Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3257

Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Baba's Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Hello Hetalji, I am from India and please make this post anonymous. I would like to share an experience on behalf of my brother who is also a great believer of Sai. My whole family believes in Sai. During all of our good and bad times we have always felt Sai’s presence. I had promised Baba that I will share this experience below once my niece is six months, so please share this experience in your blog.

One such miracle is, my brother and sister-in-law have been married for eight years and since then were trying for a baby. They met many doctors and did all the radiological and blood tests as prescribed but there was no single fault in any one of them. All reports came out to be normal but somehow were not able to conceive. They tried three cycles of IUI but still there was no success. Then they started following fasting, did daily poojas, and met many astrologers and followed all the things that were said to them and at last decided to go for IVF. IVF being an expensive procedure and my brother not so financially stable was in a dilemma – how all the things would be managed. But with Sai’s grace and blessings with only one cycle, the embryo was implanted in my sister-in-law and soon foetus started growing as in normal pregnancy. Till 7 months, everything was going fine and suddenly sister-in-law’s BP shot up and was given heavy medicines, injections to keep BP under control. Everyday BP was monitored and we all prayed to Sai to safely just pass 1 to 1.5 months more as we were scared of premature birth.

Since the time was lockdown period it was always a scare of corona. She had to go to hospital multiple times for checkups and one fine day in the middle of the 7th month, my sister-in-law was admitted to the hospital at midnight since her BP was not going down even after heavy medications. On multiple occasions the gynaecologist who was taking care was also somewhat not so confident and her support that is needed to a patient during a crisis was also missing but due to corona time they could not change the doctor as changing a doctor would mean changing a hospital which we did not know would be covid free or not. Anyway, so the day she was admitted, luckily her BP came under control and was discharged in two days. Then her doctor said that we had to deliver the baby on exactly the 36th week i.e. the end of the 8th month and the baby’s weight was also slowly growing, so delivery was necessary. Baby had not reached the minimum weight of 2 kg. The day was fixed as Thursday for delivery and the doctor had informed prior that, after delivery, the baby would require NICU stay for 8 or more days. The day of delivery arrived and a baby girl was born with full oxygen level, no breathing issues and absolutely no NICU was required. Only concern was that the baby was underweight, weighing 1.75 kg which could be easily tackled with nutrition. And today while writing this, my niece is six months old and she is healthy and gaining her weight as desired. 

Our faith that day on Sai increased tenfold. Now by default if any problem comes on Thursday we have faith that Sai is with us and if any new thing we have to start, then too we remember and do it on Thursday if possible.

Out of this, I can say Sai not only delivered the baby safely but also kept Corona free this entire time when corona was at its peak.

Baba Always Listens

Baba Always Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam. I am a resident of Odisha, India and I wish to be anonymous. Baba always listens, we just need to call for help.

I don’t even remember when I have known Sai Baba but it seems like a relationship of multiple lifetimes. Throughout the years of my life, Sai Baba has always been there; looking out for me, doing things in my favour and for my future, even when I am clueless about the same. He has always been there to answer my prayers. Being a faulty human, as I am, I have been swindled by the wraps of Maya, worldly pursuits, desire, and far more often than not, I have not been able to pray religiously or remember Him in an entire day! But our kind Baba has always forgiven me and taken me back in His arms whenever I had a hard time or needed His help or even just wanted to talk my heart out in front of Him. That is how merciful and loving our Baba is! He can never stay angry at us, no matter how many mistakes we make. Honestly, I feel quite ashamed sometimes about not giving enough time to Baba, but then, He has always been there in my heart, and I have always believed in His presence and His plans. His presence assures me and no matter how bad a situation looks, the years of devotion towards Him somehow, have made me realize that whatever is happening is for our own good and He has planned it all perfectly, to our benefit. 

In my most recent experience, my partner had a very bad toothache right before a few days of a very important examination. Even though the examination was important, that was not what bothered me the most as much as his pain did! He is someone who rarely complains about his ailments unless it is too bad to handle and this time the pain was so much that he cried! I was totally losing my mind as I couldn’t see him in so much pain. I prayed to Baba and told him to go see the doctor, but the pain was not going with only one sitting. It was a root canal issue and was very bad. 

One night he was in too much pain and couldn’t even sleep as in the sleeping position his mouth was hurting more. I cried and asked Baba for His help and used His Udi. I also made a promise that if he got better then I would post this experience. And no wonder! Baba listened to His daughter and made him feel much better by the next day. His next sitting with the doctor also went well and his tooth issue got fixed. I am so thankful to Baba for always listening and coming to my rescue! No matter how bad a child I have been or how much I ignore Him at times due to my sheer stupidity, He never leaves me alone. 

Thank You Baba, Bless everyone and keep all Your children under Your care. Om Sairam!

Shirdi Sai Babaji Blessed With A Beautiful Home

Shirdi Sai Babaji Blessed With A Beautiful Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am an ardent devotee of Saiji. Thank You my Sai Babaji for giving me the opportunity to share this experience. I have been a small devotee of Sai Babaji since 2012.

Coming to my latest experience, my husband and I had been looking to buy a house for the past few days. We initially were looking for small kothi but it was going out of our budget close to 75 lakhs and moreover my husband keeps travelling so there was security concern as we have a nuclear family of three members. So this thought scared me. 

I prayed to my Baba to finalize a flat for us. One day, I said to my husband that kya pata Baba humein 50 lacs tak ka ghar dila dein (Who knows maybe Baba will give us the house till 50 lakhs). We then started searching for a flat and finalised one but it was 65 lakhs. But now the miracle happened and the builder who was my husband’s friend reduced it to 50 lakhs. I was shocked and surprised. My Baba listened to my prayer. Thank You countless times my Baba for getting us the home of our choice. Please bless us that this home turns out to be very lucky for us and You please stay with us forever and ever and keep blessing us. 

Baba Is Everything For His Devotees

Baba Is Everything For His Devotees

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Denmark says: I am a tiny devotee of our Baba. Thanks for sharing my previous experience. 

My mother was not feeling well post Covid and we were all really worried. I felt so helpless as I am not in India. My brother luckily is with my mom and he took really good care of her. By Baba’s grace my mom got better. 

Baba please help me with my another wish which You know I have been struggling with. Please give strength to mother-in-law in this difficult period. Forgive me if I have made any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Save the planet from this Covid Baba. Om Sairam!

Relief From Back Ache

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Pranaams to all the Baba devotees. I have been experiencing a typical back pain for a few days. It feels like a muscle caught and makes me feel very uneasy because of the pain. Today early morning I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep because of the pain. I prayed to Baba to ease my pain and also promised Baba that I shall share this experience with you all if I get relief.

To my surprise I could sleep peacefully after that. Even though there is still some pain, it is a lot better compared to yesterday and I could do all the chores with only little effort. Thank You so much Baba for always being there for Your children. I don’t know what Your plans are Sai, but please help me to come out of this pain Baba. Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namaha!

Global MahaParayan Experience

Global MahaParayan Experience

Shirdi Sai Devotee Uma Natarajan from USA says: Hello My name is Uma Natarajan. I offered to do Global Mahaparayan classes.

I am an ardent devotee of Baba. My life and breath is everything Baba. Thank You Baba for all that You have done for us. With Baba’s grace, I offered to do seva making 108 Mahaparayan classrooms. Please help me and support me in making this group successful. Thank You. Thank You. Help me Baba. Help me Baba. Om Sairam Namaskarams. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 858

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