Sai Baba Miracle – Devotee Gets Ph.D

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I started for my Ph.D in 2014. That time I was not the devotee of my Baba. It was the hard phase of my life. In 2014 itself I had a tough time facing. I was completely heartbroken and emotionally very weak. At that time neither I want to continue my Ph.D. work nor did I want to do anything else. I felt hopeless and aimless.
I didn’t do any Ph.D work in 2015. All this pain made me come near to my dear Sai Baba through one of my friends.
In 2016 with Baba’s grace I got married. Time passed and I started doing a job with a very less salary. Side by side I joined some courses which could help me in my job as well as my Ph.D. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I used to feel bad for my incomplete Ph.D. because it was very difficult to get admission to this course. Actually, I always wanted to do some corporate job and doing a Ph.D. was my father’s wish. I wanted to fulfill his wish by aligning with my wish. I wanted to complete my Ph.D. in a way that would also help me in my corporate job. Here came Baba’s miracle.
In 2018, Baba helped me in getting another job at another company in a research-related field with a better salary and the workload of this company was less. In 2019, there was almost no hope of my Ph.D. completion. Then I started Nav Guruvar vrat and prayed to Sai to help me in completing my Ph.D. From that day the impossible started turning into possible and Sai gave me energy that I could study for my Ph.D. even after coming from the job.
Over to this my father and mother got ready to stay at my house to help me in Ph.D. work’s completion. With Sai Baba’s grace after facing many problems I submitted my thesis in 2020 and in 2021 on one fine Thursday I had the Viva Voice. Now I am a Dr. Thanks to my family, especially to my Papa and Mom for helping me in my Ph.D. work and above all, I am thankful to Baba Sai Who actually made the impossible possible.
I have very few words to explain how Baba has helped me in this journey of Ph.D. Thank You so-so-so much, Baba. I love You, Baba. Now I pray to Baba to please help me in getting a better and wished job in the same profile and same field as that of my Ph.D. work with a handsome salary. I bow to You. Please accept me as Your child for a lifetime. Baba, please bless me and my family. Baba, please come in my dreams and keep Your hand on my head. I love You Baba. Om Sai Ram. Please vanish Corona from the world and save all the people of the whole Earth. Keep everyone alive and healthy and happy. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Baba Helped During Early Pregnancy Issues

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Sairam, I like to remain anonymous. Here I would like to share my experience with Sai Appa.
Sairam everyone, I have confirmed my pregnancy on September 6, 2021. I was so happy and everything was going fine. On September 17th evening, I had spotting (mild bleeding) and I was worried a lot, because I have a previous history of missed abortion at eight weeks (On May 3, 2021) due to spotting and the baby’s heartbeat was not visible at that time. So, a D & C procedure was done for me to abort the baby. This time also I was facing the same issue and cried a lot to Sai Appa and sought His help. I applied Udi on my tummy and called the doctor and informed her about spotting. I was asked to immediately come to the hospital and get admitted. Then, I went to the hospital and they examined me and gave me an injection and some medicine. They said, “let us do a scan on 20th September to know if everything is okay.”
After two days, spotting had stopped. I prayed to Baba that everything should be fine on the next follow-up scan. Our Sai Appa will never fail to fulfill His child’s wish. The same happened. The scan was done and everything was good. No issues and the doctor said that they would review on Saturday (25/9/21) for the baby’s heartbeat. There began my fear, because of my past abortion history. I was very worried. My mom said, “Don’t worry, leave everything in Sai Appa’s hand. He will take care of you and your child.” Then I left everything to Baba and prayed to Him that I will share my experience here once my baby’s heartbeat was seen. Saturday I went for a scan and with Sai Appa’s grace my baby’s heartbeat was seen. I was too happy and thankful to Sai Appa. If we trust Him wholeheartedly, He will do wonders in our life. Likewise, I pray everything should go well in the following trimesters also. Again, I will share my experience here once my baby is born. Please kindly all Sairam’s devotees pray for my baby’s growth. Sri Satchithanandha Samarth Satguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai!
Sai Baba Listened To Devotee’s Prayer

