Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3335

Thanks To Sai Baba

Thanks To Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says:  Namaste! Thank you Hetalji for your service. This website is indeed a blessing to me. I would like to share my experience today. It might sound simple but for me, it was the biggest miracle of my life. I was in my second-year MBBS and was giving my last exams. My preparation was not good as I was disturbed by some personal issues and time was very little. I was trying all I could but still, I couldn’t cover the syllabus. For my last exam, I didn’t study many topics and was very, very scared. I was also very disturbed due to some silly boy issues. Thoughts of failing and missing a year were consuming my mind. 

The night before the exam I was crying a lot and couldn’t complete many topics. Around midnight after lots of crying and begging Baba for help I felt I will read whatever I can and continued. I was reading some topics for the first time which only made me more nervous but I still continued. That morning I even visited Sai Baba temple and begged Him to get me out of this exam. When I entered the exam hall, I was nervous about what I would do if I failed and was praying to Baba. But the moment I saw the question paper, to my surprise all the questions were from the topics I read, there was not even a single question from the topics I couldn’t cover. I was so stunned during the exam. I don’t even know how this was possible. To this day I get surprised and filled with gratitude whenever I think of it. 

When the results came a few weeks later and I saw that I passed, my happiness knew no bounds. I know It was Baba Who helped me. It was the biggest miracle of my life. Thank You Baba for helping with all the exams of my life.

Baba didn’t just help me with the exam but many other issues too. I was too naive to let some issues bother me in college and You made me see that nothing is more important than bhakti in God and our duty and responsibilities in life that we have been given and we can’t let anyone disturb our peace of mind. That realization was another miracle and blessing that You gave me!

I overcame a major issue in those months. It was nothing short of a miracle. I thank Baba to this day for it every single time I pray to Him!

I recently completed Guru Charitra parayan! Hope Your blessings are always with me! You are my Guru and the guiding light. It’s so easy to get distracted with many things around us but bhakti in You and constant prayer keeps me grounded! I always need Your blessings and guidance! Om Sai Ram! Om Dattatreya Namah!

Sai Baba Is Everything 

Sai Baba Is Everything

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Om Sai Ram! I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. A few of my experiences got published recently and I was happy to read them. Thank you Hetalji for giving us this platform that strengthens our faith in Sai Baba.

As promised, I would like to thank Baba here for taking care of my travel from India to the US with my 5-year-old daughter. I was quite tense as I was traveling alone with my daughter for the first time. But with Sai Baba grace, I traveled safely with my daughter and luggage in this pandemic. After 14 days, we are safe.

My daughter started going to school a few days later and she got a cough. It was due to cold and by Baba’s grace it got cured and as promised, I am posting it today. Thank You for always being with us Baba.

Please guide us Baba and take care of my family Baba. My parents need You, please always be there with them and bless them with a healthy, long, and happy life. Bless my daughter and my husband. Always shower Your blessings on my sister’s family. Please end this pandemic soon and protect everyone.

Baba You know I have a few things to do, please take care of those and help them to get executed with Your grace. Thank You Baba for everything. I love You Baba.

Ananta Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhiraja Yogiraj ParaBrahma Sri Sadchidananda Samarth Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Sai Baba Miracles 

Sai Baba Miracles

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: I want to be called Sai’s daughter. Thank you Hetalji and team for providing us with this platform where we can share our Sai Baba’s experience with our Sai family. Today I am again back to share my Sai miracles

Sai has been protecting me like a small baby. Thank You so much my Sai for all the love You shower on me and my family. I know Sai that thank You is a very small word for whatever You have done but still thank You so so so much and love You Deva. 

1. Thank You Sai for curing my itchiness, it was troubling me a lot Deva and sorry Sai I forgot to submit the experience, and again it was troubling again and now with Your grace after praying You it has reduced. Sai doesn’t get angry with me Deva, please Sai if You get angry with me where will I go my Sai, I have only You my Deva. You are my only hope Sai.

2. Thank You Sai. I got my Biometric appointment letter. I was thinking I would get a direct green card but that is okay Sai You know what to give at what time and what is good for me. Now I have left thinking so much Deva. I know that You are there for me and You will take care of everything.

