Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Australia says: I am a small devotee of Baba who has experienced many leelas.
Om Sainatha! Please forgive me for forgetting to post the experience yesterday. My son is in year 12 who wants to do a medical entrance examination and as part of this; we decided to enroll him this year with some training courses. On the website, it was asking that we should have another group member to get a discount and proceed further. We do not have anyone other than Baba in this country and unfortunately, I asked a general forum where a Chinese mum sent me an invite and I had given my email address. Yesterday, I decided to enrol my son and we accidentally entered our son’s email address and since the email address was different, I was not able to enter the group. In the meantime, another parent just called me and asked whether I would be interested as she had another Indian girl who wanted to join and as I already got this link, I was about to say no to them.
Suddenly, since we entered the wrong address, we actually needed another person so that group could be formed. So I accepted that offer and informed her, and gave my son’s email address to that Indian friend of hers. She told me that they would do it immediately but after 10 minutes also, I did not get any SMS or phone call and I was worried. I prayed to Baba to please resolve this issue.
Baba is the only one going to shower blessings to my son to get into a medical seat here in Sydney itself and no one else. After praying Baba, a new Indian lady called and I explained the procedure and requested her to send me an invite but she could not do so. I was very worried as we had already paid money. Suddenly, thought came and we decided to initiate the group invitation to this new friend. It worked that way and it was a great relief. Finally, my son is enrolled in this course now.
Baba, You know that my son is not 100% interested in medicine and has no clear idea. Please make him understand the importance of this and prepare him for success. I will post my experience in this forum by next year to share the blessings. Also, please come and stay with us and please allow us to build the building for You and I have a lot of imagination where I can see You in front of my yard. Please bless him to get a good ATAR more than 99.90 so that he can get into the medical seat. Thanks so much Baba. Please help my sister to get her vision back and also, bless her daughter with a good groom preferably in the USA so that she can lead a successful life. Please bless my parents and all my relatives as well. Please remove corona from the world. Please forgive me if I make any mistakes. Thanks so much Baba. Om Sairam.
Baba Is Always With His Devotees

Shirdi Sai Devotee Preethi from Germany says: I am Preethi from Germany. Baba, You are my everything.
Greetings Hetalji. Thanks for this wonderful platform for sharing our experiences and reading devotees’ experiences. It gives so much positivity and brings more faith in our beloved Baba. I have shared a few experiences already which got published here. I am happy for all that because of Baba’s blessings.
I have been suffering from a health issue for the past four to five months and still I am waiting for Baba’s blessings to get rid of it. Please keep me in your prayers. Baba is giving me strength to face this situation and needs to give me more strength to overcome it.
Coming to my experience, my son recently had his birthday and I was not feeling quite well. I had plans for his birthday celebrations and also to bake his birthday cake. So I prayed to Baba that I should not feel down and I have to complete my baking and also my son’s birthday should go well throughout and all our plans on his birthday should go well with ease.
With Baba’s blessings I felt well and as per my plan I baked the cake and it came out very well and also all our plans went well and he enjoyed it a lot. Maybe it’s a small wish but without Baba’s blessings it wouldn’t have been possible. My heartfelt thanks to Baba. Baba, please cure my health issue and give me back my usual life. Baba, always be with us.
Baba, help this world to get out of this pandemic. Please Baba needy should get at least one meal in a day. “Shradhha and Saburi.” Sadgurunatha Saranam. Om Sai Ram.
Baba’s Blessing For Devotee’s Health

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sai Ram! I am a devotee of Baba. Please keep me anonymous. I am from Mumbai and always feel blessed to be at Baba’s feet.
Thank you to Hetalji and to the entire team for creating such a wonderful platform where we can express Baba’s blessings in our life.
My experience: I had a stomach upset. I took doctor’s medicine and I prayed to Baba and had Udi mixed with water for my good health. Today I am perfectly fine. Thank You Baba for my good health.
My another experience: I had taken my pathology test and was waiting for my test report. I had Udi mixed with water and had it with Baba’s blessing. All my reports have come back to normal. Thank You Baba for blessing me. My stomach upset has also gone and now I am perfectly fine, having also taken doctor’s medicine. Thank You Baba for blessing me with good health.
Thank You Baba for blessing me and my family. Baba, sorry for posting my experience late. Baba’s blessings are always there for me and my family
Sai Fulfilled Devotee’s Wish

