Shirdi Sai Baba Blessings – Experiences Part 3340

Sai Baba Will Never Leave You Alone 

Sai Baba Will Never Leave You Alone

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: Om Sai Ram everyone! I am Sai’s daughter and whatever I am today is only because of Him. 

Today I would like to share my experiences of how Sai saved me. I am really sorry Sai that I am really late in posting this. Please forgive me. 

1. I work in a retail pharmacy. I ordered more vaccines than needed and they were going to expire within five days unused, and it would have been a very big deal if vaccines would go waste when everyone was desperately trying to get them. I would have gotten the blame for it. Every other store had its own stock to use, so I did not know any other location that would be willing to take the vaccines from me so that they could be used before the vials expire. I was very stressed about it. I prayed to Sai to please get me out of this situation and that I would post my experience here. Here comes Sai Baba miracle

Even before all this happened, I had volunteered for a shift at another store. When I went to work at this other store, I found out that they were giving the maximum number of vaccines in our district and they needed more vaccines. I asked them if I could bring them more from my store and they said, ‘YES.’ I went and got the vaccines right then. See Sai’s Leela, if I had not volunteered for this shift way before in advance, all the vaccines would have expired. But Sai knew the situation I was going to get in and He had already planned to take me out of it. Thank You, Sai. 

2. All the vaccines that I had brought were good to be used, I had double-checked the dates. The next morning I got a call from my manager that some patients had been given vaccines that expired months ago and that everyone was suspecting that it was of the vials that I brought. I got so scared. It was the easiest thing to blame me since I was new to that store and I had transferred some vials. They would never admit that they had an old/expired vial in their stock. I told my manager that I was 100% sure that I transferred good vials and I even remembered the expiration date. My manager is very nice and she said that it was okay. But I was really stressed. It was a very serious thing. I prayed to Sai to please resolve the issue and let there be no harm to anyone and that I should also not get blamed for it. I don’t know what Sai did, but the whole issue was solved and till today no one has brought up this topic again or asked me a single thing about it. Only Sai knows how He solved it and got me out of it. Thank You Sai. 

3. One of my friends had a wisdom tooth removed and the bleeding was not stopping even a day after. I prayed to Sai to please stop the bleeding and pain. Needless to say, by the next day, the bleeding stopped and He started feeling better. Thank You Sai Ram.

Mere Sai, all that my Mom and I have, is You. I have no one else. Please forgive me for any mistakes I have made in this birth or previous births. Please Sai, don’t ever leave me. You know everything, Sai. You have always told me to trust You, to have faith and patience. I will try to have more faith and patience; please don’t ever break my trust Sai. You are my only hope in life, please always be with me. Please bless everyone reading this, please cure everyone from their suffering, Please cure this world, bless this world and end this Pandemic. Thank You Sai, thank You everyone for reading it. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Baba Helped Again

Sai Baba Helped Again

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Baba, Thank You for everything and sorry for the silly act. I am a very small devotee of Baba. I love to read Sai Baba experience over here. My day starts with reading these miracles. 

I know I trouble Baba a lot. Baba also knows that I have only one prayer to do and one topic to trouble Him. For the last couple of days, I was not getting any news from India, from my near and dear ones. I was thinking that something was wrong. I was feeling very scared and low. So I started troubling Baba. 

I told Baba that if I would get any good news then I would post the experience here. I did not get any news. So I decided to go to the temple before work, but the temple was closed. I was very sad. But in the evening I got some khushali from another WhatsApp group. And just now I got a text from them. Baba, thank You. 

I did an online prayer for them and I got one group text from them. So I thought everything might be ok. 

Also back home in India TV was not working but it’s working now with Baba’s grace. 

I wanted to take Sai Baba’s live darshan and when I was trying to log in, I thought Baba might be wearing a yellow dress today and to my surprise, it was really yellow. Baba, sorry I did some weird acting today. When I went to the temple, I was banging my head to Baba’s feet. Not because I was angry with Baba but I was very frustrated with the situation. Baba please help me and be with me all the time. 

Kid Promoted In Exam To Next Level 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the US says: I am Sai’s daughter. Om Sairam! These three are the magical words that brought a lot of happiness in my world and those are breathing words “Oms AIR am” to me. I would like to thank Hetalji and the entire team for their fabulous and fantastic work on this website by helping us read and share Sai Baba experiences and love the newly developed website for posting. This is Modern Sai Satcharitra after Baba’s Samadhi.

Coming to our experience, my kid joined Manabadi to learn the Telugu language but he is already 12+ years and has to study for the next five years. So I was thinking that it may impact his high school studies. Hence, we requested the Manabadi staff to take the entrance to the next level but to say frankly my kid didn’t even know to write even the alphabets properly till that time but thought of attempting Manabadi entrance. One more thing we didn’t know was what to prepare but Baba only sent books for preparation from Manabadi staff. It helped us a lot and we tried our best daily to study for a couple of weeks.

I made a vow that if he passed the exam and saved a year then I would post my experience on my favorite website. Finally, three kids attempted the entrance for the next level. By Sai Baba grace my kid got 89. 5% (75% was pass percentage) and was promoted to the next level. Out of three kids, only one was promoted to the next level. So, you can imagine how tough the test is.

Dear Sai Family, our Sai always does miracles but we have to hold Shraddha and Saburi. Do your best in all the things and leave the rest at His lotus feet. He knows what is good or bad for us.

