Sai Baba`s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a 60 years old male staying in Noida. I experienced Baba’s Kripa recently!
After my retirement recently, I decided to purchase a house with the help of retirement funds. My wife and I searched for a suitable accommodation but nothing could work out, because either the flats were small or they were costly – beyond our reach. I prayed to Baba for His kind blessings so that we can get a reasonable house. After about 6 months of our search, we reached a building where the builder staff was very gentle and welcomed us, showing us 3-4 flats. These flats suited our requirements in terms of size and therefore decided to sit for final discussion on the next day as it was getting dark.
Next day, when we were just about to enter the office, there was a phone call. I took the phone and it was from a friend who was residing in the same colony as he had seen me from his balcony and wanted to re-confirm my presence there. When I replied in affirmative that it was me, he informed me that there was another flat on sale in the same building, belonging to a common friend.
On hearing this, I headed straight towards his residence to get further details. The common friend was contacted and he was more than happy to sell his flat to me. After brief negotiations, a token amount was immediately paid to finalise the deal. I started paying on the intervals as agreed upon.
After a while, I realised that the seller was taking it easy after receiving a considerable amount from me and he did not appear to be serious enough to finish the transactions. I offered to close the deal by paying the entire amount in one go and requested him to transfer the property in my name. But he continued to be casual. I got worried as a significant amount of money had already been paid and I had nothing in my hand, seriously! I prayed to Baba to the extent that I was chanting Sai-Sai quite frequently.
Then a miracle happened. The seller approached me one day for a meeting at a common point. I went there. He requested me to expedite payment, which I did in three days and papers were handed over immediately thereafter. I got possession and was happy. I thanked Baba and prayed to Him to keep me and my family under the shelter of His pious feet for ever.
I was just wondering that if a phone call had not come when I was entering the builder’s office, this deal may not have been possible.
Later, a few serious issues again cropped up at the time of registration of the flat, which were resolved with the grace of Sai! Now I look back to realize that it was all His desire for us to stay at this place, amongst great disciples of Baba – our neighbours.
Sai Experiences

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an anonymous devotee of Sai Baba from India. Thank you Hetalji and team for making this blog and it is very much useful for us. Please post my experiences in your blog.
Experience 1: I was reading the devotees’ experience from the blog and there were many experiences where devotees apply Udi to their problems and suddenly I also said Baba in my mind to please provide me Udi today if I was His loving daughter. As I have never seen Udi before in my life I forgot that incident. At the evening I was remembering this while reading Sai Satcharitra and to my surprise at the end of that chapter it was concluded that remember the Sai Baba standing at the end of the Masjid and distributing Udi to all His devotees and I was blessed by Him.
Experience 2: My mom met with an accident and her hand was fractured. She didn’t tell me about this thinking that I would be worried. I got to know about this when she was admitted to hospital as the operation was on Wednesday. I prayed to Baba wholeheartedly and a miracle happened. Somehow the operation which was about to start on Wednesday got postponed to Thursday and my joy knew no bounds and all my worries vanished at that time as He was there to take care of my mom. Surgery happened on Thursday and she is recovering now. I love You Sai Baba. Please always protect my family. Please bless my papa also as he is suffering from fever and I know You will recover him and my granny also.
Experience 3: Recently my practical examinations were done and I was not prepared for it but due to my Saimaa’s grace all went well. There were three exams and I was thorough with only 1 or 2 experiments with each exam and all exams came on Thursday only and miracle of miracles here also as Baba helped me a lot. I got the same experiment which I studied in 3 exams. Also in the last exam it was on Thursday and I prayed to Baba that I will press the key 7 on the computer; please give me the experiment I studied and to my surprise I got the same experiment under my lucky number 7. Thank You so much Baba. You helped me a lot. Sorry as I said that I would post here and it got a little late. Baba please pass me in my semester exams. Once again I will post my experiences here.
Experience 4: Suddenly one day my charger was missing as I used to keep it plugged on my table and nowhere else. I was so worried and prayed to Baba that if I found it then I would post my experiences in the blog. Then suddenly I found my charger on the same table on which I had searched before and it was not found and now with Baba’s grace I had found it. Baba You know my health problem please solve that one also. If I recover from it then also I will post it on the same blog. Please bless me in Your love Baba. I trust You Baba and love You so much.
Please post my experiences.
New Life With Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Singapore says: I am a minor devotee who is dependent on Baba for everything. By Baba’s grace we were blessed with a baby.
Recently my husband and baby were unwell the same night. My husband had a very bad headache and my baby was not sleeping. It was very concerning for me and I prayed to Baba to please help us out. By 4am both of them settled. Talking about how Baba helped us is not the experience. The experience is that He is always there for us! But it is our action which determines how He helps us.
I was distracted that day; I did not pay attention to a few things. In all His help there is always a lesson and that’s why I love Him so much. He showed me the path.
The problems make you stronger and you gain confidence and answers to the questions in your innermost thoughts. Again the concept of surrender comes in. If I was surrendering only say 40% to Baba last year it has slowly come to 50%.
When I surrender or let go, ideas come to my mind, I know Baba is looking at us and helping. But it’s very, very difficult to jot hyperventilate. My baby is very small and I am always constantly worried. By Baba’s grace I think I am passing each day. I would be nothing without Him. Take care of my Baby and husband Baba. Jai Sairam!
Baba Personally Accepted A Devotee’s Little Service

