Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3294

Sai Baba’s Blessings Across Generations

Sai Baba’s Blessings Across Generations

Shirdi Sai Devotee Vikas Sharma from India says: I am Vikas Sharma based out of Delhi. It was the middle of 2019 when our only son had appeared for JEE exams, and we were eagerly waiting for his result. While we all were anxious, I had faith in Sai that whatever marks our son scores and wherever he gets admission it will be good for him as it will be because of Sai’s blessings. While he had worked hard; I and my family had prayed to Sai for his success all these years. The result though was not to his expectation and he was very disappointed; both me and my wife provided him confidence by asking him not to get disheartened and clearly told him that it’s Sai Who is charting his future with His own hands so he should not develop any doubts but keep doing his best. 

A few days later he gave the BITS exam and scored well and then in JEE advanced also he didn’t fair poor. By the end of all exams and results we narrowed down on two choices BITS pilani and DTU. We were unable to decide what to choose and that day my wife, while in a hostel of BITS, placed two slips on Sai’s feet and with full trust picked one. It turned out to be that of DTU. We thanked Sai and from that instance our doubts were settled. We came back to Delhi and the next day got him admitted to DTU. 

We all were happy and satisfied, thanking Sai all the while. Just a few weeks back none of this looked possible but Sai so meticulously executed it that we all were left happy and satisfied. We all were in Delhi, and he was studying in a good college while most of his friends had to leave Delhi or had to make some other compromise in college or branch. 

A few months later when Corona stuck and from then till now August of 2021 all studies have been going on at home making campus experience redundant, we realize Sai’s decision to pick DTU was right. More on it later……

Fast forward to somewhere at the end of March 2020. Corona and its serious realization were settling in Delhi. As an effect of lockdown, we were all working from home. One day my sister-in-law sent me a message asking me if I would like to join the Mahaparayan (MP) group, where I would be supposed to read something (later come to know that its two chapters from Satcharitra as per the allocation) every Thursday. I had no idea what is MP and what/how much I was supposed to read. My job is such that it leaves me with little time for anything else and hence I was a bit hesitant but being indebted to Sai for so much that He has given to us all these years, I felt it is Baba Who is Himself offering me this chance and it its Him then He only will make it possible. I just gave my go ahead with faith that it will bring me closer to Sai.

Little did I know that He was laying the foundation to live through, some of the most difficult days for our family, which were just round the corner. I joined the Mahaparayan group MP-10114N1 on 3rd April 2020 and with full Shraddha started my journey of reading the chapters every Thursday. I was happy with this when suddenly by the end of May 2020, my old aged father who is a Parkinson patient developed complications. We were finding it difficult to manage him at home and were scared to take him to hospitals which were all hot spots for Covid. We started praying to Sai but his condition didn’t improve. One evening he stopped responding and his eyes just went blank. We thought we were going to lose him. I started chanting Sai’s name in his ear and my wife and mother very courageously tried to support him and me. Somehow with great difficulty I and my brother-in-law took him to a nearby Max hospital praying all the while to Sai to not let any untoward happen. In the emergency ward the doctors started conducting tests on him one after the other while I and my brother-in-law were only doing the paperwork and continued to pray to Sai. Back home my entire family was just silently praying to Baba. We saw Covid patients and a dead body right next to us. We both thought that it would be a miracle to not catch Covid after being so close to patients but as we all know when Sai is there miracles happen. 

Next day we came back home with my father as most of the tests were ok. The next few days we kept observing ourselves fearing for the worst, but Sai saved us yet again and we were fine. Meanwhile Thursdays came and went by and I kept reading the 2 chapters as allocated, with Baba’s blessings never ever did I miss reading those, despite problems. My father’s condition was still not good, and he was unable to sleep more than 10-15 minutes at a stretch and a total of one to two hours in a day. I and my wife used to read Sai Satcharitra to him loudly to let him be at peace. 

One Thursday I was allocated Chapter 35 and in that chapter there is a mention of Kayastha Prabhu who had a problem with his sleep. Baba had advised him to apply Udi on his forehead before sleeping and keep it next to his pillow. We followed the same for my father too and prayed with full sincerity to Baba to help my father. Once again, Sai bestowed His kindness and slowly we saw a bit of improvement in my father’s health. Then on the subsequent Thursday he developed a fever and we got scared if it was Covid? Once again, our prayers intensified. However, after that day he was able to sleep normally and his condition started improving. My mother-in-law who is also a Sai Bhakta prayed to Sai seeking His blessings that my father should be able to stand on his own feet. It took a few days but her prayers were answered and in nine months we could say goodbye to his attendant which was a big relief and improvement. 

Today my father, with some help, is able to manage most things on his own. When I remember the period from May 2020 till March 2021, I just can’t imagine what without Sai’s blessings, His omnipresence and His blessings what would have happened. We perhaps would have been a broken or family short by one but Baba took everything on Himself and left us only with happiness. Baba, thank You from the bottom of our heart. Please do give us opportunities to serve You and other mankind.

Coming back to my son again, because of Covid the placement and internships were hit hard and looking at 2020 placements it was not looking good for his batch either. However, after so many experiences with Sai and with full confidence that Sai is the guiding force behind my son’s journey, I had no anxiety but only peace that my son will get what is best for him. 

Companies started coming in and on one Thursday he cleared the test and practical and on the subsequent Thursday Sai helped him clear multiple interviews to be the only ECE student to be selected by a company which my son was looking forward to. This was a surprise to his teacher and friends but not to us because we know when Sai is there, one can’t be left disappointed. Its only happiness that He gives to us and takes away all the sorrows from His bhaktas.

O Sai, thanks a zillion to You. We wish that there is no more for which we come to You with our petty desires and we do such deeds that You continue helping us, guiding us and blessing us forever.

