Sai Baba Always Listens

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I want to be anonymous. I am Baba’s daughter from the USA. I ask for forgiveness from Baba for delaying this experience.
Dear devotees, I have been writing in a series of experiences about my daughter’s journey in applying to medical schools. I have already submitted how Baba helped in scoring high percentile in MCAT (entrance test), here is the link of the post, how Baba helped in arranging all the recommendations from different professors in a miraculous way and finally the personal statement.
A few days back my daughter received all her secondaries from medical schools and again she is having a hard time in writing those questions and that reminded me of my promise to write the personal statement help that Baba did, to post here as promised to Baba. Hence I am writing Baba’s step by step guidance in writing the personal statement. My daughter, who is otherwise a great writer, took a long time to write her personal statement. She wrote many versions but nothing was looking right. I asked Baba through a question and answer website and Baba told ‘”work will be done around Guru Purnima” and in fact it was during that time only that her application was ready with the personal statement. However much we tried but we could never finish before Guru Purnima.
I used to get very restless and used to beg Baba to give ideas to my daughter. Believe me devotees, Baba used to literally guide me paragraph by paragraph. If some ideas used to come to my mind I used to ask through chits and Baba used to say yes or no. We had completely taken a different idea for the introduction paragraph but Baba gave a different idea and that was a great idea and we kept that as our intro. Even for the second paragraph, the idea was also given by Baba only. All these were given through chits. My daughter wanted to write about her GPA problem but it was not fitting well and again I asked Baba and Baba gave the right direction. Baba Is So Alive!
There were times when I used to get frustrated and thought, why did I even ask Him?”When I thought the transition was not happening from paragraph to paragraph or it didn’t make sense. But the whole essay was written with Baba’s help only.
One day again I asked Baba for help to complete the personal statement (PS), Baba answered “The work will be completed with the help of a person from outstation” and that is what exactly happened. My son helped with the final version of the essay. It was Baba Who gave him the idea to complete the essay and helped my daughter to submit the application around Guru Pournima as Baba had told. It was not that my son was not helping from the beginning, but the final version came out through his help only, meaning Baba only gave him those ideas at the time He chose. This is all the more reason to trust His timing. During the whole process Baba sometimes asked me to donate, to do Nav Guruwar Vrat. This was all to help us with our karmic debt. He is the kindest father, mother, Guru, and everything.
This post is for all the students who are preparing to go to medical school. Do have faith in Baba. Your dreams will come true.
Baba, now we need Your guidance again to finish the secondaries. Please help Baba. Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Baba Is Always With Us – It’s The Truth

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Surrender completely and He is going to show you the miracle. Sorry Baba for taking time to write this. These are accumulative stories of miracles that I always remember in my life so far and I am sure many more to experience.
I travelled to this country on a Visa which is for a limited term. My wife had a long break and she always wished to go back to work. With her work permit getting approved in a couple of months, she applied for a few jobs here in the USA. To an absolute miracle, she got selected in her second interview. At the same time, we were expecting a second child and we were in a fix as to how we could manage our job, elder kid and newborn etc. We left all worries on Baba and soon my in-laws came to rescue to help us out.
With His grace, my wife delivered our second daughter without any hassle and within 2 weeks of delivery, my wife was perfectly fit and could resume her work from home with His grace. She did very well in her job and soon got a permanent position.
As the days went by, my 7th year was coming to an end but my Green card dates were not coming to current. My wife was on H1 and I was on an L1 Visa which was not transferable.
All that I prayed was, “Baba – whatever You are going to do with my life, I know it will be for my good. I believe in You and I totally surrender.” I was not worried at all! My wife and I were doing MahaParayan and we had completed Saptah as well. We continued reading Satcharitra and left all decisions on Him.
My 7th year was coming to an end on 24th October last year! If anyone can believe it or not; the priority date was running a couple of years backwards and all of a sudden, October last year, priority dates were suddenly favouring me! This was a miracle, an absolute miracle!
Same month, He also guided us in buying our dream HOME here in the US and now we are living in this home and as I write this experience, it really gives me chills how this all happened! Am I really living in a dream!
All that I can say is – Just believe in Him, surrender to Him completely and He is surely going to take care of you and relieve you from all that you are going through! All that He expects is – Belief and Complete Surrender! I repeat Surrender And Be Worry Free.
Ultimate goal of all our life is to go above all this material world! He is there to take care of all these material needs for us, we need to move towards eternal bliss and move towards hollow and empty. Just love and seva should be only left in us and that’s our true nature.
Just like He says in Satcharitra – “My Khazana (Treasury) is full, come and take it. “
Hope this will be an inspiration to all of us! Jai Sai Ram!
Request To Baba To Bring Love Back Again