3. Sai please help me lose weight Sai. Please Deva You know very well what we are going through, please Sai. 

Thank You for everything that You have done and given in my life Sai. You have given me more than I deserve Deva. Love You so much Sai. Om Sairam.

Sai Baba Came Home 

Sai Baba Came Home

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am basically from Darjeeling and presently based in Agartala. 

I have a very touching experience to share. A few months back I got a picture of Sai Baba printed. I did not frame it because of the constraint of space in my government quarter. Therefore I wanted to just paste the picture on the wall. But when I tried to paste it, it did not hold up properly and it came out. So I just rolled the picture and kept It in the corner. On 16th September we were to shift to larger government accommodation. Therefore, I decided to frame the picture. So I gave it to a nearby shop on the 13th of September and I was supposed to collect it the next day that is on 14th September. However, since I was busy with the last-minute repair of the house, I did not find time to go and collect it. Then on the 15th, I went to collect the frame, but the shop had already been closed that day. I felt dejected and considered myself unfortunate because I did not get my Baba’s frame which I thought I would take when I entered the new accommodation on 16th September and that day was Thursday. So on the 16th after the griha pravesh when I was busy shifting my things to another house, suddenly the shopkeeper came to my house with Baba’s photo frame. I was overwhelmed and overjoyed at the all-pervasiveness, miracles,s and blessings of Baba. Baba surely did come Himself to deliver His picture. The whole day I was chanting Baba’s name till I went to sleep that day. Keep blessing me Sai Baba. Om Sai Ram!

Prayer to bless us with a child: Baba, all my infertility treatments have failed these years. Baba, You are the only One Who can bless us with a child despite all my medical problems. I pray to You fervently that You do a miracle in our lives and bless us with a child. 

Sai Baba Helped 

Sai Baba Helped

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am a small Sai devotee from Bangalore. Thank you Hetalji and team for your great work. Already I posted a few of my experiences and they have been published with Baba’s blessings. Coming to my recent experiences:

1. I am a teacher in a college preparing a class for students on my laptop. Suddenly the video That I was supposed to show to my students was not playing and the laptop stopped working. I was tense and worried. Immediately I prayed to Sai Maa to help and rectify the laptop and vowed to post the same on this blog. Immediately after a few minutes, the laptop started working and the video was also playing. It is all because of Sai Maa’s blessings. 

2. My son had some problems in his college and he was under tension. I prayed to Sai Maa to help him to solve his problem and vowed to post the same. The next day only his problem was solved and he was relieved from his tension. Thank You very much Sai Maa. 

Please excuse me for the delay in posting. Please help us to solve our daughter’s problem. Sai Maa please protect and bless our family and all devotees. Serve Jana Sukhino bhavantu. Om Sairam. Om Sairam. 

Sai Baba Takes Care

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from US says:  Thank you Admin and Team for maintaining this blog. 

My husband went for the yearly check-up and the doctor said that his cholesterol was high and said that he has to get another test and if that result was abnormal then he would need to see the cardiologist. I was so scared, and prayed to Baba that his report should be normal. 

Yes, Baba answered my prayers and his report was normal. Thus there was no need to see the cardiologist and to just watch his diet. Thank You Baba for Your mercy on us. Please keep Your blessings on my family, friends and Your devotees. Thank You so much Baba. 

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
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3 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

3 years ago

OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please shower them with good health, peace, prosperity, laughter and happiness. Baba please help my husband in leading a healthy life and eating healthy food. His cholesterol levels were high but I know with your blessings everything bad can turn to good. Please protect him always baba and keep me sumangali. Baba help him in his work. He needs good people. Please be with him and support him Baba. Please be with elder who has proceeded to univ. There appears to be a storm warning and I count on you to take care of him during his stay at Univ. Help him reach safely baba to his room and please do protect him. Baba my younger one decisions have deferred, I count on you to help him get the right univ. I wish to support myself with some earnings and I dont know how Baba. Please show me some way. I want to do something that can make my husband feel proud of my achievements. Baba I leave the visa matter to you but I hope to be close to my children. Please help Baba to set up a base. Baba help me look good and lose weight, it may help me look more confident and also make me knowledgable to earn a good living. There are so many earning salary but I am working with nothing I can see as my earning. Baba protect my mother during her operation. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

3 years ago


Sai daughter
Sai daughter
5 months ago

Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all