Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3274

Sai Baba’s Amazing Grace

Sai Baba's Amazing Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am an anonymous Sai Baba devotee from the USA. Om Sairam!

First I would like to thank Hetalji and team for maintaining this beautiful site where all the Sai devotees can share their Sai leelas in their lives. Here is my experience of Sai Baba’s grace of how I made it to the appointment for my second Covid shot on a snowy day. Without Baba’s blessings, I could have never made it to my appointment. 

I am a stage three cancer survivor. I have posted my experience of how Baba saved my life in the nick of time from the jaws of death in an earlier posting on this website. Being a cancer survivor, it was very critical for me to get both Covid shots within the specified window since I was counted in the most vulnerable group to contract the virus quickly. I got my first Covid shot on January 22nd. My second shot was scheduled on February 18th; Thursday at a pharmacy store which was around 30 minutes drive from my house. Unfortunately, we were hit with a severe snowstorm on Feb 18th. Snow moved in quickly in the morning and became heavy. My appointment was at 10:00 am in the morning. Road conditions were extremely hazardous due to snow accumulations. As I looked outside and at the major highways I-83 via the live web link my son had shared, my heart just sank. The roads looked hazardous and extremely dangerous to drive. The forecast for the afternoon was also not very promising. Snow would begin to mix with sleet and/or freezing rain during the afternoon which is worse than snowy conditions. I feared that if we drove in such hazardous conditions, we would end up in an accident.

How was I going to make it to this appointment? Being a cancer survivor, it was extremely critical for me to get my second shot timely. I called the pharmacist to see if I could get another appointment that Saturday. He said that if I cancelled the existing appointment, my next appointment would be on Monday, Feb 22nd which would fall outside the window of four weeks. I could not take a chance but to keep my appointment on Feb 18th.

My son suggested monitoring road conditions until the afternoon and said that we should leave in the afternoon. I missed the morning appointment. I wasn’t sure how I would make it to the appointment even in the afternoon.

I prayed to Sai Baba to help us, so that my son could drive me safely to and from the appointment. Amazingly, within a few hours when I looked at the Live web link to check road conditions, my eyes could not believe what I saw. It was clear and there was no snow accumulation on the road.

We left around 3:00 pm and reached the pharmacy within 45 minutes. Even though I missed my morning appointment, I could still make it to the appointment later in the afternoon on the same day only due to Baba’s grace and blessings.

I made a promise to share my experience of Baba’s grace with Sai devotees on this platform. My apologies to Baba for the delay in posting my experience. 

Sai Baba is omniscient and He listens and removes all our concerns and worries when we pray to Him. Without Baba’s blessings, I could have never made it to my appointment. We should have complete surrender to Sai Baba and have complete faith in Him. He loves and takes care of us.

Baba Fulfilled Deep Wish

Baba Fulfilled Deep Wish

Shirdi Sai Devotee Bela from India says: My name is Bela Mathur. I am a small devotee of Shri Sai Baba and belong to the Mahaparayan group MP- 8975N1. 

Om Sairam!

Om Sairam to all the Baba devotees and respected members of the Mahaparayan group. I would like to share my first few Mahaparayan experiences with you all but first of all I wish to thank my beloved Baba from the bottom of my heart for showering His infinite love, affection and blessings on me always. 

I joined the Mahaparayan group in May 2020. Usually, I am sceptical of joining something which requires long commitment but this time as soon as I saw the information to join Mahaparayan, I applied and was included into the group almost immediately. I was truly excited and started reading and reporting allotted chapters religiously. 

On 1st July, Wednesday evening, I was looking at Baba’s pictures from Shirdi, which one of my friends sends me every day and wished “Baba if You really love me then I would love to see You in yellow attire with a smile on Your face. The next day on 2nd July it was Thursday and when I opened my friend’s message box I was really-really overwhelmed to see Baba in bright yellow dress most affectionately smiling at me; a smile which I had never seen before. To me Baba had always looked in a serious contemplating mood, looking away from me. But it was different and I had never seen this pose before. I was overjoyed and really-really felt blessed and happy to see the picture. 

Another thing happened to me, on 5th July, Guru Pournima day. Only I was the one who had got the opportunity to perform the Aarti for Baba in my MP-8975N1 group. Normally there are 2 or 3 people. Baba made me join the group on such a day and with a chapter that my epilogue and Aarti chapters fell on Guru Purnima day. I was ecstatic with joy and felt so-so blessed. 

Last but not the least Baba fulfilled my deep wish of becoming a grandmother. On 9th July I got the good news that with Baba’s blessings my son and daughter-in-law were going to be parents soon for which we all were longing for a very-very long time. No amount of words and expressions can thank our Baba enough. He is great and so, so adorable. He knows our deepest of the deep wishes, fulfils them and is always there with us for us.

With all the gratitude and humbleness. My koti-koti pranams in His lotus feet. Om Sairam!

Baba Blessed With A Baby

Baba Blessed With A Baby

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Baba’s devotee since school days. 

