution – it was like make it or break it situation. So a permanent solution was the only solution. On June 7, 2021, I vowed to Baba to chant “Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Mantra” 108 times everyday for the next 108 days. I don’t like to be bound in such vows. Neither do I want Baba to bind Himself, but I was helpless and that was my last resort. On June 9, 2021, I got a call from my mother that things were sorted and the engagement was fixed on June 19, 2021. I was in tears when I got the news and I had no words to thank Baba. Now it was my turn to complete my vow and I was doing it. June 19 while attending the engagement ceremony, my heart was full of gratitude as I was doing the jaap as per my vow. A few days after the engagement, the wedding date was also fixed and that too fell in those 108 days of chanting the mantra. Yes, my vow of chanting for 108 days did not not even complete and my brother got married. 

My faith had grown stronger in the power of the mantra and I wanted to start another vow as soon as I complete the present one, but I was in dilemma because again I didn’t wish to bind our beloved Baba. But He had a plan to curb my bad karma by making me chant the mantra. I got a direct reply from Him through a message on a board of the temple, saying, “Chant My Name, It Will Benefit You”. I was stunned to see the message as the previous night I was asking Baba about going for another cycle of chanting for 108 days. So from today, Dussehra day, I am starting the chants for 108 days and I am sure Baba is going to fulfill this vow too! I thank Ruzbeh Bharucha for sharing the powerful mantra with us. 

Baba knows the heart of all, all we need to have Shraddha and Saburi and a readiness to surrender to Him completely. He is always present to help, guide, advice and above all love and care for us.

Sai Baba Cleared Doubts And Gave Positive Sign

Sai Baba Cleared Doubts And Gave Positive Sign

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai Baba Devotee from India. In 2004, I failed the second PUC and was idle at home for a year. That is when I got to know about Baba and visited His temple for the first time. I still remember that day, I cried like anything as soon as I saw Him. From then on everything has been good in my life. 

Recently we decided to construct a house. We met a few architects and then finalized one person and gave him 50k advance to start the work. After three to four days he was ready with the plan and explained it to us through an online meeting. But my husband and I were not happy with the plan he gave and so we told him a few changes. Even after the changes, we were not fully satisfied. Then we spoke to another architect and gave him 30k advance, this time too we were not satisfied. So, I spoke to the third person and gave him an advance to start the work. His plan came out well. He also suggested one Vaastu person and after discussing with him, we finalised a plan with few changes. 

On the day of pooja we wanted to start bore well work so spoke to few known people but they were busy on that day, so spoke to a new person and he agreed to do the work. But, when we broke the coconut at the pooja time, it was spoiled which made us worry as we were already facing problems since we made up our mind to start construction. Everyone there consoled us saying not to worry. Bore well work started by 12 noon after the pooja but didn’t get water by the end of the day. Next day we had gone till 720 feet but didn’t get water, so my husband was very much worried and said me that we will see till 850 feet, if we don’t get water we will drop the plan of constructing. But I was hoping that we would get water within 800ft. 

On the third day we both went to Gangamma temple and prayed. From there I went to Baba temple and prayed to Baba that I will read the full Sai Satcharitra (small book) within that day (I usually do whenever I pray for something). When I was reading the second chapter I got a call saying that we got water at 750 feet, this gave us relief and hope. From the time we started the work we have been spending more than we had calculated so I was worried and thinking as to why it is happening to me and what is the solution. 

Somehow the work is going on. Today (Thursday) morning after doing Baba Abhisheka I was reading Sai Satcharitra and I got a call from my friend and she said will you light five lamps to Baba for five days and I agreed hoping that this is the solution to my worry and problem that we are facing. 

I am really feeling relieved after that call and hoping that everything will go on smoothly here after.
Thank You Baba for being with me all the time. Please forgive all my sins and bless me. Bow to Sri Sai. 