I have been in misery for the past year ago. To describe in short, I fell in love with a Brahmin guy while playing games (pubg). Since he can’t precede it further, he broke the relationship after 4 months. First of all I say everything. We proposed to each other in May (01/05/2020). He proposed to me on WhatsApp and I too proposed to him and finally we were in a relationship. He was messaging a lot. We used to chat daily. We loved each other very, very, very much. Sometimes he did not play with me like games and sometimes his mind was not steady. Sometimes I asked him how much he loved me. He replied that he didn’t know. I felt very sad and finally he broke up with me for no reason. He did not talk to me that time. I was in a horrible situation. I was trying to put up some WhatsApp status like try to change his mind and come and talk to me but he refused. That time I didn’t know what I should do. I cried day and night thinking about him and midnights. I cried in the bathroom like at 2 and 3 AM because I loved him so much.
Then I came across Sai Baba. I studied leelas about Sai Baba and my faith grew steadfast. I love Sai Baba very much and I did 9 weeks of Nav Guruvar vrat and finally he talked to me and messaged me on WhatsApp. I am so happy. After 2021 August, again he did not talk to me and he hates me a lot. I don’t know what to do but I had promised Baba that I will post my miracle when it happens. Again there is a problem in my relationship. Please Baba bring my love back to me. Please I can’t live without Him.
Om Siddha Sankalpaya Namah
Baba The Savior

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from USA says: Dear Hetalji and team, thanks a lot for this wonderful website.
I have my own business here and one of the machines started giving trouble all of a sudden. Without that machine I cannot run my business and was thinking that I might have to close my office at least for a few days or even more because of a shortage of staff due to the pandemic. All the technicians were busy. I sincerely prayed to my Baba to help me with whatever He could.
I turned off the machine and took Baba’s name and turned it on. To my amazement, it started working but not to the full capacity. I again waited for 10 minutes and again turned off and put on the machine. This time it started working to its full capacity. I was so overwhelmed with my Baba’s miracle.
I could not believe what had just happened. I thanked my Baba in my heart and started working on my clients. But Baba did not stop here with His miracle. It’s like I was hearing a voice inside me asking me to call the technician indicating that it was only a temporary fix. I immediately called the technician and to my surprise he was working around our business area and he said that he would come and take a look at it the same day. He came and fixed the machine the same day. Usually, they come, check the problem, order the parts and then come again and fix it. It usually takes a few weeks. But this time he already had all the parts to fix the machine with him.
I know for sure that my Baba had arranged all this. Thank You so much Baba. You are so kind Baba. I still don’t know how to express what I felt that day. It was amazing. He made sure that we didn’t have to close our business and protected us from the incurring big loss. Koti Koti Prananams Baba.
Dear devotees, whenever you are happy or sorrowful, just think that it is all Baba’s grace and then you’ll realize what peace of mind is. Om Sai Ram, Shree Sai Ram, Jai Jai Sai Ram.
Thanks To Sai Baba Again

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I am a small devotee of Baba. Thank you Hetalji and team for this service.
My son had a bump on his left ear lobe. I prayed to my Baba to cure it and told myself that I’ll post if the bump and pain reduces by Monday. Baba never disappoints. The bump is reduced and the pain is gone.
Please Baba help him and my younger son to have a good healthy life. I am at Your lotus feet Baba please look after my family and all those who are suffering.
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram Om Sai Ram
Baba Please Save

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a Sai devotee from India, May Baba bless us all.
Baba, please save my parents, Saima please. For the past few days my father has been feeling weak. I don’t know the reason. Is it related to his blood glucose sugar levels or his heart? My dreams are making me worry a lot. Baba You are the only one to Whom I can say anything Saima. I am handling my worries for You. Please protect my father. I am again slipping into depression and anxiety. Please save me Sai.
Baba, thank You for Your blessings that I got the gold medal, Baba. Thank You for the small car that You have given us, no matter what its condition is. We think it’s Your gift to us Baba.
Thank You for making me log in to work in time Baba. Please save us Baba. Sai Rakshak Sai Saranam Ayyappa.
An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children baba. Please give them good health, happiness and prosperity always. Baba please help me overcome my insecurity and weak areas. Help me stay composed and conduct myself to please everyone to their utmost satisfaction in the family. Help me stay courageous and you are my strength Baba. Baba i feel very very insecure, help me baba. I surrender to you wholly baba, please protect us all from the bad and the evil.
Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏🙏🙏
Baba, thanks for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all