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from India and I am Baba’s devotee. I have been observing Thursday fast for many years. Every Thursday, I donate something to eat like biscuits, bananas etc. to the beggars outside Sai temple. Off late because of Covid scare, I avoided buying biscuit packs from the market to give to beggars and started donating money instead.
One Thursday morning, I had Sai’s message on the app which I have installed on my phone which stated that “Donating money isn’t enough; no daan is complete without Annadaanam.” Considering it to be my Master’s command, I decided to donate raw rice packs which I had ordered online. Unfortunately, that morning I was getting so late for the office that I didn’t have time left to visit Baba’s temple. So while getting my two wheeler out of the parking lot, I apologized to Baba for not being able to visit the temple to donate and prayed to Him to guide me as to whom I should give these packs of raw rice which I was carrying with me to the office. I said to myself how I wish Baba could Himself come to accept my little offering.
With these thoughts, I started my two wheeler and to my surprise just as I approached the entrance of our society, I saw a Fakir coming walking on the other side of the road. I was astonished as I had never seen any fakir in this vicinity for the last 5 years. My inner voice told me that yes, it is none other than my Baba and I swiftly drove towards him. He was wearing a red Kafani, white cloak, white jhola on his shoulders, maala in his hands just the way our beloved Baba looks. I said, “Baba, will you take rice from me?” He said, ” Beta, jo dena chaahti hai, de de(whatever you wish to give, you may give).” I happily gave him the rice packs and said Jai Sainath. He then left. I felt so elated at this divine darshan that Baba had given me. I thank my Deva for accepting my prayers and little service. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva.
Sai Our Savior

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sairam, I am one of the sparrows that Baba has pulled towards Him. He humbly pulled me towards Him and Baba has been showering His blessings on us throughout our life. Baba also pulled my husband towards Him, now he has become a sincere devotee of Baba. Thanks a lot Baba for everything.
Kudos, to the people maintaining this blog. You all are blessed ones and may Baba continue showering His blessings on you all. I am part of the Mahaparayan group because of His blessings. Whenever I feel low I read the miracles of Baba on this site and I get more energy and peace.
This site is very powerful and I believe that Baba resides here and listens to all of us.
I had posted an important document through mail and prayed Baba that the document should reach the place safely. By Baba’s grace I got an email stating that the receiving end had received the document.
This week it’s Guru Pournima and the temple near our place celebrates it every year grandly with Baba’s puja and palki. I participate every year by Baba’s grace. This time it was my period and I started praying to Baba to allow me to do puja this year also. I can’t express my happiness that Baba showered His blessings and I was able to participate again. Thank You, Baba. Please bless all Your devotees. Om Sai Namo Namah, Sri Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah.
Experience Regarding Exam

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am from Andhra Pradesh. Baba gave me a lot of experience and miracles in my life. Now I am sharing an experience that Baba gave me.
Today I had an exam regarding job training. I prayed to Sai if the question paper comes easy and if I write the exam very well then I will share the experience on the blog. Suddenly my exam was paused after some time but due to Sai’s blessing again my exam was resumed and I wrote very well. Thank You so much Sai.
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Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge please help us deva, blesmy.mother, let the audit go well sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa i was very scared sai thqnk
Om Sai Ram….Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba give everyone good health, happiness and prosperity to live a respectable life. Baba there are many people we need to support the company, the cooperation we get is very little. Please help us get the right people in the team. Please solve all issues and hep us go ahead with your blessings. Please help us choose the right days for the Bhoomi poojan and shower on us the grace to start the work. Baba you know what is happening in our lives. Please help us baba. 🙏Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Baba thanks for helping me in the most hour of need. Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Om Sai Ram, Sai Ma Thank you. Please remove all the turmoil as you know very well what I am going through. Om sai ram, Om sai Ram om sai ram