As I was not able to conceive normally we consulted doctor and I was diagnosed PCOD. We tried IUI, IVF treatments. IVF treatment has lot of medication; I went through a lot of trauma during these treatments. I used to pray to all Gods and visit temples. I conceived with twin pregnancy. During 24 weeks of pregnancy I had a miscarriage and I was into depression. I thought I would never have a baby in my life. It took three years to come out of that pain. 

My sister came from the US and we visited Shirdi. After marriage it was only the second time that I visited. I vowed to Baba that I will visit with my kid, so I didn’t think of going earlier. But Baba pulled me to Shirdi and showered His blessings. After my sister returned to the US, we thought of starting IVF treatment again. We needed to take some pre-tests for the treatment so we visited the diagnostic centre, but Baba didn’t want me to have IVF. While we were going for tests we met with a small accident but nothing happened to us. I felt something was stopping us and again in diagnosis another patient from the same IVF hospital told me some negative things regarding the hospital. Baba was telling me not to go for treatments. I didn’t go for the treatment. 

After two months I conceived, I could not believe that it was 10 years of my married life and after so much of treatments, miscarriage I conceived normally. At eight weeks as there was no heartbeat doctors advised to terminate the pregnancy. At this point I was exhausted, physically and mentally tired. I cried a lot in front of Baba as I felt that there was no meaning to my life. I didn’t concentrate on my career due to treatments. I didn’t have any job or a baby. At one point I thought of ending my life. 

After a year again I conceived normally. I started doing parayan daily. I was on insulin due to diabetes. Doctors suggested bed rest due to my history. Baba was with me in this pandemic situation. I had a normal delivery by Baba’s grace. Everyone was surprised as I was 38 years old. Everyone was thinking I would have a C-section. I was praying to Baba to help as I could not cope up after the C-section as I already went through so much physical pain. Baba blessed me with a baby boy in June 2020. Now he is a year old. 

Baba not only blessed me with a baby but He gave me a reason to live. Thanks Baba and bless my child. Help me to make him a good human being. Baba, now I am thinking of some job, please help me and guide me. I waited these many years; please help me to manage my personal and professional life. Om Sai Raksha Sharanam. 

Thanks Baba

Thanks Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Malaysia says: Om Sairam! Om Sairam. Thanks to the entire team for maintaining this wonderful platform.

Regarding my recent experiences I prayed to Baba and promised that if my exam application would be approved then I would post it. By Baba’s blessing it was approved. Thanks Baba.

I prayed to come out from my negative thoughts last Thursday. Baba helped me to come out from over thinking. Thanks Baba.

I always used to pray Baba that people have to follow Your path and I could see they are doing it and are on the right track now. This is all due to Baba’s blessings. Thanks Baba.

Week was superb and this is all due to Baba’s blessings. Please help me to pass the exam. In my family, all going out of station to visit our family God. Please take care of them Baba and bless them too.

Thanks Baba for all Your blessings and support as always. 

Baba’s Miracle In Prescription

Baba's Miracle In Prescription

Shirdi Sai Devotee Mrs. Jyoti from the UK says: Myself Mrs. Jyoti 47 years old, lives in Scotland. I am undergoing menopause so I have very high B.P (170-190), problems with anxiety and sweating. 

Miracle 1: I didn’t realise this problem but Baba in a way insisted my daughter to check B.P. at my home. After contacting my doctor at NHS they told me to take a 2.5mg tablet daily without skipping. Then it was Baba’s leela that my blood report came back normal.

Miracle 2: I was taking tablets everyday but it was about to finish, so I ordered in Boots Pharmacy for an online prescription and didn’t get any reply for 12 days. I was worried because only three tablets were left. So I prayed to Sai Baba why I couldn’t get any reply (usually because of Covid pharmacy is overcrowded). So today on 31st July my husband and I went there to ask because Monday was to be a bank holiday. The receptionist asked to wait and so she was to check whether my doctor and medical surgeon had sent my prescription to them or not. I was chanting Sai’s name and the lady called and said that the tablets were already packed and waiting but they couldn’t send me text or email in a hurry. I was very, very happy and said to Sai that I would share this leela with all devotees. 

Baba Relieved Pain

Baba Relieved Pain

Shirdi Sai Devotee Neelima from India says: My name is Neelima. I am from Hyderabad. Namaskar to Sainath Maharaj. I am a devotee of Sai Baba since my childhood. He saved me and protected me many times and in many hard situations. I never go to sleep without touching Sai’s feet

Here is my recent experience. One day I suffered from severe stomach pain. I couldn’t bear the pain. I put Vibhuti on my forehead and drank Vibhuti mixed water and prayed to Baba to please save me from that pain.

By Baba’s grace the pain left me in three minutes. Thank You Baba for saving me from this pain. Sai koti pranams to You.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 859


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  1. Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba you can do miracles right sai, make him to reduce his drinking and smoking habits baba please reduce his blood glucose levels baba cure my mother sai we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

  2. OmSairam
    Baba, thanks for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all