Sai Baba Healed

Sai Baba Healed

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Yesterday evening my stomach was hurting after I had dinner. Last night I had a Hawaban Harde (for digestion). My stomach was still hurting for a couple of hours or so (not sure) and then I think the pain decreased. This morning maybe my stomach hurt a little bit and then it stopped. It started hurting a little bit another time while I was doing Puja. Now, I’m good! Thank You Mataji and Bhagwan for healing my stomach! Mataji and Bhagwan answered me and helped me get better. Jay Sairam! Jay Badha Bhagwan! Jay Badha Mataji!

Baba Saved

Baba Saved

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Sai Baba from 2013 to till date. Baba is my father. I believe in Him so much. 

Om Sairam Dear SaiAppa, Past few months have been a very, very tough time for our family. We lost our dad and hopefully he reached You safely and peacefully. My husband has been facing a very, very big problem in his life which is threatening both his life, honour and job. At one point we lost all hope and there was no help. But small, small help came from some places but yet there was no solution. 

The solution to the problem is not possible immediately. There are several steps which have to go in our favour. First step is to save my husband, at least temporarily. First attempt failed and there was no hope. We believed in only our Sai Baba. People gave us less chances only. All the facts and circumstances were against us. We had only Baba. When the actual day came, we were in so much fear and so were very nervous. But as Baba usually does; He saved us at the last moment. Even if this is a temporary relief it gives us hope to fight with Baba on our side. This shows that Sai Baba is with us giving energy to fight ahead even if everything is arranged against us. 

Even this temporary relief could not have been possible without the support and blessings of Baba. We sincerely pray to Baba for total and complete relief from this problem. I promised Baba if my husband is saved then I will post this miracle. Thank You so much Saipa. Be with us Baba. Sorry for the delay Saipa, You know the reasons. Once the full problem is solved we will post the complete miracle of Shri Sai Baba

Baba Saved From A Disaster

Baba Saved From A Disaster

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hi I’m a Sai devotee from India I want to share an experience of how Baba saved me from a disaster.

Here is how Baba saved me. Without my knowledge I was using a steroid cream which was given by a dermatologist when I went to take a treatment for my acne. Since it gave me good results without knowing it’s side effects I started to use it for a very long time to be specific for more than five years. Once while I was scrolling Instagram, a video came up which had information about the creams not to use as it contains steroids. When I saw that video I felt like the sky had fallen on me. Later I started to research on the cream and I realized that using this cream was such a mistake and in 1 month my marriage was there. I didn’t know what to do. I just prayed to Baba and I was so mad for not knowing about the cream. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t share it with anyone because everyone would definitely scold me. But I shared it with my Baba. Baba really showed me a miracle. I started to apply Baba’s Udi on my face (complete face) daily and I didn’t do Sai vrat and slowly I stopped using the steroid cream. Seeing the side effects on the internet, I seriously couldn’t imagine what would have happened to my face but my Baba saved me. Love You Baba. Without You my life is nothing, thank You for saving me from a disaster where I would have damaged my face. When You are beside Your devotee no harm will happen because Sai is our doctor and Baba’s Udi is our medicine. Please bless everyone Baba, thank You for saving me all the time. 

Sai Baba Solved Transfer Issue

Sai Baba Solved Transfer Issue

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam, I am a government employee. There was a transfer due for me. I believed in Baba and prayed for transfer to my office of choice. Recently my transfer order was released and by Sai Baba’s grace my wish was fulfilled. Jai Sairam!

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Hetal Patil
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3 years ago

Omsairam..thanks for whatever you have blessed us eith..i love you..kindly bless me with faith and patience.

3 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please
Protect my father sai ma cure his injuries baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa,I am very scared baba everything is making me panic,you are the light of our lives

3 years ago

Om Sai Ram, Thank you saima. I know what ever i have now is all given by you. Saima please fulfill my dream too. Om sai ram. I am lodging 491 visa Ma, please bless so that i get the nomination letter within a month and complete everything very soon. Once done i will share my experience here. Om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

3 years ago