Sai Baba Pooja Miracle

Shirdi Sai Devotee Jayahsree Ramesh from India says: Dear Madam, kindly publish this Miracle on your platform. This is Baba’s krupa and Baba answer prayers.
I am from Bangalore. Jai Sairam Koti Koti Pranams to the lotus feet of Sai. I am a small devotee of Baba. I have shared my experience on this platform earlier also. Thank you Hetalji for giving this wonderful platform to share our experience, may Sai bless you and your team and the Sai family abundantly.
Coming to my experience: In Bangalore Corona is in full swing. My husband’s cousin’s wife aged 30 years with small boys five and two years, and mother-in-law living along with them, was not well for couple of days and she did not take proper care. Once she came to know that she was corona positive she went in to an isolation in her cousin’s house leaving kids and mother-in-law at home.
On the fifth day her oxygen level was coming down to 91 and my husband informed his cousin to take her to hospital immediately. That night he managed an ambulance with one oxygen cylinder. She was in the Ambulance whole night, since no beds were available in Bangalore. In the morning again took her home after the oxygen got over in the ambulance, her condition was deteriorating. All the cousins were trying their level best to get her a bed.
Next day afternoon i.e. on the 8th May 2021 she was able to get a bed in the Covid centre with one oxygen cylinder. Her Oxygen level came down to 70 where her condition was very critical.
Then on the 8th May 2021 night, my sister-in-law called and informed me to do Sai Baba pooja, I immediately cancelled Licious order where I was supposed to prepare non-veg next day Sunday. I prayed to Baba to save her life and her family and I started 5 days of Divya pooja. On the 1st day i.e. on 9th May (SUNDAY) after doing the pooja within half an hour she got a bed in the hospital with ICU and ventilator. She was in the ICU for two to three days.
On the third day again there was scarcity for the Remdesivir injection. Her husband somehow managed to get four bottles of it in the black and gave it to the hospital people.
On the fifth day of my pooja, she was out of ICU and ventilator. Is this not a miracle? She was discharged from the hospital a day before yesterday. Meanwhile, her mother-in-law also tested positive and she was able to get a bed immediately in the Covid centre. She was recovering well and she also would be discharged in a couple of days. I had vowed to Baba that once she is discharged from the hospital I would share it with the Sai devotees.
One just needs to keep immense faith and patience and rest Sai will handle.
Thank You Baba for saving her from the death clutch, and giving the kids their mother back. I am so grateful to Baba for answering my prayers. Anathakoti Brahmanda Nayaka Rajadi Raja Yogi Raja Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai,
Baba, kindly forgive me for the delay and any mistakes while I am expressing my experience.
Thank You,
Yours Sincerely,
Jayahsree Ramesh
Baba Saved Devotee From Anxiety

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. I had witnessed numerous blessings from Baba.
Jai Sairam!
Experience 1: Recently I started bleeding after passing my bowel. I was scared to death after seeing bright red blood in the toilet. I was praying to Baba that it should not be something serious and I will share my experience here. One full day I had the same problem and that day I took loads of water and body cooling foods. It turned out to be because of body heat and I had lots of spicy food that week and it triggered that. Baba removed my anxiety and saved me.
Experience 2: I am having vitiligo for the last seven years and it is under control with Baba’s grace. Recently I started seeing white patches on my face and I got scared that it triggered again and prayed to my beloved Baba. In one week it started to disappear and it is not visible anymore. Thank You Sai. You saved me whenever I called You for help. Koti Koti Pranamam Baba.
Please bless this World Corona free and save Afghanistan. Jai Sairam.
Got Covid Vaccine By Sai Baba’s Grace

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I would like to start by thanking Hetalji and team for their selfless service to Sai Baba’s devotees.
Coming to my experience, as you are aware that the situation of Coronavirus is getting worse day by day, so I was desperately trying to get Covid vaccine for me and my husband. The earliest date I got for the vaccine was in October, so we booked it but I really wanted to get the vaccine shot ASAP. I started praying to my beloved Sai Baba to give vaccine shots to me and my husband in this month i.e. August.
Baba would always smile and I felt like He was telling me not to worry and that my wish would be fulfilled. After a few days, out of nowhere one of my husband’s colleagues told him that the vaccines were available and we should book it ASAP. That colleague’s name started with Sai. It was like my beloved Sai told us to check the availability of vaccines. We checked and needless to say we both got our appointments in the month of August. My husband got the first dose today and here I am thanking Baba for fulfilling my wish. Thank You Deva for taking care of us and protecting us in these difficult times. Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva.
Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sai Ram to all Sai devotees. Thank You to the team for maintaining this blog.
Om Sai Ram. Thank You so much Baba for helping me plan something. I was trying to coordinate and plan an event but there were so many problems in the way and I really lost my mind. There was one very annoying situation that I kept praying to Baba. I had so much stress and I was just constantly praying to our Baba that if everything goes well then I will post the experience. Yes, our Baba helped. I don’t deserve any of His grace but He always listens and helps me. I really was at a loss of emotions to describe how beautifully He coordinated everything. Thank You and I will always be grateful to You Baba. Thank You so much Baba.
Baba I cannot thank You enough for Your help with the event. You were with me and guided me. Thank You so much Baba.
Experience With Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Maheswara from India says: My Name is Maheswara and I am working in IT field Hyderabad.
My Experience: I am working in the IT field and I am working for an Australian client. So every week one of the team members needs to support early at 3.30 A.M in the morning. So whenever I am trying to login it takes more time than expected. So whenever I pray to my beloved Baba the issue gets resolved immediately.
Om Sainathaya Namaha.
Baba’s Blessing

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Om Sai Ram. My niece is six months pregnant and she was weak. Actually her in-laws and husband are money minded people and they don’t even care for her properly, so she was in her dad’s place. Last week she went to her in-law’s place, so we all were worried about her and we prayed to Baba that there should not be any problem for her. Baba answered our prayer and there was no problem from their side. We thank Baba for His blessings. We also request Baba to please take care of her and bless her for normal delivery with a healthy baby.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sai Ram!
Thank you for giving opportunities to beautiful experiences. Sai Ma with your grace I also should be able to share soon.
Sai MA you know well that you came to my house in form of small picture with frame very suitable for car dashboard. You know my car conditions -1999 model old and recently hit by one lady who has not paid yet for repair(MA please help me to get the amount so that i can repair it soon). I have decided to sure the portrait in my new car, when ever I can- but with your blessing I should be able to get one soon MA.
Thank you so much please forgive all my sins and listen to my prayers ma.
Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all