Sai Ram Ananth! Sai Ram Katha Ananth! – 4

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sai(Sri) Ram super plans my superannuation!
My regards to Hetalji, Poojaji for their commitment and devotion in maintaining this holy blog through which they are helping countless numbers of devotees.
It was in June, 2012 that I retired from the institution for which I had rendered 27 years of unbroken service. My employer had communicated this to me six months before in an official letter. Strangely the letter also asked whether I was interested in any post retirement assignment in the institution. I readily sent my acceptance through the prescribed form only, after praying to Sai (Sri) Ram. Somewhere in February, 2012, a regret letter was received from the office, which confirmed that I was no longer required in the institution. However it did not disturb me the least nor did I try for any job anywhere else.
Meanwhile for guidance I referred to an online version of ‘Rama Prashnavali’ by Gowswami Tulsidas. The answer was mysteriously positive though the exact reply I am unable to recollect now.
Then my daughter (M), who finished her Pre University in April, sat for an entrance exam in the same University where I was working, on 12th May. Since the Entrance exam was of two hours duration, I thought that I would wait in the Library which was in the same building and pick my daughter back home after her exam.
As I was checking my email in the Library, just then I received an email from one of our old colleague (of a different Department) that there was an urgent vacancy in the institution where he was working then for a post suitable to me and that I should immediately forward my CV, through an email which was promptly done. By the time I reached home with my daughter, there was an email from the Head of that institute asking me to come for an interview with original copies of the requested documents on 18th May in front of a Selection Committee. It was a warm and friendly atmosphere at the interview. After a few formal questions, I was selected as the Head of the Department at the same salary as the last drawn salary in my previous institute. This was without any request or bargain from my side! That was at a time when even fresh post graduates in my field were finding it difficult to get a job.
I was asked to report for duty on 2nd July, 2012, since the first was a Sunday. So 30th June, 2012 was my last working day in the previous institute (week end, month end and career end!) 2nd July, I was on the job in a new institute. What remarkable planning by Sai (Sri) Ram! The meaning of the mysterious answer by Sri Rama Prashnavali, that was referred above, now became crystal clear. No human being can plan so perfectly. I am literally short of words to describe the feeling. Message is loud and clear. Leave it to Sai (Sri) Ram and rest in peace. Om Sai Ram Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram.
Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ganapati from India says: Namaskar, I am Ganapati from Karnataka, India. Thanks for this wonderful site and dedicated team.
I have been a Sai devotee since 1918. My day starts with Baba’s name and Udi and it ends too with the same. Daily reading of Sai Satcharitra (One chapter), Sai Stavan Manjari, Hanuman Chalisa, Aarati, reading devotees’ experiences has helped me a lot. My life has improved a lot. Nowadays I am feeling more peaceful in my day to day work.
Experience: Yesterday we all went to my daughter-in-law’s parent’s house. Their house is situated in a deep forest area. The road is muddy. It was raining heavily. Near their house our Duster car’s front wheel got struck in the wet mud. My car is fully automatic drive and any attempt to move forward and backward created problems. The car showed an error message and it automatically disengaged the gear. This was the first time that I experienced this kind of problem.
Being a remote area, there was no connectivity, no phone nor any help nearby. I started chanting Om Sai Rakshak Deva and with full faith in Baba again and again attempted in the car, to move forward and backward with repeated start and stop. Renault Duster is a very heavy car and being automatic, there was very little control. There was some smoke smell from the clutch plate. Gears were engaging and automatically disengaging. However our great Baba helped us to move the car out of the sludge and was thus able to reverse it and park it aside. There was an engine error message that was lit.
We left the car as it is, for the cooling purpose. We went to our relative’s house and spent a couple of hours there. Post our return I started the car and found an error indication was still on. Chanting Baba’s name we drove down our car back to our home.
Due to Baba’s grace we returned back to our home safely. The error code also stopped showing after the two hours of drive. Thanks to Deva. He always helps whenever His devotees are in trouble. Shraddha Saburi. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva.
Sai Baba – The Savior

