Sai Baba Blessed Devotee With A Job Offer

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Have enormous faith and patience in Baba, you will be filled with happiness.
I’ve been a huge Baba devotee from the USA for about nine years. With Baba’s grace I have been blessed with good family, friends and a job, but for the last three years I have been thinking about the jobs because I’m really not happy about my current job and my manager. I started my career search in 2019 and I took all measures to get into a good company. But for some reason I used to get distracted easily and my preparations were always on and off.
During the pandemic, I was stuck here because no one is ready to take H1 B candidates. So I utilized that time for preparation and did a few certifications. Whenever I feel depressed, I used to chant “OM Sairam.” Slowly things got better and I started applying for jobs back in 2020. Yet the interviews were harder to clear but in a couple of companies, I got an offer. Due to my bad luck they failed to release the offer due to the pandemic. I was left out with huge disappointment. Then I went to India to get rid of this job pressure for two months, took a short break and got refreshed. After coming again, I started giving a lot of interviews, ended up with rejections again, but I didn’t leave my hope in Baba. I had complete faith and patience in my whole job search.
I used to ask this question to myself, why is this process taking too long and why Baba is not blessing me with a better job? The answer is “Something better is waiting for you.” Kept giving interviews. Finally last month I got an offer in FAANG. I feel really happy and blessed to join my dream company. I can’t really express my happiness. It’s definitely Sai Baba’s plan. He made me fail in all small companies, allowed me to gain experience in all my failures and that helped me to get a FAANG offer.
Please all wish me good luck and pray for my new beginning. If I can do this then you can also do it! Dear devotees, do your portion, work hard for what you want (no compromise in that) and then leave the rest to Baba. Have immense faith, patience and trust in Baba. Om Sairam! Thanks for the opportunity.
Sai Loves Humility And Kindness

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a Sai devotee from California. Sai Baba would like His devotees to always be humble and kind. This has always been my experience. I can feel Sai Baba’s love and support and in return He only wants us to follow good karma.
I am a firm believer of karma. However, these days, the society is such that humility and kindness is seen as a weakness. Unfortunately, when I was going through a difficult time, I blamed things and people and was very, very depressed. Then one day, I sat down and thought hard about all the things that were going wrong. I realized that all those things that were going wrong are the things that I was feeling arrogant and ungrateful about. Because of my depression, I was talking bad about people. Whatever I talked bad about happened to me. I faced my karma. Sai Baba made me realize the importance of humility and kindness and forgiveness. I am working on myself now.
When a bad thought comes to mind, I ask for Sai’s forgiveness and try to distract myself by chanting Sai mantras. Sai Baba, please bless us. Show us the route to kindness, humility and forgiveness and give us peace of mind, good health and love. Please protect all the vulnerable children in the world. Om Sai Param Sukhdai Namah! Sai loves humility and kindness in His devotees.
Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Canada says: Greetings from Canada! Sai our omnipresent God. Thank You Sai from the bottom of my heart. I can’t thank You enough; You are giving me whatever I ask or need. Thanks to the Saiyug network team as well for maintaining this wonderful platform. My daughter finished her law degree and now wrote her bar licensing exam. My daughter was feeling nervous and restless while waiting for the result. I prayed to Baba to help my daughter to pass her bar exam so that I could share my experience.
I am very grateful for having Sai Baba in my life. My day begins with His name and ends with His name daily. I am so blessed and proud to be a Sai devotee. Baba, aise hee apni kirpa banaaya rekhna (Baba, always keep showering Your grace like this only) . Thanks Baba. Koti Koti pranam. Om Sairam! Anantkoti Parbrahma Shri Sachidananda Sadguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai.
Sai Is The Best Teacher

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Hi! Today Sai Baba had me play one bhajan that was showing Sathya Sai Baba. I don’t think I knew much about Him before. Today I learnt that He is a reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. I saw in the Bhajan that He was helping others.
I searched Sathya Sai Baba and I learnt from there that He is the second incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. I also learnt some more about Him and His family on . I have a picture that shows Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba and Prema Sai Baba. Before I don’t think I knew Prema Sai Baba or knew much about Sathya Sai Baba but now I know something about Them. Thank You Sai Baba for changing my life. Sathya Sai Baba said that Prema Sai Baba would be the 3rd and final incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. Thank You Sai baba for teaching me.
Sai Baba Blessed Devotees

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ritesh from India says: Dear Team Members, I have been a devotee of Sai Baba for many years and also a daily reader of this blog. I wish to share one of my experiences that I had recently.
Due to this pandemic situation I resigned from my current job and moved to my hometown to stay with my family. I was worried that due to short notice, acceptance of my resignation shall not be smooth. I prayed to Baba and made a wish that if acceptance to my resignation is smooth, then I shall post my experience here. And need not mention that the whole process went smoothly. I am quite sure that by Babaji’s blessing my relieving and exit would also be smooth.
Miracle Of Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I want to share miracles related to tax issues.
I had submitted an amended form for my tax return. The IRS had received it and had not processed it for many months. I started feeling stressed that I will have to pay a substantial amount to the IRS during a crunch. I promised Sai Baba that I would light the Diya for Him for 21 days at the temple and just after lighting the Diya for four days my issue got resolved. When I called the IRS I was told that they had processed my paperwork. I am continuing to light the Diya and complete 21 days. Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai protect him baba cure him baba cure my mother make him to stop his drinking and smoking habit baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Baba please bless me and heal me. You know I got discovered with thyroid please cure my disease snd help me loose weight. I promise to improve my diet and eat clean. Baba only you can cure me please forgive me and help me get some positive hope when I talk to the doctor. Baba you are the only one who truly care about me. I’m extremely sorry for my sins and bad behaviour. Baba please reduce my karmas and bless me with health so that I can support my family, husband and parents and have kids. Sai please please please listen to me. Help me loose weight.
Om Sai Ram!
Thank you sai Ma. Please help me to see only the positive and be happy. I don’t want to worry of tomorrow. Om sai ram