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a 33 years old Baba’s devotee. Sai Baba is my all Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Friend, Guru.
It happened a few days back. I have come to my mother’s place and my husband was to come for two days from another city. It was raining and in our area waterlogging happens very quickly. I did not want water logging to happen when my husband would come. My parents too prayed that when my husband comes it should not rain. I also wished the same. The day came, my husband’s flight was to come by 10 pm and it was all gloomy weather since morning and there was lightning happening. I was anxious but with full faith in my Baba I told Him that it was His duty that water logging shouldn’t happen when my husband comes and till he is there. Lo, He listened to me. It rained for sometime and then stopped.
There was no rain or water logging till now. I love You Baba. You listen to everything I say and feel. You are my all Deva. I have full faith that whatever is happening its Your doing. I am grateful to You for everything literally. Thank You Baba for everything.
Anatakoti Brahamand Nayak Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Shri Satchitanand Sadguru Shri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai! Om Sai Rakshak Sharanam!
Baba Gave Prasad To Devotee’s Daughter

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says: Thanks to Hetalji and team for this divine website.
We experienced this miracle today.
1. Today morning our TV didn’t work. We tried to fix it. But it didn’t. I was like saying, “Sai Appa please make the TV work”. Then the next second it worked. Sai Appa listens to our every prayer.
2. It’s a beautiful miracle. We have a Sai Appa’s photo in our living area. Whenever my daughter (two years old) eats something whether it be rice or snacks or even chocolate, she will always ask, “Baba come, You too eat” and she shows some to the photo and eats. This evening we went to an Indian grocery store and there is a Sai Baba temple nearby. That particular day we didn’t enter the temple but we were standing outside and praying. Suddenly the priest came out and he played with my daughter and he went. Within two seconds, he gave an apple to my daughter. Baba sees the true devotion of my daughter and He shared His food with my daughter. We didn’t even enter the temple and this happened. Love You Sai Appa. Please be with us always. Please take care of my daughter too. She is Your child. Thank You Sai Appa!
Sai Appa! Please those who are praying for a baby, please show them Your miracles Sai Appa!
Anantha Koti Brahmananda Nayaka Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Shri Sachidhanandha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai!
Baba Is Life For His Devotee

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am Sai’s daughter. Thanks to this team who maintains this platform.
Since yesterday afternoon I have not been feeling well. I prayed Baba that I should be alright by tomorrow morning and if so then I will post my experience. As always my Sai Appa made it alright. Thank You so much Appa.
Please Appa, You know what I am going through. Help me to overcome and make my daughter come out with flying colours in her exams. Please Appa always be with me. You’re my soul, life and everything. Please bless me, my family and save this world from this pandemic. Om sai shri sai jai jai Sai.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
OM Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram
OM SAI RAM… baba please protect my husband and children. Please give them good health, happpiness and prosperity always. Baba please remove all our sins and make our life beautiful with your grace and blessings with infinite faith and devotion in you. Baba help my husband boundlessly. We need your protection baba. Baba when will you come home? baba help us resolve all our problems. You know everything. I surrender to you baba. Guide us and give us peave of mind and the mental calm everyday. Help us stay healthy adn do good onto others. Baba protect my little family always. baba my son is due to arrive, please ensure his journey and stay is safe and pleasant in every way. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Saibaba thanks for the miracle.Devotees I am a small devotee of baba and baba had showed may miracles in my life,I shared i this platform too.I have recently come to UK,and planned to give GP exam,I finished my MBBS in 2002,and no touch of the subjects other than my specialisation.There were only 414 seats and there is gap of almost 20 years,I prayed to baba and will start nava guruvar vrat and started studying along with my job.After the exam ,I felt I will fail,but miraculously I got a very good ranking of 212 and got desired seat.This happened only because of baba.I am doing nava guruvar vrat.Thank you baba for taking me in your abode.Now I am waiting for good school and nearby house to move .With baba’s blessings this will also happen soon.Please baba make whole world free of COVID and bless everyone with good health and happiness.
Anant Koti Brahmanda Nayak,Rajadhiraj,Yogiraj,Parabrahma Shre Sachhidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Baba, thank you for wverything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all