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sairam! I am one of the sparrows that Baba has pulled towards Him.
He humbly pulled me towards Him and Baba has been showering His blessings on us throughout our life. Baba also pulled my husband towards Him. Now he has become a sincere devotee of Baba. Thanks a lot Baba for everything.
Kudos, to the people maintaining this blog. You all are blessed ones and may Baba continue showering His blessings on you all.
I am part of the Mahaparayan group because of His blessings. Whenever I feel low I read the miracles of Baba on this site and I get more energy and peace.
Thank You so much Baba for helping me with my kid’s school enrollment. Please guide them and be with them. Protect them from the dangerous virus. Bless everyone with Your karuna. Thank You, Baba. Please bless all Your devotees. Om Sai Namo Namah, Sri Sai Namo Namah, Jai Jai Sai Namo Namah.
Sai Baba’s Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Namasakaram to Sai family and a big thanks to Hetal mam and team for the devotional service.
With Baba’s blessings I have shared a few experiences before on this platform. Thanks Baba for making me aware of this blog. This divine site gives me so much strength and I feel so much closer to Baba.
Coming to my experience my mother was not talking to my husband properly and it was not my husband’s mistake. I felt sad for him and I couldn’t convince my mother either. I prayed to Baba to please help me and make my mother talk properly. Then for the past two days she spoke normally as if nothing had happened. Thanks a lot Baba. I am posting as promised.
I don’t know what’s happening in my life Baba. Sometimes I get scared of thinking about the future when I don’t have a kid yet and I don’t have a job yet. I feel as though I am a wasteful person on this Earth. I feel everybody has something to do and I don’t have anything. I am trying to devote my entire time to reading religious books and chanting Your name. Bless me not to get scared Sai because if I get scared then it means I don’t have enough faith in You, I have faith in You. I love You so much Baba more than anyone.
Baba Realizes Karma

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Recently I had my sister’s marriage. Before that I was preparing for wedding dresses. One day I found South_Indian_fashionwear (please report this account and make people aware about this scam and fraud alerts) on Instagram. I ordered 6500 worth dress. It had been one week and still I didn’t get any information.
One Thursday morning I called and texted them but I didn’t get any response. Then I found out that it was a fake, scam account. I was very frustrated as money was so important to our family in that situation. I had lost my very first job in my life due to Covid-19. It had been six months.
That day I completed my allotted chapter in the evening and went for Baba’s Darshana. At the very first step into the temple, I realized my old karma. One year ago I stayed in PG when I got my first job. There I forgot to pay the first month rent 7k and continued payment from the second month. The owner also forgot to ask. Later I remembered but I didn’t pay. So due to that I lost my money today. That day I found out that karma reverted back. I forgot about money. I didn’t have money for shopping but after a few days, a miracle happened and I got 20k of my own RD money on which I had lost hopes previously. I got my money back one or the other way. I thank Baba for everything and now I got my second job with Baba’s blessings after waiting for 6 months. Om Sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Shraddha And Saburi

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Dear Hetalji, thank you for this wonderful blog. I have been following this blog since 2013.
I have posted multiple miracles in this blog. I feel immense pleasure to share my experience. Recently, we noticed that my pantry was infected with moths. There were flies everywhere and its larvae crawling all over the pantry wall. I felt so bad for not taking proper care of the house as I was busy on social media.
I realized my mistake. It is a lesson taught by Baba to take care of family first and put the gadgets and social media aside. I promised Baba that I will stop using social media and be away from negative vibes. I will spend time with my family.
Baba, my daughter started daycare full time today. Please be with her and let no virus come near my kids. Both of them should be hale and healthy.
Appa, I feel my daughter is losing baby fat and looks so lean. Appa, please increase both my kids’ appetite and they should eat healthy and look healthy.
Please Appa, please forgive my sins. Appa, please make sure that kids don’t fall sick. Please Appa.
I beg You. I owe You my life.
Om Sri Sai Ram!
Allah Malik!
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect my parents saima cure my mother We are at y
The verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa.please dont another virusstrain of covid to spread baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
To the Devotee of 4th experience,
Dear Devotee don’t be worried & depressed about your personal life. By Sai Ram’s Grace your life will be on the right track very soon ! The prayers of all the devotees of this Holy Blog of Hetal Madam are with you ! Om Sai Ram .
Om sai ram Om sai ram om sai ram
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all