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: Om Sairam everyone. I am a small devotee of my Deva – my Sai Baba.
I am a small devotee of Sai Baba like many others. I am having a habit of praying Baba for everything in my life. But now I know that everything has timing. Baba will test me and give me as per His timing when He knows that it is good for me.
Coming to my experience: My husband was not feeling well and he complained of body ache. Then only I knew that he would get a fever. After some time he measured the temperature and he had a fever. I got scared and as usual, prayed to Sai Baba that his fever should go with medicine and it should not be the case of Covid. I got scared as we have our three months old daughter with us. Baba listened to my prayer and after taking Udi water and medicine he is absolutely fine.
Thanks Deva for listening to me. Again sorry for posting late Deva.
I can’t imagine my life without You Sai Deva. If Your help would not have been there then it would have been very difficult to manage with my little one. Please Deva always grace us with Your love. Please bless everyone in this world.
Thank You Sai Baba.
Love You Sai, love You…Sai love You.
Sai Baba Helped Sick Child

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I have been a Baba’s devotee for many years.
Last week my daughter suddenly had a fever at night, she was all fine after she came from school. I was so worried as she had got a fever recently, I and my husband both were very worried and constantly started praying to Baba that she should be fine soon. We had to get her Covid test done too, and I prayed to Baba for it to be negative and that I would share the experience. Those two days were very scary for us. When the result came negative, we were so relieved.
But my daughter’s cough just started getting worse, she was coughing non-stop. I started crying in front of Baba asking us to help us and make my daughter fine. In two days she was better. Baba, I can’t thank You for Your help. Please shower Your blessings on us, please bless me and my family with good health and happiness. And forgive me if I make any mistakes. Love You Baba.
Devotee Experience With Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Devotee Maheswara from India says: I am Maheswara from Hyderabad working in IT field
Today, I have very good experience. As part of my company norms, I had to complete some of the assessments which are assigned to me. Today I have completed the course but while doing the assessment I prayed Baba to please help me to pass in this exam. The passing score of this exam was 75%, but with the blessings of Baba, I got 80%. Thank You Baba. Om Sai Nathaya Namaha.
Sai Kripa

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from India says: I am from Haryana. My parents were going to Gujarat from Punjab. With Sai Baba’s grace they reached safely. My nephew has improved so much from his allergy. Thank You Sainath. My family; especially my youngest brother, is facing some health issues. Sai, please make us all healthy. Keep us all in Your loving grace. Grant my parents and family a long and healthy life. Om Sairam.
An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times.
© Shirdi Sai Baba – Member of
Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba cure his blood glucose levels baba We are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa
Pl. Keep cool..Sai will surely listen to your prayer and help your father….Don’t worry and keep faith..
OM Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai 🙏🙏🙏
Hi devotees,
How are you?
I need help from you all.
I want Graphic Design Projects. Kindly help me please.
Thank u
Pl. Keep cool..Sai will surely listen to your prayer and help your father….Don’t worry and keep faith..
OM Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai 🙏🙏🙏
OM SAIRAM.Baba thanks for giving all clear to our grandson today,after so many years of waiting you blessed us with little pearl.I cant tell you how much we are all greatful to you for this mercy blessings.
SAI please cure his cough & cold & his motion problems as well, our son & daughter-in-law has not got much help from us as we live far from them. BABA please take care of them & the little one & please give us all your blessings & be with us always, Also thanks for sorting our garage door to day,Please help us to find the remote as well. We do not know how we will survive without your GRACE. OM SAI RAKSHAK SARANAM DEVA,
OM SAI RAM… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba shower on them your choicest blessings with infinite faith, devotion, good health, happiness, laughter, peace, joy and prosperity. Baba thank you for everything. I needed your help and sought it and you proved to be there for me. baba please take care of my hubby and children. they are everything to me. Help me stay composed to meet their expectations in every way that they are happy to have me as a part of their lifes. I want to be useful to them. Now a days I get criticised a lot from hubby and mil in various contexts, please help me so that whatever they want I can do it. I am working continuously baba, without your grace I cannot get results. Help me manage the work at home and office. Help me be outstanding. Thank you for the recruitments baba, i still have lots to fill. Help me Baba with the right people. Help me do my daily tasks and also look good. Baba i developed a negative feeling last week due to many criticisms please help me overcome it and help me spread love and happiness everywhere. Bless my little family baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
Saiba will definately protect and always be with you. You are very loved by saibaa
BABA IS SURE TO BLESS THE 2nd devotee ,why fear when sai is with us. All the best.BABA thanks for helping us to find the fob.Kodi kodi NAMASKARAM,OM SAI SAI SAI.
Om Sai Ram, Thank you Ma