Please pray for me, as I am going through a tough phase in my life for six years and struggling with some major issues with the help of only my Sai and Sai’s grace as no one is there for me.

Om Sri Sachidananda Samartha Sadhguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

Sadhguru Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Dear Hetalji and team, may God – our Sai bless you all. Thanks for maintaining this divine website which increases faith and patience. I have shared many experiences here and almost all of them have been published. Now I am going to share some of our Sai leelas. Whenever we are in problems Sai comes to rescue us. I have irregular periods and never know when they will come. I prayed Baba to please make Varalakshmi Vratham and Vinayaka Chavithi pooja done successfully. Baba made it happen and I got periods the day after Vinayaka Chavithi. Baba, please make my periods come regularly. 

I had applied for a visa extension in January but I did not get any status on it although it was nearing 240 days. I would have to leave this country if not approved on time. Baba made my manager go for a premium process and within 10 days my visa got approved. Baba doesn’t have limits to showing His love to us. He is taking care of us all the time in all situations. We are planning to buy a house and I left Baba to show us a good house in a good location and school zone. We went to look for a house. I prayed to Baba that if that house was for us then to give us His darshan. We saw the entire house and we liked it. I forgot about my prayer of Baba’s darshan. But Baba made it happen by giving darshan as a screensaver on my friend’s mobile. 

With Your permission, we are moving ahead. Please bless us to go on smoothly. Without Your blessings, nothing is possible Nana. Please guide us, Nana. Shri Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. 

Sai Baba Cured Devotee’s Son’s Food Allergies 

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from the USA says: Hello, I have been living in the USA since 2016 with my family. 

I began worshiping Baba in 2018 when there was an issue with our visa. By Baba’s grace, we were able to come out of it within a short time. From then my belief in Baba has grown so much and I feel like Baba is drawing me towards Him. 

Recent experiences made me realize how Baba hears His devotees’ prayers. My second son was born here in the USA and around nine months of age he started developing some food allergies to Cashew and Egg. We were very disappointed with it as we know how severe and life-threatening these nut allergies could be as our elder son has severe food allergies. I prayed to Baba to make him free of allergies and after a month of time to our shock he tested negative for all his allergies. We were really overwhelmed with joy and happiness and this would not have been possible without Baba’s grace. I believe Baba will do the same with our elder son. This incident made me closer to Baba. Keep your faith and belief in Baba; He for sure will hear everyone’s prayers. 

Sai Baba – The Divine Master

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee from Ireland says: I am a Sai devotee staying in Ireland. The team doing great work spreading Baba’s experiences globally. 

I am staying here in Ireland and my parents are staying in India. One day my parents visited one function with our relatives and after that my father experienced some fever. So as I am away from them I was more concerned. Immediately I prayed to our beloved Sai to help him. Two-three days went on and his fever got reduced. I thanked our dear Baba for help and I was relaxed. 

Really during tough times one should always remember and pray to our Sai Baba and carry on with full faith. As our Baba is the ultimate divine master and nothing is impossible for our Sai.

Sorry, Baba for posting it late. May Sai bless everyone. Bow to Shri Sai and peace be to all.
Om Sairam.

An interesting book "ShirdiChe Sai Baba" is being shared on Shirdi Sai Baba, in parts. It is a book worth reading by those who are keen in knowing veiled history of Sai Baba during His times. 
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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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3 years ago

Sai Ram to dear Sri Sai devotees,

Thank you for sharing Sri Sai’s wonderful experiences here.

May Sri Sai keep blessing all of us.

Read SatCharitra online@:

Sri SatChit Anand Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

3 years ago

Baba please bless help and save my parents saima please hold my father sai ma cure him baba protect him baba we are at the verge please help baba sairakshak saisaranam ayyappa

3 years ago

Om Sai ram, Thank you baba. Love you

3 years ago

OM SAI RAM…. Baba please protect my husband and children always. Baba please bless them with good health, happiness, laughter, prosperity, knowledge and wisdom. Baba yesterday my husband is mentioning about back pain, please resolve it baba and keep him heathy and happy always. Baba you promised to take care of my family in every way and I keep my faith and patience in you. Baba give me strength to take criticisms all the time and to stay composed without hurting anyone. I need to better myself to please everyone around me. Despite working honestly I get defied o circumstances and fingers point out to me by me near and dear ones. I need help baba in doing my daily work. Please guide me baba to meet everyones expectations and keep them happy always. I am trying hard but my body is also not supporting as much. Thank you Baba for taking care of mother. Please protect my little family baba. Om Sai rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏

3 years ago

Om sai ram

3 years ago

Om Sai Ram, Baba my son is scheduled for covid vaccination on Monday please bless him so that he does not have any side effects. Thank you Baba.
Baba I am waiting for the state invitation for 190 Visa under skilled nomination please bless me and family so everything goes as planned.
Baba, my wife is expecting it is all your miracle as my wife was in point of giving up, but I always believed in you and you did not let me down. Thank you so much. Baba, the hospital and check-up cost are very expensive. If I get invitation and nomination I will qualify for Medicare and would save us from additional expenses. I am sure that you will take care of baby’s and my wife’s health.
Baba please bless me with firm faith and perseverance. I am carried away by negatives many times. Please bless your devotee MA.

3 years ago


Sai daughter
Sai daughter
4 months ago


Sai daughter
Sai daughter
4 months ago

Baba, thank you for everything. Please be with all of us always and bless us all.
Om ShriSai RakshaSarnam Deva!
Bow to ShriSai peace be to all