Jai Sai Ram!

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva

Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva

Shirdi Sai Devotee Ganapati from India says: Namaskar. I am Ganapati from Karnataka, India. 

Thanks to Sai Yug network team for this wonderful platform which helps all the Sai devotees to share their experiences. Reading these experiences helps to understand Baba’s leelas

After retirement, I recently shifted to my hometown Kumta, Karnataka (a coastal town) from Coimbatore. I own a Renault Duster. Its annual periodic maintenance was due in the month of June. There is no authorized workshop nearby for Renault cars at Kumta. We need to drive down a minimum 200 km for the workshop. Due to heavy rain, flooding and Corona I was postponing this trip. I was praying to Sai Appa to help in this regard. One day our family friend suggested that I contact Kumta Sales point and enquire about the service camp. I contacted the sales point and they said about the possibility of a service camp near our place in the second week of August. 

I thought this is an indication from Baba and prayed that I will submit my experience post this service. Till the last minute there was some suspense about this service camp. Luckily everything went well. Today (14th August) I drove down to the service camp, about 30 km from Kumta and the annual periodic maintenance was completed. 

Thanks to Deva. My day starts with chanting Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva and ends with His Naam Jaap. 

It is our own immaturity; somehow that we do not practice Shraddha and Saburi. This leads to unnecessary stress. But as promised Baba does everything at the right time. Believe in Him. We need to surrender completely to Baba and leave everything to Him. Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva. 

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Bala from India says: Hi everyone, pranams to Baba and Baba’s blessings to all the army behind this service and every devotee. I pray for a healthy world and should come out of the current pandemic. Baba, please help us realize our mistakes and save the planet. 

Coming to my another experience since I am experiencing lots of miracles in day to day life, my mom in 2020 had a complete body check-up. There we got to know about the chances of blockage in the valves. So angiogram was done. We were waiting for the reports, meanwhile praying Baba to save her without any operation. But unfortunately the doctor said that there was a blockage in the valves and there was a need of operation. So we got ready for the operation. But I guessed Sai leela at the last minute. The reports were referred to a senior doctor who said that there was no need of operation and it could be cured with medication. She had used tablets for three months and again went for check-up. Guys, this time the doctor said that there was nothing to worry but suggested to continue the tablets for six months. Sai, please bless her with good health as You know she is one of Your best devotees who sees the friend and enemy the same way.

Thank You so much Baba for Your continuous care of our family. And You know our complete family is praying You from many years regarding my marriage. Please, please bless me with a good hearted groom. Thanks Baba. Bless me with a helping hand and pure heart.


Sai Helped Devotee’s Mother To Travel To The USA

Sai Helped Devotee’s Mother To Travel To The USA

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba from the USA. Sai Baba helped my mother to reach me safely. 

As I prayed, let me share my experience on this wonderful forum, and give hope to others in distress. My mother couldn’t travel directly from India to the USA due to Covid travel restrictions. She had to travel to Mexico, stay there for 15 days before coming to the USA. I was pregnant and wanted my mother to come to us on time. But my baby arrived early and my mother was still in India. By Baba’s grace my delivery was easy and normal; my baby was born happy and healthy. But me and my husband are first time parents and know nothing about how to take care of a baby. So we were very confused and scared. By Baba’s grace again, we found a sweet babysitter to help us. 

Then we had to book and plan my mother’s travel to the USA. She never came to the USA and she had to go to a third country and be quarantined before coming to the USA. Needless to say we were concerned about her safety and staying in a foreign country for such a long period of time. But Sai Baba listens and knows HIS devotees and their challenges. He always protects and gives what’s best for us. By Sai Baba’s grace we contacted a good travel agency and booked tickets and hotel stay in Mexico for my mother. Moreover, she got great company during her entire travel and stay as there was a group of people also coming with her to the USA. My mother and I also meditate on Lord Dattatreya very often. Sai Baba stayed with my mother in the form of Lord Dattatreya during this uncertain time, held our hand and guided us. 

Finally, by Sai Baba’s grace my mother reached us on August 10th after staying in Mexico for 15 days. Thank You Baba, thank You, thank You. Om Sri Sai Ram!

Sai Appa In Devotee’s Life

Sai Appa In Devotee’s Life

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small drop of millions of devotees of Sai. 

Yesterday I was waiting for my daughter’s corona result and promised Appa that I will post the experience if the result came negative.

I was praying to Appa about my daughter, she is in the 4th year of MBBS. She couldn’t appear for her final exams held in April 2021 due to her health conditions. So I was so worried and was asking Baba about it. He replied that your worry will be over within 10 days. 

We got the good news that her exams would begin on August 23rd and have asked her to come to college today i.e. 14th. Appa, please help her to write her exams well and clearly. Please Appa save the world from this pandemic. Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai. 

Sai Saved Devotee’s Father’s Health

Sai Saved Devotee’s Father's Health

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a working woman and a Sai devotee for 25 years. Koti koti pranam to mere Sai. Latest experience is about my father’s health during corona. 

Unfortunately we four members were infected by corona. My father is a heart patient and the clotting problem was with him. He was in a very difficult situation. But I believed in Sai and asked Baba to please help him and started Sai Satcharitra weekly parayan for nine weeks. Although I hardly got time to complete the parayan in a week, I never left the parayan and completed 9 parayans. In between, my father experienced multiple problems. The doctor had also lost hope but I had strong faith in my Baba and nobody else. My father started improving after nine weeks. It was really a miracle which Baba did for us. Thank You so much Baba for Your timely help and for being with us and improving my father’s health. Koti Koti Naman to Shri Sai Baba. 

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 875


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  1. OmSairam
    Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
    Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
    Bow to ShriSai peace be to all